" Are you threatening me?" Shen Zhuo looked at Mo Qiang with an unfriendly gaze. She never once thought in her life that one day she would be threatened by the likes of Mo Qiang. A woman who lurked at the bottom of the food chain, trying to suck up to her at every point possible just so she could get a few coins in return as charity.
And now the same woman was looking at her in the eye and telling her off as if she had the very right to do so!
" Ah, you thought I was threatening you?" Mo Qiang raised her brow as a soft exclamation left her lips. She pursed her lips and then smiled brilliantly at Shen Zhuo before saying, " I am not threatening you, sweetie, I am telling you cold, bloody facts. I hope you will get them right. Your brother offended me and I have noted this little offence of his in my book, however, I know he is young and does not know right from wrong."
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