" Here you go, take this and don't return home for the next three hours," Yin Fu said to Shao Hui with a throbbing headache. He never thought that anyone could mess up such a small task of boiling water but Shao Hui refreshed his three views very well. He not only caused chaos in the house but he also caused Wen Gui's blood pressure to spike up.
How could anyone create such a mess while boiling water?
He had to admit that Shao Hui was really a miracle itself!
Shao Hui took the basket from Yin Fu and pursed his lips, Yin Fu had cooked some steamed eggs for his father along with honey water but this honey was taken from the hive of the Magma Bees. It was a simple meal but Shao Hui could see that it was carefully made because his father could not eat anything heavy Yin Fu did not boil any boar meat and simply cooked eggs that were easy to digest.
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