Mo Qiang stepped out of the laboratory after speaking a bit with the three horned chicken as she knew that Lian Shou was not going to listen to her, as she walked outside she looked around for Mo Xifeng, hoping to drag her along to the bar where Shao Hui was but even after looking for ten minutes she couldn't find Mo Xifeng.
" She must have gone back home," Xiao Jiao remarked while sitting on top of Mo Qiang's head. She looked down at Mo Qiang and then stated, " She knows that you are running away from Yin Fu, thus she must have returned home thinking that you will not look for her there."
" Does she thinks, she is safe if she hides herself in the house?" Mo Qiang huffed as she strode towards the house but as soon as she came closer to the house, Mo Qiang noticed Yin Fu standing in the backyard with his back to her. In his hand was a sharp knife while on the hand, he was holding something slimy and black which was as thick as the foot of an elephant.
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