Yan Sui was strong but the others were just as strong, thus the small task of simply grilling the corn ear turned into a fiasco which created quite a sight. Pei Yang who came up to stubbornly increase his share per cent by five per cent witnessed a peculiar sight, the elegant and elite secretaries who did not even show their ugly side when they were being cursed at, were choke-slamming and rack attacking each other.
For a few minutes he thought that he came to the wrong place but when he saw that it was indeed the same office where he came earlier, he could not help but gulp. Did his outrageous demand cause a feud between the secretaries? He did see Xiao Huai smiling at him like he wanted to eat him alive, what if Xiao Huai asked someone else to handle him but they refused causing such a fiasco?
" I…I think there is no need for an increase in the shares," he said in a voice which was quivering like a frightened quail.
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