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26.92% Outsider : Classroom Of The Elite / Chapter 14: Chapter 2.2 - Discussion

Bab 14: Chapter 2.2 - Discussion

The classes had ended for the day. Hirata stood at the podium, using the blackboard to prepare for a big discussion. With an exception of Ayanokouji, Sudou and Horikita, everyone was listening to his discussion. Unlike the other students, I was painfully aware of the futility of this meeting. But I still decided to pry onto their subject.

I wonder what they're doing.

"Alright everyone, let's begin the discussion. First of all, do not panic about our class being in the last place. We may have gotten less private points this month, but on the bright side, it's better than having none." Hirata began.

"Sure, the other classes now have more class points than us. But let me remind you of what Chabashira-sensei had told us. There will be opportunities to increase our class points, right? So I don't think there's any reason for us to lose hope."

"You're right, Hirata-kun. But what are we supposed to do now?"

"Yeah, we don't know when exactly will this 'opportunity' come."

"We will come to terms with it." Hirata replied.

"If only those morons used a little bit of their peanut brains, we wouldn't be in this situation."

"God, it's so frustrating! Like, seriously I hate their guts!"

"I told you earlier! I'm s-sorry." Ike murmured.

Expectedly, everyone rumbled upon those who didn't follow the orders. It was only natural behavior for the sufferers to push the blame on the others. I doubt that Ike and the others were the sole reason behind the deduction of points. In any case, they couldn't do anything other than swallowing it all. Guilt and regret filled all over their faces.

"Everyone, please stop antagonizing them. I'm sure Ike-kun and the others didn't mean to hold us back like that, right?" unfortunately the last sentence was the trigger that broke the barrier.

"What do you mean, Hirata-kun? They literally mocked you when you suggested the idea."

"Yeah. Like they didn't even bother listening to you."

"True. But in the end it was just a hypothesis on our side. It wasn't anything abnormal for them to not trust our ideas." Hirata defended.

"Yeah. Please don't say rude things like that." Kushida also tried to deescalate the situation. But it was all in vein.

"You're too nice for your own good, Hirata-kun, Kushida-san. But these idiots deserve to be treated like this. It's common sense NOT to do what they did in a highschool." said the person who would've done the same thing if I didn't leash them.

"Who plays video games without headphones during a Math lesson?"

"B-but still..." Hirata stammered.

"Because of them we are in this situation in the first place!"

"We're not the defects, they are!"

"Yeah, I wonder how'd they even manage to get into this school."

"I bet their parents hate them lol..."

"S-stop..." Yamauchi muttered as he put his hands on his ears.

Everyone was spitting venom at them from all sides. They were cornering them from all sides. It would only take so much pressure to push them towards their boiling point.

Guess I'll save them now.

"This is not the time to talk like that." I got up from my seat.

"Huh? Aoza-"

"It's Levent. Don't get me wrong, I also think that their actions were undeniably a grave mistake."

"Right? That's why-"

"But don't forget that we're all humans. We all make mistakes."

"What? How was that a mistake? They knew something was up, and yet they selfishly went their ways."

"And what progress are you making by punching words on them?"

"Obviously we're teaching them a lesson so that they don't do anything like that again."

"In that case Shinohara-san, I'm going to ask you this just once." I looked dead in the eyes.

"Tell me what would you do if Horikita-san and Hirata didn't interject?"

Her eyes raised in shock.

"O-of course I'd behave. What are you trying to say?" she frantically averted her eyes.

What an obvious lie.

"I don't think so."

"Huh? Why's that?"

"Your actions tell us otherwise, Shinohara-san... Do you not remember what you did before Hirata-kun pointed out the cameras?"

"T-that's... Well.. I uh.. I-"

Shinohara was the most defective out of all the girls in our class. Not only was she repulsive, she also had a short temper and a crowingly high pitched voice. That combination made me disdain her.


"The point that I'm trying to make is that, there's no crying over spilled milk. What happened in the past will always remain in the past. Instead of regretting over what could've happened, let's think about what COULD happen tomorrow. I suggest you all spend your precious time thinking rationally instead of stabbing each other in the eye."

The entire class listened to me in silence. Ike and the others who were previously being pressured looked at me with appreciative eyes. Others looked at me in awe.

"Levent-kun is right everyone. We should be focusing on our class's future. Let's promise not to have this argument again shall we?" Hirata took the podium again. I felt a surge of relief after that.

It was truly unlike me.

"We should focus on the midterms. I have a feeling that red marks should be the last thing you want to see on your report card."

"We should avoid expulsion at any cost. A senior told me that each expulsion results in deduction of a hundred class points."

"What? That's too much!"

"Unfortunately for us, we must hold everyone together. If any of us fail this exam, we'd get even less points the upcoming month. Which of us are weak academically?" Hirata asked.

A few students, namingly Ike, Yamauchi and Airi raised their hands.

"That was to be expected."

"Calm down. I have a suggestion to make. Let's all form study groups. We could all study together. That way all our safety would be ensured to a certain extent, no?"

"Impressive, Kushida-san."

"Haha.. Thank you, Levent-kun."

"Well in that case, the academically strong students must be the tutors. I assume the volunteers would raise their hands?"

"I'd like to volunteer, Levent-kun." Hirata also took the initiative.

"Same." Mii-chan raised her arm.

"I'll also try to teach them." well, surprisingly Yukimura also pitched in to help with the cause.

"Are you sure?"

"We would all suffer otherwise."

"Alright then, the rest of you decide which group you want to join. And the others..." I looked at Ike Yamauchi and Sakura

"Horikita-san told me that she will personally hold a study group for you three." I decided that on my own account.

"Ah.. right.. We'll be there."


Sakura frantically nodded to my inclination. She was restless, her face was full of worries, probably from all the attention she was receiving.

It's cute in an unexplainable way.

"Levent, what about Ken?"

"Ken? You mean Sudou-kun?"

"Yeah. That guy is an actual muscle head."

"I wonder if he'll even pass."

Sudou ken, huh?

"Make sure he attends the study group, no matter what."


"And what made you think that I'd agree upon this?" Horikita asked me in a slightly irritated voice.

We went inside our dormitory building. Upon entering the lobby, I saw not a single soul nearby. The both of us were perfectly isolated. I was free to talk.

"Simple. I'm telling you to do so."

The sudden change in my voice turned her face into a perplexed one. She regained her composure soon enough.

"Ike and the others aside, 'that guy' is a complete idiot. He does not think with his brain and does whatever he wants. He is simply impossible to deal with."

"He is not impossible to deal with."

"His stupidity is on another level. He's selfish, he doesn't think about people in his vicinity. He has an incredibly short fuse. He's violent. In my opinion, he could be described as an accurate specimen... scratch that, he's the textbook definition of a 'manchild.'"

Impressive analytical skill, but try to use it upon yourself first.

"Horikita, that man is an essential asset for class D. His physical strength and athletic skills are unparalleled among the first years, no, the entire school I dare say. This school is unlike any other. Academics aren't only subject of judgement, there is athletics too. In the future, there will be times when we would inevitably rely on his physique. Do not underestimate him, Horikita. He mustn't get expelled. I'm counting on you."

After I explained everything to her, she couldn't make any comebacks. True, her lack of observation skills were partly to blame. That's exactly why I decided to fill in the blanks.

Defeated, she sighed.

"Hah... Fine, I'll try."

"Good. Now listen carefully. There is something I want you to do."

For better or for worse, Horikita changed. Her headstrong personality remained persistent, but a glimpse of consideration started forming inside her. On the other hand, changing Sudou was a puzzle.

While Horikita was an easy target to manipulate, Sudou's caveman mentality was a huge obstacle on his path. To break it, I needed to use a method slightly different than my work style.

I had the most perfect resource available for that.

The elevator door closed as I walked close to her and briefly gave instructions. After my words got to her ears, she widened her eyes in shock.

"Then what's the point of doing all this?!" she shouted

"You'll see."

"Levent-kun, I really don't get what you're trying to do. Just what exactly are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking about the future of our class. That's the truth, believe it or not."

"In that case shouldn't you at least tell me about your plan? I believe I can help you more if we cooperate."

"I don't plan on revealing my methods, nor am I keen on budging whatsoever."


"Don't worry. If things are to go south, I have a backup plan ready."

"Levent-kun, just how much are you hiding from me?"

How much huh? Technically, I knew everything regarding her entire world and the events revolving around it. The world building, the rules, the character and their features... everything.

"I know more than what you could ever imagine." I resigned.

With that, the discussion was over. The elevator reached the fourth floor and the door flashed open. I immediately stepped outside, leaving Horikita. Before leaving, I looked back at her.

"Do as I told you. The results would be satisfying, I promise."

Defeated, Horikita sighed.

"I guess I have no choice but to take your word for it."

"Then, see you."

"Please excuse me." the door closed as the lift started going up. In the end I made our boundaries clear. I had my own secrets to take care of.


Yes I'm talking to you, the one reading this currently.

Would you believe me if I came to you and told you that I was sent from another dimension?

Would you believe me if I said that your current world is nothing but a pile of paper?

Would you believe in my knowledge about your future?

My situation was as ridiculous as that. If I had thoughtlessly exposed myself to a character, they would quite literally call me delusional or insane. The line between fantasy and reality dissolved when I was extracted here, leaving me at the most confusing part of it all.

Seriously, how did I end up in this situation?

I feel like my curiosity will always remain unrequited, all the way to the very end of me.




I clicked the doorbell of his room, which was followed by a response, "Who is it?", which was something I didn't expect as it was already midnight.

"It's me."

After a brief moment of silence, the door clicked. As the door flashed I saw the figure of Ayanokouji.

"Sorry for the inte- uhh.. why are you wearing your school uniform?"

Ayanokouji was standing in front of me fully dressed in our school uniform. Dark spots had started forming around his baggy eyes. He was yawning and scratching a corner of his left eye. It truly was quite the image of a masterpiece.

"Come inside."

"Right... Excuse my intrusion."

I entered his room. His room was clean and tide, very much unlikely to mine. The amount of utensils inside his room was the bare minimum. The exact amount needed to somehow live your life.

"I know you are not fond of spending money more than necessary but... you could at least buy some clothes. I gave you almost seven hundred thousand points."

"Ah, I have them. I just forgot to change. That's all." he forgor.

I crashed on his bed while releasing a sigh. Then Ayanokouji stood in front of me like a statue.

"Coffee or tea?" he asked.

"You need sleep."

"Then, coffee it is."

I rolled my eyes and averted my gaze. All of a sudden I noticed a laptop running on his bed. A video was currently playing on the screen. Frantically I looked around the room to check if he was nearby. He wasn't, probably he's in the kitchen.

Feeling secured, I crawled towards the laptop, close enough to see the screen. There was video playing on 'Metube'. The video title was, "6 Psychological Steps To Increase Your Charisma."


I also noticed that the video was from a private playlist titled, "How To Make Friends." Words cannot describe how hard it was for me not to burst out laughing.

"How adorable."

"Here's your coffee."


He suddenly came from behind and caught me peeping at his deadly secrets. There was nothing I could do, so I slowly pushed the laptop away from me, rolled back and sat down graciously as he kept his eyes on me. I voluntarily took a cup from the tray and sank my lips on it.


"I was just interested in the contents of the video."

"I wonder what you're talking about."

"Listen Levent, do you know what simulation hypothesis is?"

Huh? Simulation hypothesis? What's that got to do with this?

"Of cou-." he cut me off.

"The simulation hypothesis says that our life is nothing but a simulation, like a computer program. Everything that we see, we touch or we feel, are nothing but a simulation. Anger, hatred, embarrassment all of this are false. We are nothing but a meaningless existence. Our reality doesn't exist. We are currently living in a matrix. So on that retrospect, our life is nothing but an illusion.

Do you understand the majesty of that fact, Levent? What you saw earlier was an illusion."


Is it me or did he just coincidentally describe this entire situation with a jaw breaking amount of accuracy?

"Oh wow! Really!" I tried to show some fake enthusiasm. I have a feeling that I wasn't successful in that operation.

"Yes. And as it was an illusion, it's no use memorizing any of that information. Which is why I want you to forge-"

"-to write an essay about how desperate of a loner you are, isn't it?"

"No, why would I be desperate? Wait... I'm not a loner."

"Someone's wearing a clown hat today."

"Hah..." he sighed, then he sat beside me and started sipping on his own cup. I mimicked.

If I were to describe the flavor of that coffee, I'm going to say it was neither sweet nor bitter. It was somewhere in the middle. As the coffee touched my tongue for the first time, a bitter taste filled my taste buds. Then the sweetness started spreading around the tongue, as if the sugers were melting inside my mouth. For me, it was a perfect cup of coffee.

"Then.. what business do you have with me?" he broke through my continuous train of thoughts.

"Oh, Ah... Right. So why did Chabashira-sensei call you in the faculty office earlier?" I asked.

"She was discussing something regarding my enrollment."

"What exactly was she discussing?"

"It was about my exam papers. Apparently I got 50 marks on all subjects."

"I'm sure it's all just a coincidence, right Ayanon?"



"In any case, don't you think that she'll try to manipulate you in the future?"

"I do. But unfortunately for her, I don't have a heart that could be manipulated." he said.

"As much as I'd love to praise that thought, there's something I wanted to inquire. Did she subconsciously give away any details regarding the test?"

"She gave me nothing but headaches."

"As expected..." I muttered.


"I think I just might have the perfect idea on how we could all deal with this test. Not only are we all going to pass this exam, we'll also ace the test."

"Are we thinking about the same plan?" he gave me a dead eyed look, but it was practically impossible for me to take him seriously with that ridiculous look his face.

"Exactly. Do you remember the third years we had confronted about a month ago? I'm going to get their old test questions."

"I see. But the question is, how are we supposed to distribute the papers without exposing ourselves?"

"That's the reason why I came here to discuss."

"Hah... I wonder who will it be?"

"Who else? It's Kikyo."

"Kushida? Are sure about it?"

"Yes. I'm positive that we could tame her."

"So you've noticed it too, huh?"

"I assume you are thinking about her façade?"

"Why am I not surprised?"

"Now listen carefully. This is exactly what's going to happen..."

My initial plan on trapping the class's tulip had finally begun.

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