speech:"like this"
though:'like this'
telepathy:<like this>
Hey guys, hopefully this can answer some of the questions you guys have about what is going on.
////////MC POV///////
Cad:"Alright people, let's get things in order first, we will move to a better place to discuss and you will tell me why are you all here."
Sven:"Hey, who put you in charge?"
Cad:"Are you the one that just massacred two platoons of heavily armed guards and defeated two superpowered individuals?"
Sven:"....Point taken."
With my signal the two Shades that were hiding in the shadows take shape, startling almost everyone, and start to guide us. Train looks at Sephiria but turns around and follows after Saya.
I turn to the ash-blonde beauty, with blue eyes and the Roman numeral I, tattooed on her forehead, who was looking at Train's back with a calm expression but troubled eyes.
Cad:"That goes for you to Sephy."
She frowns at the nickname but sighs and follows along, taking a glance at the others to see their reactions, Train had a displeased face, Sven a cramped one, Mikado turned stiff, Saya was amused and Lala was intently looking are Sephiria.
Reaching to what looks to be the mess hall of the ship we all sit around a table and I take a few dishes from my ring for everyone. Lala and Saya shine their eyes and start to dig in, Train grew tense and tries to stop Saya but it was too late.
Lala:"Wow this is amazing."
Saya gives a controlled moan and tries to pass it off as if it was nothing but the pink color of her cheeks giving her away, Lala now is practically shoving her face in the plate to eat faster. Train and Sven shrug and start to eat.
I really didn't need that. Mikado has a complicated face, I can hear her stomach growling from the smell of the food but I think she is being stopped by their reaction. Sephiria just stares at the plate as if it trying to get a confession out of it.
Cad:"You know I don't need to poison you to deal with you, you have been watching me fight that piece of garbage from the start."
She raises her head and looks into my eye and nods, perhaps finding her courage by seeing the assassin moving to eat the food on the table, Mikado started to eat at the same time.
Sephiria, Mikado:"Hmmm~~~"
Suppressed, mature, and highly seductive moans, nice.
Ivy:"Suppressed, mature, and highly seductive moans, nice."
Being snapped out of the food trance by Ivy's comment they blush a little but ignore everything else to continue eating.
Cad:"*chuckle* Ladies and gentlemen, this is Ivilyn, my wife."
Ivy:"Hi everyone, I'm glad you enjoy my husband's cooking."
Sven:"Wait, did you make all of this?"
Cad:"*shrugs* A man needs a hobby."
Saya:"Damn lucky girl, can eat such food every day."
Train:".....*sigh* Saya."
Ivy:"You can join if you want."
Saya:"Oho, are you suggesting that I marry your husband too?"
Ivy:"Depends on you, wouldn't want someone that would cause discord in the family right?"
Saya:"True, true, can I give you my C.V. ?"
They smirk as Train shout in a panic voice, Sven cringes at his friend's predicament, Lala looks with shining eyes at the banter, Mikado looks amused and Sephiria had complicated eyes.
Cad:"Alright Ivy, you had your fun, but now we need to get a little serious."
Everybody tensed up after that, safe for Ivy, Lala, and Saya. Ivy sat close to Saya and the two shared a mischievous smile, sigh, these girls.
Cad:"So, as I feel that me and Lala are the least complicated ones I will start."
Cad:"As I said, my name is Cadmus, and this is Ivilyn we came from Earth after that guy, who I will soon torture, who is trying to conquer my planet by using various important families' powers including taking over my aunts company, and he stupidly tried to brainwash my wife."
Everyone is dumbfounded, not expecting me to just say the reason why I'm in an evil organization base. But then again we are in the mess hall of said base taking a break while getting to know each other.
Lala:"Oh, it's my turn, hello everyone my name is Lala, and I was in my home, which is a huuuggeeee castle, there was this party where I had to wear some annoying clothes and a lot of people I don't know wanted to talk to me and kept praising me, I don't know why."
Lala:"Anyway some guys had a creepy smile and I didn't like them so I kick them in the balls and they whispered something about regretting, I didn't understand it well, so I hacked their computers so I could find where they are and ask them, I found a few locations and in one of them I found these guys and made I new friend, Mikado, hey Mikado."
Even Sephiria the cold and calm assassin is dismayed by Lala's account of the events that led her here. Ivy and her new friend Saya were with their heads between their arms on the table trying really hard to hold their laughter.
Sven had a wry smile and Mikado a warm one, Train just facepalmed.
Cad:"Lala, why did you call Sephy, mama?"
At my reminder, Sephiria look at me with an annoyed glare.
Lala:"Oh, she has the same beautiful face as mama, but the hair color is wrong, and she doesn't have the tattoo on her face, but it is weird, mama told me that her race is sssssuuuuuppppeeerrrr rare, and she was the last one."
Cad:"Is that a fact?"
I say that while looking at Sephiria with a smile to which she responded with a suspicious look.
Lala affirmed with a big smile, this girl, I can't help but smile at her attitude, no wonder she is called a genius, she hides it really well.
Cad:"You came looking for a friend is it?"
I address Mikado who stares at me for a while before looking at Lala, who just tilts her head sideways cutely. She smiles and starts to speak.
Mikado:"Yes, Tearju Lunatique, my best friend, I was told she was being forced to work for Eden Chronos as their head researcher in Biotechnology and have been trying to find her for a while, I can't contact her no matter what."
Cad:"Biotechnology eh, is she good?"
Mikado:"A genius, there is no one like her."
Cad:"I think you may be on the right track."
I said looking at Sephiria for the first time making her uncomfortable.
Cad:"And you three?"
Sven:"Oh we are just Sweepers, mercenaries of sorts, that help people for a fee, we were hired, nothing much."
Saya:"I'm here to repay Mikado for saving my life, Train is just annoyingly following me like a lost puppy and Sven is a useless old man who grew overdependent on Train's capabilities so he doesn't want to go back to working alone followed us."
Train, Sven:"...You didn't have to be so mean."
The two of them dropped their shoulders in defeat to which Saya stuck her tongue at them, Mikado and Sephiria had amused faces, Lala is eating the cookies I gave her for being cute pretending to not notice anything.
I look at Sephira who just keeps staring at me not willing to share anything, I just smile.
Cad:"What do you guys know about Eden Chronos?"
At my question, Sephiria narrows her eyes at me.
Lala:"An evil organization."
Saya:They are trying to control all the galaxy saying it's for peace but their methods are questionable, to say the least"
Sven:"Their name comes from the two major parts of how they operate, Eden is the research side to 'create a better future' and Chronos is their major strength that enforces their vision."
Mikado:"Eden advanced research and logistics make high-end weapons and plan out their moves, there is where they keep Tearju."
Train:".....Chronos is their main military strength and where the numbers operate, an elite group of enhanced assassins with special bodies, and unique weapons. They are the driving force behind their control."
From start to finish Sephira was unbothered by how they were talking about the organization she is a part of, she just kept looking at me.
Cad:"Why are you so intently looking at me? falling in love?"
Sephiria:"Why am I here?"
Cad:"What, are you not enjoying the company?"
Train:"*snort* She asking that to just make you lower your guard, she is just waiting to kill all of us like the good dog she is to her masters."
At Train's comment Sephiria just gives him a blank look, Saya admonishes him but he hmphs and looks away like a scolded child.
Cad:"Boy, you should know how to read between the lines."
Train:"*snort* Boy? Who are you calling boy? How old are you exactly?"
Cad:"With this body? eight."
At my answer everybody looks astonished, yeah, I don't look exactly like an eight-year-old, Mikado now looks intently at me as if overanalyzing my features.
Cad:"You know, I picture last longer."
Mikado:".....*cough* Would you mind?"
I shrug and take off the upper part of my armor as she takes a few pictures.
Sven:"This feels so wrong."
Saya:"But he looks soo right."
Saya:"Oh shush it Train, let me enjoy the view."
Mikado took my pictures, nothing sexual more like a scientist taking samples of a new species. Lala had a strange glint in her eyes.
Cad:"I have a theory, Mikado, feel free to jump in if you find something wrong with it."
She looks a little confused but still nods.
Cad:"You see, when we came here one of the people we found had an uncanny resemblance to an aunt of ours, but she wasn't right somehow, but still like an enhanced clone of a failed experiment she looked very alike."
I say all of that while looking at Sephira who tensed at my words, Mikado caught on quickly and Lala had a look of realization.
Mikado:".....I see."
Cad:"That dumb villain wannabe trying to buy some time for the secret weapon that was probably using him as bait to catch a traitor, told me that their sponsor had a plan to overthrow the current emperor."
Train, now realizing opened his eyes wide, Sven had his mouth open wide like a fish, Saya had her hand on her mouth with a surprised look on her face, Ivy had already left, apparently, Alice woke up.
Cad:"And what better way than cloning his wife, enhancing her to be their secret weapon, they already had the technology, imperfect as it may be, they only needed a genius in biotechnology to perfect it."
At this everybody gasps, Lala, letting her happy-go-luck persona slip for a moment and had a dangerous glint in her eyes and Sephiria closes her eyes and sighs.
Cad:"How does my theory sound?"
Mikado:"....Way too likely to be farfetched."
Sephiria:".....Why don't you kill me."
Cad:"How many assassin's organizations try to convince traitors to come back?"
Cad:"Don't get me wrong the boy is strong, but I don't think your organization would care about his meager strength."
Sven:"He is right about that."
Train:"Shut up Sven you are the weakest in this room."
At Train's comments Sven looks around him, Mikado shrugs as if to say she can destroy him and nothing is needed to be said about Lala, Devilukians are cheat if they are anything like in the original story. He drops his shoulders defeated.
Cad:"That to me means that you are willing to put your hand on the fire with your organization to spare his life as long as he comes back."
Train snaps his head to Sephiria with a surprised look, who just keeps staring at me.
Cad:"The organization, that made you, raised you, molded you, and gives you purpose, you don't know anything else, you don't have anything else, besides keeping it together, the meaning of your existence, your support pillar, your family."
Cad:"You are cold but not completely heartless, you are not a bad person, you just don't know any better, and that is the only reason that we are not fighting right now."
She keeps looking at me for a few more seconds, with a complicated look, and sighs.
Sephiria:"....Am I an open book to you?"
Cad:"I'm just used to dealing with lost children"
She stares for a while, before throwing me a piece of paper and standing up.
Sephiria:"That is the location of her friend, I hope that can stop your rampage of our bases for a while."
After saying that she briefly looks at Train.
Sephiria:"This is not over Black Cat."
He looks at her with a complicated look, quite different from the cautious one from the start.
Sephiria:"The organization will be wary of you and will send the best we have to deal with you, please prepare the best you can."
Everybody at the table looked surprised at her warning as if she was worried about me, even Lala. I just smile.
Cad:"Does that mean we will be meeting each other often?"
She stops at the meaning of my words and widens her eyes a little before recomposing herself but a nearly indistinguishable coloring dawn her pale face. She turns around quickly to escape but I throw something at her and she catches it.
Sephiria:"A neckless?"
Cad:"Keep in touch Sephy."
She doesn't respond, she just makes her way out.