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94.73% Naruto: The Fool in Konoha / Chapter 34: Me and Summer

Bab 34: Me and Summer

After Hayama-sensei's departure, an uncomfortable silence settled over us. We found ourselves at a loss for words, our eyes shifting nervously from one another. The only audible sound was the faint clinking of my glass as I desperately tried to gulp down the last remnants of my iced tea.

Natsu fidgeted nervously beside me, her fingers twisting and turning in her lap. She glanced around, as if searching for answers that were eluding us.

Feeling the need to break the tension, I nudged Itachi, hoping he would say something to ease the awkwardness. To my surprise, I felt nothing but empty space beside me. Itachi had skillfully cast an illusion, a mere trick of the eye, leaving us with the lingering image of his presence. It was not a clone or a physical projection, but a simple illusion that dissipated as quickly as it had appeared.

The revelation left me stunned, my mouth agape in disbelief. Our eyes met briefly before we both turned away, our cheeks now flushed with embarrassment. The silence grew even more palpable, thick with unspoken words and lingering discomfort.

My mouth then moved, against all expectation, the unbearable weight of stillness made me to commit a mistake, "T- that just happened… hahaha… I didn't expect Itachi to pull a wool over us… like that…"

The air was thick with awkwardness, and my attempts at casual conversation only seemed to make things worse. I mentally cursed myself for my lack of social skills, wishing I could find the right words to break the tension.

Natsu, however, seemed to understand and play along with my charade.

Her laughter blended with mine, a delicate veil disguising the unease beneath. I couldn't help but appreciate her willingness to ease the awkwardness, even if it was just for a fleeting moment.

"He definitely has a whimsical side," Natsu chimed in, her voice tinged with a hint of amusement. "Always keeping us on our toes, it seems."

I nodded, relieved that she had followed my lead. "That's true. It's like he disappears into thin air when things don't capture his interest."

For a brief moment, it felt like the tension had dissipated. We both shared a sense of relief, thinking we had successfully navigated the awkward encounter. But then, as if the universe conspired against us, our words trailed off, leaving us in an uncomfortable silence once again.

I should've said my farewell then! I'd missed the window.

Think, Nobuyuki, think of something! Anything is fine at this moment; I just want to escape.

In a sudden, unexpected turn of events, Natsu and I spoke simultaneously, attempting to fill the void with our own thoughts. Our voices overlapped, creating a comical symphony of confusion. We stared at each other, wide-eyed, our faces flushed with embarrassment.

Just great.

Caught off guard by the coincidental timing, Natsu let out a quiet giggle, her eyes sparkling with amusement. Her laughter was infectious, and despite my embarrassment, I couldn't help but join in.

After our laughter had subsided, I found myself struggling to find the right words to break the lingering awkwardness. I stumbled through my sentences; my embarrassment evident in my stammering voice. "I-I'm sorry for being such a weirdo," I managed to say, my voice tinged with self-consciousness.

"Honestly, I just feel the urge to escape from this situation..." I stammered, realizing how rude and abrupt my response must have sounded. Searching for an excuse, I hurriedly added, "It's not that I don't like you or anything... I'm just not very skilled at social interactions. That's all!"

My thoughts raced, and my mind swirling with fragmented ideas, as I tried to suppress the overwhelming awkwardness that enveloped me. Despite having multiple copies of my thoughts partitioned within me, I still struggled to find composure.

Natsu's voice softened, her words trying to put me at ease. "It's alright, Nobuyuki-kun. To be honest, I had the same thought. It would have been easier to just leave like Itachi did," she admitted. "But since we're going to be a team from now on, it wouldn't be right to just walk away, don't you think?"

"Right! You're absolutely right," I agreed, searching for a way to address her politely. "Um... Hyuuga-san?"

She giggled, her laughter echoing in the quiet tea shop. "Just call me Natsu, like everyone else."

"Uh, Natsu-san," I corrected myself, trying to be respectful.

She shook her head, insisting, "Natsu."

I hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "...Natsu."

"Great," she smiled. "Then I'll call you Nobuyuki. It's only fair."

I almost protested, feeling that she had insisted on her name being used instead of mine, but the words caught in my throat. It seemed pointless to argue, so I simply went along with her request.

"It seems like we'll make quite a pair, Nobuyuki-kun," Natsu remarked, her tone playful. "Or perhaps we should say 'team'?"

"Yes, I'm sure," I replied, a flicker of amusement crossing my face.

She chuckled, teasing me gently. "I'm sure, especially with that big dream of yours."

Panic shot through me, and I quickly interjected, "Please, Natsu-san, let's not mention that dream again!"

Natsu feigned innocence, her eyes dancing mischievously. "What did I say?"

"Uh... Natsu," I squirmed, still trying to adjust to using her given name.

It seemed she had gained the upper hand in our exchange, and I couldn't help but feel a mixture of frustration and amusement.

"Anyway," she coughed, attempting to change the subject, "It's nice to meet you, Nobuyuki."

"The feeling is mutual... Natsu," I replied, the corners of my lips tugging into a shy smile. And then, without thinking, I blurted out my true desire, "Can I please just leave now?"

Natsu's laughter filled the air, her amusement evident.


I groaned into my pillow, my face buried deep within the fabric as I tried to suppress the overwhelming embarrassment that washed over me. The weight of societal pressure bore down on me, making it feel like I was suffocating. If only I could learn a hidden jutsu like the Mole Technique, I could bury myself forever and avoid these uncomfortable situations.

No matter how hard I tried, I always found it challenging to adapt to new people and settings. Each one unique in its own way, and I often found myself forgetting how to maintain composure amidst the crumbling of my own self-assurance. I needed to come up with a plan. From now on, I am a shinobi. A bonafide one. The proof lay in the Hitai-ate proudly adorned on my right arm. I couldn't stay like this forever.

Lost in my thoughts, I failed to notice someone sneaking into my room. Suddenly, they lunged at me, but instead of a weapon, it was a burst of gleeful laughter.

"Onii-san! What are you thinking?" It was Naruto. He had only just started walking and talking fluently few months ago, and it was jarring to witness how quickly he was growing up. Technically, he was almost three years old now.

"Look, Naruto, you're bothering milord," a voice chimed in. It was Ranmaru, one of the dolls I had created. "He was deeply engrossed in one of his philosophical thoughts again." The way Ranmaru said it felt like a jab at my intellectual capacity, as if I were concocting profound ideas out of thin air.

Wait, did I just admit to myself that I might be dumb?

"Philo-what? You mean one of those dragon things?" Naruto scratched his head in confusion.

It seemed that Naruto was a natural-born goof.

"It means he's contemplating the world through a rational disposition, abstracting it to mere concepts or phenomena that can be explained," Ranmaru explained, attempting to shed some light on the matter.

Ranmaru's words seemed to short-circuit Naruto's brain, causing his eyes to briefly go white before returning to their normal state as he beamed with enthusiasm. "I don't understand a thing, but that sounds awesome!" He turned to me, his eyes filled with admiration. "You're awesome, Onii-san!"

"Uh... thanks," I coughed, refusing to acknowledge my potential lack of intellect and simply going along with their playful banter.

"Anyway, I'll be leaving for a while," I announced, standing up from the bed and heading towards the door to retrieve my sandals.

"Eh? You just got back, and now you're leaving?" Naruto pouted. "Let's play!"

I let out a sigh and shook my head. "It's just a short trip to visit Magoroku-ojii-san," I reassured him, running my hand through his hair. "Be a good kid for now. We'll have plenty of time to play this afternoon, alright?"

"That's a promise, Onii-san!"

"It's a promise I won't break."

Naruto nodded, satisfied with the arrangement for the time being. My gaze shifted to Ranmaru, and I gave a nod in acknowledgment.

"I'm leaving."

The doll let out a hearty laugh, "You sound like you're heading off to a fierce battle, Milord."

A bead of sweat trickled down my cheek as I ignored the doll's teasing and stepped outside, grabbing my hat and sandals.

"The greater society is a different beast altogether, yeah…" I muttered to no one in particular.

As I made my way through the bustling main street, I deftly maneuvered through narrow alleyways, navigating towards my destination. My partitioned thoughts worked diligently, always on alert for any signs of danger.

Suddenly, a particular scream pierced through the air as I emerged from the alley.


My eyes widened in surprise as I felt something tackle me to the ground, but with my feet firmly planted through pure instinct, I stood tall like a bastion, bracing myself against the impact.

"I- Izuna?!" I exclaimed.

"Hehe~ one Onii-chan caught!" she giggled.

"Aren't you supposed to be in the academy right now?" I questioned.

"Nope, class is over, see," she grinned mischievously.

I carefully extricated myself from her grasp, reprimanding her for her impulsive actions once again.

As I lectured her, I noticed a distinct presence amidst the crowded street.

"Izuna-chan! That's where you're..."

A girl trailed off as she caught up to Izuna, her breath ragged from the chase.

"Don't run off like that! A true shinobi never leaves their comrade behind!" another girl chimed in.

"That's right! That's right!" the other girl nodded in agreement.

Izuna scratched her head bashfully, "Ehehe, whenever I see Onii-chan, my reflex is to tackle him to the ground and greet him!"

So, that's been your reason all along, Izuna! I inwardly exclaimed, making sure not to betray my thoughts in front of these innocent girls. After all, I'm a man now. Just look at my Hitai-ate; it proves I'm old enough to drink!

The two girls seemed to notice my presence as I weakly waved my hand in greeting. Their expressions were filled with surprise.

"So, that's the 'bestest' onii-chan we keep hearing about from Izuna..." the girl with purple hair trailed off, meeting my gaze before letting out an embarrassed squeak.

"He doesn't look so tough..." the white-haired girl observed, studying me up close, examining every detail of my appearance.

The other girl whispered to her friend, "Don't say that, Michiru-chan... look, he even has his Hitai-ate already."

"Now that you mention it, he doesn't seem much older than us."

"Just so you know, Onii-chan can do anything! Even the Shodai's unique jutsu is child's play for him. He's just that amazing!" Izuna continued to rave about my nonexistent exploits, and my mind raced to keep up with her exaggerations.

What have you been telling them, Izuna? I screamed internally. I mean, I could understand if it was just some elemental jutsu, but the Shodai's Wood Release? They need to temper their expectations. I wanted to refute their claims, but I didn't even know where to begin.

That's the predicament I found myself in while Izuna continued to sing my praises.

Hahaha... Hahahaha...

I felt a wave of despair wash over me.

"I'm still not convinced..." the white-haired girl muttered, her eyes suspiciously squinting at me.

Please, don't look at me like that. I'm not to blame here.

Without thinking, my mouth moved once again, "Um... it seems you girls are friends with Izuna." I bowed lightly to them, "I know she can be troublesome, but I hope you continue to treat her as you are now..."

"N-no, it's alright..."

"Izuna is our comrade! We would never leave her behind."

"You guys..." Izuna's eyes welled up with tears.

"I-is that so... I'm glad," I spoke before attempting to introduce myself, "Anyway, I'm Nobuyuki-"

Before I could continue, both of them looked shocked upon hearing my name.

"Izuna never mentioned her beloved onii-chan's name, but to think he is the fearsome Nobuyuki-senpai from the third class! As expected of my comrade!" the white-haired girl exclaimed.

"Hieee..." the other girl appeared terrified for some reason.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn't help but ask, "If I may inquire, um... what rumors have been circulating about me?"

The purple-haired girl nearly fainted when I spoke, and the white-haired girl began listing off various things.

"Hmm... they said to never approach Nobuyuki-senpai, or he would torture you with explosive tags. Or that one time he got a student expelled because he had the Hokage behind him. Oh, and that he would punch you in the toilet if you said something bad about him..." She continued on, listing one outrageous claim after another.

"Right..." A bead of sweat trickled down my forehead as I listened to the long list of heinous acts I supposedly committed during my time at the academy.

"See, onii-chan is just awesome!" Izuna's excitement soared upon hearing the rumors. Please don't fuel the fire of this fragile, swirling heart of mine.

Those rumors aren't true!

I wanted to refute their claims, but I feared that attempting to explain would only dig me deeper into the rabbit hole.

I let out a bittersweet laugh, my heart heavy with a mix of amusement and resignation.

"Well, it seems Izuna's claims aren't too far from what she proclaimed. As expected of my fellow comrades!" The white-haired girl beamed proudly.

A high-pitched sound escaped from the purple-haired girl's mouth, resembling a terrified whimper.

Realizing that it was time for me to leave, I spoke, feeling both a sense of camaraderie and sympathy for the purple-haired girl, "I'll take my leave then. See you later, Izuna... uh," I glanced at the two girls.

Anticipating my unspoken question, the white-haired girl introduced herself, "I'm Michiru," before tapping the shy girl on the shoulder, "And this is Tsukuyo!"

"I see... well, see you later, Michiru-san, Tsukuyo-san."

"See you later too, Izuna's onii-chan."

"Bye-bye, onii-chan!" They waved at me as I quickly made my way out of their presence.

In any case, it seems I have managed to maintain my image. After all, who would want to reveal an uncool side to their younger sibling? Well, let's see how long it lasts.

Magoroku-ojii-san's shop is just around the corner. As I approach, I notice that it has expanded significantly. What was once an unassuming shop now appears extravagant. I guess his business is booming as ever.

I enter the shop and find him engaged in hearty laughter while bantering with a client. I patiently wait for their conversation to conclude before approaching him. Magoroku-ojii-san didn't even bother to hire a clerk to man the desk.

"Oh, if it isn't Nobuyuki-kun! Perfect timing, come inside. I have something to show you." Instead of allowing me to make my request, Magoroku whisks me away to another part of the shop. The temperature rises as he leads me through a dark corridor. This must be his workshop. Did I mention that he has a passion for blacksmithing?

He once mentioned that he only acts as a merchant to support his hobby. I often wonder why he didn't fully pursue blacksmithing instead of being a merchant, but he simply shrugged and said it didn't pay enough. I'm not entirely convinced, so I just nod dumbly.

He retrieves something from the storage unit in the back and presents me with a long rectangular container. "What is this?" I ask, tilting my head in curiosity.

He simply places it in my hands, and I realize it is quite heavy. "Just open it," he says, a sense of pride in his voice.

I crack open the lid, revealing four swords inside. Two are katanas, one is a tanto, and the other is a ninjato. The sheaths and handle wraps alone exude craftsmanship and expense. Intricate floral patterns adorn the fuchi, the guard, and the cap at the end of each handle.

Magoroku-ojii-san pats my shoulder. "It's a congratulatory gift. You just graduated, right?" His eyes drift to the newly minted Konoha emblem on my right arm.

"Yes," I confirm.

"Then take them. It would be a shame if you were to face danger with subpar equipment. This is a gift from me and my son."

"Kousuke helped make these?" I inquire. I occasionally play video games with Kousuke, but not as often since I started my training under the Hokage.

Magoroku-ojii-san smiles warmly. "Well, he was quite rebellious before, but he had a change of heart and wanted me to teach him about blacksmithing. We came up with the idea to craft these swords for you, and he assisted me in the process. We are both proud of them."

"Can I really accept these? They look so valuable," I express my gratitude and hesitation.

He laughs again. "Don't worry about it. You've been a great help to us. And look, my shop has tripled in size. It's partly thanks to you, Nobuyuki-kun."

I didn't think my contributions were that significant. I simply helped ward off a few yankees while working under him, ran errands around the village, and offered some advice when he listened. I think he's exaggerating things.

Nevertheless, I am grateful for his sincerity. It would be rude to refuse such a heartfelt gesture, so I bow respectfully. "Thank you so much, Magoroku-jii-san."

"No need to thank me. Now, what do you need, or would you like to fetch Kousuke? I'm sure he should be here, but the boy is probably too embarrassed to present these to you, so he ran off."

I wear a wry smile as I list off my requests.

In the end, he simply nods. As he claimed, the process won't take too long, and I assist him in the crafting process.

Despite my reservations, I've come to realize that it always pays off when you lend a helping hand and nurture a bond with someone.

It's an understatement to say that I feel elated upon receiving such a heartfelt gift.

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