Unduh Aplikasi
57.69% Luffy is Lost in The MHA world, but he gets taken in by Momo's dad / Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Camp Pt 1

Bab 15: Chapter 15: Camp Pt 1

The Camp Site

"Woah! This place is awesome!" Luffy said as he looked at the wooden cabin with several concrete rooms attached to it. It was about 9:30 when Luffy and the other teachers started driving, and now it was 11:00.

"Not too shabby, eh?" Mandalay said as she and the other teachers exited the car. "This is a plot of land we own, and we'll be free to use our quirks indefinitely. Oh, come to say hi Kota."

The child wearing a red cap with two golden horns protruding out the front was unfriendly to say the least, especially when he landed eyes on Luffy. The kid decided to do nothing but glare at the Straw hat.

"Don't worry about him, he's shy." Mandalay said with a bit of a worried expression, she really hoped Kota would grow out of his hatred. *This camp could give Kota the new look on heroes he needs.* She noticed Luffy approaching the child.

"What's up? I'm Monkey D. Luffy and I'm gonna become the King of the Pirates!" Luffy said with a giant smile on his face as he extended his arm toward Kota. "Nice to meet ya!"

"?" Mandalay and Pixie-Bob gave a very confused look towards Aizawa, who in turn just shook his head in a way that said either 'He's crazy.' or 'Just don't worry about it.' The Heroines decided to go with the latter but didn't know that Aizawa actually meant both.

Kota, instead of accepting Luffy's hand, decided to cock his arm backward and give a mean sucker punch straight to Luffy's family jewels. Thankfully, Luffy managed to catch his fist before making any contact.

"K-Kota! That's not nice!" Mandalay scolded Kota from afar, but the kid just ripped his arm out of Luffy's grip and took the walk of shame back to his room, not making any eye contact.

"What a weird kid." Luffy said as Kota entered the cabin.

"I'm sorry about him, he's been having a hard time since his parents died, please don't pay it too much attention." Mandalay said as she did a slight bow to apologize on his behalf.

"It's fine, I don't really care." Luffy said with a finger up his nose, digging for treasure.

"I have to say, sweet reflexes." Pixie-Bob said with a grin. "Not just anybody could have caught that kind of surprise attack. I guess it's to be expected from someone who beat All-Might."

"Who?" Luffy asked with a tilt of his head.

"Enough chit-chat. They could arrive any minute now, we should prepare for them." Aizawa intervened. "I'll go and settle in my room."

"Okay, then I guess I'll go and make some food for the litter." Pixie-Bob said, not wasting a second to go and prepare some meals.

"Woo! Can I get some? Please? I'm starving!" Luffy said, very excited at the thought of food.


"Noo!" Aizawa quickly intervened. "If we let Luffy come with you then we won't have any food for the rest of the class."

"Ehhh?! C'mon, I promise I won't eat that much." Luffy said, but Aizawa knew what Luffy meant by 'that much.'

"No way, you'll eat with the rest of the class and that's final." Aizawa said with a tone of finality. Luffy quickly deflated and melted on the ground from pure sadness upon hearing this. "Mandalay, why don't you go and show him around? At least this way, we'll be able to get his mind off of food."

"Sure, he should at least know where everything is." Mandalay agreed. "C'mon Straw hat, let's go, I'll give you a tour of the place."

"Really?! Okay!" Luffy quickly agreed, already forgetting about his past depression.

*Wow, he really does have a one-track mind doesn't he? Must be nice.* Mandalay thought to herself with a small smile as she, and Luffy, went inside.

The cabin wasn't anything too special, actually in comparison to Momo's mansion, it was pretty lacking. But it was to be expected since the students will spend most of their time outside. The only rooms that caught Luffy's eyes were the kitchen and dining hall, the student dorms, and the hot spring.

"...And that concludes our tour! What do you think?" Mandalay asked as she arrived back to where they started.

"It was pretty fun, I can already tell, this place is gonna be lots of fun!" Luffy said with a small chuckle at the end.

"Let's hope so, I want this place to be a place of teaching and learning for the students. There are two more of us in our little team, but they aren't here right now, they should arrive tomorrow morning." Mandalay said as the wind breezed through her hair, as she looked mystified at the cabin. "The next generation of heroes is here, and it's our job to train them to the best of our capabilities."

"Sure! This place actually reminds me a lot of my own training, both times actually." Luffy said as he sat down on a log.

"Both times?" Mandalay asked, now sitting across from him, if she could get some insider scoop of how this kid was trained to the point of defeating All-Might, then maybe she'll be able to put his knowledge to good use in the future.

"Yeah! The first time was when I was 7, that's when I started having about 100 matches each day with my brothers." Luffy said, with a nostalgic expression on his face.

"100 matches?! Didn't you have school or something?" Mandalay asked bewildered. Unfortunately, she didn't get the memo from Nezu about Luffy's past.

"School? That stuff is for nerds." Luffy said smugly, even though he was going to school right now. This made Mandalay sweat-drop. "Also, there was my grandpa, he threw me in a bottomless pit, a jungle, and tied me to a bunch of balloons. All that to make me stronger."

"...Well, I guess it worked?" Mandalay said after a few seconds of trying to process what she just heard.

"You betcha! I'm one of the strongest there is!" Luffy said as he spread his arms to make a point.

"You said both times, what's the second one?" Mandalay asked, genuinely curious.

"Ah, that was when I was with Rayleigh for 2 years. I trained day and night, fighting monsters and beasts. After I got sent away from my …crew, I realized that I wasn't strong enough to protect them." Luffy's face started to look sadder and sadder as he spoke. "And now I'm here, without them, I have no idea where they are or how they're doing. I… I miss them, I miss them so much."

"...Hey, let me show you another place, one that I haven't shown you before." Mandalay said after a couple of seconds of looking at Luffy, who started to get more and more depressed. She didn't know what Luffy was feeling, from what he sounded, it was like a child who recently lost his family. But unlike Kota, he is bottling up his feelings whereas Kota doesn't bother with hiding them. *I don't really understand what he means by 'crew', but I know that he needs help.*

"Sure." Luffy said as he sat up, gone now that unmistakable happy-go-lucky attitude. His feelings were like a floodgate, once opened it takes some serious effort to close it.

After walking a bit in silence, they arrived at a pretty big portrait, way bigger than it needs to be. "About 2 years ago, Kota's parents were murdered. They were heroes and died on the job, a noble death if there ever was one. But little Kota was inconsolable, he was still small and didn't understand how the world worked yet, all he thought was that his parents gave their lives for strangers and left him alone. After that, he came to live with me and the other pussycats, we would often try to cheer him up and many times we would come here."

Mandalay interrupted herself by pushing a specific part of the painting, soon the whole painting started to move, revealing a small and dark room. "This is a special room, Kota used to love it, but now he hardly ever uses it. He called it 'The crying room', a bit of a depressing name, but it does its job well. If you ever need some time to just be alone and cry or scream at the world, this is the perfect place. Nobody will ever hear you here."

Luffy took one foot inside and saw a small and fluffy bed, with atmospheric lights and a certain warmth coming from the bed.

"I know it's not much, but, as a hero, It's my job to help everyone in need." Mandalay said as she reminisced about the times she would catch Kota bawling his eyes out here.

"Thanks, but being alone is the last thing I need right now." Luffy said as he exited the room and closed the painting behind him. Luffy wasn't the smartest guy, but he understood that whenever his mind wasn't occupied with something or someone, he'll just think of his lost crew, and he doesn't need that kind of pain in his life right now.

"I understand, but you do have friends, right? Somebody you can talk to? If not then we always have our school psychiatrist. And, appearances aside, he's very skilled. Bottling up your feelings, it does nothing but harm." Mandalay said in an attempt to further help the teenager in front of her.

Luffy, now turned face-to-face with her, and with the biggest grin he could muster, he said. "Don't worry about me, I've survived worse than this. Let's just not talk about it, ever again. Okay?"

"S-sure." Mandalay said, a bit taken aback by the convincing smile.

"Now, where is that kitchen? I'm starving!" Luffy said as he started to go from door to door to search for some meat. Mandalay was left behind with a troubled expression on her face. Aizawa felt a shiver go down his spine, and he could just tell that Luffy was the cause of it.

5:20 PM

"I can feel them! They're close!" Luffy said it like a kid opening his Christmas gift. The sun was beginning to set, leaving the forest and cabin in a beautiful orange glow.

"That took a lot longer than expected." Mandalay said as she watched a group of battered and beaten up students arrive and plop to the ground in front of them.

"You said it would only be 3 hours." Kaminari said in as mad a tone as he could muster. Unfortunately, he didn't have that much energy, mentally and physically speaking.

"Guess we calculated how long it would've taken us to finish it." Pixie-Bob said to the exhausted students.

"I'm starving, this is hell!" Kirishima said as he clung to his tummy.

"Same!" Luffy said, which caught the other's attention.

"You! You damn rubber-brained, pirate-wannabe, straw hat-wearing dumbass! Where the hell were you?!" Bakugou yelled to Luffy who, at the moment, looked like he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"Easy now Bakugou, there is a reason why Luffy didn't do the course with you and why he won't train this week." Aizawa said, which caught the attention of the other students, now all of them were looking at their homeroom teacher. "Luffy will be a teacher for this week."




If it weren't for the students trying to catch their breaths, it would've been complete silence.

"T-That's a funny joke Mr. Aizawa." Kaminari said in disbelief.

"It's very funny." Sero added.

"Hilarious even." Mina added from her spot on the ground. "But we're like, too tired for your jokes."

"Who said I was joking?" Aizawa watched as everyone's faces grew from disbelief to despair and he couldn't help but smile.


"Noooooo!" Mina yelled at the top of her lungs.

"God please, if I've done anything to offend you, tell me what it is, and I'll rectify it." Mineta said as he got on his knees and started to beg. "...Anything besides girls."

"Actually, I just remembered I left the …the …the oven at home on. Yep, I totally did that, gotta get back home before my house burns down." Kaminari said as he started going back but a foot cramp left him in the dirt.

"Well, I guess I should start writing my will." Sero said with a face that said that he accepted it.

"I don't understand why you are all freaking out, I've been training with him for months and you don't see me complaining about it." Momo said as she got up from her spot, her increased endurance and stamina was already showing from her fights with Luffy.

"Oh yeah? And how many times did you break a bone?" Kaminari asked.

"How many times? That's a foolish question." Momo said, which surprised some of her classmates. "Kaminari, do you count the grains of sand at the beach? Or the stars in the night sky?" This just made everyone fall into deeper despair.

*The rubber brain teaching me? Finally! Now I'll find his secret, I'll know what makes him so strong, and then I'll leave him in the dust.* Bakugou said with a feral grin on his face.

*Training with Luffy? I don't know if I should be excited or scared for my life.* Izuku thought as he looked at Luffy who was just confused as to why everyone was so hopeless.

*Perfect! I will finally be able to ask Luffy how to do his shave technique without sounding desperate! A truly positive turn of events.* Iida said with happiness in his eyes.

*The rep as a teacher?* Todoroki thought as he looked at Luffy who was messing with his classmates. *Can he even teach me anything?*

"They all seem really scared of Luffy for some reason." Mandalay said as she got closer to Aizawa.

"Oh, I know the reason." Aizawa said as he remembered Luffy vs. All-Might. "Don't worry, you will too."

"Oh yeah, I've been wondering since we got here." Izuku said, which quickly stopped all other conversations from happening. "Who is that?" Izuku said as he pointed at Kota.

"Oh, This little guy? He's my cousins' son who lives with us now." Mandalay said, a bit worriedly, hoping what happened with Luffy earlier won't happen again. "Don't be shy now Kota, say hi to everyone. They'll be living with you for the next week."

"Hey there, My name's Midoriya. I'm from the UA Highschool hero course. It's nice to meet you!" Izuku said as approached Kota until he was face-to-face with him and extended his hand.

And lo and behold, history repeated itself. The only difference is, Izuku didn't catch his fist. Iida had to rush to Izuku's side to catch him from falling due to the intense pain.

"What a low blow! You fiend of a child! A punch to the scrotum is unforgivable!" Iida berated Kota who was leaving. Luffy was heard laughing his ass off, and Mandalay just face-palmed at history repeating itself, only worse now.

"The last thing I want is to hang with some wannabe heroes." Kota said, glaring as hard as he could.

"Wannabe?! How old are you kid?" Iida asked in pure disbelief.

"Hahahahahhahhaha!" Luffy was laughing right in Izuku's face.

"D-Don't L-Laugh. T-that just makes it w-worse." Izuku begged, but did Luffy listen? Of course not.

"Enough playing around. Get your stuff off the bus, once the bags are in your rooms we'll have dinner in the cafeteria, after that you can bathe and sleep." Aizawa said as he pointed to the bus. "Tomorrow your training starts in earnest. You better get a move on."


"Yummy!" Luffy said as he stuffed his face with all the food he could find, this time everybody fought for their food, with or without manners. "Ow! Hey!"

"Don't try to steal my food and I won't stab you, Do you understand?!" Jirou said as she took her fork out of Luffy's hand.

"Why are you even eating? You didn't even do anything." Sero asked as he shoved his face with food.

"Is that a serious question? You've known him what? 2 maybe 3 months? And you're still questioning the mystery that is this dude?" Tooru said as she grabbed Luffy's face to make a point.

"I smell beef! Do you have any?!" Kirishima asked Pixie-Bob across the room.

"Yeah, jeez it's like you kids haven't eaten in a week." Pixie-Bob replied. "Anyway, this is the last time we'll be doing this for you, so better eat up!"

"Hey Kota, Can you bring me those vegetables?" Mandalay said, which made Kota, begrudgingly, pick up a box of veggies and deliver them to the kitchen. Thi caught Izuku's eye and made him wonder further, why he is the way he is.

After a couple more minutes of banter and idle discussion, Luffy suddenly sat up in his chair with a fork and a spoon in hand. "What the hell is this?! How can you people live with yourselves?! You disgust me!"

"...What are you talking about rep?" Mina asked with a confused expression, the same as everyone from inside the cafeteria. Even some of the teachers were confused, besides Aizawa, he just looked tired.

"It's probably something dumb." Jirou said, not even taking her eyes off her rice.

"This is the most depressing thing I've seen!" Luffy said before pointing at Aizawa, who was standing in the corner silently. "Sunglasses! Turn on the music!"

"I'd rather die." Aizawa said, not even thinking about taking part in whatever Luffy is thinking.

"Fine! I'll just do it without you!" Luffy said before taking his fork and spoon and started to clank them together in a beat.

"Is he about to sing?" Pixie-Bob said with a tray of food on her arms.

"Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho

Binkusu no sake wo, todoke ni yuku yo

Umikaze kimakaze namimakase

Shio no mukou de, yuuhi mo sawagu

Sora nya wa wo kaku, tori no uta…!"

Luffy sang from the heart, really putting his all in the few words he knew of Brook's song. At first, the students were mostly in silence, some wishing he would stop and others just confused, until…

"Pftt! Hahahahaha!" Everybody turned their heads to see Mina laughing her heart out. "S-sorry, I Just c-can't help it! Hahhaha!" She continued Laughing as Luffy sang, soon Kaminari joined in her laughter and then Sero, and then Kirishima, and soon everybody was at the very least giggling or sporting a smirk on their faces. Well, most of them anyway.

"Damn Rubberidiot, I can't do anything with him around." Bakugou said in a mutter as he put his hands over his ears.

"Hold up, Hold up rep! I got the perfect beat!" The invisible girl said as she took out her phone and started playing a happy beat that went pretty well with Luffy's singing.

"It's not a bad song, but it still hurts my ears to hear him sing." Jirou said as she was trying to figure out if she should cover her ears or just bear with the pain.

"Ah, but that's like the beauty of it, ya know?" Mina said as she hung an arm around her shoulder and joined in Luffy's singing.

A few minutes later, after Luffy finished his song, the mood in the cafeteria reached one that could be considered a party, even if they had hell awaiting them the next day, they all seemed to forget. Even now, Luffy still managed to keep the current mood.

"Hey Greenie, look at me!" Luffy said behind Izuku, this prompted some of the other students close to him to turn to face Luffy as well.

"Kyaaa!" "Pffffft!" "Hahahahaha!" Izuku screamed from terror, Jirou choked on her drink from laughing, and Mina just straight up laughed. All this was caused by Luffy, who now had two sticks in his nose and the ends were held by his jaw, making him a truly terrifying creature to some and a clown to others.

"Luffy! You scared the living daylights out of me." Izuku said as he tried to compose himself.

"Luffy! As a class representative, you must set an example for the other students! Not fool around!" Iida started berating Luffy, but stopped and started muttering to himself in a thinking position. "Actually, what if our class representative is trying to bring everybody's moods up while also trying to take everybody's minds off the incoming hard and grueling training that awaits us. Yes, that must be it!"

"Huh? You said something glasses?" Luffy asked as he took the sticks out of his mouth.

"Nothing at all, continue doing your duty!" Iida said with a thumbs up. Luffy just shrugged it off and continued fooling around.

"I don't get it, what's funny about that?" Todoroki asked, him being one of the students close to Izuku. Him living a sheltered life and in constant rebellion against his father, he didn't understand what was so funny. His comment just made everyone around him laugh harder.

"Huh? Why is everyone laughing?" Todoroki asked, genuinely confused. The diner in the cafeteria continued in the same manner, Luffy being an idiot and everybody laughing at/with him.

Hot springs

"Wow, This looks amazing." Izuku said as he and every other boy came to the boy's bathing space. It was a traditional Japanese hot spring, the hot water steam was made even more visible by the small lights along the base of the pool and a big bonsai tree was shadowing the hot spring from the moonlight.

"Me first!" Luffy said as he cannonballed into the water.

"Ah! Rep!, that water's not deep enough for that!" Kirishima tried to warn him but it was too late. Now they were just waiting for Luffy to resurface.

And waited…

And waited…


"...Hey, w-what are the chances the rep is drowning right now?" Ojiro asked, very worriedly.

"No way, you think he can be a teacher and not know how to swim? Be real." Kirishima said with unwavering respect in Luffy, but he couldn't lie that he wasn't getting worried.

*Bloop!* A couple of bubbles resurfaced from where Luffy cannonballed. This made everyone panic. Well, everyone besides Bakugou and Todoroki.

"Crap crap crap! Luffy's drowning!" Mineta said as he flailed around. "What are we gonna do?!"

"Just go save him you idiot." Bakugou said before kicking Mineta into the hot spring. Unfortunately, Bakugou kicked him too hard and missed the pool entirely. This just made everybody panic further.

"Not to worry! I know CPR, I can save him!" Iida said as he jumped in the hot spring and took Luffy out, who looked like he just ran 50 marathons while wearing weights on his entire body.

"Ahudmlm auifngm uiasydt." Luffy said, still powerless from being in water. (Thanks for saving me.)

"Oh no! His lungs must be filled with water! Make way!" Iida said, already getting out of the water. "I have to perform CPR."

"Huh?! Are you sure!?" Izuku asked, clearly very stressed at this sudden turn of events.

"Quite sure!" Iida said, full of confidence as he plopped a powerless Luffy on the ground who was quickly gaining his strength back. This made everybody panic again and even attracted the girls' attention, all the way over the wall.

"Pft! What kind of hero can't handle some water?" Bakugou said as he got in the hot spring. "Pathetic."

"It is surprising. I'd expect out of everyone here, Luffy would be the best at handling water." Todoroki said, also getting the water. "Him saying he wants to be a pirate and all."

"Ugh, Why are the boys being so loud?" Jirou complained. Her quirk made her ears more sensitive, she was starting to get a headache.

"They're boys, what'd you expect?" Uraraka said. "I'm surprised I don't hear the rep, he's usually the loudest."

"Yeah, you're right." Momo said as she sunk deeper into the water before quickly resurfacing. "Oh no! I forgot to tell the boys about Luffy's weakness!"

"His weakness?" Minna asked with a tilt of her head.

"Oh yeah! He did say he's weak around water or something!" Jirou suddenly proclaimed, remembering her internship and the joint-operation with Mt. Lady, and by extension Luffy.

"Wait, so the rep is weak around water?" Asui said. "But then he'll know to avoid it, right? It's not like he'll just jump head first into it."

"Yeah, you're right he's not that dumb." Momo agreed and calmed down.

"Totally." Mina said.



"...I'm gonna tell them, just to be sure." Momo said as her quirk activated and she started making a megaphone.

"Yeah, yeah, you're right. Just to be sure." Mina agreed. She and the other girls hoped that Luffy wouldn't do something stupid like that, but they knew better. "You never know."

Back with the boys, Iida right now was sucking the air out of Luffy, while Luffy was frantically waving his arms around in an attempt to get Iida off of him while the other boys were having serious doubts about Iida's skills as a lifeguard.

"Hey! Just so you know! Luffy gets drained of all of his energy while he's in water. So, just make sure he doesn't drown, okay?" The boys heard Momo's voice over the wall.

"Ah, I see." Iida said as he removed his lips off of Luffy who was now gasping for air.

"What *cough* the hell?! *cough* *cough*" Luffy said as he tried to get as much air as he could.

"Do not worry, I have rescued your life." Iida said, looking very proud. Some of the other boys sweatdropped.

"Did he though? 'Cuz to me, it just looked like he was kissing him." Kaminari said to Mineta, who at the moment was too mesmerized with the wall, Momo's voice serving as a reminder of where they were.

"Rep! Why did you jump in the water if you knew it was your weakness?!" Kirishima asked him angrily.

"Oh yeah!" Luffy said after composing himself and remembering what just happened. "I forgot! Shishishishi."

"You shouldn't be laughing!" Kirishima said as he karate-chopped Luffy on the top of his head. "Dammit rep, how can you forget something so important?"

"Jeez, I just forgot. What's the big deal anyway? Everything's fine now right?" Luffy said as he went back into the pool, but was quickly stopped.

"Oh no you don't!" Kirishima said as he proceeded to tie Luffy to the tree using his rubbery arms as rope. "There! Now you won't accidentally kill yourself again."

"Eh?! Come on! Just let me go!" Luffy said as he struggled to free his arms, but his sudden encounter with water still left him powerless.

"So, even the mighty rep has a weakness huh?" Bakugou said, now the boys were able to fully enjoy the bath together. Well, almost everyone, Mineta was muttering something to himself as he stared at the wall.

"But why water?" Izuku said, his analytic brain was already at work. "It's such a strange and specific weakness, and I can't see any correlation with rubber."

"Why don't you just ask the rep?" Kaminari said before turning to Luffy. "Hey rep! Why's your weakness water?"

"Hmph! Not telling!" Luffy said, turning his head away from the group of boys. The other boys just sweatdropped at his clear childish behavior. And so, they spent the next 20 minutes just chatting in the pool. Mineta was caught trying to peep, Kota fell off the wall by accident and Izuku had to take the kid to his cousin.

Tomorrow morning

5:30 AM

"Good morning class, I hope you are all ready for the training program." Aizawa said to the still half asleep class. Right now, they were in a small space where the forest met an open field and met the base of the mountain. "For this early program, we'll start off with Luffy. He'll do whatever he thinks is best to make you guys stronger. Is that okay?"


"Actually, I don't care about your opinions." Aizawa quickly stopped any complaints his students were about to make. "So Luffy, you have the floor."

"Huh? Yes, I will have more meat." Luffy mumbled in his sleep, actually, he was standing and sleeping at the same time, some of his classmates found this impressive. After a quick slap with a certain scarf, Luffy was awake. "Huh? Training? Oh okay!"

"So, what are we doing rep?" Kirishima asked, somewhat frightened but, at the same time excited. Luffy right now was doing some small stretching exercises.

"Oh boy." Momo said as she started making several combat-related items. *I can't believe he's starting with this so early in the morning.*

Soon, Luffy was done with his stretches and everybody around him, Aizawa included, were just staring at him in confusion. "Okay, I'm done! Let's go!"

"What're you talking about?" Kaminari said as Luffy got in a battle stance. This stance worried some people. Aizawa, having understood what it actually meant, decided to step aside and let Luffy do his thing.

"Oh, Isn't it obvious? We're starting with a big fight! Everybody versus me. Now, Let's go!" Luffy said, some of the other students were still hoping that this was a joke.

"Wait, wait, wait! You can't be seriou–" Uraraka protested but stopped when she saw Luffy catch something in his hand, right before it could touch his face. She looked to her side and saw Momo with a gun pointed at Luffy. "Momo?!"

"Dammit, no time to waste guys! Trust me, just hit him with everything you've got!" Momo said as she started reloading. Some of the students were still trying to process what was happening, while others…

"You don't gotta tell me twice!" Bakugou said as he ran towards Luffy, his quirky at the ready. "Die!"

Luffy easily side-stepped his attack and proceeded to grab Bakugou by the face and throw him into an incoming Iida. "Sorry guys, but I won't hold back! At least, not that much!" Luffy said with a classic smile on his face.

"Then we won't hold back either!" Kirishima said as he, and Ojiro, got close to him and tried to attack Luffy with all their strength. Only for Luffy to jump upwards, dodging their blows, and rearing both of his arms backward.

"Gomu Gomu no Twin Pistol!" Luffy said as he firmly planted both of them into the ground. If it weren't for Kirishima's hardening and Ojiro's tail, they would've been knocked out.

*An opening!* Izuku thought as he blasted from the ground towards the falling Luffy. Soon, Izuku was face-to-face with Luffy.

"Texas Sm– Huh?!" Izuku was interrupted by Luffy stopping his punch by grabbing his fist.

"Too slow!" Luffy taunted, as he threw Izuku into a shell-shocked Mineta.

"Crap! Help!" Mineta said as he began running from the flying Izuku, but thankfully Tsu managed to grab Izuku with her tongue and jumped out of the way to regroup and make some sort of plan to defeat Luffy.

"Thanks Tsu." Izuku said as he felt the wind blow in his hair from falling.

"Don't mention it." Tsu said as she flexed her legs muscles to prevent any injury from landing on the ground. "We just have to make some so–"

"Gomu Gomu no–"

Tsu heard Luffy start his attack from above her. Now, let me paint a picture. Tsu, with her tongue out, was looking up at Luffy, who had his leg way out of her line of sight, the morning sun shined bright from behind Luffy, so Tsu wasn't able to see much of him besides an outline, but what she did saw was a face splitting smile. "Oh no."

"Battle-axe!" Luffy, with an ax kick, sent Tsu along with Izuku into the ground, making a small crater in the process.

Aizawa saw this and proceeded to take out his phone and make a call. "Recovery girl? …Yeah, I know it's early in the morning but I need you to come to our camp ASAP. …No, nothing happened, it's just that Luffy's training might be a little too much for the other students. …You'll be here in 2 hours? Great." Aizawa began to mentally prepare himself for Recovery girl's scolding.

"Ha gotcha!" Kaminari said as he somehow managed to sneak up on Luffy and cling to him as if life depended on it. "Now eat some of this!"

"Indiscriminate Shock 1.3 Million Volts!" Kaminari said as he used all of the electricity in his body to shock Luffy out of commission. But, even the idiot form of Kaminari was confused as to why Luffy seemed completely unharmed.

"You Idiot! He's made of rubber!" Jirou said to Kaminari, who at the moment, was having a hard time keeping his dinner in his stomach after receiving an elbow from Luffy.

Luffy was about to knock out Kaminari completely but was stopped by a ball of fire from Todoroki. After dodging that ball of fire, Luffy quickly ran towards Todoroki and as he was about to punch him in the face, he was instead trapped in an iceberg of ice.

"Got him." Todoroki said as he looked at the massive iceberg with Luffy standing, with his arm cocked back, right in the middle.

The class's hopes were quickly stopped as they watched Luffy's hands and legs clad in armament haki.

"I'm not liking this, you guys." Mina said, fear very evident in her voice.

Soon, Luffy's hands and legs began glowing a shiny yellow and little by little the ice began to crack until…

*Boom!* The iceberg fully cracked from the pressure of the Ryou haki Luffy was emitting. Before anyone could even see, Luffy was already face-to-face with Todoroki, with his hand stretched way back.

"That was pretty good, you almost got me!" Luffy said and before Todoroki could even react…

"Bullet!" Luffy's punch broke some of his ribs and sent him flying into a nearby giant boulder.

"Whoa!" Luffy, using his future-sight, dodged a sword slash from Momo. He then proceeded to dodge with ease her other sword swings before growing tired and just straight up grabbing the sword with a blackened hand. "That's not gonna work."

"Oh I know that." Momo said as she grabbed Luffy's hand and put him in a chokehold. "Now Jirou!"

"Alright! Let's hope these things work." Jirou said as she put a set of headphones on Luffy with her earplugs attached to it. "This is gonna hurt."

"What?" Luffy asked, not hearing her due to the headphones, before being absolutely blasted with high-pitched sound. "AAGGHH! My Ears!" Luffy said as he tried to get out of the chokehold but the deafening sound made it pretty difficult for him.

"Ok, Now this!" Momo said as she quickly made a small dagger and prepared herself for stabbing Luffy.

"Whoa! Are you sure?" Mina asked worriedly. "I mean, I know we are in a fight or whatever, but one wrong move and you can like, mess him up for good."

"I know, but it's him or us." Momo said as she thrust her dagger straight into Luffy's side but stopped before it even met skin, only slightly grazing it. *I-I can't do it.*

This small graze, however, managed to bring Luffy back to his senses. He extended his leg straight to Momo's face, breaking her nose in the process and he quickly removed his headphones. "Agh, Finally! But, I still can't hear anything. Oh well, back to it!"

"Uh-Oh." Jirou said as she watched helplessly Luffy scratch his arm back and spin it.

"Gomu Gomu no Rifle!" And with one powerful punch, Luffy managed to not only knock out Jirou, but also Uraraka, breaking a few bones in the process.

*Oh crap! Gotta do something!* Mina thought before quickly coming up with a new move. *This had better work.*

"Acid Wave!" Mina said as she put all her effort into making as big a wave of acid as she could and sent it towards Luffy. Granted, this being her first time ever doing this move and everything, it wasn't very big, but it was impressive.

"Whoa!" Luffy said as he looked at the incoming acid wave that dissolved everything it touched besides stone.

Luffy, as if a lightbulb lit up in his head, blackened his hand and planted them firmly into the ground, and as he took the out, he also took out a massive piece of the ground. He used that piece of ground as a wall, a shield, to protect himself from the acid wave, and it worked.

*Okay! Now I just gotta run!* Mina thought as she ran away, the acid wave was never meant to be a serious attack, just a distraction for her. Unfortunately, the distraction wasn't good enough, because she looked at the ground and wondered where that big shadow is coming from, only for her to look up and see a massive piece of stone falling towards her. She just barely managed to dodge it, and when she did, she was met with Luffy's fist.

"Gomu Gomu no Bullet!" Knocking her out instantly while also breaking some bones.

"Don't count me out just yet, you bastard!" Bakugou yelled as he flew through the air and prepared himself for a howitzer impact.

"Howlitzer–" But before he even registered, Luffy was no longer in front of him, he was actually above Bakugou at the moment.

"Gomu Gomu no Spear!" You know the drill, Luffy planted Bakugou in the ground, broke a few bones and got back to defeating other hopeless students.

Class 1-B

"When your muscle fibers break they grow back stronger, thicker. Quirks are the same way, they improve the harder you push them, stronger after every workout. In other words, there's only one thing to do!" Vlad said as he led his students through a path in the forest to where Class 1-A was training. "You must break… yourself…"

"Oh Vlad. Morning, we started a bit earlier. Hope you don't mind." Aizawa said as he faced the entire 1-B class, who were just looking in disbelief at the scene in front of them.

"Gomu Gomu no Rain!" Luffy said as he rained down punches on Kirishima, Mineta, Izuku, Uraraka and Sero.

"Looks like our temporary teacher is having a field day." Aizawa said, as the newly arrived students were just looking at the scene in front of them with their jaws nearly touching the ground. Students were either knocked out or just faked being unconscious, only a few brave souls had the courage to still fight, but not many. The landscape completely destroyed, trees knocked over, boulders crushed and craters in the ground. It truly looked like a warzone.

"What the hell is happening?!" Kendo asked in a low voice before noticing a stick break near Aizawa.

"Please you gotta help me!" Tooru asked Class 1-B, as well as the teacher. At first, they were confused but remembered that Class 1-A had an invisible girl. "H-he's a Monster!"

"Found you!" Tooru and Class 1-B heard Luffy say from a good distance away, and if Tooru wasn't invisible, they would have seen how the color drained from her face.

"Gomu Gomu no Pistol!" Luffy managed to hit the invisible girl perfectly in the face. His punch was so strong that it sent her flying straight in Kendo's arms, knocking her to the ground.

"Oops! Sorry about that!" Kendo heard Luffy's voice as he ran at them. She sat aside the, now unconscious, invisible girl and stood up to face Luffy. "Whoa! New people came to join my training?"

"Hell no!" Several students said at the same time, they were all one scare away from just straight up running back to their cabin.

"Not these ones Luffy. They have their own training program and we have ours." Aizawa said, earning a massive sigh of relief from Class 1-B and a disappointed sigh from Luffy. "Actually, I think this is a good time to take a break, seeing as how nobody can move."

"Oh, Okay! I'm kinda tired anyway." Luffy said as he plopped on the ground.

"A-Aizawa! I knew that your class's rep was going to help out during the training, but I didn't expect this!" Vlad said as he gestured towards everything.

"What did you expect?" Aizawa asked in his regular monotone voice.

"How could you let this happen?!" Kendo asked in disbelief. "I mean, don't you care at all about your students?!"

"Villains won't care that they are students, and while I have to admit that this may have been a bit excessive." Aizawa said as he sent a small glare at Luffy. "It doesn't change the fact that they are now stronger and more durable, more accustomed to combat and teamwork, and their quirks have strengthened considerably."

"Well, yeah but… are they even going to be able to walk after this?" Kendo asked, genuinely worried.

"Don't worry, Recovery girl is on her way as we speak." Aizawa said which in all honesty, did help ease the others mind a bit.

"So you called her huh?" Vlad said. "Get ready for an earful."

"Oh, I know." Aizawa said. "I'm ready."

"Ha! What kind of 'Captain' hurts his crew so bad, I bet you hate them all, I wouldn't blame you. If I was in this miserable class, I would hate them too! This just goes to show you how much bette–" Monomoa's inevitable rant was cut off by a swift karate-chop to his neck.

"Dude, this is legit the worst time you could pick to insult the other class." Tetsutetsu said to the now knocked out Monomoa before turning to Luffy. "If the other class is going through this hellish training, then I also want in! So fight me Captain!"

"Huh? Who're you again?" Luffy could swear he saw this guy somewhere, but he forgot.

"Whoa bro, Wait a sec! Think about it." The guy who can make air into a solid said. "Look, you see there, the guy who's in the ground who looks like he was molded in? That guy is Kirishima. If he didn't win, what makes you think you can?!"

"That's all the more reason why I gotta fight him! To avenge my fallen brother!" Tetsutetsu said in his usual loud demeanor. "Sensei? Please?"

"It is training after all, I don't see why not." Vlad said with a little bit of sweat building up on his forehead.

"Yes! Me and You! We are fighting now!" Tetsutetsu said as he steeled himself and went to the warzone.

"Sure! I'm always down to fight!" Luffy said as he jumped back on his feet and followed after him.

"This can only end badly." Kendo said, worrying like a mother.

"May God bless our classmate, bless him so that he may win." Shiozaki prayed with her hands clasped together.

"I don't think god can help our friend here sis." Setsuna said as she put her hand on the vine-haired girl's shoulder.

"Here we go!" Tetsutetsu yelled as he rushed Luffy, preparing to punch Luffy straight in the face, and to his and the others' surprise, It actually connected. "Eh?!" What he found more shocking was that Luffy didn't budge a single inch, not one millimeter from his spot. With the help of haki, he managed to completely block his attack.

"Not bad, It just wasn't good enough." Luffy said as he grabbed the Steel boy by his shoulders in an iron-like grip.

"Gomu Gomu no-" Luffy said as he began to stretch his head way back.

"Oh no, I remember this one from the festival." Setsuna said, worry clear in her eyes. "Get outta there! Now!"

"I-I can't! I can't get his ha–"


*Wham!* Luffy quickly shut him up with a massive headbut that sent him flying into a nearby tree, breaking it in half in the process.

"Tetsutetsu!" Kendo said as he rushed over to him.

"Anybody else wanna fight?" Luffy asked the other students.

"No!" Everybody quickly responded, at this Luffy proceeded to take his place back on the ground. Luffy quickly got back up when he felt four aura's quickly approaching, but calmed down when he realized he knew two of them.

"Your feline fantasy is…" Mandalay got ready to start off her group's whole intro but stopped when she saw the warzone with students scattered around. "W-what happened?!"

"Mandalay? What are yo–" Ragdoll, one of the new heroines, said. She was much like Pixie-Bob and Mandalay, the difference is that her color scheme was yellow with green hair. "Whoa! Did a villain attack or something?!"

"No, no, nothing like that." Aizawa quickly stopped any panic. Soon, the rest of their group arrived with Pixie-Bob and a muscular Hero in a cat outfit. "It was just Luffy's training."

"That's some training." Tiger, the fourth and final member of the Wild, Wild Pussycats appeared. "I'm impressed."

"Luffy?!" Mandalay asked, surprised. *Is this the same kind of training he went through?! I can't imagine it.*

"Oh, Cat Lady! What's up?" Luffy said to the new arrivals with a wave and a carefree smile.

"You did all this by yourself?" Pixie-Bob asked before licking her lips. "I like that. Come here!" She then proceeded to pounce on Luffy.

Luffy was then showered with kisses from the 30-year-old heroine. "Hey, Hey! What're you doing?! That tickles! Shishishishi! Stop!" Luffy managed to get out between his giggling. Everybody around him just watched with a sweatdrop.

"Anyway, I already called our school nurse, so she should be here any minute. Until then, I'll get everyone back to the cabin." Aizawa explained the situation.

"I see, I'll also help. Pixie-Bob, Ragdoll, and Tiger will help the other class with their training." Mandalay instructed the other members of her group.

"Understood. Get ready kids! Now, your training starts." Tiger said with a menacing glare toward Class 1-B, and they were scared but also grateful that they won't have to fight Luffy.

"Wait! Tetsutetsu also needs help!" Kendo said as she came back to her class with an arm around Tetsutetsu.

"How many times do I gotta tell you?! I'm Fine! A weak little headbutt won't knock me out that easily." Tetsutetsu said in a loud voice.

"Oh yeah? Then why is blood coming out of your nose?! It's clearly broken!" Kendo scolded her classmate.

"It's fine, I can live without it!" Tetsutetsu said and in response, he received a quick karate chop to his neck.

"Don't worry we'll take care of him." Mandalay said in a kind voice, before turning to Luffy and Pixie-Bob. "Pixie-Bob leave Straw hat alone and come help the other class."

"Yes ma'am!" Pixie-Bob said as she saluted her and began to take the class to another space.

"Straw hat! Come and help us move your friends to the cabin." Mandalay said to Luffy as she picked Iida off of a cracked boulder.

"Yosh!" Luffy said. And so, little by little, they managed to get everyone back to the cabin and plop them in their beds.


"Ugh, I feel like complete crap." The guy who can make air into a solid said. (I'm not gonna bother with learning his name) "But at least, I'm better off than them."

Right now, all of the students were outside, all completely exhausted. Class 1-A on the other hand, was beyond exhausted and with several broken bones per person. The only real difference between the two groups was that one was eating while the other was still standing and waiting for food.

"Now! Remember what I said? We're not serving you food anymore!" Pixie-Bob said as she pointed to a whole bunch of raw vegetables and uncooked meat.

"If you guys wanna eat, you gotta cook your own food!" Ragdoll said, standing near Pixie-Bob. "Starting with Curry!"

"But what about Class 1-A?! This is clear favoritism and I won't stand for it." Monomoa proclaimed loudly. Kendo was genuinely impressed that he still had the energy to take out on the other class.

"The thing is, we normally would have made them cook their own food." Ragdoll said.

"But most of them can't walk or move their hands without being in extreme pain! So we made an exception." Pixie-Bob continued, everybody in class 1-B either sulked or understood. The one in between was Tetsutetsu, a bit annoyed that he didn't get his meal after his fight with Luffy, but understood why.

"Okay Momo, say 'Aaah!'" Luffy said as he got a spoon full of curry and guided it toward Momo's mouth.

"Aah." Momo opened her mouth and closed it around the spoon after Luffy took the spoon out of her mouth, she began eating as slowly as she could with her cracked jaw.

"I don't even need to say how this looks, right?" Jirou said as she slowly guided her spoon to her mouth.

"You see, normally I would care. But I'm too tired to care at this point." Momo said after eating, her manners did not allow her to speak with a face full of food, but it did allow her to be spoon-fed by Luffy. Luffy, who was giving Momo a spoonful of curry, and eating 3 for himself.

"Recovery girl's quirk is really something, isn't it? It made us beyond exhausted but she said by tomorrow we should be good as new." Kirishima said as he bent backward to drink a cup of juice.

"I don't think I can handle another training session with Luffy." Izuku said and was surprised when he heard like 15 different 'same's.

"Shishishishi. Sorry guys, my bad. I guess I went a little too hard didn't I?" Luffy said as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Say 'Aah'"

"You guess?" Tsu asked as she had to turn her whole bandaged and splintered body to face Luffy.

"I said I was sorry!" Luffy apologized for like the tenth time. He was even holding himself back from devouring the delicious food in front of him. Can't they see the sacrifices he's making?

"There is nothing you need to apologize for." Iida said, for the first time in his life actually being forced to use his arms robotically. "If this makes us even a quarter as strong as you, then we'll do it."

"Yeah." Izuku said, soon a bunch of other students agreed. Bakugou tsked, but internally agreed.

"I still don't want to do it." Uraraka said as she struggled to get her spoon to her mouth. "I mean, I plan on becoming a rescue hero, not a combat one."

"What type of hero you want to become isn't important." Aizawa suddenly said from behind the table, slightly startling the gravity girl. "This is a training camp, you are here to train to become a future hero. It doesn't matter what type of hero you become, as long as you make it back home alive, you'll be fine."

"Please don't joke about stuff like that." Mina said with a tear in her eye. She saw in the corner of her eye an elderly person appears with a cup of tea in her hand.

"How is everybody doing?" Recovery girl asked the students who were eating and all they could say was.


"We are doing quite all right thank you." Iida said as he robotically fed himself.

"I'm sorry I couldn't do anything more, If only somebody knew how to hold back." Recovery girl said as she sent a menacing glare towards Luffy.

"I said I was sorry!" Luffy was wondering how many times is he going to need to apologize, he thought that once you said it you have to be forgiven, but apparently it wasn't like that. "Say 'Ah'"

*Sigh.* "It's fine sonny, It's better now rather than later right?" Recovery girl said as she took a seat near Aizawa.

"...I have to say, I'm a bit surprised, I thought you would've filled my head with complaints and stuff like that." Aizawa said to Recovery girl after a couple of seconds of silence. "But you barely said a word to me since you came."

"I can't really complain about something I knew that was going to happen. My only regret is that I didn't come with you." Recovery girl said as she drank from her tea.

"Well, now you're here, and we're going to need your help." Aizawa said as he looked at Luffy who almost yanked Momo's teeth out along with her spoon. "Desperately."

"Huh, Greenie? Where are you going?" Luffy said as he smelled the tray of food in Izuku's hands.

"I just, I think Kota hasn't eaten anything so I'm going to give this to him." Izuku said as he limped over to Kota's cave.

"So hey rep, I was thinking." Tooru said, an invisible bandage covering a part of her face. "Can we please do something else tomorrow, please I beg you!"

"Yeah! I totes agree!" Mina said. "I don't think this beautiful body can handle another session."

"Oh don't worry, for tomorrow we'll be training haki!" Luffy said with a fist in the air. "Say 'Ah!'"

"Oh boahg." Momo's facepalm and dread were stopped by a spoon full of curry.

"Cool, cool, Is it going to be easier than what we went through today?" Kaminari asked hopefull.

"Oh yeah! Way easier!" Luffy said it from his perspective, as in, it would be easy for him. This made everyone breathe out a sigh of relief.

*That's just a straight-up lie.* Momo thought, and thought again for a second before arriving at a conclusion. *Eh, I'm not going to spoil their moods.*

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