"ATTACK BY THE PIRATES! PIRATE SHIP HAS BEEN SIGHTED; THEY ARE HEADING TO THE VILLAGE!" bellowed one of the tower watchmen at the top of his lungs, his voice rising over the resounding clang of the bell.
Anastasia watched as the villagers hastily scrambled and fled, heading straight to their houses for refuge. The sound of doors and windows being securely closed and firmly banging shut echoed through the air.
"Damn these pirates again!" The village elder's voice was laced with anger as he cursed them, exclaiming, "Always coming here and stealing our possessions and tearing apart our families. We tried to oppose them, but it was futile and resulted in the loss of many lives. You both should take shelter."
"Jacinthia!" A woman's distressed cry pierced the air as her eyes darted left and right, searching for her young daughter. "Carlos, Jacinthia isn't here!"
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