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57.69% To Be Hokage / Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Why doesn't he understand ?

Bab 15: Chapter 15: Why doesn't he understand ?

Thank you to my discord server members for their valuable feedback and suggestions.

I really loved the reviews. I get that some of you didn't like the last chapter or how it wasn't as good as the previous one. Chapters will have ups and downs, and not everything will be the same. Some plots which you may not like, others may find pleasing.

If you read the chapter, do review it boosts my confidence and really tells me where to take the story based on the response.

If you liked the chapter, kindly take a minute of your time to leave a review. They help me to encourage me to write faster.

I had to again cut-short the chapter. Hopefully, I can add more to the next one.

Kindly please show your appreciation by posting your thoughts.

Posted on

July 16, 2022

Thanks, flex, murloc99, Peter, Cheesecaku, PhoenixFire23, redlox2,gunzen, Paradox009, Pururin and guest for throwing comments/reviews on the last chapter.

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To Be Hokage - Chapter 15: Why doesn't he understand ?

After waking from sleep from that odd dream, she entered the backyard and started doing her morning exercises. After trying her daily kata, she started hyper-speed manoeuvres similar to those used in spar the previous night. She didn't wake Naruto up for his morning workout, deciding to give him an off day as he would definitely stick to his father.

Later after getting bathed and making breakfast, she quickly woke Naruto up and made him ready for the academy.

After deciding to send Naruto to the academy accompanied by an ANBU, she finally entered her room to get ready. Looking through her wardrobe as she pondered on which outfit to wear for surprising Minato

"What should I wear ?" She talked with herself as she picked different skirts and blouses.

During this time, her thoughts were stopped on suggestions by Mikoto during their last shopping trip.

'It wouldn't be too scandalous, would it ?' she asked herself.

"No, it's perfect", the flamboyant voice in her head answered.


"I have been telling you, Takeru, that raw materials prices have increased again. Believe me, I'm not overcharging you. You are my cousin, after all, even if you are a distant one. "A middle-aged civilian trader was talking to a shopkeeper.

"I understand Soneko-nii,but it's hard to believe that prices of lightning berries have doubled in less than a month. I have to run business after all "The shopkeeper, a quiet young man, said.

"It is all because of the new treaty with the Hot springs country. Since the new treaty with them, the lightning country has made trade even more difficult. I can't fathom what will happen next. These Shinobis should mind their own matter. Seriously, they should leave us, civilians, out of their conflicts. "As the trader ranted, he saw his audience wasn't even listening to him. An irritated tic formed on his forehead" Takeru, Are you even listening to me? "

In fact, Takeru didn't even turn towards him and just pointed out to the main road behind him.

As Sonekko the trader turned while opening his mouth to fire a quick retort," What's so importa- Oh kami be damned-" his mouth remained open as words died in his mouth.

The reason for his reaction and the reactions of so the majority of other men present on the main road to Hokage Tower was a beautiful redhead woman walking toward the said Tower.

It was common for men to discreetly eye the red head daily. In fact, few men waited for her to pass by their spot. But today was different, and it also caught the eye of some of the non-gawkers.

The reason was simple today, the sexy redhead, erstwhile also known as deputy Hokage aka the Kushina Uzumaki, was dressed in a body-hugging light pink half-sleeved blouse. The main point of attraction is a very tight navy blue mini skirt reaching her mid-thighs over skin-hugging black pantyhose, with a red umbrella in her hands as she marched towards her destination. She was trying to ignore the eyes on her when one of the men from the crowd whistled.

She almost stopped at hearing the whistle, ready to give a piece of her mind to the perpetrator but decided against it. A smile blossomed on her face as she listened to a cheerful voice in her head 'See! See! This will be totally worth it. Minato-koi will not know what hit him.'

She still remembered the thought process as she dressed up for work today. She looked back at herself, specifically at her legs from thighs and beyond. 'It's not that bad, the skirt hides everything, and besides, pantyhose are kind of like tight pants.' Little knowing the fact it had way more effect on men around her than she thought. As she walked, the angle of light striking her pantyhose made it seem translucent in some places, and this only excited the men more. Having a desire and wanting to see more.

Back at the shop, a dumbfounded Soneko spoke once the redhead was far from sight "Damn, who was she ?"

Takeru chuckled "ha ha it's the same with almost everyone who sees Kushina-sama for the first time. She's deputy Hokage right now and soon will take over the reins from old Sandaime-sama."

"Damn I'm jealous of kunoichis and men who get their hands on them. Why couldn't I be that lucky." Soneko sighed

"Yeah I get you, but please don't talk like that behind her back. She really has some zealot followers at least as I have heard. They think she's a pure goddess," Takeru whispered.

"Damn, But now I guess that I know the reason of thes price rise in commodities from Lighting country. If she was one that dealt with daimyo from my country then she really got a one sided deal. Everyone knows our leader has a weak spot for ladies if you know what I mean."

"Hmm, I remember she did went on an official tour with daimyo of your country." Takeru spoke and stopped as his eyes widened. "Don't tell me ? Did she do what you are implying ?" he asked with an open mouth.

Soneko just smirked. "Who knows, I can only guess."

"She wouldn't do that. And besides there's Yondaime-sama and her son too," Takeru spoke, shaking his head.

"I never said anything, Takeru. You are reaching conclusions haha" Soneko laughed.

"You-, where do you even get these weird ideas? Now you have spoiled my mind. I can't get the picture of her doing it with someone else out of my mind," Takeru spoke, pointing fingers at his cousin.

"Ha ha, it's a very hot scenario right ?" He grinned

"Bah, you are impossible. Come back to deal. I'm not paying this much for lightning berries," Takeru spluttered, changing subject very quickly.


Hiruzen woke up in a very bright mood today. After delightful dreams still afresh in his mind, he made his way to his office with a joyous smile on his face. But all that excitement died down, and his face turned to a frown when he saw Jiraiya waiting for him in the office. This only meant one thing, Either some dire news from his spy network, or He needed something. Given the current situation, it was definitely later.

It seemed he had gotten a whiff about his arrangement with Kushina from the previous day. He smiled and walked toward his seat.

"Jiraiya, what are you doing so early here today ?" He asked his student.

"You know why I'm here, Sensei ?" Jiraiya spoke with his trademark grin. Hiruzen immediately made a straight face.

"I don't know what you are talking about Jiraiya." He answered his pervert of a student.

"You are acting stingy, Sensei. You should share the details for the betterment of 'Mankind'."

"Again, I don't know what you are talking about, Jiraiya," Hiruzen spoke as a mild headache developed in his head. He wasn't ready to deal with this kind of thing first thing in the morning.

"So you want me to speak out huh Sensei, But I will not back away so easily. So tell me how was your evening meeting with Kushina yesterday" He spoke, taking out his notebook and pen.

"There was nothing special about that meeting Jiraiya, I needed to pass her some documents on past treaties that were at my house." Hiruzen spoke with a straight poker face.

"Fine, lie all you want. I will also not tell you what I saw", he spoke with a grin. "And you, its something you wont believe and its about your bombshell of deputy." he ended with a teasing tone.

Hiruzen was intrigued, but before he could continue further, the doors of the office were opened again, and the redhead in question entered. The duo immediately quieted as they looked at her. Their eyes immediately took note of the change in her attire. Their thoughts went to respective events from the night. While Hiruzen remembered groping her body and hearing her moan, Jiraiya, on the other hand, remembered the events specific to him from last night. 'She reads my book, and she's into women. Wonder if Minato knows. I feel so guilty as well as excited knowing this . Should I tell Minato ?'

While Hiruzen silently admired the new look, Jiraiya wasn't one to keep quiet. He immediately looked at the redhead and started to scan her from top to bottom, and seeing silence lingering a bit, he spoke, "Ho Kushina looking fine. Seems like you plan to surprise my student, huh?" he ended with a wide-open grin with thumbs up in her direction.

Kushina, who had entered the office, wasn't prepared to see Jiraiya here, and more specifically, she didn't want a compliment from him. Her eyes twitched in annoyance at his implied reference. While he may have been spot on with his words about her actions. She couldn't help but seethe internally as she saw him eying her with his usual grin on his face.

"Jiraiya? What are you doing here ?" She asked him, ignoring his question.

"No Hello, No good morning, You are cold, Kushina. I was here to inform Sensei of my updates from the spy network at the borders." Jiraiya lied through, or at least he tried to.

Kushina had seen his notebook in his hand. She had known Jiraiya far too long, so she immediately caught his lie. "Updates from spy network? Are you taking me for a fool, pervert?" She spoke, her temperature flaring. "Show me the updates. It's not in that notebook, isn't it ?" she asked as she made a lunge towards the notebook in question.

Jiraiya almost panicked before quickly doing a backflip to the open window. "Damn, Why does no one trusts me ?" He cried crocodile tears while pointing his notebook to her" this is my precious book and it not only contains just my research but other things too" he grinned with that. He jumped out with a back flip. His chuckles could be heard as he disappeared.

Kushina seethed and turned to Sandaime. "What was he doing here old-man? And you better tell the truth. There's no way I believe he was here to tell the 'updates'." She asked, folding her hands across her bosom.

Hiruzen half heard her words and half ignored the words coming from her mouth. His whole attention solely focussed on her. His mind is still stuck on the events after the fight. He watched as her hands folded across her chest as she tapped the ground with one foot, waiting for his answer. This only increased her attractiveness to him.

The short skirt and pantyhose were tempting him to just grab her and spank her. He had seen her lunge towards Jiraiya. At that moment, this new outfit really did everything to highlight her shape and figure.

Coming back from his thoughts, he chuckled. "You know how he is Kushina-chan. I can't stop him if he just enters the office via the windows. Besides he was here even before I arrived today." he answered her calmly with as straight a face as possible.

She made a face and spoke, "That may be it. But He only comes because you encourage him. Don't think I have forgotten about last night you perverted old man." she poked, pointing her fingers at him.

Hiruzen smiled, then made a stern face and spoke in a commanding tone, "There was nothing perverse about the last Kushina-chan. You are escalating matters that are not there. And I had already told you the rules of the spar. I had even warned you that I would spank you. We had the same discussion after the last spar too. But it seems you haven't learnt the lesson. I will have to take matters into my own hands."

The hairs on her neck stood up as she heard Sandailme make that statement. not backing down, she spoke in the same spitfire tone, "Yeah, what will you do ?"

"I will spank you now whenever you falter or do anything wrong," he spoke with a straight face.

Kushina was aghast at the audacity of the old man. It was one thing to spank her in the spar. But this was different. Not only was he justifying his groping and actions, but he was also stating that he would repeat those actions. She had enough of this bullshit. "Yeah, I would like you to try, old-man. Besides, I had to get back to you for your actions yesterday. Be ready! You will not know when but I will strike you."

"Hoh, so you really want to go this way Kushina? Remember there will be repercussions if you cross the line." Sandaime spoke, still taunting her.

"You crossed the line, old-man. Now you shall face the consequences of your actions. Bring it on. I'm not afraid of you, dattebane." She spoke while punching her fists.

Hiruzen smiled and nodded, which relaxed her. "Oh, so it seems, well, coming back to work, you already know Minato is to arrive today. "As she nodded, he pointed to a documents file on the table. "Shikaku has prepared some shinobi rotations for better efficiency. Go through that. When Minato comes, we will have a discussion on shinobi rotations policy."

She nodded and picked up the file. "I will read this in the Archives library."

"You seem to have taken a liking to that department. Suppose you want a library or solitary place. In that case, we have special rooms here too, you know," Hiruzen spoke internally, frowning at her going away from his sight.

Kushina nodded and smiled. "I know we have rooms here, but I like the atmosphere there better. Besides, I like to help second-string shinobis. They feel animated coming to Hokage tower dattebane." with that, she picked up a file and marched out of the room.

Hiruzen was so focussed on her body, specifically her ass, that she seemed to have extra sway that he didn't notice a slight smirk forming on her face, nor did he see a small ball of paper with seals released from her high heels. The doors closed behind her.

He was so lost in his haze and fantasy about her that when there was a sudden puffing sound, he almost didn't react. He jumped high onto the ceiling, standing upside down. Completely in battle mode, looking at as the white smoke covered his office. He was about to call for ANBU when the doors again opened, and he heard Kushina's laughing sounds.

"Got you old-man, I told you to be ready. This was my declaration of war . so I didn't use any odour and pungent things in the smoke today . But I will not be lenient next time so be ready next time." she spoke from the doors as her face turned gleeful at him falling into her trap.

Hiruzen could do nothing but shake his head at his stupidity and carelessness for not noticing her childish prank, but he admitted she got him. "Well played, Kushina, You have officially started the war so be ready to face the results of your actions."

She blew raspberries at him and laughed, "Yeah yeah old-man. Try your best." with that, the door closed, and she was gone again, leaving him a room filled with white smoke. He sighed and quickly did a small wind elemental jutsu to send smoke out of the office window. 'I hope she goes overboard and I can punish her. But at the same time I also hope she doesn't catch me off guard like this again.'


The weather was cloudy and a bit warm, with bits of drizzle split through the morning. It seemed nature was playing a game of cat and mouse between the sun and clouds.

Kushina currently was standing while leaning over the railings on roofs of the archive building overlooking the village. She was excited today, and 'why shouldn't I?' Inner Kushina exclaimed.

She had received news of Minato's estimated time of arrival by noon by an ANBU as soon as she had taken a seat. She had tried to concentrate on the document the old man provided, but it proved to be a total failure. And it was why she was now standing here for a few minutes, eagerly waiting for her beloved husband. If it wasn't for the old-man asking her not to get running to the gates, she would have been at the gates like the last time.

While Kushina was leaning at the top of the roofs, Haihuen was looking for his teammates. He had seen Kushina walk in a new outfit and immediately went to look for his team. After searching for them across their usual loitering grounds, he finally found them on lower ground floors. They were currently in the corner of old archives.

"What are you guys doing here ?" He asked his friends, who were leaning over some scroll.

"Shh," Baicho signalled as he looked back at the scroll.

"We are studying about the Uzumaki clan." Shinsuke whispered to Haihuen.

"Why are you even doing that? All I know is it's a dead clan," Haihuen spoke.

"I know, I know, but Baicho believes he can impress Kushina-sama with his knowledge here", Shinsuke chuckled.

"Will you two keep quiet? I'm trying to find something useful among ancient history here", Baicho spoke, irritated by their whisperings.

"Haha, cooldown, big man, I was here to tell you about her new outfit," Haihuen spoke, raising both his arms in a surrendering motion.

Baicho's eyes immediately shined. "New outfit? Why are you talking about it so late? It should have been the first thing that came out of your mouth rather than asking about the scroll." He spoke as he closed the scroll, threw it down to Shinsuke, and marched out of the room.

"Where are you running off to? You don't even know her location," Haihuen spoke as he and Shinsuke walked behind Baich, who had stopped after hearing Haihuen's voice.

Haiuhen quickly leads them to stairs to the top of the tower "be as silent as possible and try not to speak. I want to catch her in her natural state." Baicho hushed as he followed. They were a flight of stairs away from the doors. They could see lights from the open terrace door.

As they quietly moved up, they were greeted by the sight they had been hoping for. Kushina was leaning on the railing with her back towards the door. In this pose, Her short skirt seemingly looked more tighter around her pear-shaped rump.

The guys stopped with their jaws almost hitting the ground simultaneously. Baicho was the first to recover as he slowly started walking toward the redhead, but he stopped when he saw Haihuen pull something from his pouch on his waist.

Shinsuke and Baicho were surprised as Haihuen took position on one knee and started doing something with the item. It made some clicking noise, almost like that of a camera. They saw Haihuen stutter at the noise as he haphazardly put the thing back in the pouch, and just in time too, as they saw Kushina turning and looking at them.

"You three ? What are you doing here ?" she asked them suspiciously as she turned and looked at them.

"This is our usual place to hangout Kushina-sama, we come here regularly. We are just surprised to see you here." Shinsuke answered as he lied, hoping she would take it.

She looked at his face for a few seconds, then nodded, and then looked at Haihuen, who was still on one knee. "What are you doing ?"

A small drop of sweat formed in his head. "Er I -." He was about to stutter when Baicho spoke, "I pushed him Kushina-sama as a friendly prank. He controlled his body and landed on his knee."

She nodded at their reply, still eying them suspiciously. Looking back again in the direction of village gates. 'Guess I will have to sit inside while waiting for him. I can always check on him by turning my mind-eye Kagura.'

With that, she marched inside, not before throwing a calculative look at the trio. As she went in, the trio took deep breaths. Haiuhuen stood immediately when he was closed in by his teammates.

"What was that and what were you thinking ? You ruined such a good rare opportunity. I was about to slowly move forward and look up her short skirt." Baicho spoke as he pushed his index finger into his chest.

"Yeah, what was that thing? Shinsuke also asked, pointing his finger to Haihuen's pouch.

"Sorry I got too excited" He looked left and right and then pulled the item out again. "This is a pocket camera, It's still a prototype and still under development. I got it from one of my old friends in the R & D technology department. You may know him from the academy. I was best friends with him."

"Kento Soujo" Shinsuke asked, and Haihuen nodded.

"What ? This small thing clicks a photograph ?" Baicho asked, his whole attention focussed on a small device.

"Yeah, my Kento showed it to me too. He was quite smart in the academy too and just didn't have physical fitness to enter the main forces. So R&D department hired him. Luckily he's as much of a pervert as us and his team got funding in the name of development of small cameras for spying. Hehe I know why that pervert actually wants a small camera." Haihuen spoke with a grin.

"So you told him our plan ?" Shinsuke asked questionably.

"Relax, nothing much, I just told him I could get pictures of Kushina Uzumaki and he was in immediately. We needed a camera anyways and needed someone to develop pictures from the films. Kento gives us both while totally hidden from prodding eyes."

Baicho and Shinsuke nodded, "but it's not usable, it made sound, and there's no way we can use it in its current state." Baicho spoke.

"Yeah, I will send it back to Kento with feedback. Hopefully the shot I took came out okay." Haihuen spoke

"You should have tested it before man. Way to ruin my mood. She was in such a tempting pose too," Baicho spoke.

"Again I'm sorry, I wanted to show you something new . Next time we shall do it together with teamwork."

"Hai hai", the other two nodded.


It was quite a long wait for Kushina when she sensed Minato's presence near Hokage tower. He was supposed to have arrived an hour or two ago, but it was almost lunchtime. She stood up from her seat, smiling and nodding at various shinobis bowing to her. She walked as quickly as possible with grace.

Reaching outside the Archives tower, she saw Minato talking with Shikaku of all people. Usually, the lazy man was holed up in his office.

As she reached near him, he noticed her. His eyes widened definitely by her new style, and given the look on his face, it seemed he liked it. As she spoke, "Minato Kun, " a grin formed on her face."

Shikaku spoke something that sounded 'troublesome'. She would have glared at him, but her attention was solely focused on her husband.

"Kushina", he called her name as she hugged him. He was surprised she didn't openly kiss him like last time. As he released her and then looked at her again, he smiled as he saw a slight blush on her face. "You are getting prettier each time I come back. If I knew joining Hokage tower would make you so much more beautiful, I would have done it years ago."

Her face turned scarlet as she hid her face against his chest "Minato !!" She didn't know why but his compliments always made her weak.

Taking his hands in her hands, she led him inside the Hokage tower.

As the couple moved inside, various shinobis that had gathered outside looked at the couple in admiration and some with jealousy. Among these were the trio of Baicho Shinsuke and Haihuen.

"Hehe, So she is dressed up to be banged today. Damn." Baicho whispered.

The other two quickly made some distance from him in a comical fashion as they saw some guys looking at Baicho with narrowed eyes.


Entering the office, Kushina was surprised to see Shikau and Jiraiya already taking seats besides Sandaime. Even that old crook Danzo was here. Minato greeted them. Jiraiya again tried to steal looks on Kushina in her new outfit and this time got time to do so as she was busy talking with Minato rather than looking at him.

"Huh, it looks like my office got too small for a small gathering." Hiruzen chuckled.

"We will manage, Sandiame-sama", Minato spoke while smiling.

Hiruzen took his seat behind the table as Shikaku picked a couple of chairs and placed them on either side of Sandaime's chair. Hiruzen invited Danzo to take a seat beside him. Shikaku was about to call Jiraiya, but he saw him taking place on the other side of Kushina.

Kushina could do nothing as she had taken a seat beside Minato, and Jiraiya took the opportunity to place a seat beside her. She looked at him with narrowed eyes, but he just smiled at her. Shaking her head, she focussed her attention on the meeting.

"As you were thinking why all of you were called here as soon as I arrived." Minato spoke. Looking at everyone's faces as they looked at him, Kushina seemed surprised as she didn't know about the meeting beforehand. "It's nothing drastic news but some developments from our borders that I would like to share with you. Everything is peaceful and fully under control at our borders. We are now safer than ever."

"The first development is from the Suna borders. In one of my patrols I came directly across a patrolling party led by Yondaime Kazekage Rasa. We had a short meeting and he showed interest in having a peace treaty with us. Of course I didn't commit to anything. He also showed interest in hosting joint Chunin exams as the start for peace negotiations."

"Is that what he really wanted?" Danzo sceptically asked, "As far as I know Suna has mentally unstable jinchuruki. It may be their agenda to showcase that unstable shinobi as their might in exams." he further added.

Minato's eyes narrowed at the "How do you know that ? you are not running any underground network behind our back are you ?" He asked

"Calm down, I don't need to do anything to gather information. I may not run any shinobi programs now but I do have my contacts spread across nations. So I do hear things. The tales of suna's jinchuruki are not uncommon. In fact it's quite easy to pinpoint given how people react to him." Danzo spoke

Hiruzen nodded and Spoke, "Yeah, given the strained relationship between wind daimyo and Sunagakure it may be their attempt to do a powershow. But if they have interest in alliance and peace we can't ignore and antagonise them too. Guess We can initiate talks and hold an official meeting between representatives in coming months and see how things proceed."

"That would be best, Jiraiya-Sensei have your network focussed in Suna and neighbouring areas for any further information. If they plan to backstab us then we will return the favour ten fold." Minato spoke.

"I will have my spy network on alert mode now for any information . And I would also try to enter Suna personally to assess the situation on ground," Jiraiya spoke as he nodded at his student.

"Ok, then it's settled. We will send them a letter from our side and see how that goes." Hiruzen looked at Kushina and spoke, "Kushina, Write down a letter to Kazekage about setting up a meeting between jounin level officials. You can take help from Shikaku here." he spoke, pointing to Shikaku.

"It's troublesome and extra work but you can count me in," Shikaku spoke.

Kushina looked at her Sandaime and then at Minato, then nodded. "It will be done. I will try to set up the meeting within our borders too."

"Good one Kushina," Minato said. "Moving on, the second news I want to speak about is from our other border. The one we have shared with Kumogakure via hotsprings country." As others nod, he continues, "Recently a convoy of diplomats made up from lightning country's Damyos court made way across to Hot Springs. Our shinobi ofcourse stopped them. Only diplomats and their samurai guards were allowed to cross borders while Kumo shinobis were stopped at border checkpoints. Seeing I was in the area I also decided to show up and see the diplomats myself to whiff out any shinobi in disguise. There were none."

"So diplomats from the lighting court spoke with Ryuki-san," Sandaime spoke. "It should have been important for you to discuss that here."

"Yes, this meeting was just done before I made my way to Konoha. After the meeting Ryuki-san gave me the brief of the meeting. It seems lightning country want to open official trade channels again with Hotsprings country as medium. But there's something fishy going on. This whole set up reeks of devious plans from Kumogakure." Minato answered.

"That may very well be true. They knew that we wouldn't allow any diplomat from shinobi village to cross borders without prior appointment so they are acting from the shadows . Using their country's daimyo to further their agenda. It's their typical strategy and move. Lighting daimyo posts always has been weaker and willing to bow the military leadership in Kumogakure," Danzo spoke.

"So they plan to use daimyo and mount diplomatic pressure on us. If we don't open trade, they could very well go to Fire capital in fire Daimyo's court. And I don't want matters to go there. Given how most of the civilians think they will act without thinking and open trade consequences of infiltration be damned." Hiruzen shook his head as he spoke.

"This one is really troublesome, while trade will definitely boost economies and will be welcomed by civilians. It will be a security nightmare for us given a free trade agreement that would be most likely signed meaning their shinobis can easily infiltrate into Hotsprings country and could raise an insurgency. On the other hand it gives us the same advantage too. We can also send our covert agents to lightning country under the same guise." Shikaku added.

"But you forget while Kumo has full control of their side of borders while our shinobis have to follow rules of Hotsprings country and as per agreement." Hiruzen added as he massaged his head.

"Jiraiya, take a look at this as well. Dig what you can. Find mole rats on the Kumogakure side. I want to know what game Raikage is playing?" He spoke to Jiraiya, who nodded. Sandiame then looked at Kushina again. "Well, it seems we will have to set a meeting with Ryuki-san soon and see his perspective on the proposal. Send him an invite, hopefully he accepts."

Kushina sighed at dealing with that clingy sort of man again. "Do we have to call him again? Can't we send someone to bring him here like last time?"

"No we can't, last time was urgent but if we do that again it would only antagonise him and his people. It's either we invite him over or send you or me there to talk." Sandaime spoke.

She grimaced at the thought of visiting that place as an ambassador. While not bad, dealing with overbearing politicians was still not her thing. She felt Minato holding her hands under the table. She turned to him and smiled.

Looking up, she noticed Sandaime pushing a document towards Minato. "While we shall think on the agendas you brought to us today. I would like you to read this too. You can take Kushina's thoughts on this too. This is the new rotation policy we came up with. It gives shinobis who returned from the borders the option to stay longer in Konoha. And yes it includes you as well Minato-kun."

"I will read it, Sandaime-sama." Minato answered.

"Good, I'm sure you are tired from the long journey and would like to take some time to spend with your family as well as you departed early last time. So why don't you and Kushina take leave now. It's almost time for the academy to close as well." Hiruzen spoke.

A smile blossomed on Kushina's face. "Thanks, ol-sandaime-sama," she spoke, almost calling him old man. The other men almost chuckled at the twitching face of Sandaime.

The couple quickly bowed and left soon after that. Shikaku too quickly followed them after that. Now with Danzo Jiraiya and Hiruzen only in the room. Hiruzen sighed. "That was quite a development."

"Yeah, She is ready to rock my student's world tonight," Jiraiya spoke with a grin.

Danzo and Hiruzen looked at Jiraiya. "Apart from Kushina's sexual life , What else did you focus on meeting Jiraiya ?"

"Haha you know me sensei, I paid attention to everything you said and I will start alerting my network soon as well. I will personally depart to Hotsprings country and then to the Kumo myself to get a feel of the situation. While I will send you updates from there. After that I will take a trip to Suna too. You can count on that. But you can't help and not notice how eager she was hehe."

Danzo shook his head. "I am often surprised that despite your terrible weakness you still are excellent shinobi. Sometimes I think how someone with no control over his primal desires is still one of our top shinobi and a spymaster at that."

"Haha and it's not something that you can understand. It is the way of peaceful super pervert." then, looking at Sandaime, "I will take a leave now Sensei, lots of data to collect", he spoke with a grin.

As they departed, "Jiraiya of all my students has remained more or less the same. Kami knows what pushes him so far. "


The couple quickly got to the Shinobi academy, getting more than a fair share of attention from everyone. It was not every day you saw Yondaime walking in the streets of Konoha alongside his beautiful wife. Today the stares were more or less targeting Kushina and casting a covetous gaze at Minato for having that sexy redhead on his side. Kushina noticed them and clung herself to Minato more closely. If we're to be asked, she would have said that she liked this attention as she stuck to her husband.

When they arrived at the academy, Kushina wasn't surprised to see Mikoto and Hitomi there. Mikoto immediately noticed her. Kushina noticed her eyes glazing over her form, and to be honest, she too felt something by that gaze. Suppressing those thoughts, she took Minato's hands and pulled him towards her friends.

"Woah, see who decided to turn the whole Konoha upside down today," Mikoto spoke as she hugged her.

Kushina grinned, and she then hugged Hitomi too.

"This is a really good look Kushina, Though I can't believe you decided to wear this look," Hitomi spoke as she looked over at her friend.

"Thanks, and it was Mikoto's idea" She spoke

"And what an Idea it is," Mikoto spoke.

Mikoto and Hitomi then looked at an amused-looking Minato standing behind Kushina, and they did a quick bow.

"Yondaime-sama," Hitomi spoke.

"Minato-san", Mikoto spoke though she murmured 'flaky bastard' in her thoughts.

"Hitomi-san, Mikoto-san How are you today ? Hope everything is in order in the family and in the clan." Minato also bowed and politely asked the ladies.

"Everything is good. How are you? Hitomi replied while Mikoto just nodded as she pulled Kushina to her side.

Minato talked to them for a few minutes about some details about the border situation. While Hitomi seemed interested, Mikoto didn't speak much. She tried to talk to gain Kushina's attention. Kushina noticed Mikoto seemed testy with Minato though she didn't try to go much into it. They would have been standing talking among themselves much more, but then the Academy bell rang, signalling closure for the day.

Soon the kids were out. Hitomi and Mikoto gave them space as they moved a small distance, not before Mikoto pinched Kushina on her ass, much to her chagrin.

As soon as he saw his father, Naruto immediately ran toward him. "Tou-san, you are back." Minato immediately hugged him.

"Ho, Naruto, did you become taller?" he asked him as he ruffled his hair.

Meanwhile, Karin looked in amazement at Minato Namikaze, the Yondaime Hokage. She stood and didn't know what to do, but luckily, Kushina came and pulled her towards the father-son.

She coughed, getting Minato's attention. "Minato-kun, meet Karin-chan. She is an Uzumaki and lives with us. Jiraiya found her in Kusagakure."

Minato looked at Karin and then at Kushina for a moment. Karin's heart was worried if he would accept her or not. But when he smiled, she knew she was a fool to worry.

"Yeah, Karin-chan is my clan-mate. And she's the best sensor in the whole world." Naruto spoke as he pulled Karin's hand to bring her beside him.

"It's good to meet you, Karin-chan. I really like your red hair so much like your oba-san." Minato spoke and grinned as he saw the poor little girl's face turn red. He looked up and winked at his wife, whose eyes widened at his comment.

"Thankkk you yon-ddaime-sama", Karin spoke.

"Don't tease the poor girl, Minato. And Karin, call him Oji-san. " Kushina spoke as she ruffled Karin's hair.

"Hai Oba-san." Karin answered.

After waving their friends goodbye, the family finally made their way home. Kushina talked with Karin about her overnight stay at the Hyuuga compound, which, surprisingly, Karin said she liked, but it was given Hitomi was a brilliant host. While Naruto walked with his father, asking him about various Jutsu he could teach him, she even heard him complain about Sasuke knowing Fireball Jutsu.


The evening was uneventful for Kushina. As much as she wanted to spend time with her husband and have his whole body for herself. She understood Naruto wanted time with him too. Besides, it was a matter of a few hours now. She grinned at the thoughts. So after changing into home clothes that consisted of her long green skirt and white sleeveless high collared blouse. She entered the kitchen and started making supper. While Naruto kept Minato busy with him, Karin was initially there, but soon she joined her inside.

"Oba-san, how did you marry Minato-Ojisan?" Karin asked as Kushina used a knife to slice and chop meat pieces.

"Oh, you are interested in my love story. Does Karin-chan have a crush on Oji-san?" She teases the girl.

She laughed out loud as she saw her face turn scarlet. "No, its nott."

"Ma ma , calm down Karin-chan," She spoke.

"I came to Konoha when i was around your age dattebane.-" Kushina started telling her story to Karin.

An hour and two later, sweat-covered Minato and Naruto came in. Apparently, Minato practised some kata with Naruto.

"Boys have a quick bath while Karin-chan and I arrange dinner," she said.

"Hai Kaa-chan," both of them spoke as her eyes twitched.

The dinner was a normal affair, with Naruto telling Minato about his major adventures or misadventures, if you would call them, from his last visit. Minato even tried to make a talk with Karin, but it seemed he had charmed her. She was barely able to speak as Kushina looked in amusement. Poor girl had a crush on Minato. Come to think of it, she had seen lots of girls trying to gain his attention during their teens. Minato might have been 'flaky', but he sure was popular.

It had been half past seven when dinner finished. The kids went to their rooms. Kushina was washing dishes. That's when she felt Minato coming behind her. He stuck his body to her, and she started to feel the familiar body heat from him. Her heart throbbed as her excitement rose. She felt his hands snaking around her waist, coming on her stomach as he slowly started to rub her body. As his one hand quickly passed inside her blouse without even bothering to unbutton it. She felt goosebumps on her skin as she felt his hand touch her bare skin around her ribs.

"Minaatoo", she spoke as she turned her head to look at his face. Looking into his eyes, she didn't need to guess he was also hungrily waiting for her. She turned her body as she latched her lips onto his. She felt his tongue entering her mouth. His hands started to grope her peachy bottom as her wet hands latched onto his wild hairs.

She almost moaned into his mouth as she felt herself being lifted. Her legs automatically crossed around his body. Finally, as they separated, she grinned, looking at his face and noticing how her lipstick was smeared all over his mouth. "What brought this on ?" she asked.

Minato grinned. "You were looking so irresistible throughout the day, Kushi-chan. You didn't know how much self-control I had to excruciate to control myself and not just jump on you."

"So am I tempting enough now to jump on? or have you lost control?" She asked as she used her fingernails to trace his chest from bottom to up. Minato groaned as he felt her nails digging onto bare skin around his collars. "I will show you how much control I can lose ?"

He moved with her still latched around his midsection, aiming to take her to their room. That's when they heard Naruto's room opening at the end of the corridor.

Hearing the oncoming steps, Kushina quickly jumped back to the ground, smoothing her clothes and hair out. She saw Naruto coming toward them. "Tou-san, let's go to the market and have an Ice-cream."

Kushina loved her child. He was so much like her but at moments like this, she couldn't help but want to throw her head against the wall. Like her, her son was also unpredictable. She didn't even know where the thought of ice cream formed in his head. She looked as Minato smiled and nodded "sure, Naruto, why don't you call Karin too? We all shall have ice cream."

As Naruto returned to call Karin, Minato turned to her and smiled sheepishly. "We shall continue soon" he touched her lips using his fingers. "I shall have my ice cream too," he grinned as her face turned bit red at that implication.

"Hush it, Minato, I'm no ice-cream," Kushina spoke.

"Nope you are , at least for today" He grinned back.

"Hush it let me clean your face can't have you walk with lipstick smeared face can I ?" She used her hand to clean lipstick marks from his mouth.

Soon Naruto was back with Karin in tow. It seemed it was Karin that wanted ice cream, and Naruto being Naruto, just barged in and asked for it.

They soon left the house, walking towards the nearest ice cream parlour. Some people here and there gave them a wide berth after bowing to them.

"Tou-san, I want chocolate and vanilla mix," Naruto asked as they were in the shop.

Minato nodded and looked at Karin "what will you like Karin ?" he asked the girl.

"I would like strawberry flavour," she answered.

"Coming right up." Minato spoke as he ordered items alongside ordering one for Kushina and himself as well.

Soon he served the kids the ice cream. He gave one to Kushina as well.

"Minato, you are back!" they heard a call. Kushina turned in the direction of the voice and saw the trio of Ino-Shika-Cho walking toward them. It was Inochi that spoke.

As they came close, they quickly bowed to Kushina as she stepped back, giving the men some space.

Minato took a step forward and smiled at the trio "oho whole gang's here . What are you up to ?" He asked after shaking hands with them.

"Oh nothing-nothing, just the usual weekly evening gathering," Inochi spoke.

"Weekly? "Minato questioned.

"Yeah, weekly, this one's ", he pointed to Shikaku ", wife doesn't allow us to be together in the evenings."

"Troublesome, she says I have to set the right example for my son." Shikaku shaked his head.

"Haha, I understand, you have to set the proper examples for kids' Minato spoke in amusement.

"Hey, Since you are back in town why don't you come with us ?" Inochi spoke.

Kushina's eyes widened, and she really hoped Minato would say no. She didn't want him to leave her hanging again. She smiled as she heard Minato politely decline.

"Sorry, Inochi, you know I can't. I just came back today." Minato replied

"Come on, don't be troublesome. We will let you leave early. Come on for old time's sake" It was Shikaku who spoke; Minato was surprised, so he looked at Kushina. Who looked at him with a forlorn expression and then back to the trio.

"Guess I can spare few minutes with you." he spoke

He came back to his family. "Sorry Kushina, I will be back soon. I promise."

Kushina nodded "but come back soon ok?"

With that, Minato made his way back to the trio as they left to god knows where 'damn that Shikakau, He definitely did this intentionally', inner Kushina thought.

Taking the kids' hands, she quickly marched back towards her home, hoping Minato would be back soon.


Kushina, after making sure Naruto and Karin had fallen asleep in their respective rooms, got in her room. She quickly opened the wardrobe and picked out black lacy panties. And sheer black negligee. She wanted to have Minato completely dumbfounded.

After making sure the curtains were closed, she stripped down to her birthday suit. Briefly admiring her body and holding her breasts, she donned her chosen clothes. The black negligee didn't hide anything. In fact, it only highlighted her body more. The thin translucent material showed all of her alabaster skin underneath in all its glory. Save for the black panties, she might as well have been naked. Looking at herself in the mirror, she grinned and winked at her reflection. Finally, she put on a grey robe over them to hide her preparation and surprise Minato.

She sat down on the bed with her back against the headboard as she waited for her husband. Seeing she has nothing to do, she picks up the Icha Icha from the nightstand, noting to hide it somewhere away from Minato's sight. She did not want him to think less of her.

Opening the bookmark where she had left it last time. She started reading.

It had been about a month since Orihime had seen her husband. His last known location was in the Kisuke-san's store. Orihime had talked with the man, and he had promised to contact her if he received any updates. Currently, Orihime was walking toward the store. She had received a message from Kisuke-san about the possible whereabouts of her husband.

Reaching the store, she entered shop. She was surprised to see no one there.

"Kisuke-san," She called out. Hearing no reply, she repeated a couple of more times. It was strange usually, someone was always attending the shop. She saw the door leading further into the shop was wide open. Thinking someone was definitely inside, she walked towards the door. But as soon as she reached the doors, she heard some sounds coming from inside. Curious about what was going on, she looked inside. Her eyes widened as her face turned red.

There, in front of her, Kisuke-san was naked, kissing an equally naked dark-skinned beauty. She had seen the woman here previously. If she remembered correctly, her name was Yoruichi. She was friends with Kisuke-san, but it seems they were more than just friends. The couple didn't notice her as they were too busy exploring themselves.

She saw Kisuke's hand playing with big breasts, more specifically, her dark nipples. While the woman had one hand holding Kisuke's sizable member.

Orihime took a step back, not knowing what to do, the voyeur scene from the beach still afresh in her mind. For a moment, she wanted to step back and go home. But it had been quite some time since she had been with her husband. Besides the way, the couple seems to be lost in their activities. With her interest piqued, she poked her back again inside, and she looked mesmerised at the woman who now was kneeling in front of Kisuske-san. Her eyes widened as She saw the dark-skinned lady start to stroke his hardened member, and a small amount of precum formed as the lady began to lick the member slowly. She noticed as Kisuke-san moaned in pleasure as he started pushing Yoruichi's head. Orihime started to rub her breasts as she felt heat flowing into her body. Her hands unconsciously went inside her skirt . as her eyes closed from sensual touching, she didn't notice Kisuke's eyes falling on her with a full-blown smirk on his face.

As Kushina read, like Orihime, she too had started to play herself as well. she had untied her robes open, and one hand had sneaked inside her negligee playing with her nipples. Her back arched as she felt herself getting lost in lust. "Uh hu, ah Minato ah," she moaned as her other hands reached under her panties. She replayed the scene that happened in the kitchen, forming a scenario in her mind where they are not uninterrupted. Her mind started fantasies as she replaced herself with Yoruichi and Minato with Kisuke. Her fingers entered her folds as she imagined the scene. Her eyes closed, and she felt herself getting lost in pleasure. But a sudden thought of having 'activities' with Minato entered her mind. Her eyes opened again as she looked at herself. Her nipples were standing protruded from her breasts while her other hand was covered with wetness from her snatch.

"Damn it Minato where are you?" she spoke out loud.

She looked at the book. 'This book certainly is having the wrong effects on us,' The moral voice in her voice spoke.

'No, it's not, it's just an interesting book,' the other voice countered.

'You can't blame your loss of control on the book . We are stronger than this. This is just a good story book even if it's perverse. It's nothing but fictional,' the other voice continued.

Nodding at the voice, she placed the book down and looked at the clock; she saw it was already past eleven. Her wait for Minato started to turn into frustration and slowly into anger. "Where is he ? He had said he would come soon but why is he taking so much time."

She pulled the negligee back into its place and tied the sash of her robes. After sealing the Icha Icha in her personal storage box on her dressing table, she went downstairs. Sipping orange juice from a bottle, she sat on the sofa as she waited for her wayward husband. 'Damn it, Minato, way to ruin my mood,' she thought.

It was around twelve when there was a knock at the doors. Kushina's mood had already gotten worse from all the sexual frustration, anger, and all the waiting. She opened the doors, and her husband came in. Her mood worsened when she noticed Minato was a bit drunk. Her temper flared. 'Not only does he leave me to be with those bums, but he is also coming after taking drinks. While I was waiting for him here, he dared to have drinks. This-This is so not done. This is unacceptable.'

"Why were you so late, Minato?" She asked as she closed the doors. Tapping a foot on the ground and arms on her hips.

Minato knew he should not have gone with the Ino-Shika-Cho trio, but he didn't think much at that time. Now he was late after some customary drinks, and Kushina was angry. If he were, to be honest, she looked even more delicious right now. But he sure couldn't taste her as of now, given her mood. 'I better try to cool her down.' he thought.

"I'm so sorry Kushi-chan, I should not have left you for them" He smiled and spoke in a tone that he knew could calm her down. As he took steps to reach her, noting that she didn't move away. He felt encouragement as he tried to pull her into a hug.

Kushina allowed him to pull her, but as soon as she reached close to his chest, she pushed him back. "You have been bad, Minato-Kun. No rewards for you today."

Minato was dumbfounded as he felt like being pushed away. It seemed he really screwed today's chances, and given it was Kushina's temper, the night was pretty much over. He looked on as Kushihna threw a smirk at him and spoke, "You will not be sleeping with me tonight, sleep in the guest room and think of your actions." with that, she turned and walked. She took a couple of steps when she turned back and spoke again, "And this is what you missed and ruined tonight ." With that, she opened the sash of her robes, displaying her body in all its glory, covered in just sheer, thin negligee, and panties. After revealing her body covered explicitly in that sexy innerwear to him for a few seconds, she quickly covered it and threw a smirk at him, "Think of your actions tonight and see what you ruined today" with that, she turned and walked upstairs with sway in her hips.

"Damn you, Shikaku, Damn you, Inochi, Why you had to invite me today, and why was I stupid enough to go with them" Minato cursed as he looked at the place where his wife was moments ago. He sighed and walked towards the guest room, noticing his hard-on in his pants "Damn buddy, I'm sorry. I will definitely make up with you tomorrow. '


Ok, here's the next update. Do let me hear your thoughts.

How was the chapter? Did you like Minato's homecoming? Do you like MinaxKushi scenes? What should be the next course of action? Give your thoughts on what events you would like to see first, Hot springs one, Kumo one ? or Suna one? Of course, the other routes involving Hiruzen, Jiraiya library trion, and much more are open, hehe. :)

If you have any plot that can be added to Icha-Icha for her to read, comment, DM, or join me on discord.

Please comment/Review. Do post what you liked and What you didn't.

I would love to hear from you.

Suppose you have any questions or suggestions regarding the plot. I would be happy to answer them, and if tips are leaning to story design, I would definitely try to include them. Kindly do post in review.

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Until next time!!

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