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Overlord: Multiverse Overlord: Multiverse original

Overlord: Multiverse

Penulis: PrimisOptimus

© WebNovel

Mc's Status and information<Edited>

NOTE: The images will be different from the descriptions provided in the story.



[Image Here]



[Name: Suzuki Satoru]

[IGN: Momonga]

[Race: Doppelganger(2nd Variant)]

[Bloodline: Demon Emperor]

[Rank: N/A]

[Racial Class(s): Demon(15), Greater Demon(10), Demon Lord(5), Demon Emperor(5)]

[Available Levels: 0]

[State Points: 0]

[Level: 100]

[HP: 88]

[MP: Exceed Limits (110)]

[Physical Attack: 58]

[Physical Defence: 85]

[Agility: 55]

[Magic Attack: 100]

[Magic Defense: 90]

[Resist: 100]

[Special: 100]

[Job Class(s): Wizard(15), High Wizard(10), Arch Wizard(5), Catastrophic Wizard(15), Wizard of the End(10), Apocalyptic Wizard(5), Executioner(5)]


This build focuses on DPS and AOE spells, due to the different classes and the use of Ouroboros MC is able to learn 1000 spells, this variant also have the most Super Tier spells, all focused on Damage.


1. Ring of Mana Amplification(Divine Class Item, at the cost of increased MP consumption, the damage of spells is doubled.), 

2. Mana Crystal Pendant(Divine Class Item, Increase the MP of the wearer by 15%), 

3. Wand of Destruction(Divine Class Item, it allows the amplification of MP, Magic Attack and Magic Defense. The buff of increased Magic Attack is temporary, only applicable to 10 spells, has a cooldown of 1 minute), and 

4. Nameless Book of Spells(World Item, A book capable of inscribing many old spells and new spells of Tier Magic "Tier Magic") that hailed from both YGGDRASIL and the New World)



[Image Here]



[Name: Suzuki Satoru]

[IGN: Momonga]

[Race: Mountain Dwarf(3rd Variant)]

[Bloodline: Inferior Titan(Mountain Dwarf)]

[Rank: N/A\]

[Racial Class(s): N/A]

[Sense of Justice: 0 (Neutral)]

[Available Levels: 0]

[State Points: 0]

[Level: 100]

[HP: 56]

[MP: 45]

[Physical Attack: 49]

[Physical Defence: 70]

[Agility: 55]

[Magic Attack: 49]

[Magic Defence: 70]

[Resist: 100]

[Special: Exceed Limit(110)]

[Job Class(s): Blacksmith(15), Armorsmith(15), Weaponsmith(15), Itemsmith(15), Jewelsmith(15), Master Smith(10), Artificer(10), Titan Smith(5)]


This build is focused on producing items, weapons, etc.

Items: N/A



[Image Here]

[Name: Suzuki Satoru]

[IGN: Momonga]

[Race: Elf(4th Variant)]

[Bloodline: Inferior Sylvan(Elf)]

[Rank: N/A\]

[Racial Class(s): N/A]

[Sense of Justice: 0 (Neutral)]

[Available Levels: 0]

[State Points: 0]

[Level: 100]

[HP: 66]

[MP: 75]

[Physical Attack: 49]

[Physical Defence: 70]

[Agility: 55]

[Magic Attack: 55]

[Magic Defence: 70]

[Resist: 100]

[Special: Exceed Limit(115)]

[Job Class(s): Enchanter (15), Master Enchanter (10), Grand Master Enchanter (5), Charmcrafter (5), Wardweaver (5), Rune Smith (15), Sage (15), High Sage (10), Enchantment Scholor (15), and Origin Enchanter (5)]

This build is focused on Enchanting.

Items: Enchanter's Encyclopedia(Divine Class Item, has the same effect as the Nameless Book of Spells, able to inscribe information about any enchantment.)


{Dark Elf}

[Image Here]

[Name: Suzuki Satoru]

[IGN: Momonga]

[Race: Dark Elf(5th Variant)]

[Bloodline: Varied Sylvan(Dark Elf)]

[Rank: N/A\]

[Racial Class(s): N/A]

[Sense of Justice: 0 (Neutral)]

[Available Levels: 0]

[State Points: 0]

[Level: 100]

[HP: 80]

[MP: 75]

[Physical Attack: 40]

[Physical Defence: 60]

[Agility: 60]

[Magic Attack: 45]

[Magic Defence: 60]

[Resist: 100]

[Special: Exceed Limit(115)]

[Job Class(s): Alchemist (15), Alchemical Scribe (10), Transmutationist (5), Potionier (15), Potion Master (10), Elixirist (5), Herbalist (15), Poison Maker (10), Toxicologist (5), and Mineralist (10)]

This build is focused on Alchemy and Potion Making.

Items: N/A



[Image Here]

[Name: Suzuki Satoru]

[IGN: Momonga]

[Race: Golem(6th Variant)]

[Bloodline: Magic Construct(Golem)]

[Rank: N/A]

[Racial Class(s): Golem (15), High Golem (10), Primal Golem (5)]

[Sense of Justice: 0 (Neutral)]

[Available Levels: 0]

[State Points: 0]

[Level: 100]

[HP: 80]

[MP: 50]

[Physical Attack: 40]

[Physical Defence: 60]

[Agility: 60]

[Magic Attack: 45]

[Magic Defence: 60]

[Resist: 100]

[Special: Exceed Limit(115)]

[Job Class(s): Engineer (15), Golemancer (10), Mechanomancer (5), Artificial Artisan (15), Elemental Golemancer (10), Geo Golemancer (5), Tinkerer (5), and Ethereal Animator (5)]

Items: N/A



[Image Here]

[Name: Suzuki Satoru]

[IGN: Momonga]

[Race: Vampire(7th Variant)]

[Bloodline: Vampire]

[Rank: N/A]

[Racial Class(s):Lesser Vampire (15), True Vampire (10), Noble Vampire (10), Origin Vampire (5), Vampiric God (5)]

[Sense of Justice: -500 (Extremely Evil)]

[Available Levels: 0]

[State Points: 0]

[Level: 100]

[HP: 80]

[MP: 0]

[Physical Attack: 105(Exceed Limit)]

[Physical Defence: 95]

[Agility: 75]

[Magic Attack: 0]

[Magic Defence: 95]

[Resist: 100]

[Special: Exceed Limit(115)]

[Job Class(s): Weapon Master (15), Weapon Saint (10), Weapon King (10), Weapon Emperor (5), Blood Drinker (5), Weapon God(5), World Champion: Helheim(5)]


1. World Champion Armor(It was able to negate all the damage 3 times a day. It was an active ability that I could activate or deactivate. Only World Items were able to annul this ability, once worn, the armor would augment my Physical and Magical Defences by 15%. So, if I had 99 state points in Physical Defence, it would be enhanced to 114. This ability also worked with other items, and it could devour other armor to enhance its own abilities. There were some restrictions to it like; only armors of Legendary-Class or higher could be used for this.)

2. Mana Ring(Divine Class Item, able to store MP and cast some Aux spells like Fly, etc.)

3. Alterium(World Champion Class Item, won in another WC Tournament. It had the ability to devour other weapons and steal its skills and some skills from the user of the weapon, not World Items. It could then change into any of the devoured weapons.)[Image Here]



[Image Here]



[Name: Suzuki Satoru]

[IGN: Momonga]

[Race: Dragonoid(8th Variant)]

[Bloodline: Lesser Dragon]

[Rank: N/A]

[Racial Class(s): Dragonoid(15), Scalebound Guardian(10), Dragonblood Warlord(5)]

[Available Levels: 0]

[State Points: 0]

[Level: 100]

[Sense of Justice: -450(Greater Evil)]

[HP: 100]

[MP: 0]

[Physical Attack: 85]

[Physical Defence: Exceed Limit(106)]

[Agility: 89]

[Magic Attack: 0]

[Magic Defence: Exceed Limit(106)]

[Resist: 100]

[Special: 100]

[Job Class(s): Guardian(15), Black Guard(10), Soulbound Guardian(5), Warden(15), Sentinel Warden(10), Wardblade Sentinel(5), Aegis Knight(5), Dreadnought(5)]


Items: N/A



[Image Here]



[Name: Suzuki Satoru]

[IGN: Momonga]

[Race: Construct(9th Variant)]

[Bloodline: Magical Automaton]

[Rank: N/A]

[Racial Class(s): Construct(15), Magical Construct(10), Arcane Animus(5)]

[Available Levels: 0]

[State Points: 0]

[Level: 100]

[Sense of Justice: -100(Neutral Evil)]

[HP: 85]

[MP: 15]

[Physical Attack: 75]

[Physical Defence: 70]

[Agility: 85]

[Magic Attack: 0]

[Magic Defence: 70]

[Resist: 100]

[Special: 100]

[Job Class(s): Tamer(15), High Tamer(10), Beast Tamer(5), Halfkind Handler(15), Kinship Binder(10), Kindred Tamer(5), Ancesstral Master(5), Lineage Domitor(5)]


Contracted Beasts:-

Will add later.

Items: N/A



[Image Here]



[Name: Suzuki Satoru]

[IGN: Momonga]

[Race: Human(10th Variant)]

[Bloodline: Human]

[Rank: N/A]

[Racial Class(s): N/A]

[Available Levels: 0]

[State Points: 0]

[Level: 100]

[Sense of Justice: 0 (Neutral)]

[HP: 70]

[MP: 90]

[Physical Attack: 40]

[Physical Defence: 88]

[Agility: 67]

[Magic Attack: 93]

[Magic Defence: 88]

[Resist: 100]

[Special: N/A]

[Job Class(s): Elementalist(Tetradeccan)(15), Greater Elementalist(Tetradeccan)(10), Arch Elementalist(Tetradeccan)(5), Composite Elementalist(15), Greater Composit Elementalist(10), Arch Composite Elementalist(5), Hidden Elementalist(15), Greater Hidden Elementalist(10), Arch Hidden Elementalist(5), Elemental Lord(5), One with Elements(5)]


Here 'Tetradeccan' represent 14.


1. Elemental Aspect: Star Ring(Divine Class Item, it grants the wearer the aspects of the Primal Star Elemental, making the wearer able to manipulate Star Element. To wear it, one must have a Elementalist Build.)

2. Regression Ring(Relic Class, able to stop aging of humans, a pop item.)



[Image Here]



[Name: Suzuki Satoru]

[IGN: Momonga]

[Race: Arachnoid(11th Variant)]

[Bloodline: Arachnoid]

[Rank: N/A]

[Racial Class(s): Arachnoid(15), Insect Fighter(10), Vermin Lord(5), Vermin King(5)]

[Available Levels: 0]

[State Points: 0]

[Level: 100]

[Sense of Justice: -75(Neutral Evil)]

[HP: 110(Exceed Limit)]

[MP: 60]

[Physical Attack: 117(Exceed Limit)]

[Physical Defence: 105(Exceed Limit)]

[Agility: 103(Exceed Limit)]

[Magic Attack: 75]

[Magic Defence: 100]

[Resist: 100]

[Special: 100]

[Job Class(s): Fighter(15), Ki Master(15), Ki Master: Physical(5), Ki Master: Spiritual(5), Ki King(5), Asura(5), Knight of Niflheim (5), Warlord(5), World Enemy: Lords of the Seven Deadly Sins(Gluttony)(5)]


Items: N/A


{Fallen Human}

[Image Here]



[Name: Suzuki Satoru]

[IGN: Momonga]

[Race: Fallen Human(12th Variant)]

[Bloodline: Lesser Pseudo-Demon]

[Rank: N/A]

[Racial Class(s): Fallen Human(5)]

[Available Levels: 0]

[State Points: 0]

[Level: 100]

[Sense of Justice: -500(Extremely Evil)]

[HP: 75]

[MP: 90]

[Physical Attack: 60]

[Physical Defence: 79]

[Agility: 90]

[Magic Attack: 68]

[Magic Defence: 83]

[Resist: 95]

[Special: 100]

[Job Class(s): Summoner(15), High Summoner(10), Master Summoner(5), Monster Summoner(10), Master Monster Summoner(5), Demon Summoner(10), Diabolist(5), Insect Summoner(10), Master Insect Summoner(5), Chaos Summoner(10), Master Chaos Summoner(5), Evil Summoner(5)]


Available Summons: 863


1. Tome of Summoner(Divine Class Item, holds information about over 2,000 Monsters, demons, chaos beasts, insects, and evil entities.)



[Image Here]



[Name: Suzuki Satoru]

[IGN: Momonga]

[Race: Dragon(13th Variant)]

[Bloodline: Dragon]

[Rank: N/A]

[Racial Class(s): Dragon(15), Greater Dragon(10), True Dragon(5), Dragon Lord(5), Elder Dragon(5), Ancient Dragon(5)]

[Available Levels: 0]

[State Points: 0]

[Level: 100]

[Sense of Justice: 0(Neutral)]

[HP: 130(Exceed Limit)]

[MP: 132(Exceed Limit)]

[Souls: 49,325]

[Physical Attack: 133(Exceed Limit)]

[Physical Defence: 134(Exceed Limit)]

[Agility: 129(Exceed Limit)]

[Magic Attack: 136(Exceed Limit)]

[Magic Defence: 134(Exceed Limit)]

[Resist: 100]

[Special: 100]

[Job Class(s): Primitive Caster(15), Ancient Caster(10), World Connector(5), Chromartic Mage(10), Destroyer(5), Eternal(5), Realm Lord(5)]


Items: Can't equip items.


[Image Here]



[Name: Suzuki Satoru]

[IGN: Momonga]

[Race: Undead(14th Variant)]

[Bloodline: Undead]

[Rank: N/A]

[Racial Class(s): Necromancer Lich(15), Deathlord(10), Necroascendant(5)]

[Available Levels: 0]

[State Points: 0]

[Level: 100]

[Sense of Justice: -500(Extremely Evil)]

[HP: 65]

[MP: 120(Exceed Limit)]

[Physical Attack: 45]

[Physical Defence: 75]

[Agility: 50]

[Magic Attack: 95]

[Magic Defence: 95]

[Resist: 100]

[Special: 100]

[Job Class(s): Death Mage(15), Necromancer(10), Master of the Dead(5), Undead Summoner(15), Undead Shaper(10), Undead Lord(5), Death Shaper(5), Sould Binder(5)]


Personal Undead Summons:-

All the champions of World Champions Tournament that have had the job class for the longest, including Touch Me.



A/N: There are still some variants left, but that's all the time I have today. Will update it later.

PrimisOptimus PrimisOptimus

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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Tulis ulasan Status Membaca: C0
Gagal mengirim. Silakan coba lagi
  • Kualitas penulisan
  • Stabilitas Pembaruan
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • Latar Belakang Dunia

Skor total 0.0

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Rank NO.-- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Batu Daya
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