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39.21% Halo: Be Human / Chapter 15: Chapter (13) Take No Prisoners (1)

Bab 15: Chapter (13) Take No Prisoners (1)

(3rd Pov)

In a far corner of the UNSC fortress world approached a small fleet of Chiroptera class sub prowlers. They moved slowly through the atmosphere and made no communication with the surface below. Maintaining the utmost secrecy of their appearance.

They gradually made their way to an area of the planet just below the poles. The area had a small amount of vegetation but was predominantly white with snow and ice. The environment was akin to Earth's own Siberia, it was a nearly barren, harsh, and unforgiving environment perfect to hide something, someone, or possibly both.

This was the case with this group of stealth spacecraft. After arriving within the airspace of the cold biome they continually slowed until they came to a stop above a large open field. Once hovering above the land, eventually, the ground seemed to open up to reveal a large deep chasm, and one by one the ships lowered themselves and landed inside before the land sealed itself closed again.

The entire procedure was done within minutes and showed the pilots were experienced with the task. This was evident in the group's growing number of completed missions.

Once closed everything went back to the same peace and comfortable silence. Even with the secret the ground beneath the snow fostered. This event had been a cycle for over a year without any outside individuals taking notice.

However, on this day May 26th, 2542 the unaware rebels of the People's Occupation Group along with their leader Nemesio Breit had made a fatal error returning home. For, on a crevice in a cliff face looking down onto the field laid an abnormally tall man in snow camouflage armor who had witnessed the whole thing, and he was certain to make the group's final day of their life the worst day of their life.


(Mc Pov)

"There it is right on schedule. Time to get moving."

I spoke recognizing the cluster of ships appearing above the frost-covered field I had watched for over 2 weeks from the edge of a literal cliff. As I spoke my words of recognition I stood up to a crouched position and knocked off the collected snow that fell on my weapons and checked to make sure that both the chamber and barrels were clear. After making sure all equipment was ready for my next course of action I began the free climb descent down the cliff face.

While climbing I ran through the mission details one final time after doing the same thing for the entire time I was camped out observing the hideout.

'My mission is not to assassinate nor thin the herd, but to exterminate all Insurrection forces in the area. The Insurrection forces are believed to be the People's Occupation group, an extremist rebel group that vehemently hates the UNSC. I must say they made a bold decision making their main base on Reach, though it does make sense with hiding in plain sight and all.' I think before pausing to adjust my grip on a nearby ledge of granite.

'Usually, the UNSC wouldn't give two shits about the rebel groups because they have a somewhat unspoken ceasefire and if they ever broke said ceasefire they would never do anything major. However, it seems our dear Nemesio took it a bit too far.' I finish thinking about the politics of the mission just as I hit the base of the cliff.

I then immediately scan the surrounding area making sure that there are no unforeseen complications before proceeding with the mission.

As the beginning of a small snow flurry begins to fall, I get back up and start with a brisk jog through a small wooded area until I get to the edge of the clearing.

I crouched down and double-checked for any hidden censors before heading to a small power station obscured from the sky by trees and so small it wouldn't be picked up by long-range scanners.

'It also helps that this base is near the poles where many if not most electrical anomalies can be chalked up to the pole's interference.'Thinking about the hideout's location 'Though that doesn't explain how this base was built in the first place. Of course, I have a guess as to why but that's above my pay grade.'

Snapping myself out of my thoughts I get to the power station. I maintain a good distance away due to the cameras watching the metal gate entrance.

I begin to go through my options for handling the predicament 'Hmmm that's annoying. Cameras. I figured that they would have installed them, but I planned to just use my armor's camouflaging ability. This snow flurry was not on the radar. Go figure, even now Murphy's law bites me in the ass.' I complain in my mind about my shit luck before going back to figure out some method to maintain stealth while also taking out the power station.

'Wait it's snowing…that's it!' I finally have my eureka moment. After finalizing the plan in my head I sling my DMR around my back and begin to pack the snow on the ground around me into a sphere.

(DMR image)

"Here goes nothing" I whisper before tossing the snowball lightly in order to obscure the screen with snow.

The snowball sails through the air before somewhat softly landing and breaking apart covering the camera.

"Gotcha," I say in a low tone with a smirk under my helmet at the success of my plan.

I then immediately got up and walked slowly and quietly through the snow before yanking the lock off the gate. After opening the gate I walk to the electrical panel and begin searching for the correct wire that connects the base to its power supply.

"Bingo," I say before cutting straight through the wire with my combat knife.

(M9 Bayonet image)

Immediately I hear a 'whoosh' to signify the power going out in the underground base. I check my weapons one last time preparing for the next stage of my plan. After I head back out through the gate and go prone beneath a tree making no movements lying in wait.

'DMR, M7S, and M6C cleared and ready to shoot. Alright, the bait is placed now it's time to let our little mice take the bait, and open the door for the cat.' I think with a matching smile and gaze at my malicious words.

(M7S suppressed caseless submachine gun image)

(M6C suppressed Socom pistol image)

While waiting I can't help but lament my original plans being rejected by command.

'This would have been so much easier if I could have just collapsed the entrance and exit tunnels with explosives and cut the main power. It would have been a while but they would certainly starve to death once they realized that there was no way to get out. Or my other plan of just gassing them to death…though I would have had to take out the ventilation system as well.'

I sigh 'I wish Emile was here. He would have carved these Innies up with a smile on his face and the ground littered with corpses.' I think to myself before letting out an inward chuckle 'Though I won't lie and say I am opposed to this, and I won't lie either that both results will be the same. That being an empty base with a sizable cache of resources and a lot of dead Innies-' I am brought out of my thoughts by a voice addressing others accompanied by a small bright light.

"Hey, you 3 shut your mouths we are approaching the power relay. Be on guard, the power station goes out every now and then due to snow build up but you never know," A somewhat authoritative voice says loudly in the midst of the now heavy snowstorm.

"What are you worrying about, I doubt anyone could see or hear anyone in this snowstorm," a young voice yells back to the first voice.

"I agree with Mick here that the UNSC would never find us with how paranoid the boss is. Hell, even if they did I am willing to bet that they would attack while we are away and just the skeleton crew being here." said a third voice heartier than the other two.

The voice sighs before speaking again "Huuuh…You are probably right but still, I can't help but feel uneasy. Make sure nothing is watching us." The first voice says weary of his surroundings…as he should be.

The small group eventually makes their way to the power station with what seems to be an old lantern in hand. They all funnel in through the gate of the relay station and it seems as though one approaches a panel to check the circuits. While they were making their way to the power station I had already stood up and began stalking them just out of view.

I slowly pulled out my knife and approached the straggler of the group. Just before they entered the gated area I quickly reached forward and snatched them with one hand around their mouth keeping any screams from leaking out while simultaneously plunging my knife into their throat.

I slowly drag them away from the gate while twisting the knife in their neck making it certain they will die. I drop the body maybe 10 feet away from the gate far enough away that it won't get in the way of what happens next. Before proceeding I shake my hand off to the side trying to get as much blood off so that I don't lose grip due to the thick liquid.

After cleaning my glove off partially I pull out my suppressed pistol holding it at a slight vertical angle to reduce recoil while one handing the firearm. Below the hand holding the gun I have my knife in reverse grip with my arm coming across part of my chest in a position to stab anyone close. With my form set, I re-enter the fenced-in power station ready to finish the job.


(3rd Pov)

In the minutes before Samson's sabotage of the underground bunker's power supply, a celebration was going on within its walls.

The hanger had been currently set up to host a large banquet with long tables set up and chairs lining up and down both sides. Food covers the tables and there is a joyful atmosphere in the air. The rebels sit drinking and laughing congratulating each other on their successful heist of UNSC equipment. The sitting rebels filled nearly the entire open space of the hangar with the total number of rebels totaling over 200.

Eventually, a man at the head of the table stood up getting the attention of the other rebels in the room "Can I get everyone's attention?" Nemesio Breit asked, with the people in the room becoming immediately silent "I have a couple of announcements." the leader said getting some interesting looks from his subordinates.

"First, well-done everybody on this mission. Those UNSC animals never saw it coming, and I bet they are feeling sorry for disregarding the outer colonies now." he got several cheers and some applause from the others in the room.

"Second, now that we have this equipment we can move onto the next phase of the plan," He said, gaining an increasing number of curious looks "With this we will move forward with leaking a couple of UNSC installations in the region around Reach to the Covenant. Once the UNSC is crippled we will contact the Covenant and barter peace in exchange for the coordinates of Earth. After that the Covenant will most likely accept and we will be free from the UNSC tyranny," Nemesio finished getting cheers from all of the rebels in the room.

"Finally I am proud to announce that after many months of trying to conceive, my wife is finally pregnant," He says with an excited look while pulling up a woman sitting beside him who though excited had a shy smile on her face.

Immediately after the last announcement the entire bunker explodes into cheers of happiness. Many of the leader's men came to give congratulations to the couple and wish them luck.

Until suddenly all of the lights go out darkening the hanger with no visible lights except for the malevolent glow of dark red flood lights.

"Great, the snow must have picked up. Rob, take a couple of your guys and go clear out the power station. So we can continue the festivities…and be aware of your surroundings just in case."

"Roger, Mick, Jordan, and Cory you 3 are coming with me, let's go." Rob or Robert says in affirmation then calls out names of his own subordinates.


(Mc Pov)

-Back to the present-

As I walk through the gate I slowly approach the light coming from what I assume to be the lantern the lead Insurrectionist held. I make my way quietly toward the Insurrectionists staying out of view and begin picking up on their conversation trying to glean any other intel that I can before killing these three.

"Hey, Jordan I don't see much snow. What does the panel look like?" One of the Insurrectionists approached another working inside the circuits of the relay.

"There doesn't seem to be much in here either nor is there a ton of ice. I wonder if…hey wait a minute! It looks like the wi-"




The Insurrectionist working on the relay is abruptly cut off by my sharp action. Once the realization sunk in that my cover was about to be blown I moved swiftly to take out the hostels.

I immediately stabbed my combat knife into the base of the Insurrectionist who had his back to me. The knife most certainly severed the brain stem killing the man on the spot. While stabbing the rebel I aimed with my pistol firing two bullets one after the other. Both bullets go through the helmets of the terrorists and tear through their brains killing them as well.

After killing the 3, I then turned around scanning my surroundings again for what seemed to be the 100th time today. Making sure that there were no others that I was too unlucky to have noticed until after killing the soldiers in front of me.

For what seemed like an hour of scanning the landscape with my enhanced vision combined with my equipment. I eventually conclude no others are coming. I wipe my knife off on the uniform of one of the dead troopers. Then began to quickly follow the path they took while keeping watch of the tracks they left in the snow.

Three minutes of tracing the path go by until I finally see what I was looking for. A small metal blast-proof door that has a small gap pried open, likely due to an emergency override. The gap is just small enough for someone to get through. Though I might be wearing bigger armor and am taller than the average individual I am able to make my way through. Once through the door I sheathed my knife and holstered my pistol and turned around to face the heavy metal doors I just came through.

I contemplated whether to place improvised trip mines on the gap of the door using a grenade, a wire, and the snow. Until I shake my head discarding the idea and instead opting to grab both metal doors and drag them shut with my absurd strength. I strained to get them to move but eventually, the coffin was shut.

Seeing the door was shut properly I took my DMR from my back and switched my helmet to VISR mode from the straight night vision mode I had on before. Then I sent the signal from my brain to the armor to change the color of my armor from snow camouflage to my usual Steel Grey appearance. I then looked down at the ammo counter of my DMR doing any last-minute checks. [16] it reads in a somewhat dim blue light.

(Samson's AKA Noble 6's SPI armor)

With that confirmation, I proceed into the darkness of the bunker. Determined to take no prisoners.


Soooo how was it? Though only a portion of the chapter was action I think I did pretty good making it enjoyable and interesting. I also think I did well conveying the thought process and the MC's skill in battle.

Next chapters will be mostly action I wanted to cover the context and setup for the mission. Hopefully that didn't break immursion when I had a little bit of disposition.

I also chose the loadout for the mission. I obviously don't plan to have the MC rock only two weapons. I mean come on he is a super soldier at bare minimum carrying an extra weapon or some more ammo should be easy.

Onto a different thought I got a interesting comment about including a Oc Carolina from Red vs Blue. Personally I am against it, but I welcome someone to make a convincing argument in favor of it.

Song of the day is "Dear God" by Avenged Sevenfold (I gotta start referring different bands)

That's about it. It is Easter here in the U.S so I shall give glory to god and celebrate the resurrection of Christ. I hope you all have a wonderful day and I shall See You Star Side.

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