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Being reborn in Harry Potter

Penulis: Azeneth2523

© WebNovel

Bab 1: Chapter One - Not All Bad Guys Go to Hell (Edited)


That's what I asked God when we came face-to-face after I died. I couldn't understand why I didn't go to hell when I could have had direct passage—me, taking the privilege of meeting God in person when other people didn't even get a chance to see him.

Of course, he mentioned that he was not the only one to have these personal audiences, but he was still one of the millions who had this opportunity. So he responded that I was one of the lucky ones to have a soul strong enough to be reborn. He also explained that it didn't matter if I was good or bad; I was still one of his creations.

For someone like me who, although an atheist, believed in the existence of God, it was quite interesting from a cynical perspective; after all, we were just one of the projects that he created in his garage and put us here in his universe. Whether he had a plan for each of us or gave us free will didn't matter to me. I am also cynical enough to think similarly to him: Why would you care so much about one cow when you have millions of them?

After some existential talk, we moved on to the part where he would have me reincarnated in another world. I expected that, as well as the wishes, although it was a pity I had no choice where to go.

When we started talking about wishes, I took a few moments to select my wishes. For starters, they didn't have to break the balance, but it's not like they were useless wishes; after all, there are many ways to have strengths without the need to be a super Sayajin.

My first wish, or at least the first one granted to me after a long list that was denied, was to possess Merlin's learned spells of the 7 deadly sins. Of course, there were clauses in these powers, and that was that I had to, even though I would already know how to cast them; they would be at level 1, so I had to train them personally, something that didn't hurt me at all.

The next wish fulfilled was Shao Kahn's soul magic, because, although Shang Tsung was a master of souls, the real master was the one who taught him, and that was Shao Kahn. Although it also limited my abilities, the emperor of the outside world could absorb souls so brutally as to steal billions of souls with a wave of his hand from an entire realm, so yes, I was nerfed again, but that's good enough for me.

My last wish took another time, but we finally came to the arrangement that my magic could be manipulated as if it were Naruto's chakra. Why this wish? Well, simply put, magic without a wand in Harry Potter is almost null, not to mention that I would be limited to using magic only with a wand unless I had powerful magic and was older. So having the versatility of how chakra works in magic would give me a great advantage to manipulate, enhance, and control my magic without the need for a wand, plus I could create super easy spells, or at least, easier than they would be in Harry Potter.

And with this, I was ready.

Merlin's spells would be of great help to have a good arsenal in my power, and soul magic would help me to face tedious enemies like horrocruxes and dementors, besides increasing my strength or someone else's, and, finally, my increased facility to be able to use magic as if it were chakra. Not that I had experience, but I know it will be much easier...I hope.


God modified a few things for my birth into this world but made sure that it didn't interfere with almost anything of the main thing, so my birth was fairly common, well, enough since I was born into a pureblood magical family, more specifically, House Black.

My name is Azrael Black-Gaunt, son of Hadrius Black and Samara Gaunt, both killed in Voldemort's war, and yes, that's what God meant by a family without much of a change.

I currently live at number 12 Grimmauld Place, a mansion hidden by many barriers of all known and some unknown types.

My only current family is my grandmother, Walburga Black, and the house elf, Kreacher.

My grandmother was the epitome of blood purity; her appearance was very familiar to me, but it wasn't until I noticed that she had the appearance of the woman in the Titanic movie—the one who gave the gala costume to the protagonist. If I remember correctly, her name was Kathy Bates.

That made me wonder if the other main characters looked like the characters in the movie because, if that was the case, then Hermione Granger must be Emma Watson, and if it was her.... teehee.

On the other hand, the elf Kreacher is still the same old cantankerous, but a well-loyal, mudblood, and half-blood-hating old man.

I must say that I like my grandmother. Even if she was a bit crazy, she was the kind of grandmother I liked, not the kind and sweet grandmother I always found too fake. On the other hand, my grandmother was firm and tenacious, praised you when you deserved it or punished you otherwise; she was always a person who expected well-deserved achievements and chivalry above all, and of course, her obvious manipulations of contempt towards the mudbloods and half-blood who were inferior to us, not to mention the muggleborns.

But I had my own goals and ways of life.

I played along with my grandmother in her teachings and learning, well, most things, as her teachings in magical politics and other things unique to this world that I didn't know, were very welcome.

Another fact is why I am in my grandmother's care and not another family like, for example, the Malfoys, whose aunt-cousin was Black as well. That was because my parents, like Bellatrix Black, were fanatical purebloods, and in their wills, they made it clear that their only child would be cared for by someone of equal caliber on the correct pureblood apprenticeship, something my grandmother took advantage of to keep the Black line on the correct pureblood path, which is why I am now the next Heir Black.

The Gaunts don't count since those insane madmen were expelled from the holy 28, though that doesn't mean they don't have something very important in their hands that will belong to me, well, hands and bloodline..

Finishing some of my introduction, I was 5 years old.

My appearance looked familiar, but I still didn't fully recognize it. I knew it belonged to a famous actor. On the other hand, I had black hair combed back, fair skin, and green eyes. I had the look of an upper-class, noble boy. It was a pity I wasn't a metamorphmagus, but I had a solution for that I was working on.

On the other hand, my daily life was pretty simple; living here was no big deal since my grandmother was sick, and we didn't go out anywhere, not even to a Yule Ball, which for me was good and bad. I didn't want to attend those snobby parties, but it would prevent me from having early contacts. My grandmother wouldn't even allow me to attend my cousin's birthday party, but it gave me time to learn, study, and train.

When I started practicing magic, it was quite an experience.

At first, I thought it would be very difficult, even with the versatility that I could use it like chakra, but it turned out that as someone who was a human with nothing supernatural, since I had reasoning, I could feel the strange magical power run through my body, even if it felt natural; it felt like out of the ordinary. For example, if a human suddenly grew wings, even if he could move them, he wouldn't know how to use them like a bird until he got used to them.

So having a few baby years to train how my magic moves through my body was quite proactive. I also assumed that wizards didn't feel this kind of thing since they had no knowledge of being born without magic and then having magic suddenly implemented in them, which was good for me since it made the process easier.

Since I knew Naruto, it was simple for me to do the chakra-magic exercises for control and growth, so I followed Iruka's steps of training with a blade and so on until I continued with more.

Merlin's spells were too difficult except for one, so I decided to train the others later and focused on the easiest one, infinity.

The infinity spell turned out to be very simple, according to Merlin's knowledge; rather, it was like an on/off switch, almost like a liability. So using infinity on me made my magic unlimited, so I wouldn't have to rest from magical exhaustion, and so on.

The only problem now was the growth of my magic reserves. For example, if it were a video game, my MP would be 100, and a fireball magic spell would cost 100 MP. I could use it infinitely, but I couldn't use the great fireball magic spell as it would use 200 MP. Even if my magic was infinite, I couldn't use spells that exceeded my magic limit.

Other than that, training my soul magic was somewhat productive. Old Kreacher would bring me animals where I would use my soul magic to grab and rip from bodies to death. It wasn't easy, so I figured doing it with a person would be even harder, or so I think. Still, I was being quite productive.


Today is the year 1985.

My grandmother, Walburga Black, died in her sleep in her bed, according to St. Mungo's healers.

Her funeral was private and secluded; not someone really loved. Though they did send condolences to me as they knew there was a Black Heir, no one knew who it was, as she deprived me of everyone.

The Malfoy's, or rather, Lucius Malfoy, tried to be the good Samaritan and asked for my guardianship, but Walburga left in her will that I would decide my fate, and I turned down many offers of my guardianship, which included many death eaters, some from Grey families; another was surprisingly Amelia Bones; and the not at all surprising Albus Dumbledore, as it was obvious his real intention to adopt me; although there were many, they were obvious most of them.

And so I decided to stay at Grimmauld Place, where it would be my sanctuary, where absolutely no one could enter, except me, of course.



"Yes, Master Azrael? What do you need from Kreacher, Master Black?"

"I need to make a list, so write down what I will say; it will be the plans I have from now on as future Lord Black, understood?"

"Kreacher will write down everything without missing a word, Master Black."

"Good." - I nodded as I saw how he already had a quill and a parchment. - "Gringotts, I need to go there to take a blood test, I want to see if my Gaunt blood gives me access to his descendants, Cadmus Peverell and Salazar Slytherin."

"The master is the heir to the ancient and noble house of Slytherin?" - Asked the house elf in astonishment.

"That's what I want to check because otherwise, the Gaunts should have taken that title before Tom Riddle, so surely there must be some clauses or traps or something. Okay, next" - I said and Kreacher had already noted - "The Black Sisters, I need to get the trio back and put them back in my family: Bellatrix, Narcissa, and Andromeda. One is a skilled lawyer, one is a skilled social executive, and the last one, although crazy, is very powerful, and all three will be my cutting-edge weapons against the entire magical world."

"That would be great, Master Black, although I don't understand why you would bring that blood traitor mistress."

"Kreacher, I don't care if you insult others, but Andromeda is family; whether she is with a mudblood or not, did I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Master, Kreacher won't mention it again" - He nodded with fear and also reluctantly, as he still didn't agree, but his master's orders were absolute.

"Well, I will also need bodies, an expert in wand making who is not famous or relevant, a metamorphmagus who is not my cousin Nymphadora, a Candle, and an expert in every subject that the magical world has to offer: potions, curse breakers, transfiguration, etc. Are you writing it down?"

"Yes, Master Black, can Kreacher know what you need those specific people for?"

"Simple, and that will be your job when I give you the order. I want you to bring me people who are good at all those specific subjects, but who are not relevant to society at all. That will be part of my plan that you will do when you are free, although the metamorphmagus is a priority and I want you to look for it when I go to sleep, understood?"

"Yes, Master Black, Kreacher will be in charge of finding one that is not Nymphadora, Kreacher knows one in France."

"That's perfect. The next thing is for you to get me a young, female house elf."

"Kreacher is going to be replaced? Kreacher assures you that he will work twice as hard so that the master won't replace him."

"Easy, easy, I'm not going to replace you" - I told him quickly when I saw how he got upset, and he calmed down little by little when I told him - "You will have a lot of work protecting this place when I am not here or when I am at Hogwarts, so I will need another assistant to be with me at all times, but you will not be replaced, do you understand?"

"Yes, Master Black, Kreacher understands" - He nodded, more relaxed. 

"Perfect. Lastly, I want to find Harry Potter. I know where he lives, but finding him will be difficult according to the barriers that Private 4 has, so let's hope I can manage to find him. He has the plot armor, and if I don't want my plan to fail, then I need to get him on my side, and what better than to give him a good and trusted family? That's all for now."

"Which one do we start with, Master Black?"

"I don't know; tomorrow I will organize it, so I will go to sleep now. You look for that metamorphmagus and don't let him wake up until I visit him; let nobody know that you kidnapped him; be as discreet as possible" - I ordered and went to my room while he went on his mission.

"At last peace," - I muttered to myself, lying on my big bed without anyone disturbing me - "It will all begin soon..." - I raised my hand, and with a green orb, a soul appeared in my hand, which was Walburga Black's, and I smiled maniacally - "I'm sorry, grandmother; even if I cried for you, I wouldn't waste your soul with great magical power that will serve me for my future muggle pet, tehehe, haha! HAHAHAHHA!"


This story doesn't belong to me. Credits to te respective author: DragonEyesBlue

I translate this story.

Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46146400/chapters/116170891

Quotev: https://www.quotev.com/story/15684376/Being-reborn-in-Harry-Potter/1

Scribble Hub: https://www.scribblehub.com/series/727098/being-reborn-in-harry-potter/

Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/330277108-being-reborn-in-harry-potter

Discord: https://discord.gg/pmkqwvrkGm


Positions are paid.

Translator: Translate Spanish, Portuguese, and French. To English.

Proofreader: Those in charge of reviewing and correcting the translation (grammar, punctuation, etc.).

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