Unduh Aplikasi
78.94% This isn't High School DxD, damn it! / Chapter 30: Chapter 30: A Meeting with a Monarch

Bab 30: Chapter 30: A Meeting with a Monarch

Now that the trash had been cleaned off and there were no further distractions, I used the moment of distraction to properly observe the platinum-blond-haired woman.

Mylene was a woman well in her 30s and yet when you looked at her it was hard to immediately not assume she was still in her 20s. She had the face of a young beauty with the figure of an elegant young woman and with mannerisms to boot. Even in a simple white dress with blue highlights, her well-proportioned curves made her look alluring and attractive. Her blue irises shined with a certain sharpness yet also exuded a calm and kind aura to others.

Indeed, it was hard to accept that this was a woman who had a son who was physically around the same age as me. Emphases on the 'physically'. 

That made her a bonafide MILF. In other words, she checked off quite a few boxes in my book.

In terms of the Otome game's story, Queen Mylene was supposed to be one of the antagonists who didn't accept the protagonist(Olivia) until the very end, when she was finally revealed to the world as the Saint, giving her a significant political backup from the Church.

In that perspective, she was shown to be calculative and cunning, choosing what was best for the country and the Royal Family over even her son's wishes. And of course, that made her an antagonist, regardless of her intentions or her alignment with the greater good of a country or a royal family. Because anyone who isn't a protagonist and acts against the protagonist is an antagonist. It's the simple law of the narrative.

Still, the Queen Mylene shown in the game and the Queen Mylene standing here only shared the same origin and some main personality traits at most. The one standing in front of me was a much more complex and refined person with her own thought process and desires. Above all, her annoyance—if any— wouldn't be directed towards the now ex-protagonist Olivia but the new protagonist, Marie. So, she was no longer someone who would likely antagonize Olivia.

By now I had calmed myself enough to think straight. And I mused about the incident and the purple-blazer girl's actions.

I knew and expected that there would be those who wouldn't like what I was doing and try to get in my way. So, this kind of incident wasn't completely out of my expectations. Only that it happened at an annoying time when I had other things to deal with so I couldn't act sooner… 

'I guess one of them finally showed their sorry face. Now, how do I deal with it? … I can't let her off easily. The bitch and her slave hurt Olivia.'

A rough plan started brewing in my head at that thought, not quite unlike the one I had for Gilbert and his father, though with different repercussions.

'Eris will have a bit more reconnaissance work to do. And then, I suppose it'll be a matter of how direct or indirect I want to be with her. Do I go all out and show her her place? Or just watch her downfall quietly from the shadows. Hmm… I feel like an edgy anime villain character plotting like this. But eh, it's whatever. I don't care. She played stupid games, and now she'll win her stupid prize. I don't believe her kind will stop with just this if I don't put my foot on her face firmly—'


My dark musings were broken when I heard the Queen trying to bring my attention to herself.

I looked at Mylene, who seemed to be blushing quite strongly for some reason.


I tilted my head in confusion, wondering what happened.

I was close to using <Observe> on her when Angelica, who had been near Olivia until then hastily approached me and then quickly whispered.

"Leon! What are you doing?! You are being rude to Her Majesty!"

"What? What did I do?"

I asked, half annoyed, half confused at her accusations. Looking at Angelica, I saw her making an annoyed expression herself.

'No, seriously, what did I do? Why's she making that face?'

"Yes? So, staring at Her Majesty's… breasts is not rude to you, huh? I see how it is."

Her tone was bland and chiding.

"What? I wasn't—"

I denied reflexively but I paused midway, thinking back to a few moments ago.

I was plotting and planning, yes, but that was happening in my headspace. But thinking back I hadn't realized my eyes had drifted to somewhere without my knowledge.

'Ah… shit.' 

I felt an urge to facepalm and cringe. Did I seriously zero in on Mylene's breasts while distracted? What the hell, me?!

"Okay, you're right…" 

I began, giving up and raising my hands in surrender.

"… but, in my defense, it happened without my knowledge. I was thinking about something and didn't realize it happened. And she is really attractive. So, I plead not guilty."

I spoke with the straightest face I could muster. And so, what if I was looking at a far corner of the room when saying that? That didn't matter one bit. I was honest and reasonable.

"Leon, you…"

Angelica half-groaned, half-chastised at my crude remarks.


Thankfully, the woman in question seemed to not mind my slip, or at least chose not to escalate it further and simply laughed it off. So, in the end, everything was fine. Once again, the magic of the Otome world was at play, I offhandedly mused but didn't let myself get distracted again lest the gravitational pull started attracting my eyes without my notice again.

"Right. Please take a seat, Your Majesty."

"Yes, Your Majesty. It'd be rude of us to keep you standing here."

With my words as a trigger, Angelica led Mylene to one of the central sofas, soon followed by us taking a seat as well at Mylene's request. With Mylene and Angelica sitting on the 2-seater and I and Olivia taking up the single sofas on the opposite.

Just as we settled down two knocks came from the door causing us to look towards the door. There, a refined old man stood with the two helper boys behind him.

"My apologies, Your Majesty. I have been informed of the incident that transpired here. I am deeply apologetic that one of our students was so incredibly rude to you on your rare visit here."

The old man with the monocle on his right eye and scar on his left cheek spoke with a deep bow, his actions smooth and refined, fully conveying his apology.

It seemed the two helper boys either went to the Tea Professor to let him know of this incident or he somehow met them on the way and found out. Either way, it was good as that meant there was a teacher now informed of that girl's actions, and the possibility of her and her lackeys receiving an official punishment was further cemented. 

Maybe I wouldn't have to do anything if they properly railed her in, but then again, knowing the incompetence of the Academy's administration and authorities, I didn't have high expectations.

The Queen easily accepted his apology with a generous smile. 

"Please raise your head. I accept your sincere apology. I am here on an anonymous visit to see the famous festival and to visit my son. I do hope you understand that I wouldn't want this to be public." 

The professor nodded in affirmation, accepting her request cum instruction.

The Queen's smile dropped to a slight thoughtful frown as she continued.

"Thankfully this situation didn't spiral out of control. Still, I am quite saddened to see this kind of behavior from a student of the prestigious Academy and a Noble. Though it is the job of the Academy's administration to guide these students, I would personally suggest that a proper remedial punishment should be imparted to the group and the ones responsible and further lessons in etiquette. I found their behavior and mannerisms severely lacking."

The man simply nodded in confirmation.

"I will see to it personally that they do, Your Majesty. Rest assured."

After that, the Professor immediately offered to make tea for the queen and went to the kitchen area with the two helpers in tow.

"Now then. I suppose it's time to get on the main topic."

The Queen finally spoke, looking at me, causing Angelica to sit straighter and Olivia to start fidgeting. I, on the other hand, simply waited for her to speak.

"I would like to first thank you for your actions, Leon Alpenwind. The way the duel ended helped ease some of the tension from the incident caused by Julius's careless actions."

While everyone else was somewhat surprised at her words, I didn't have any outward reaction and let her continue her words.

"Julius, that boy… we didn't expect him to act this way. To think he fell for a girl in the academy and then caused such a scene in front of everyone."

She turned to Angelica, addressing her.

"As his mother, I once again apologize for his thoughtless and selfish actions. Neither his father nor I expected such a thing to happen. That boy never showed interest in women before this. I wonder what caused this… for him to go so far as to publicly cause a scene."

Angelica's head drooped, her expression in a slight grimace, as she replied.

"Your Majesty, I am at fault too. I was no better at that time. I didn't think things through and challenged that girl in front of everyone. I know you've forgiven me and don't blame me for it, but I still apologize and promise to do better."

The Queen simply shook her head with a gentle smile, clearly showing she didn't blame Angelica for her actions.

"And you were justified, my dear. It is true that things could've gone better but the current outcome is by no means the worst outcome. That being said…"

The Queen once again turned to me.

"There are still people in the Royal palace who do not like you, Leon. And I am not just talking about the recent events surrounding the duel. Even before that, you've been the talk of the Nobles and Royal family on multiple occasions. Your talent and accomplishments are simply unheard of.

And while that has prompted a few to see you as a promising prospect as one of the Kingdom's greatest Knights and retainers, there are many more who don't find it as endearing or those who have demanded to take the various relics you possess and have your prowess under them. And because they're failing in that respect, thanks to the Kingdom's laws and the Royal Family's and the Ducal Family's insistence and support for you, they are instead feeling greatly annoyed, waiting and looking for a chance to get what they want. They tried to raise that point after the news of your duel with the prince came to light. But because both the Royal Family and the Ducal Family gave you their express support in the matter, in the end, they couldn't do anything but agree."

Hearing her 'uncensored', if a bit suggestive, words regarding the response of the Nobles and Royals, even if she didn't namedrop any, was an interesting development. She seemed to want to come off as someone I could put faith in and trust and whether or not she had the same intentions, she was smart enough to understand that strong-arming me wasn't the right way to deal with someone like me. She had done had own research on me.

Still, I was glad that Mylene seemed to have taken a straightforward approach, putting her cards in front of me—while still not revealing anything too substantial— and letting me come to the natural conclusion myself. Even if wouldn't affect my stance much because I already knew or predicted most of what she had just said.

But this woman was definitely smarter than the vast majority of people in this country and its nobility. It wasn't far-fetched that a normal boy in my place would take in her words and after some consideration come to the conclusion that she was not wrong and was trying to help or support him, thus gaining their favor.

After a brief pause, I spoke, my voice calm and relaxed.

"Honestly, I expected this. There will be those who see me as an upstart who has way too much, either in terms of monetary value, resources, or powerful relics. And they're not wrong in their assessment, only that they're too blinded to see past that fact. You said they want my treasure? Well, they can have it all…"

Everyone, including Mylene, was surprised at my words. But before they could voice their objections or confusion or come to any conclusions, I continued.

"… over my dead body."

I simply smiled, seeing their surprised faces while internally mused. 

'Just kidding. I'll destroy them if the fuckers dare to demand my things or try to strongarm me. They'll get nothing but my middle finger or a missile up their asses.'

"I have better things to do than appease some strangers and nobodies. They can try whatever they want. In the end, they'll find out that not everyone in this world bends to their wishes… and that it's a terrible idea to poke a sleeping dragon."

That last bit was a bit cringe, but my words were enough of an indication that I had no desire whatsoever to give away my treasures. I mean, I would be really dumb if I did that just to appease a bunch of nobodies. I would rather blast their asses to Sunday and say fuck you to the Kingdom.

"I see."

The Queen said simply with an expression that didn't betray her thoughts. The conversation halted after that as the Tea Professor came with a tray with 4 cups of tea. How considerate of him to bring a cup for us as well.

And say what you will about that old fella, the man knew his teas. Because I tasted it, and it was easily the best tea I'd had.

Yup, definitely worthy of the title of the Tea Professor.

The tea presented a small lull in our conversation as everyone enjoyed the tea in silence. 

Before once again, Queen Mylene addressed me.

"Tell me, Leon. Have you thought about your future?"

'My future?' 

Why, of course. My plans were fairly simple. First, World Domination, followed quickly by capturing all the Queens and Princesses in my gigantic Harem and then chilling in my Hidden Castle like the Last Boss of the game. Muahahaha! Just kidding. My plan was still to earn World Points, unlock the World Travel function, and then… well, I hadn't forgotten about DxD. Only that, after quite some time of thinking, I realized my decision to go into that world might have been too hasty at that time. With the kind of System I now knew I had, I wouldn't have been able to become strong enough to be a powerhouse in the time things went to shit in that world. And it happened quite quickly. In fact, even now I didn't think I could amount to much in the grand scheme of Power levels in DxD. So, I had a new plan brewing in my head.

One that consisted of some serious grind. If I was going to go into a world as dangerous as DxD—or even others if I somehow changed my mind in the future—I needed to be as strong as I could. And this world had a lot of XP bags roaming around in the wilderness and hidden in dungeons or other hidden places. It made sense to just go around and do some good old Grinding by making these monsters extinct.

But that would have to come later. I was still tired of the previous grind and wanted to spend time chilling before I started again.

I finally came out of my brief musings and nodded, not having spent all that long in my head pondering on the issue.

"I do have some plans. But right now, my focus is mainly on my pet project, Utopia. I am almost done and ready to show it to the public."


The Queen tilted her head in simple curiosity and in that moment, I couldn't help but think she looked kinda cute in that expression.

Rather than just explaining, with a thought I pulled out a rolled-up poster and a black envelope from my Inventory, momentarily surprising the Queen.

Then, I handed them to her.

This was the right development. This was mainly what I was hoping to do once I met her personally. Advertising Utopia to the Queen of the kingdom was sure to earn me the attention and interest of the Royal Family. I had given the invite to Julius for the same reasons, but the guy was kinda useless and unreliable, to be honest. Plus, his standing wasn't that high all things considered. Being born as a prince was his only useful trait. On the other hand, if the Queen herself decided to come to the opening ceremony which was about to be held soon, I could easily expect everyone else to follow in her footsteps. She had that kind of pull on the Noble Hierarchy.

"This is… incredible. An amusement park? Leon… did you build this on your own?"

She asked, for the first time looking utterly lost. I nodded in affirmation.

"I used my relics to build it, but yeah. It's solely my(and Eris's) creation. I own the island and everything on it and this was something of a passion project I had been planning for a while. I wanted to make something that was unlike anything the world has seen and something that would bring joy to everyone, be it a child or an adult. There are various attractions, ranging from rides to beautiful gardens to top-quality hotels and much more. A lot of things are new, so people haven't heard of them. And it's my belief that that'll attract them to try and experience Utopia at least once." 

'And once they do… well, they wouldn't want to go back home and if they did, they would want to come back to it. At least, I think that's how it'll happen.'

That's the allure of Utopia. It was akin to Disneyland in my home world, just bigger, better, and more varied. Also, it was run by robots and an AI. If it succeeded, I would dominate the Amusement Park industry. Mostly because I was the sole entity owning something like that. The thought of becoming the Disney (but better?) of this World was a little tingling for some reason. Not that I had any such broad, long-term intentions.

"This is quite something. I am very interested in this Utopia of yours."

The Queen opened the envelope and brought out the ticket.

"It is opening in a few weeks? Hmm, I see."

She turned to look at me and smiled cheerily.

The next few minutes went by as I told her about the place in detail, filling her mind with the best picture of a fun and relaxing Adventureland. Angelica and Olivia were content listening to our conversation without interrupting.


"My, my. You're indeed one remarkable young man, Leon. To be able to construct something so grandiose. I suppose I shall be visiting your island and witness this attraction."

I smiled a little in response to her genuinely cheery smile. I could tell she meant what she said and wasn't just buttering me up.

"I'll be happy to have you there."

"Right. Now then! I did have other things I wanted to do today. So, I must leave and let you continue your work without further interruptions."

The Queen clasped her hand, signaling the end of the conversation.

Surprisingly, it wasn't annoying at all to talk to her. She was fairly easygoing, friendly, and of course, a treat to look at. So, that's probably why.

It was almost a shame she was leaving, to be honest. I'd rather spend time talking to her than (make others) serve other students snacks and beverages.

Before we stood up, however, the Queen's expression turned a little playful and juvenile, and she spoke.

"Although… I could use your help in one matter, my dear Leon."

'My dear Leon?'

I couldn't help the twitch of my eyebrows, curiosity filling my head.


I asked politely, prompting her to continue.

The smile I got in response didn't suit a mature lady in her 30s. It was simply too innocent and cheerful.

"You see! I grew up in a different country. So, I've never attended the Academy. Soo… since I'm here now, I want to make some memories at the Academy!

My female acquaintances always have so much fun talking about their fond memories of this place. So, I was kind of jealous~ Fufu. I know it's very childish of me to ask for this, but would you allow me this chance, Leon?"

After hearing her request, I could only look at her in silent wonder. This wasn't what I was expecting to hear. Such an innocent and heartwarming request.

Well, since she wanted to create memories, I didn't see any real harm in it. Plus, that'd give me an excuse to shut this place for the day and chill around.

I was feeling done for the day.

"Sure, why not. It's a date then."

"Eh? A d-date?"

The Queen's surprised face was cute too. I wasn't sure how she was pulling Olivia's levels of adorableness at her age. There must be some strange magic involved there.

"Leon!? What are you saying?! That's the Queen you're talking to!"

"I-Ian! Angelica is right. S-She's married! You can't say such a thing to her!"

Angelica and Olivia, who had been sitting quietly until now suddenly burst into the conversation, their faces flustered, and… Olivia was teary-eyed for some reason. Oh, and she was pouting. Cute.

'Wait a second, I think they misunderstood my words… On second thought, I did put it quite inappropriately.'

I meant the 'date' bit in a casual tone, something you say off-handedly in a casual conversation. I didn't actually mean it that way. At least not seriously.

But somehow, looking at everyone's flustered faces—even the Tea Professor had lost his composer and looking at me in utter shock, heh—I didn't clear it immediately. Instead…

"Well, I mean, why not? She did say she wanted to make some memories and asked for my presence. Since I'm talking her on a tour of the Academy's festivities and we'll be spending time together, a young man and a beautiful young woman, it can be considered a date."

Oh, sure, putting it like that was inappropriate on so many levels given her status as a Queen, a wife, and a mother of a son who was around my age. But then again, she was very beautiful. I wouldn't mind spending quality time with her. Again, it beats spending time serving some pompous bitches and brats.

Heck, I'll let the two helper boys man(men?) the café and give Angelica and Olivia some free time.

Wasn't I a good boss? Well, good boss for the girls anyway. RIP the poor helper boys. Their hard work and sacrifice won't be forgotten!

"Monsieur Leon, you mustn't speak such jokes!"

Finally, the tea professor also piped in, having dealt with the severe shock, and now just looking flustered.

The target of my comments, the Queen was a blushing mess at this point. I could feel the heat radiating from her face from where I stood. Heck, her blush could rival tomato Livia's!

"Um… I…"

My lips twitched, threatening to leak a chuckle but I held strong.

Not yet. I couldn't let my laughter ruin this amusement.

'The Queen might be more fun to tease than Angelica.'

I mused, feeling the Queen's adorable indecisiveness and fluster.

"I-I can't Loen… I'm an old lady… I have a husband and a son…"

Her words came out slowly, spaced every sentence as if she was unable to speak properly.

Yup, the Queen was totally and absolutely helpless against teasing.

Very cute!


I doubled down on my act, letting her simmer a bit more in embarrassment as I enjoyed the view.

"You're incredibly gorgeous, Mylene. It's nigh impossible to think you're a mother. That's how beautiful and young you look."

The way she put her dainty hands on her chest and sucked in breath, her face heating her further, I think I managed to hit dead center with my compliments.

The others had once again fallen into a shocked silence, unable to mouth words hearing my bold and honestly treasonous words. If this world wasn't one based off of an Otome game, by this point I would either be surrounded by Knights or trying to dodge hidden Royal Assassins trying to behead me for spewing such things. But since it was an Otome game world, I had a very flustered Mylene unable to look me in the eye, her heart undoubtedly beating rapidly.

Honestly, if she wasn't married and had a kid, I wouldn't mind going for her.

Heck, part of me was pushing me forward regardless of those things. But I knew that was the horny part of me. I was sensible enough to not listen to its dumb demands… for now.

"O-Oh my… That's… I—"

The Queen stuttered, trying to speak something but before she could say much, I heard rapid footsteps approaching us and had a small gap where my danger instincts warned me of an incoming attack.

All my amusement went down the drain as instincts tried to take over and force me to counterattack whatever treat was approaching me.

Instead of listening to my wild and violent instinct, I quickly turned and saw Julius rapidly approaching me with an annoyed and furious face, his right fist raised and approaching my face with ferocity.

My brows furrowed in annoyance.

'Every time… I swear…'

Just when I was having fun teasing the hell out of the Queen, this moron had to come and ruin it.

I stood abruptly and raised my own right hand, catching his fist before it could land on me.

"Oi. What's the bright idea?"

I asked, my annoyance clear as day. But the boy with no survival instincts simply glared at me in return.

"I should be asking you that question! What the hell do you think you're trying to pull with MY MOTHER?!"

A silly mischievous part of me wanted to say, 'I'm trying to seduce your cute AF mom. Call me dad from now on.' but the more sensible part of me bonked the thought away. That would be a real dick move if I said that, especially since there wouldn't be much he could do in response except rant and try to hit me in vain.

"Chill out. Your mother asked me to be her partner for the day, so I was simply obliging her request."

I shrugged.

Alas, the mischievous side was using illusions to fool the sensible side and secretly took control of my mouth while the sensible and mature side was distracted. Welp.

And of course, that prompted the kind of response I was expecting.

His left fist tried to hit me and was once again caught by me.

"J-Julius! Wait! Stop this, right this instance! This isn't what it looks like! Th-this is all just a misunderstanding!"


Julius roared in indignation.

"This bastard is spewing such lies! I can't let him spout such nonsense."

"Oi. Who the hell are you calling a liar? She did ask me to be her date for the day. Right, Your Majesty?"

At my words, we both turned to the Queen who seemed to have been caught a little off-guard.

"E-Eh? That's… I did but—"


Julius didn't take her apparent agreement well and forgot all about me, focusing his attention purely on his mother.

"NO! Not like that! I meant…— I was just messing around, I swear! I only wanted to tease Leon a bit! I promise! It wasn't a date! I promise!"

'Hoh? So that was her plan, huh? Well, well, well… how the tables turn.'

I couldn't help but chuckle in amusement, a smirk marring my lips at the whole scene.

Unfortunately, my chuckle and subsequent smirk broke the tension of the ongoing family drama in the room as everyone's attention instead focused on me.


I deadpanned, realizing I had ruined my own fun.

"Leon… you're a menace! Don't go around teasing the Queen of all people!"

Angelica's rebuke came promptly. She easily caught on to my nefarious plans, probably because she had been the previous victim of it.

"Eh? So… Ian wasn't actually…?"

Olivia slowly had a dawn of realization, looking flabbergasted and… heh, cute. Never change my sweet and innocent Olivia.

"Leon Alpenwind! I can't believe it! I'm exasperated!"

The Queen who had finally gotten a hold of herself tried to chastise me as well but too bad I wasn't going to let her.

"Well, you did say you wanted to make memories here, Your Majesty, and asked for my help. So, I was simply obliging. I had no idea it was a cruel attempt at teasing my poor self."

I faux dismayed, putting my meager acting skills to use.

Nobody believed it, obviously. They'd have to be brain-dead to believe it, to be honest. I wasn't convincing at all. What with a teasing smirk plastered on my face.

"Muu! Leon, you're a bad boy."


I smiled roguishly in response.

"So I've been told."

I just couldn't let that perfect opportunity pass. The few Dating Sims I'd played in my previous world had literally forced those words out of me.

"Oi! Don't try to flirt with my mother!"

The prince shouted in anger and indignation but was promptly ignored.

The recipient of my smile, on the other hand, had a flush on her face once again.

Yet again, it was amusing to see the logic of Manga and Otome game making this scene possible.

Unfortunately, the prince dragged the Queen to his own café after that, wanting to distance her from my antics.

I was more or less content with it. For now. I could always tease her later as I was sure she and I would be seeing each other again. She had also joined and reached the top spot for the most teasable woman.

Now that my plans for chilling with the Queen had been likely thwarted by a jealous son, I was stuck here once again.

'Hmm… guess I'll stay a little longer and see if we get any customers.'

I turned to the only two remaining in the room, the Tea Professor having excused himself soon after the Queen left and the two helper boys… were somewhere. I didn't pay much attention to them.


Why was Olivia pouting so hard? She did look adorable though. Like a squirrel with its mouth full. A childish part of me wanted to poke her cheeks and watch her reaction. Angelica on the other hand just looked exasperated and so done with everything.

I couldn't help but chuckle at their antics.



As she was nearly dragged by her son to the adjacent café where her son and his friends were working, Mylene couldn't help but wonder what she had just gone through.

She had come to this Academy to visit her son and Angelica and get a more personal read on the matter. The incidents relating to the duel were the talk of the court for some time now, even if they were mostly limited to hushed whispers and complaints at this point. 

Her childish side, however, was also pleased to have come to the so-called Academy Festival that she had heard so much about from her acquaintances. She did want to see what it was like, even if the first impressions she got here were… less than stellar.

Still, that was something she could grasp, but then her visit to Angelica and her friends turned out quite differently from what she had hoped for.

'Did I just get teased by a youngster almost half my age?'

She couldn't help but ask herself as she she her head in dismay and embarrassment. Leon Alpenwind wasn't quite what she had thought of him to be from rumors and second-hand information. Though those tended to be somewhat twisted and prone to be incorrect.

The boy was certainly strong and talented; she'd seen his strength firsthand today. But he was also not afraid to fight for his friends. She could tell he truly cared for the girl—Olivia was her name, she remembered. That poor thing; she didn't deserve all that hurt and suffering— and the extent he was willing to go for her was admirable.

And while she didn't condone the violence, she did understand his feelings. Truth be told, those children did deserve some punishment for what they did.

And on that very note she was quite curious about the relic he used to show that… moving picture. She wasn't sure how it worked but she could affirm the fact that its ability to record and project scenes in such a way was incredible. Something she pondered could have many interesting uses if she could get her hands on it. But that didn't seem possible if his bold and clear statement during their talks was any indication. The boy was possessive and was willing to fight for what was his. She could understand where he was coming from— even find his actions admirable. That meant he wasn't easily shakable or a coward, a trait one could value.

Maybe she could buy or borrow it? If it wasn't a unique relic, she reckoned she could find something worthwhile for the trade or payment for its use.

Anyhow, despite his… teasing nature, as it were—she felt her face flushing a bit; she hadn't ever been teased like this—she couldn't help but find the boy intriguing. A young man who possessed outstanding strength, had great achievements under his belt at such a young age, having fascinating relics and a strong will and ability to create things beyond one man's capabilities, and most importantly, one who stood by his friends in their time of need. Yes, she could admit she liked the boy and was very interested in him, even if he was a playful tease to her.

'Angelica has made a good alliance with a powerful young man. Being in Leon's friend circle would certainly benefit her. His actions so far are proof that he is on his path to greatness and prosperity. From the looks of it, Angelica and Olivia share a decent bond of friendship and Leon is connected to them both. But then again, a strong and dependable young boy and two beautiful young girls who seem to be close to him… I do wonder…'

Her musings, which had taken a curious turn, were cut short by her son's words.

"We're here, Mother. Come, let me show you our own café. We worked hard to build it! I assure you it's superior to whatever Alpenwind has."

Her smile—she hadn't even realized she had started smiling while pondering about Leon, Angelica, and Olivia and their relationship and possibilities— was halted as she saw the place and remembered the other thing she had come here for.

She composed herself and halted in her tracks, causing her son to halt too.

"You can let go now, Julius. I can walk on my own."

She curtly spoke, causing her son to let go of her hand.

"Now then, I did want to come visit you. We do have a lot to talk about, I reckon."

She saw her son stiffen and his expression turning into one of worry and mild fear. Good. At least the boy had some survival instincts still remaining in him to realize he was in deep, deep trouble.

"M-Mother. That—I mean, there's no need for that. How about you enjoy the festival today. You did mention you wished to see the festival. How about I show you? Yes, that's an excellent idea, mother. Let's go see the festivities."

She watched as her son stuttered and tried to bail out but unfortunately for him, it was too late. He had quite literally dragged the hunter to the prey's hiding cave. The boy really lacked survival instincts and common sense.

'No wonder he ended up causing this mess.'

Her expression hardened, causing her son to sweat bullets.

"No, I believe I shall visit your so-called Café since you praised it so much. And we will have a proper conversation inside. Is that girl here as well. I wish to talk to her as well."

It would have been somewhat amusing to see her son swivel and tense up and try to do his best to not wet his metaphorical pants if she weren't actually annoyed and angry at him at the moment. This idiotic son of hers had absolutely no idea how much trouble he had caused his own family.

She started walking towards the café, now dragging her son who seemed lost and a bit fearful of her. Oh, how the tables had turned.



'Oh shitshitshitshit! Why's she here?! Fuck my life! And she looks angry as hell! I'mgonnadie! I'mgonnadie! I'mgonnadie!'

Marie Fou Lafan was suddenly having a very very bad day.

'Goddamnit, Greg! I told you not to jinx it! It's all your faaaaulllttt!!'

Why was it so hard for her to live a happy and prosperous life? …



Happy New Year, folks!

Here's a 6.3k words worth of word vomit, presented by yours truly, The POZ. :)

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