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32.14% TVD: The Tribrid Legacy / Chapter 18: Chapter 1.17

Bab 18: Chapter 1.17

As Oliver gently released Orion from his embrace, he reached into his bag, his fingers delicately rummaging through his contents. The clinking of metal rings brushing against each other resonated through the quiet night air. Orion's hand emerged, holding a ring adorned with a kyanite gemstone. Crescents were etched onto the gemstone's silver surface.

Gently cradling the ring in his palm, Orion turned his attention to Oliver, his eyes gleaming with hope and determination. "Oliver," he began, his voice steady yet filled with a hint of hesitation, "I have created this ring to aid our pack in their struggle against the curse. It stops the curse from taking effect, but it doesn't completely break the curse cast on you; I'll have to find the witch that had cast it on the pack and have them dispel it. Though the ring doesn't completely break the curse, it allows the ones who wear them to retain their human forms while still accessing their partial wolf transformations."

Oliver listened intently. He examined the ring in Orion's hand, its ethereal beauty captivating his senses. The kyanite gemstone glowed with a mesmerizing hue, reflecting myriad shades. Intricate details adorned its surface, delicate engravings tracing the crescent shape as it had been etched into the fabric of the gemstone.

Oliver's voice escaped his lips in a breathless whisper laden with astonishment. "How is such a wondrous phenomenon even possible?" His eyes widened. The knowledge that nature forbade the existence of a werewolf-witch hybrid had been etched into the fabric of their world. It was an unyielding truth, an immutable law that should have rendered his son's existence impossible. And yet, he stood there, defying the constraints that dictated their reality.

Orion met Oliver's gaze with a serene smile, his eyes shining with a wisdom that defied his years. "Magic," he answered, a hushed whisper laced with mystery. "In the convergence of our bloodlines, the extraordinary unfolds. I embody the impossible, a rare fusion of werewolf and witch. Nature's laws may dictate otherwise, but here I stand as living proof."

Oliver's voice trembled with wonder and disbelief, echoing the astonishment reverberating in his heart. "How can such a thing be possible?" he questioned, his voice filled with awe and curiosity. He knew, just as the world knew that the nature of werewolves and witches was opposed. Their energies clashed, rendering the blending of their bloodlines an apparent impossibility. The child born between a union, such as Orion, would be either one or another, a werewolf or a witch, but not both. Yet, before he stood his son, defying the boundaries of what was deemed feasible.

Oliver's mind grappled with a whirlwind of emotions—awe, disbelief, and a glimmer of hope. The legends of Niklaus Mikaelson, the revered hybrid of yore, echoed in his thoughts, emphasizing the magnitude of Orion's existence. The convergence of two opposing forces defied the laws of nature, challenging the very fabric of their understanding.

Oliver's astonishment deepened, mingling with a profound admiration that swelled within his heart.

As Oliver looked at his son, he saw the embodiment of this enigma—a convergence of strength, resilience, and untamed magic. It filled him with an overwhelming sense of pride, an acknowledgment of the extraordinary path that Orion was destined to tread.

Mixed with pride, however, was a flicker of concern. Oliver recognized the weight of responsibility that rested upon Orion's shoulders, the delicate balance he would need to maintain between his dual nature.

Yet, despite the uncertainty within Oliver's heart, he couldn't help but marvel at the inherent beauty of his son's existence. Orion stood before him, a living testament to the unpredictable, the unexplainable, and the boundless potential that resided within the depths of their bloodline.

Oliver's eyes lingered on the ring, his fingertips tracing the smooth surface of the kyanite gemstone. It pulsed with light energy, whispering secrets only the universe comprehended. He slipped the ring onto his finger, feeling a surge of ancient power course through his veins. With Orion, this extraordinary hybrid, by his side, Oliver knew that their pack held within them the key to unraveling the curse that plagued his pack.

With a sense of purpose, Orion extended his hand, presenting the remaining rings to his father. His voice carried a gentle command as he explained their purpose. "Oliver, these rings are to be given to our pack members when they are in their human forms on the night of the upcoming full moon, which is a week from now."

Oliver's eyes widened with curiosity and awe as he reached out to take the rings. He studied their intricate craftsmanship, marveling at the delicate engravings and the radiant gemstones. Orion continued, his voice infused with quiet certainty, "But there is more to these rings, Father. They are imbued with a protective enchantment. Once worn, they cannot be forcibly taken off by another. If someone were to attempt to remove the ring against the wearer's will, it would instantly deactivate, rendering it useless."

A sense of reassurance filled Oliver's heart as he comprehended the significance of this safeguard. The rings would symbolize their individuality and unity, protecting their pack members from unwanted interference and ensuring their autonomy. He nodded in appreciation, acknowledging the gravity of the gift presented to them.

Orion's gaze met his father's; his voice was soft but resolute. "Furthermore, each person who wears the ring will forge a deep connection with it. It will become a part of them, resonating with their essence."

Under the moonlit sky, Oliver and Orion found solace in the ebb and flow of their voices, revealing the intricacies of their individual journeys. Stories untold and emotions unexplored wove a tapestry of unspoken bonds, bringing forth a tapestry of shared experiences, hopes, and dreams. The night embraced them as confidants, allowing the secrets of their hearts to unfold amidst a symphony of whispers and distant rustles of nature. Their voices intertwined in the night's quietude, weaving a tapestry of shared moments and personal reflections. Oliver spoke of his trials and triumphs, painting vivid pictures with his words. He recounted his childhood, his struggles, and the wisdom he had gained along the way. Orion listened intently, absorbing every word as the stories unfolded like chapters in a book, painting a portrait of a man who had weathered storms and emerged stronger.

Oliver, in turn, asked Orion about his experiences, eager to uncover the unique essence that shaped his son. With a gentle smile, Orion spoke of his passions, dreams, and the wonders that stirred within his soul. As he unveiled the layers of his journey, Oliver marveled at the depths of Orion's spirit, recognizing the spark of determination and resilience that resided within him.

Hours melted unnoticed as they delved deeper into their shared history, exploring the nuances of their individuality and the threads that bound them together. Their conversation became a dance of understanding and acceptance as they bared their hearts, revealing vulnerabilities and celebrating strengths. In this sacred space of connection, the walls that once separated them crumbled, replaced by a bridge of empathy and unconditional love.

As the moon neared the horizon, casting a gentle glow upon their faces, Oliver and Orion found solace in the knowledge that their bond had grown stronger through their shared moments of conversation. They had glimpsed the essence of one another, discovering the layers that made them who they were. With a renewed sense of closeness, they bid the night farewell, their hearts brimming with gratitude for the precious moments they had shared.

Ultimately, Hayley decided to speak with Eve and Oliver while Orion returned home.


Orion stood before the grand entrance of St. Ann's Church, its towering spires reaching toward the heavens. The Gothic architecture commanded attention, evoking a sense of reverence and awe. As he approached the entrance, a shiver ran up his spine, the sensation growing more intense with each step. He knew that a dark force had taken hold within the sacred walls of St. Ann's, using the church as a vessel for its nefarious purposes.

The heavy oak doors beckoned him forward, weathered by time and engraved with intricate designs. With a mix of trepidation and determination, Orion pushed open the creaking doors, revealing the interior of St. Ann's in all its splendor. Sunlight streamed through stained glass windows, casting a mesmerizing kaleidoscope of colors upon the polished stone floors.

As Orion stepped inside, a hushed silence enveloped him, broken only by the soft echoes of his footsteps. The air carried the faint scent of aged wood and lingering prayers, creating an atmosphere of sacred solemnity. The pews stretched out before him in orderly rows, inviting him to find solace within their embrace.

He made his way down the aisle, his senses heightened, attuned to the slightest energy vibrations. The flickering candlelight danced, casting ethereal shadows upon the stone walls adorned with religious paintings and statues. The atmosphere held a palpable tension, an invisible battle between light and darkness.

Orion sat in one of the pews, his eyes scanning the grand interior of St. Ann's. The church's beauty, juxtaposed with the knowledge of the malevolent presence lurking within, sent a chill down his spine. He closed his eyes, attempting to find inner peace amidst the conflict.

Orion's serene moment of introspection was abruptly interrupted by a deep voice echoing through the hallowed space. His eyes opened, and he turned his gaze toward the source of the disturbance. Standing before him was a man who appeared to be in disarray. Orion recognized him instantly as Kieran, the local priest, and guardian of St. Ann's Church.

Kieran's appearance was a stark contrast to the serene ambiance of the church. His bloodshot eyes and exhausted countenance spoke volumes about his torment. Shadows clung to his sunken features, hinting at the dark magic that had taken its toll on him.

From what he remembered, Kieran's nephew Sean was cursed by a local witch; Orion knew he needed to help the man for it would greatly benefit him at some point, so he looked a the man and told him he could help cure his nephew; he could lift the spell that was cast on him.

"You not allowed to be here; the church is closed," he said.

Orion observed Kieran's defensive response and sensed the tension in the air. He could feel the weight of Kieran's concern and the underlying mistrust that clouded their interaction. Ignoring Kieran's request to leave, Orion remained determined to discover what was happening with Sean and how he could assist. Turning to the priest, he sought answers directly, his eyes displaying a mix of curiosity and feigned concern.

"Father, I understand what's happening with Sean, and I can help," Orion stated with a carefully crafted sense of empathy, his voice resonating with confidence as his eyes flashed a bright shade of green.

Orions confident declaration hung in the air, the weight of his words tugging at Keiren's curiosity. Keiren regarded Orion with a mix of skepticism and caution, his defenses firmly in place.

"What are you?" Keiren questioned, his tone guarded as he eyed Orion with suspicion. His earlier standoffish demeanor returned, a shield against potential deception.

Orion met Keiren's gaze, his green eyes holding an intensity that matched his unwavering conviction. He understood the skepticism and wariness in Keiren's voice, but he remained resolute in his purpose.

"I am a practitioner of a special type of witchcraft," Orion responded, his voice calm and measured.

Keiren's skepticism lingered, his brows furrowing as he contemplated Orion's words. The idea of trusting a stranger with such a delicate matter weighed heavily on his mind. He needed reassurance, a compelling reason to let down his guard.

"Why should I believe you?" Keiren challenged, his voice tinged with a mix of doubt and concern. "What do you want in return for helping my nephew? What's in it for you?"

Orion paused, understanding the need for Keiren to seek clarity and reassurance. He knew that gaining Keiren's trust would be crucial to proceed.

"I understand your skepticism, Keiren," Orion replied, his voice empathetic and sincere. "While I cannot deny that there is a cost to my assistance, what I seek is not material gain."

"Sean has indeed fallen victim to a curse," Kieran confessed, his voice laced with sorrow and guilt. "It was I who unknowingly brought this curse upon him. A local witch holds a grudge against our family, and her wrath has befallen Sean. We have desperately searched for a cure, but our efforts have been in vain."

Kieran's expression shifted as he contemplated Orion's proposition. The gravity of Sean's condition weighed heavily on him, and the desperation for a cure had started to overpower his skepticism. After introspection, Kieran nodded, his eyes reflecting determination and a hint of trepidation.

"I... I agree," Kieran finally responded, his voice tinged with hope and uncertainty. "If you can truly help Sean, I will accept the debt. Saving him is worth any price."

Orion's eyes narrowed slightly as he observed Kieran's wavering resolve. Understanding the seriousness of their pact, he knew that sealing their agreement with a blood spell would bind them inextricably. Taking a deep breath, Orion gently took Kieran's hand, guiding it towards a small, sharp knife he had prepared.

"Kieran, sealing this agreement requires a blood oath," Orion explained, calm yet authoritative. "By exchanging blood, we solidify our commitment to this cause. But remember, once the pact is made, there is no turning back."

Kieran hesitated for a moment, contemplating the significance of the blood oath. The seriousness of the situation settled upon him, and he realized the irrevocable nature of their agreement. With a firm nod, he steeled himself and extended his hand, ready to make the binding pact.

"Let us proceed," Kieran said, his voice resolute but laced with unease. "For Sean's sake, I am prepared to fulfill my end of the bargain."

Orion nodded in acknowledgment, his eyes meeting Kieran's with unwavering focus. Gently, he made a small incision on his palm, allowing a few drops of his blood to fall onto an ancient parchment. He then handed the knife to Kieran, indicating that it was his turn to do the same.

Kieran mirrored Orion's actions with a steady hand, slicing his palm and allowing his blood to mingle with Orion's on the parchment. As the drops merged, a faint shimmer enveloped the blood, signifying the binding of their agreement.

The air seemed to hold its breath as the ritual reached its culmination. The weight of their shared commitment hung in the room, tangible and undeniable. Both men understood the gravity of their pact and the consequences it entailed.

"Sanguinis iste iusiurandum nos adstringat" Orion intoned, his voice carrying a sense of solemnity.

Orion handed the list of ingredients to Kieran, his voice filled with a sense of urgency and determination. The paper trembled slightly in Kieran's grasp as he studied it intently, taking in the herbs and materials needed to lift the curse from Sean.

The weight of the responsibility settled upon Kieran's shoulders, and he could feel the seconds ticking away, each crucial in their race against time. With a firm nod, he looked up at Orion, his eyes reflecting determination and concern.

"I understand, Orion. I will do everything possible to gather these ingredients as quickly as possible," Kieran declared with unwavering resolve. "Sean's well-being depends on it."

As Orion left the church, his mind buzzed with thoughts and plans. He walked briskly through the streets, his steps purposeful, until he reached his home. Stepping inside, he shed his previous attire, discarding the remnants of the past as he prepared for the significant task ahead.

Orion carefully selected a new set of clothes, ensuring they were comfortable and allowed him the freedom of movement he would need.

As a couple of hours ticked away, the atmosphere in the church was filled with a sense of anticipation and unease. Orion reentered the sacred space, his footsteps echoing softly against the stone floor. His gaze fell upon Sean, who lay in a state of frailty and suffering, while Kieran anxiously hovered nearby, his eyes fixed on his ailing nephew.

Approaching Kieran with a mixture of determination and empathy, Orion placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. He leaned in slightly, his voice filled with genuine concern as he asked, "Do you have the ingredients?"

Kieran nodded, his hands trembling slightly as he handed over the carefully gathered herbs. The assortment of botanical treasures held within them the promise of healing and restoration. Orion's fingers brushed against the dried leaves and petals, feeling their texture and energy, appreciating the potency they contained.

With purposeful intent, Orion moved to a nearby table, where he began his work. His hands deftly crumbled, grounded, and mixed the herbs, releasing their aromatic essences into the air. Their fragrance permeated the space, a symphony of nature's healing power.

As the herbs transformed under his skillful touch, they melded together, forming a health tonic which Sean would drink.

Turning his attention to the remaining herbs, Orion ground them into a thick paste. The mixture became dense and fragrant, possessing a potent concentration of healing properties. He took a moment to admire the rich texture and the way the herbal mixture clung to his fingers, symbolizing the power he was about to unleash.

Approaching Sean's bedside with a mix of reverence and determination, Orion observed the young man's frail form. Gently, he applied the herbal paste to his own palms, feeling its coolness and vibrancy against his skin. With a tender touch, he placed his hands on the sides of Sean's temples, ensuring a direct connection.

Closing his eyes, Orion delved deep into his well of knowledge and tapped into the reservoir of his own innate abilities. His voice resonated with purpose as he cast the spell, his words infused with ancient power and intent. "Sana maledictionem, libera a malo," he intoned, the syllables carrying a weight of authority and healing.

As the surge of healing energy flowed from Orion's hands, a remarkable transformation unfolded. The gentle warmth that enveloped Sean's temples intensified, forming a protective shield against the lingering effects of the curse. Orion's focus sharpened, his connection to the cosmic forces strengthening.

In a bold and calculated move, Orion began to siphon the curse's malevolent energy, drawing it out of Sean's body like a skilled surgeon removing a malignant growth. The dark magic clung to his fingertips, pulsating and writhing with ominous energy. It appeared to grow and spread, its tendrils reaching out like twisted vines seeking sustenance.

Undeterred, Orion's resolve remained unyielding. He tapped into the depths of his power, channeling it through his hands and into the curse-infested essence. As he did, the darkness reluctantly yielded, flowing into him like a torrential river seeking an outlet.

A curious phenomenon unfolded before the eyes of those present. Black veins crawled across Orion's hands, spreading like ink spilled on parchment. They snaked up his arms, an intricate web of shadowy pathways. The veins pulsed and throbbed with the raw power of the absorbed magic, a testament to Orion's capacity to contain and control the dark forces.

As the surge of darkness intertwined with his being, Orion's senses heightened, and he became acutely aware of the raw power coursing through his veins. The intoxicating elixir of the forbidden magic invigorated him, stirring dormant energies and unlocking untapped potential. It was a dance on the edge, a delicate balance between control and surrender.

Unbeknownst to Orion, his eyes, once glowing with a vibrant green, flickered with a sudden burst of bright purple. The vibrant hue shimmered for a few fleeting seconds, illuminating the depths of his gaze with an otherworldly radiance. It was a transient manifestation, an ephemeral glimpse into the depths of his connection to the arcane forces.

Yet, as quickly as the purple sparks had appeared, they vanished, leaving behind his familiar eyes—steady and determined. The momentary display of extraordinary power faded, but the residue of its potency lingered within Orion's core.

Amid the allure, he remained focused on his purpose. Orion instinctively knew that this infusion of darkness was not his own but a temporary vessel to be harnessed and neutralized.

As the last remnants of the curse were siphoned into Orion's being, a profound stillness settled within the room. The black veins gradually faded, their presence dissolving as swiftly as they had emerged. The energy coursing through Orion and into Sean dissipated, leaving a newfound sense of tranquility and relief.

Orion slowly withdrew his hands from Sean's temples, breaking the physical connection. He stood for a moment, catching his breath and allowing the echoes of the power exchange to settle. The weight of the absorbed darkness lingered within him, a reminder of the lengths he had gone to free Sean from the curse's grip.

Opening his eyes, Orion surveyed the scene. Sean's complexion appeared less pallid, a hint of color returning to his cheeks. The lines of suffering had eased, replaced by a calm serenity that spoke of the healing process underway. The curse had been neutralized, its tendrils severed by Orion's selfless act.

A soft smile of satisfaction graced Orion's lips as he looked at Sean, his presence now a source of solace and hope. Though he carried the remnants of the curse within him, he knew it was a temporary burden he willingly bore for the sake of Sean's well-being.

Orion turned to Kieran; his gaze filled with reassurance and gratitude. "The curse has been lifted," he said, his voice carrying the weight of truth. "But Sean will need time to recover fully. He will regain his strength and vitality with proper care and support."

Orion's voice carried a sense of urgency as he handed the freshly prepared tonic to Kieran. His eyes met Kieran's with grave intensity, emphasizing the importance of his words.

"Kieran, you must give this tonic to Sean and ensure he drinks it," Orion urged. "But there's more we must do. Sean's safety lies in leaving New Orleans. The witch who cast the curse may return, and I fear that my ability to help him will be severely limited if she does."

He paused momentarily, allowing the weight of his words to sink in. Orion's concern for Sean's well-being was evident, and he knew that swift action was necessary to protect the young man from further harm.

"Take Sean away from here, to a place far from the reach of the witch," Orion continued, his voice laced with determination. Keiren's eyes shimmered with gratitude as he gazed upon his nephew, realizing the second chance they had been given. With a heartfelt sincerity, he turned to Orion, his voice filled with appreciation.

"Thank you, Orion. You have saved Sean's life, and I will forever be in your debt," Keiren expressed, his voice tinged with a mix of relief and determination. "I will do everything in my power to ensure his safety and guide him away from the reach of the witch."

A sense of resolve emanated from Keiren as he made a silent promise to protect Sean at all costs. He understood the gravity of the situation and recognized the need to act swiftly. Taking a deep breath, he turned his attention back to Orion, his voice steady and determined.

"We will leave the French Quarter immediately," Keiren stated resolutely. "I will find a place far from the clutches of the witch, where Sean can heal and be free from her malevolent influence. We won't let her harm him again."

Orion nodded, acknowledging Keiren's determination and unwavering commitment to his nephew's well-being. He placed a reassuring hand on Keiren's shoulder, a silent gesture of support and encouragement.

Orion stepped out of the church, a triumphant smirk curling his lips. The successful outcome of their interaction filled him with a sense of accomplishment. However, his thoughts were far from solely focused on helping Sean. A grander scheme unfolded within his mind, one that involved leveraging his influence over Keiren for his own gain.

As he walked away, Orion couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction. Keiren, unknowingly to him, held the potential to become a future leader within the human faction, and Orion intended to exploit this opportunity to further his own agenda. The pieces of his plan were falling into place, and he relished the power he now wielded.

Deep within, a dark ambition simmered, pushing Orion to manipulate events to his advantage. He knew that by gaining Keiren's trust, he could shape the future of the human faction to suit his own desires. The thought of the influence and control he could exert over the course of events filled him with anticipation.

With each step he took, Orion's confidence grew. He knew he had the ability to manipulate those around him, to mold their destinies according to his own design. As he vanished into the distance, his mind teemed with calculated schemes and intricate plans, all leading to a future where his power and influence would be unrivaled.

Unbeknownst to Keiren, he had unwittingly become a pawn in Orion's intricate game. The road ahead promised a delicate dance of manipulation and hidden agendas, as Orion worked behind the scenes to shape the destiny of both Keiren and the human faction. The smirk on his lips only grew wider, a reflection of the devious machinations that lay ahead.


4000 and some odd words

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