"You're right, but this still annoys me!" Shogun Nobunari Hojo agreed, attempting to calm himself down.
"Hojo-Sama, your duty now is to fortify our territories, lest Magitek comes here. In fact, if what I've heard about him from my acquaintance is true, he will surely come here. We shouldn't underestimate him," his advisor added.
The Shogun's face showed a sign of annoyance, but he suppressed it and asked, "Master Todo, what have you heard?"
"Hojo-Sama, Magitek is a very powerful mage and has an army at his beck and call. Alone, he might not be a threat to us, but with his armies and a variety of his advanced technology, he is a fearsome enemy," Todo, the advisor, started explaining but was cut off with an amused laugh from the Shogun.
"That's not anything new; I already know about that information. I don't think your acquaintance would know anything that the Hightower councilor wouldn't know," the Shogun stated.
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