Unduh Aplikasi

Mother and Son

"Woman, care to tell me why you're offering me training again?" Zaraki asked Unohana while they were spectating Ichigo and Yamamoto spar.

"Do you still remember when we first met Zaraki?" Unohana asked him back. Zaraki laughed.

"Yeah, I beat the shit out of you!" Zaraki replied. Unohana sighed.

"Aside from that, do you think that you can defeat me now?" Unohana asked him another question. Zaraki stayed silent for a while. He was so silent that it made Unohana worry.

" Zaraki? " Unohana called him. Zaraki snapped out of it.

" Oh! Right. I'm supposed to answer. Uh..... " Zaraki looked at her with a sheepish grin on his face.

" No. I can't. " Zaraki answered honestly. Unohana nodded.

" Do you want me to tell you why? " Unohana offered. Zaraki nodded.

"When you gained the upper hand while we were fighting back then, you halted your strength and subconsciously restrained yourself up to levels below me." Unohana started explaining.

" Further on, you kept on suppressing your real strength because you didn't have opponents who would, excuse my language, beat the living shit out of you. " Unohana continued.

" But when you met Ichigo, he easily defeated you. That was when you stopped suppressing some of your power. Do you see what I'm saying?" Unohana asked him. Zaraki was rubbing his chin.

" So what you're saying is that I have to fight people stronger than me and let them beat me up so that my true power can be unsuppressed. " Zaraki looked at her for confirmation.

" Yes. " Unohana nodded. Zaraki looked at her weirdly.

"I don't see why that's your concern though, woman?" Zaraki argued. Unohana looked at him and smiled sadly.

" In my opinion, I caused you to hold back. When I realized what I had done, I felt depressed that you would do such a thing to yourself." Unohana looked into his eyes.

" Now do see why it is my lifelong goal? " Unohana asked him. Zaraki looked at her. He laughed.

" You're one weird woman!" Zaraki grinned broadly at her. Unohana smiled back. They then watched the spar in silence.



"Go forth and tear the heavens asunder, Zangetsu!!!"


Ichigo was covered by an evil dark red Reiatsu. The shockwaves rippled violently around the training grounds, shattering the rocky ground.

Yamamoto narrowed his eyes as he stared at the transformation. "His Shikai is stronger than before. It's only been a few days." Yamamoto muttered. He shook his head.

"How much potential does this boy have?" He asked himself. Ichigo was back in his Horn Of Salvation form.

It looked even more menacing than before. The horn looked sharper. And there was a small horn on Ichigo's right side of his head.

The students who were already in awe by Ichigo's strength were even more baffled when they saw his transformation. Whispers began to form in the crowd.

Ichigo could only hear a few words from the whispering, but he could pick out one word clearly.


"He's a Hollow?"

"How is he a Hollow? He clearly has a Zanpakutō."

Ichigo grinned widely. His golden-yellow eyes glowed brightly.

"Hmph." Yamamoto raised his cane.

"Reduce All Creation to Ash, Ryūjin Jakka!!!" Yamamoto declared.


Ryūjin Jakka caught on fire. Across the entire Seireitei, Yamamoto's Reiatsu, could be felt for miles upon miles.

The captains arrived at the scene. Shunsui arrived beside Unohana. "My my, they're fighting again?" Shunsui commented. Unohana nodded.

"They're sparring, Captain Kyōraku. It was Ichigo's idea. I'm here to step in in case one of them goes too far. They're putting on a show aren't they?" Unohana looked at him with a smile. Shunsui looked at her with a sceptical look on his face.

" Ichigo? I didn't know you would refer to him by his first name? Is there something else you're not telling me here? " Shunsui smirked at her.

Unohana's smiled became more menacing. Kenpachi looked at him. "Hey. If you don't have anything interesting to say then get the fuck out of here. I'm trying to watch the fight!" Kenpachi told him. Shunsui looked at him.

'Why is he defending her? This guy never does that. Unless.... Wait a minute. Captain Unohana is over 1000 years old. Captain Zaraki is over 250 years old. It couldn't be....' Shunsui widened his eyes and smiled slyly at Zaraki.

"It's nice to see you defending your mom, Captain Zaraki. But I won't take back what I said. " Shunsui smirked at him. Zaraki looked at him with a confused face.

"What kind of bullshit are you spouting out now?" Zaraki grumbled. Shunsui chuckled.

" You know what I'm talking about. Captain Unohana is your mom, right? " Shunsui asked. Unohana narrowed her eyes.

'His face is red and his breah smells like alcohol.... He's drunk.... ' Unohana thought to herself and sighed.

" No she's not! " Zaraki argued back. Shunsui laughed.

"Yes she is! You spend so much time with her these days!" Shunsui argued back. Zaraki gripped his Zanpakutō tightly.

"Captain Kyōraku. I think it's best if you go to the squad 4 barracks and—

" Hey guys!!! Do you know that Captain Unohana and Captain Zaraki are mother and son!!! " Shunsui shouted at the crowd. In an instant, whispers were heard all throughout the crowd of students and teachers.

" Holy shit. They're related? "

" But how? I don't see any similarities? "

" But if Captain Kyōraku says it's true, then it probably is. "

The spar between Yamamoto and Ichigo was immediately halted when they heard the whispering erupting from the crowd once more. They exited their Shikai and walked towards the two captains.

" I'm gonna kill you you son of a bitch!!! " Zaraki raised his nodachi high up and slashed downwards at Shunsui. But that act was stopped by Yamamoto who stopped the blade with his finger.

"Huh?!" Zaraki glared at Yamamoto. Yamamoto looked at Zaraki calmly.

"What's wrong, Captain Zaraki?" Yamamoto asked him. Zaraki gritted his teeth and pointed at Shunsui.

"This drunk gay boy is spreading bullshit!" Zaraki explained to the ancient captain.

"It isn't bullshit if it's true, Captain Zaraki." Shunsui teased. Zaraki growled and tried to punch him but was stopped with a glare from Yamamoto.

" Captain! " Nanao ran towards Shunsui. She looked at them worriedly.

" What happened? " Nanao asked Ichigo. Yamamoto shook his head.

" It's nothing, Lieutenant Ise. Shunsui who is drunk caused a misunderstanding. Please take him away from here. I will talk to him about drinking on the job later." Yamamoto glared at Shunsui. Nanao nodded and started dragging Shunsui away.

" Bye bye! Mama's boy! " Shunsui waved at Zaraki. Zaraki tried to escape Yamamoto's grasp but was pulled back by Yamamoto.

" What did he say to cause Zaraki to have an outburst, Unohana-san?" Ichigo asked her. Unohana smiled at him little. But it was Zaraki who answered for her.

" Gay boy said that she's my mom and I'm her son." Zaraki grumbled. Ichigo and Yamamoto raised their eyebrows.

"And you got mad over that? " Ichigo asked him. Zaraki huffed.

" I don't like people spreading bullshit about me. And I don't like people who spread bullshit about women too. " Zaraki explained. Yamamoto looked at Zaraki with an amused face. Ichigo chuckled.

"What's so funny huh? You wanna die as well?" Zaraki threatened him. Ichigo grinned mischievously at him.

"Hey, Old Man! Is Zaraki actually Unohana-san's son?!" Ichigo asked loudly making sure the crowd can hear him clearly. Unohana and Zaraki looked at Yamamoto with a panicked expression on her face.

If Yamamoto said no, the baseless rumors would disappear in an instant. But if he said yes.....

Yamamoto stayed silent and looked at Ichigo who was grinning like a fool. The old captain smiled a little. Ichigo noticed it and smiled even wider.

" Yes!!

To be continued.....

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