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40% Dragon God of Domination / Chapter 20: Chapter 4

Bab 20: Chapter 4


In the land of Wales, two certain Dragons are flying.

One is Ancalagon The Black and the Other is The Dragon of Domination, Ddraig.

Why are they here? It's really simple. Ddraig is here for an Investigation. Wales is the Birth land of Ddraig and once this place was known as richest Dragon land. Ddraig can't help but to wonder what actually happened that all dragon had to leave this place?

Now most of the Dragon's resides on Tannin's territory. Which is now known as Dragon land.

He can meet with him later, but he had to do something. Both parties landed on the land and started walking through the forest.

Anny himself can't hold the anticipation of this mission. He never saw Ddraig to be this serious. Now he is sure that this shit has become real. No mistakes will be tolerated. He prepared his barbatos which can hide its blade only leaving the Handel

" Put your sword down" Ddraig said

" Umm okay, but Can I know why?"

" This land is actually sacred land, and either way it's possible for some Dragons to live and protect this place even though it's almost dead. And I highly doubt there will be anyone who can Challenge you" Ddraig said in a sad tone.

Anny understands what he meant he put his sword as they walked

" Well Great Sensei do you have any Idea why this land became Dead?" Anny asked

"That's what I will actually like to know. Do you know why it was a hotspot of Dragons?" Ddraig asked,

" Because of Fruits it produced?" Anny said

" No that's only half True, there was a Tree that was called Tree of Eternity. This tree is extremely mysterious. It created the dimension where dragons lived, and it was also the tree that produced the First Dragon apples."

Ddraig said,

" So was that tree connected with Dragons?what was its specialty?" Anny asked,

" Yes mysteriously. It's the same logic, as a normal tree is connected to so many living organisms. World Tree Yggdrasil is also Connects Nine Realms and supports life. Dragons are created from masses of energy, while the tree also birthed itself from the same Cosmic forces as dragons did. It secrets a special water, if you bathed inside it, you will receive eternal youth. And if some other species than Dragon takes a Bath inside it, he can revive himself once after dying. It also secrets a special mineral which is still unknown to us, and neither we knew how to harvest it." Ddraig said amusing Anny.

After a little more chit-chat. They reached a valley like place. Where's a river is flowing. Upon the middle of it there's a small land in center of the river and there's a dead tree. But when Anny looked closely, he saw a seemingly tall, voluptuous woman with large amounts of scarlet hair thickly braided and located in the front and back of her body as pairs, all of which have bows near its ends. The frontal braids also have two golden ornaments near the upper sections. Also, the woman has two U-shaped earrings on her ears, while donning a light-red lipstick.

She is currently Playing violin under the tree.

(Image here)

In first time in his life he blushed seeing a woman Ddraig noted this. Anny was mesmerized by her beauty and the sweet music added cherry on top

"Your liking?" Ddraig teased

" Huh? N-No she is J-just pretty that's all." Anny replied

" Hmph. Your face tells every thing you're cherry red. Either way I didn't expected her to be alive till now." Ddraig said amusing

" You know her?" Anny asked

"Of course she was my student. And yet first Dragon Queen. I never expected her to protect this place. Which should explain why those Illution magics where placed there." Ddraig said Amusing Anny.

" Illution magic? Never seen that." Anny said

" Of course you didn't because we simply by pass through it which proves she isn't Heavenly dragon level yet. We are too strong for the magic." Ddraig replied.

"So what do we do?" Anny asked Ddraig thought for a moment. But before he can think any further

A gigantic dragon appeared. A 15 meter tall Western Dragon with black scales, bright silver eyes, horns, wings, and thick limbs, uniquely being a bipedal Dragon. Ddraig himself is Bipedal dragon Anny met while he himself walks on his thick limbs.

Ddraig growled from his appearance.

" Why he is here?" Ddraig said

"Is he someone you don't like?" Anny asked.

" You remember when I told you about evil Dragons? He is one of them. He is grendel, Grendel is an aggressive, psychotic Dragon that is only interested in fighting and killing. He is a battle maniac who loves physical combat and destroying more than anything. He shows Masochistic pleasure while receiving injuries and Sadistic persona while torturing others. A WORST kind you want to face. You was pain in ass even for me and was slain by Beowulf. Looks like he is revived by holy grail, concidering his genetic structure is stabilized by magic." Ddraig said much to Anny's amusement.

Should be Concidered himself lucky to meet Dragon Queen and Evil Dragon same day? Maybe yes. Maybe not.

Then he saw that he turned into his Humanoid form

" Hello Irene sweetheart." Grendel Said. In response Irene said

" You are here again foul baster? I told you many times I am not going to your mate." She said with clear venom and disgust.

" Ohhh. You hurt me! It's 128th time your rejecting me. Either way I like being hurt baby." Grendel said with a creepy smile.

Much to Irene's displeasure she really hated Grendel. He always fought Ddraig,is psychopath and many reasons maybe human numbers aren't enough to count. Either way she is personally trained by Ddraig and she worshipped him as a God. She is best Draconic magician in Dragon's Department. Even Ddraig had to admit that she is truly beast. But after wales got destroyed and Ddraig died in war. They decided to create a New place. Where Remaining rarest Dragons can live hiding from Outside world without anyone's noticing. And that's why she is still protecting this place. Till now.

" I will say last time Grendel leave or results won't be any good." Irene said with venom. Grendel now got irritated.

On the other side

" It's time you should Claim her" Ddraig said

"Huh? What?!" Anny said in disbelief

" Exactly,what you heard. Just jump in right time and be her hero, or More than that." Ddraig said with a Grin 😏

Making him blush a bit.

On this side

" Why are you still guarding this Dead place? Wait! Is that something special for you? Then It will be Fun destroying " Grendel said with a Sadistic grin.

Much to her horror this is what she was fearing most.

"OH YOU FUCKING DON'T!" she said as she blasted a ball of fire towards Grendel.

In response Grendel leaped over the fire and is now on sky with his wings.

Now Grendel stored a Lot of air in his lungs and Blasted a Enormous ammount of Fire which is Green in Colour. The Fire went straight towards the Tree Irene tried to Conjure a Defence magic to prevent anything happen. But it was too slow

"NOOOOOOOO!" she screamed in horror.


A Explosion occurred.

" No it can't be! The door will open!" She said in horror but then she noticed something.

A tan skinned man with long black hair is standing before the Tree. Meaning he tanked the Attack. His body is exposed since the shirt he was wearing is normal one.

She blushed a Bit by his appearance,but kept her composer.

" Hmmmm well It tickled I guess." Anny said after Tanking the attack.

" Who are you?" Grendel asked a bit irritated.

" Well does it matters? I was watching actually for quite a While. And all I saw is your being a Ass with Her." He walked in while saying.

'Just who is this man? He is so strong!' Irene thought to herself.

Grendel smiled a Bit since he thought he is getting entertained here. Also even though he can't feel it but he knows that he is Strong.

" So trying to play hero here? What are you anyways I don't remember that I smelled anything like you" Grendel said not knowing that he is a Kryptonian Dragon.

"Oh! Belive it or not I am a Dragon." Anny said making him a Growl a Bit.

" So you are here to Claim her as Mate?" Grendel asked

" Nope. Not a Bit actually. I am doing What is Need to be done." Anny said

" Who send you here anyway? You don't look like you are alone" Grendel said

" HE IS WITH ME!" Ddraig said while landing on ground. His landing Shooked the entire landscape.

Ddraig is currently in his smaller 7ft tall form since he doesn't have a Body.

"L-Lord Ddraig? Is that you? Perdon me for not realising it sooner" Irene said while kneeling down in respect.

" It's nice to meet you Irene and also nice to see that you are safe." Ddraig said while smiling.

"What a Lucky day it is! So rumours were Right about you being free from Your gear! So you killed your host or something?" Grendel said smiling in Excitement.

"Huh? Me? Kill my host? HAHAHAHAHAH, Ohhh funniest thing I heard today! If anything he is the reason I am here, I am in debt to him actually" Ddraig said shocking Irene and Grendel

" So that means he is your host then?" Grendel said pointing Anny

" Me? No No I am just Ddraig Sensei's student and My Sensei or Ddraig sensei's host is even stronger than me." Anny said

'Even stronger?' Irene and Grendel thought.

" That explains why he doesn't have a Body. Well whatever I just have kill both of you!" Grendel said as he rushed towards Anny

Anny bolted towards his direction as both started to trade blows

Anny has Supiror senses and reaction time than Grendel so he was having less Troble blocking Grendel. If he wanted he could have finished him off with his Fire or Ice which turns any matter into Fire or Ice respectively. But what he was taught by both Clark and Ddraig that he will only use Violence as Last resort and Kill only if necessary. And he hasn't received any order to kill yet so he thought Ddraig is probably testing him after his training. Because it was his first super natural fight after coming in this universe.

On other hand Grendel is in little trouble since he can't land a Hit.

' why can't I hit him?' Grendel is losing his composer because even his other evil Dragon friends doesn't fights him this Calmly.

So he decided to fall back.

" Is blocking is the best thing you can DO? take hits like a real DRAGON!" Grendel roared in Rage

" Oh? Is that a Custom for Dragons? Then pardon me." Anny stopped moving.

" Here I am standing. Do your best" Anny said raising his chest to take a hit.

Seeing that Grendel smirked a bit and rushed towards Anny

' He feel for it' He thought as he mustered all his strength to punch him.

"MOVE YOU FOOL!" Irene Screamed in worry While Ddraig merely smirked.

But he didn't moved he tanked the punch. Grendel punches him on his chest with all strength he can muster. The Shockwave from the impact would have shaked entire Wales and Great Britain. But if the Barrier Ddraig formed wasn't there.

Grendel can only watch in horror that Anny hasn't moved a inch. Heck he didn't even Flinched.

" Is that all?" Anny asked in cold tone Grendel can't muster any words in shock.

" Then it's my turn I guess." Anny said as he formed his fist and Channeled all of his strength in his fist. And...

"Wai-" Before even he can talk, before even he can react. Anny already smashed his fist on his face. His fist had same force as he used first time on Clark. But it was more than enough.

His punch shattered his Jaw. His every single teeth and even giving a few cracks in his skull.

Grendel went flying. Ripping apart every single tree, boulders and even Vally itself untill he collided with the barrier Ddraig formed.

He fell on ground Unconscious. His title as having hardest scales in Dragon is no more.

'I-In one punch?' Irene thought as she rubbed her thighs subconsciously from the display of power, durability and domination. Her Instincts are now begging to Claim this Dragon or Man as her mate. Strength is something that attracts supernatural women. She wasn't any different, but she never was impressed by anyone's strength. Until she met this man.

A Golden Dragon gate immediately formed under Grendel's Unconscious body. Teleporting him to a different place.

All of them saw it but they didn't cared.

" That punch could have killed him you know" Ddraig said while cracking his neck. Even he didn't had one.

" Really? But he didn't because he was supposed to had 'Hardest scales in Dragons'." Anny replied making Ddraig laugh.

" Whatever it's a Bit rude for you to not introduce yourself" Ddraig said making realise what he meant.

" Oh I am sorry, People call me Ancalagon the Black. My sensei and everyone calls me Anny Nice to meet you" He said bowing.

" N-Nice to meet you. I am Irene the Dragon Queen" Irene said while having a Little blush.

Ddraig did noticed it. His little plan was successful. He is old for a reason.

" Lord Ddraig Well I-I what should I ask?" Irene was Confused and can't Mutter anything to ask.

" HAHAHAH, Your still as same. Don't be so formal. And let me explain." Ddraig said


In mean time Ddraig explained is past 8 years experience in short of course.

In response to Irene her jaw was hanging low. It was really a moment for Ddraig to watch.

She can't even Believe that there's other life form other than Earth. Let aside in other universe. She was even more shocked to know that Anny is Dragon from another universe who got Weakend due to Cosmological reset.

" So? Irene what's behind this tree?" Ddraig asked

" Well, My lord after you died on war. The Tree of Eternity also began to Dry. All of Fairy Dragons tried their best to heal the tree but it was futile. But I was able to save a Seed which can birth another tree of eternity. From the magic I Learnt in past I created a Sub dimension inside this tree and planted the Seed. As the seed started to Grow all of Fairy, Spirit Dragons sealed themselves inside this tree in order to maintain it. Thus I am protecting this place from 1000 years." Irene said

Ddraig now came to know that Fairy Dragons who were supposed to be extinct never went extinct. They are known for their Healing magic. Their Healing magic is that of God level, they can heal any wounds, Regrow limbs and even replace and remove curses. Heck they can even revive deads as long as their body isn't too much damaged or they haven't died for too long. They are also known for their Holy Dragon Slayer magic which had Holy capabilities, thus they can use Holy fire and other projectile attacks. And Spirit Dragons never went extinct, they are just extremely Rare to found. Only a Handful of them are left now and they are Concidered as High Class Dragons Which they aren't. They are a Ultimate Class Dragon species who had control over their elements second to none. Like there are different types of Element spirits in this Existence, there are also this Spirit dragons who are just basically element spirit on steroids. Either way it's a Win win situation for Ddraig because mission was successful and now he can possibly create the Dragon faction.

Ddraig hugged Irene and said.

" Well done Irene, you are a Brave Girl. I am proud of you." Irene embraced him as she started crying. She was alone for a Long time after all.

After 1 hour she calmed down. Now she is fast asleep and is in arms of Anny.

" Great Sensei, you know what are you doing right?" Anny asked in fear if she wakes up and starts to beat him up.

" I know what I am doing. I am old for a Reason" Ddraig said while smirking

Now he walked close to the dead tree and tried to open it. But there was a powerful and complex.

If it was Ddraig from 2000 years ago then it would be a problem. Too bad for the seal that it wasn't the case.

Ddraig used Torquasam Vo and Immediately entered Theta stage. He bypassed the Defences of tree and he followed the roots. Then he entered the Dimensions and was able to feel the energy of New Tree of Eternity. It's his first time feeling it's energy to this close. And it was Oddly familiar. So he tried to touch it. But upon that he was sucked up inside the tree.

" WHAT THE FUUCKK." Ddraig said as he was sucked inside vortex. Now he knew how it felt for Anny.


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