Unduh Aplikasi
36.84% Queen In Green & Gold / Chapter 7: Everything Comes with a Sacrificed

Bab 7: Everything Comes with a Sacrificed

Laying in bed for hours Sakura used her left hand to heal herself as her right hand fiddled with Loki's dagger. Thinking about all the memories they've had together and her fondest memories of Frigga. The beautiful landscapes of Asgard, and how it would have been if everyone was still alive. The Royal family would have a banquet for the new prince. Odin probably would have been speaking to Loki about responsibility as Frigga held the baby beside Sakura telling her all of her stories. However, this dream is only fiction. Not a memory to look back upon or a grand story to tell for centuries. Sakura removed her body from the bed aching in pain to reach a mirror on the other wall. She pulled her shirt down as far as it could go to carve two lines crossing one another across her heart. In tears she lifted the dagger taking a deep breath.

"'X' marks the spot."

A hand reached out removing the dagger from her hand yanking her back to the bed. In all the motion she wasn't sure who it was at first. Once her vision returned she noticed the figure was wearing Asgardian clothing. Sakura lifted her head up to see his glowing blue eyes and his beautiful soft white skin.

"Loki..." Sakura whispered as she cried.

Reaching out her hands to him he backed away with a tear rolling down his cheek. He smiled holding up his index finger. Loki had looked up then looked back at her before approaching her casually.

"I am dead. I cannot reincarnate myself, but I had to return one last time to see you and our son. I will be leaving soon after I say my goodbyes."

"No... Don't go. Why do you have to go?"

"I'm dead. Thanos won."

"No, he did not win. The Avengers are coming up with a plan to end him and return the world back to where it was before."

"Maybe." Loki said giving her a hug, "Now where is he?"

"Black Widow took him to the big room. Thor and what remains of the Avengers are out there."

"I see. Show me."

Ahead of him she opened the door to the long hallway and walked down the path to a large room where everyone was standing and focused on Thanos. At the entranceway, to the room, Thor is leaning up on the wall watching Black Widow and playing with Nari. Stark and Banner were working together with a plan staring at monitors as Ant-Man assisted. Some of them were in other locations figuring out what to do. The rest of them sat around the table having the time of their lives watching Nari and helping to stir up a new plan to bring back the people they've lost.

"Loki's back." Sakura painfully said.

"What?" Stark said unpleased.

"I thought he was dead?" Banner mentioned.

"I am dead. I came back to say goodbye to my family one more time. I understand why all of you are not too pleased to see me-"

"Yeah, I don't like you." Stark said pouring himself a glass of bourbon, "He gave me PTSD."

"See this is the guy that took over New York and almost killed everyone in it if It weren't for us showing up to save the day." Banner pointed out.

"Yes and as I recall you beat me to a bloody pulp so I assure you those days are long gone because I am dead. I no longer have the sorcery skills I had before. Now can you please hand me, my son. I am sorry for the trouble I caused you before I was controlled by the mind stone." Loki complained as Black Widow handed him, Nari.

"I'm having a hard time believing that," Stark said.

"The past is the past Tony. Let it go." Captain America said rolling his eyes.

"Say that to my PTSD," Stark said leaning back in his chair.

"His name is Nari. Our little Prince." Sakura giggled.

"Nari. That's a great name." Loki replied kissing Nari on the forehead.

"Daddy!" Nari said wrapping his arms around him, "Mommy said you were dead..."

"He is dead sweetie he's using the last of his Asgardian magic to bring himself back for a short while. Loki why have you come?"

"I have come to ask a favor. In fact, I'd love for all of you to take care of her and Nari. Please protect her. Please keep her safe."

"Loki I don't need protecting. I need to save Parker, Strange, Groot, and everyone else. I can't do that if I'm locked here because of you."

"Parker?" Loki questioned.

"Yeah, she's into kids now." Thor laughed.

"No, I am not shut up! He has a little crush on me that's all." Sakura announced as she smacked Thor, "If he was here the instant he saw you he would make a run for it. Some may find your attraction very intimidating."

"I am leaving now," Stark complained rolling his eyes.

Loki reached out his hand to her cheek caressing it before he bent down for a kiss. They touched foreheads smiling for the first time in forever. Sakura wrapped her hand around his arm as Black Widow handed him over to Loki. The three of them looked like a normal happy family together. Not as criminals at all.

"Let me take you back to your room, it's late." Loki said.

"You've changed, Loki. Especially when you are with her you show your sensitive side and that makes you a good person. I accept your apology for what you did in New York." Black Widow said smiling.

"Brother, I know you said you couldn't come back anymore. That this is the last time, but please don't leave her alone here."

"She's not alone," Loki said carrying her back to her room.

He crawled in bed with her kissing those soft peach-like lips over and over. Loki stared at her for hours as he slowly faded away from sight while she woke. For a moment their eyes met before he had vanished. Sakura reached her hand out to him tearing up from the heartbreak.

"Don't go. I need you!" Sakura cried out.

"When the universe returns to normal meet me where the blossoms bloom on Midgard." He says as a tear flows down his cheek.

"What if we lose? What if we're all gone and no one is left to save the universe."

"Then I'll meet you when you cross the bridge...to Asgard."

"To Asgard..." Sakura smiled as he faded away.

The next morning everyone gathered to discuss the full mission to be conducted soon. On the screen the first stone appeared glowing red. Sakura frowned walking up to the screen to have a closer look at this stone. Thor right behind her patted Sakura on the back drinking a beer.

"What can you tell us about the Reality Stone?" Steve Rogers asked.

"Well, my grandfather fought these nasty creatures called The Dark Elves. Asgard had gotten the stone and my girlfriend...was my girlfriend. We broke up... I wasn't around enough, and now she doesn't want me in her life anyway-" Thor whimpered as he drank.

"Alright enough." Sakura said taking the beer from his hand, "The Dark Elves had the stone first, and to strip away their power they took away the Reality stone from them and his Grandfather buried it deep within Asgard where no one can find it. Somehow his 'x' girlfriend trapped herself where we had buried it and accidentally interacted with it. The stone turned to liquid and entered her body. The Dark Elves came back attempted to kill her. In the end we took the stone and Loki had died then reincarnated himself. Him and I had ordered the stone to be placed with The Collector. I didn't want two stones to be in one place...."

"It wasn't your fault." Thor sighed.

"So the best place in time to retrieve the stone is while it's safely in Asgard when the girl is thereby Frigga's side."

"Thor and I are the best for this job since we know the palace better than anyone."

"I'll come too." Rocket smiled.

"Great. Next up. Soul Stone." Steve Rogers said as he wrote down the information.

"On Planet Vormir. Thanos brought Gamora there than left with the stone alone." Nebula said hovering over behind them, "I'm not doing that one."

"The Mind Stone?"

"Loki's Scepter. New York. We can take it when he's been captured. I'll do it. Banner and you can come with me. Scott you too."

"Why so many people?" Banner questioned.

"The Tesseract was in the same location at the same time."

"Smart," Sakura said

"Doctor Strange is from New York too. I know where the Time Stone is I'll go get it." Banner said.

"Power Stone?" Steve asked.

"Planet Morag. I'll go." Nebula said.

"I won't let you go alone so I'll go with you." War Machine said.

"Hawkeye and I will take the Soul Stone than." Black Widow sighed.

"I've designed the suits. Friday is building them for us. Bruce, you can prep the Time Travel." Tony said

"Great. Scott your with me." Banner said.

"I need to spend some time with Nari." Sakura said leaving the room.

Over on the second floor, Nari has his own bedroom where Vision used to stay. So many expensive puzzle toys scattered throughout the colorful alphabet rug. His soft fuzzy blankets keep him warm at night. Nari is laying on the floor drawing superheroes in outer space. An iron man flying beside a spacecraft as a Spider-Man used his webs to catch the ship riding on its tail. A man in blue wearing a red cape, Doctor Strange, captured in a cell inside of the donut-shaped ship

"How do you know what happened that day five years ago?"

"Iron Man was alone and I was watching him watch a scary movie. I'm sorry Mommy am I in trouble?"

"No, absolutely not. I came here to spend some time with you."

"Yeah. I saw Spider-Man in the movie. He's so funny." Nari giggled.

"Is Spiderman your favorite character?"

"Maybe." Nari giggled as his smile faded away.

"Nari are you mad at me?"

"You said Daddy was dead."

"Remember when I told you Daddy is a Sorcerer and so are we?" Sakura asked.


"When sorcerer dies they use the last of their magic to bring themselves back to the realm of the living to talk to us. Normal humans don't get that chance only we do."

"We won't ever see him again?"

"Daddy is gone, sweetie... I'm sorry. If I could bring him back I would." Sakura cried.

"I'm sorry Mommy."

"I'm sorry too, sweetie."

Avengers back in the game cleaned up their act and prepared for battle. The space ship is in the process of repairs as were the suits. Tony crafted every hand device as Banner prepared the Time Machine. They spent a month preparing for this. Sakura spent her time practicing her Midgardian fighting skills from Black Widow. On her spare time she focused on learning more about this boy from earth, Spider-Man. Tony had been doing some research on his own.

"Tony, what do you have there?" Banner questioned.

"Is that the report on casualties of the dusting?" Captain America asked.

"No, we have those reports on the screen over here. I'll bring them up." Black Widow said.

"This is Sakura's file." Tony Stark replied.

"Does her story check out?" Banner asked.

"Yes, but it's not good." Tony sighed.

"You'll have to tell her no matter how heartbreaking the story is. We will read the downloaded file once you've handed it over to her." Black Widow said.

"She won't be hard to find," Tony said

"Check Nari's room first before checking the records room." Black Widow said

"Friday where is Sakura right now?" Tony asked.

"She's currently accessing video files of Spider-Man in the records room," Friday reported

"Thanks, Friday," Tony said smiling as he walked away.

Displeased Natasha rolled her eyes checking the security footage of the building room. Rocket and Nebula are working on the ship and adjusting the suits for everyone. Korg and his little friend are assisting as Thor continued to drink. Tony unlocked the old records room with computers and paper records neatly placed in rows. Sakura sat on the desk watching Peter's attempt to rescue the people on a cruise ship. She already knew Tony was behind her through the darkened part of the screen. Holding a file he extended his arm out to her.

"Is that my file...?" Sakura asked.

"Missing person report." Tony said handing her the file.

After tossing the file over he backed up to sit down on the nearest chair. Sakura opened the file beside him to read. A birth certificate and family line with information about where she was last seen and what she wore that day. Unable to read the information Sakura closed the file and handed it back. She turned around sitting back down on her desk.

"It says here your name is Sakura Astoria. Twenty years old. Born in Bronx, New York. Five-zero-five Greenhorn Street." Tony read.

"I don't want to hear it." Sakura cried.

"Neither do I, but I need to know who we're hiring here," Tony said before continuing, "Next door neighbors complained of a smell. The officer on call knocked, but no answer. Upon entering the home a middle-aged man was found dead next to the dining room table. Middle-aged woman found dead in the doorway of the baby room. The child was never located, and no sign of forced entry. The case had gone cold. Can you explain to me how there was no sign of forced entry? Are we dealing with another Vision?"

"Frost Giants can go through solid objects. In Asgard, they were able to somehow enter the Palace without anyone noticing and enter deep within the chambers of Odin as he slept. I was there with the Former Queen they jumped out from the walls and the floor below us."

"Hmmm. Did Loki have anything to do with that?"

Her mind bubbled in anger as she picked up Tony by the collar somehow in her fragile state. Sakura's eyes widened holding her fist out. Tony didn't speak a word to her, but after a moment or two, she let him and walked away to avoid further conflicts. She cried reviewing more videos and audio recordings of Parker's voice. It was the only way to keep her sane.

"I miss him too. We will bring him back."

"This better work Tony or I won't know how to live with myself."

"It will work." Tony said tossing the file aside, "How about I show you something."

"Show me what?"

"You'll see." Tony smiled leaving the room.

Down a long hallway made of glass walls, Tony led her to an elevator to the first floor. A small open room displaying large monitors on the wall of a new spider suit. No colors only blueprints of this new invention. Tony turned to face her smiling at the new designs he's created.

"Pete has always been a son to me. It's my fault that he's gone, and now I have to fight like hell to bring him back. The one way I can do that is give you more than Ant-Man powers with a suit designed like his, but a suit designed for you using Peter's strengths." Tony said.


A round closet opened up as Tony pressed a remote control in his hand. He turned to stand next to her smiling as he pointed to the black suit turning to face her. A spider suit with similar eye sockets as Spider-Man. The suit has metal white piece of a massive spider lined up with the bodysuit. All of the legs are symmetrical spread across her chest and body. A suit meant for her to fight alongside Peter.

"It's a little something if you decide to stay. Pete is always getting himself in trouble so if I'm not there to save his ass I'll need you to protect him for me. We've had some close calls as you noticed, so In case anything happens to me I want to make sure you have him."

"You don't even like me and you're giving this to me."

"Listen I was stuck in space for a while so my emotions may be off-kilter, but take the damn suit before I change my mind," Tony said as he walked away.

"Thank you, Stark."

"Don't make me regret this."

A beautiful glowing suit perfect for her stick figure and flexibility. Sakura removed her clothes and unzipped the suit to gently pull her suit up. Her suit is like trying to put on wet clothes and it shows every nonexistent curve in her body. She covered her face in the black mask ready to help the Avengers. Banner called everyone out to the teleportation portal. A round platform with one station per person. Each one will place them in the exact time and location an infinity stone is kept to bring it back to the future. Banner prepared the time warp before rushing to the platform. All the Avengers were given a device for their hands in order to move through time and return.

"Sakura I was thinking when we come back Clint and I can help you bake something with Nari. Kid's love baking on Earth so I don't see why he won't like it." Natasha giggled.

"That sounds so much. I look forward to it." Sakura laughed.

"I'll join too. I remember what it's like to have little kids." Scott laughed.

"Please don't burn the building down. It's been annoying rebuilding over and over again." Stark whined.

"We won't. Get your daughter to come down too we'll have so much fun." Clint laughed.

"I'm more worried about the muffins. Will they be edible?" Steve laughed.

Before launching the Avengers had a good laugh saying goodbye to one another knowing this will be one hell of a day in history. To bring back the stones and save the universe is what they are built for. Three Avengers arrived on Asgard, Thor, Sakura, and Rocket. Guards are on a usual watch for any suspicious activity around the palace. Odin sat on his Throne left only to his thoughts to hurt his head. Sakura and Loki are both in prison as Frigga frequently visited and spoke to them. Jane is nowhere to be found at the moment.

"Thank you for coming with us, Rocket," Sakura said.

"We make a great team." Rocket replied with a smile on his face.

"Thor are you okay?" Sakura asked rubbing his back

"I miss it..."

"I do too, but we can't fix what happened on Asgard. We can only repair the damage Thanos has done. Remember if you alter the past in any way-"

"I know."

"Stay here. Rocket and I will find Jane. The jail break out is about to happen so Jane and Frigga will be on their way to Frigga's room. Don't move, and don't speak to anyone."


"Rocket let's go." Sakura said leading the way.

"Right. So tell me about Loki your criminal husband. Where were you two in this moment in time?" Rocket asked.

"Loki and I were in prison for an incident that happened inside our walls."

"So you are a criminal?"

"No, I was protecting a criminal..."

"Which makes you a criminal."

"Look, Loki isn't a horrible person. His father used him to keep the peace in our realms. Odin was never planning on making him, King. Poor Loki never had a fair fight to the Throne, and he never stopped until he finally had the Throne. Little did I know that it would be a heavy cost for us to block out the worlds problems."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"If I am correct she's beside the Queen somewhere. Follow me." Sakura shouted as Guards swarmed the Palace.

Through a set of double doors a large room with a balcony. Large Pillars held the room together as did a small long set of stairs spread across this long balcony. A human woman wearing Asgardian clothing stood staring at the horizon as Dark Elves invaded. Rocket gave Sakura the syringe as she smiled so demonically. She lifted the syringe with sorcery keeping it away from her hands, and cast it like an arrow striking the human. As she collapsed Sakura waited for the syringe to fill with red liquid before casting it back over to them. Before the guards arrived they gone. 

"Wow, you must really not like that human." Rocket laughed as they ran to Thor.

"Yeah well, she hit my Husband so I thought I might return it as Karma," Sakura responded.

"Everything comes with a price. Hey, who's that with Thor."

"Frigga!" Sakura shouted as she gave her a hug.

"My dear you've grown stronger. Thor didn't have to say anything I know I'm talking to you from the future. You don't have to say anything. I love you both very much. You have to leave before anyone catches you."

"Former Queen of Asgard. It's nice to meet you, your majesty." Rocket said.

"I see you formed quite an alliance. It's nice to meet you too."

"My Queen I'm sorry. I would not be the person I am today without you. Thank you. I love you more than you know as a mother I never had."

"Go." Queen Frigga said as she cried tears of joy holding her hands.

"Alright. Let's get back in one piece I have some baking to do." Sakura giggled.

Back to the future, Sakura pulled out the Reality Stone liquified in a syringe and a smile on her face. Today's the day she can bring back Peter. Some silent and some panting for exhaustion holding the stones in their hands. Luckily nobody returned empty-handed this time. Banner looked around the room confused.

"Is everyone back?" Banner asked, "Do we have all of the stones?"

"Yes." Steve Rogers replied looking around the room counting their numbers.

"Clint, where is Natasha?" Banner asked.

"She's gone." Clint Barton said with his eyes watering.

"What do you mean she's gone?" Sakura questioned.

"In order to retrieve the soul stone one of us had to die... A life for the soul stone..." Clint cried.

"No..." Sakura cried.

Avengers on the platform had gone silent. Sakura lifted her hands to cover her mouth in complete shock. Banner threw objects off the teleportation balcony screaming. So many tears drenched some of their faces.

"Does anyone know if she had any family?" Steve said.

"We are the only family she had." Banner said.

"Well if we are admitting our mistakes I accidentally might have saved Loki's life when we were taking the Tesseract."

"So you are saying theirs a Loki from New York out there clueless of anything of what had happened after." Sakura said to Tony.

"Maybe. We don't know what happened to him. We don't know anything other than the fact we have the stones now. We need to build a Gauntlet." Banner said.

"I'll get right on that." Tony said with a big smile on his face.

"I have to spend some time with my son..." Sakura said as she cried.

"Go we'll take care of this." Tony replied sighing.

Upstairs on the third floor Nari is playing in his room. A young baby sitter is sitting on his bed watching him smash his dinosaur toys together destroying the paint over the Dino's faces and tummy's. Sakura barged in the room and lifted her son to hug him for the hundredth time that day.

"Is everything okay?" The baby sitter asked.

"We lost one of our friends today. I'm back for the day you can leave now. I'll turn on his baby monitor as he takes his nap. Thank you." Sakura said.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then." The baby sitter replied as she left.

"Ready for a nap my little hero!" Sakura laughed tossing him on the bed, "Here comes the hard landing. Crash!"

"I'm tired." Nari said.

"That's what naps are for. I'll be right back I have to go check in to make sure everyone is okay."

"What's wrong? You look sad."

"Nothing's wrong sweetie. Mommy had a big day today, and it turned out okay. Now go to bed." Sakura said kissing Nari goodnight.

Sakura left the room closing the door behind her. Heading on back to the first floor she watched Tony playing on his electronics building the blueprints for the new device. Fortunately for them it didn't take too long to start in only an hour. Using modern technology and Tony Stark's brilliant mind he built a device similar to his Iron suits which can hold every stone. No one had any idea what to do next except stare at this device knowing the world isn't over yet.

"Who's going to snap?" Rocket asked.

"I'll do it," Tony replied.

"No you can't handle the radiation. I can. So I should be able to do it. I'm the only one who can without dying." Banner said.

"Maybe it's better if I do it. What if Loki is alive? If he comes back with no clue of what happened this past decade he will try to kill all of you. He will hate me for betraying him, and leaving him for Peter. I don't know if I'm willing to take that." Sakura added.

"Well for what it's worth you made the right decision leaving him in the past up until now. Forget about him. When the time arrives we will figure it all out together." Steve said.

"Right. We'll hide Nari and keep him safe." Thor said.

"Would you lock him up? Make him wish he were dead. That's no way to live." Sakura replied

"I won't let you kill yourself. I won't let you leave your five-year-old son behind. I don't want Peter to come back to see you are no longer here. Loki probably should feel like killing himself after everything he's done. In fact, I'd hand him the rope." Tony said.

"Hey! That's my brother your talking about!" Thor complained, "He loves Sakura more than anything..."

"Stand back. I'll do it." Banner said.

Banner reached his hand slowly inside the Gauntlet allowing it time to open up to his enlarged hand size. The device locked on and each stone glowed bright like on the day their friends turned to dust. Black scarring appeared across his hand all the way up to his arm to his face. An extraordinary pain is unable to be compared. He collapsed screaming in agony.

"It's killing him. We have to take it off." Scott yelled.

"Not yet!" Tony yelled.

"How long do we wait?" Sakura asked.

"As long as it takes..." Tony said to her.

"Tony!" Steve shouted.

"Wait!" Tony replied.

Banners' muscles refused to move as his pain increased by the minute. His fingers gradually touched one another as he snapped his fingers. All had gone silent again. Scott walked outside the room to the hallway to look out the window. Hawkeye answered a phone call from his family who dusted away.

"Guys... I think it worked." Scott said.

A bright light blinded those who were inside the building. A large ship had entered the atmosphere and placed itself directly in front of Avengers HQ. The light glowed brighter as it approached at high speeds shattering the glass and destroying the foundation of the building. An explosion threw Sakura outside of the interior on crumbled uplifted dirt. Earth became a battlefield once more for the millions of Black Order approaching.

"Nari! Where is Nari?" Sakura called out crying.

Blood oozed from her head wound to her hand where she reached out towards the building. She clenched her teeth lifting herself up off the floor and ran inside. She yelled for help over and over before Tony reached her. She began healing her own wounds while he looked for any life-threatening injuries.

"You'll be okay, Sakura. Nari was on the third floor." Tony said holding Sakura up.

"Tony....I-" Sakura said painfully.

"Stand up on your own. I have to find Thanos. Remember what we said. Whatever it takes." Tony said as he flew off in his Iron Suit.

"Whatever it takes." Sakura repeated.

I believe Peter called you, Karen, right? Hello Karen!" Sakura said as she attempted to swing her way above the rubble of the building.

"Hello! What would you like me to help you with?" Karen responded.

"I have a five-year-old son who's stuck in what is left of this building. Help me find him! His name is Nari you should have his records already registered to you."

"Yes," Karen said as she directed Sakura towards him.

"There you are!" Sakura called out.

Under the pounds of rubble, Nari had hidden under a table. She pulled his unconscious body out of the rubble to heal his wounds. Karen assisted in identifying injury locations. Nari lifted his head coughing aggressively.


"I'm here. Sweetie lay your Head down. If you weren't half Asgardian you'd be dead right now." Sakura said as she panicked.

"Look over there Mommy..." Nari said as he painfully lifted his arm up to point.

A surplus of circles leading from other places on earth to here opened in large quantities. A flood of hero's of different origins marched from the portals to face an army of Black Order as equally huge. Sakura laughed uncontrollably watching all the hero's across the universe side together to defeat Thanos. A dream nobody thought would become a reality. Nari ran to the edge of the building watching the greatest war in history.

"Nari I need you to stay here. Stay hidden. Do you remember how to communicate with me using your sorcery? Do you remember what I taught you?"

"Yes. Where are you going?" Nari cried out.

"I'm going to save the Universe." Sakura replied placing a shield surrounding her son's body as she quickly jumps on the battlefield.

Sakura lifted her arms creating multiple clones of herself. Each one physically stabbed and launched weapons to kill off Black Order soldiers. She pulled out her daggers and shielded herself as she fought. Suddenly a voice out of breath started a communication line between her and whoever was on the other side.

"Sakura! Where are you? Please tell me your safe! Tony said you were okay!" Peter called out.

"Peter! You're alive!" Sakura cried, "Karen track Peter."

"I'm searching for you right now." Peter shouted.

Both killed and pulled soldiers out of their path to reach one another. Peter whipped and spatted spider webs from the device attached to his suit as Sakura sliced her way past them to rid of these morbid creatures. Once Peter had finally spotted her in a spider suit he attached his spider legs to the ground and pulled her towards him. She fell in his arms and touched foreheads.

"It really is you..." Sakura cried as Peter's mask disappeared.

"I'm so glad you're okay. I love your suit! Did Tony make this for you? Seriously we match." Peter said.

"Tony built this for me while I desperately worked hard to try to bring you back. I'm so happy everything we've worked so hard to make possible for five years finally led us to this moment. You have no idea how happy you make me Peter Parker." Sakura cried.

"Hey, hey, don't cry. I have no idea what I missed but you've been through a lot. I'm here now. We should go on a proper date sometime."

"Take me anywhere I don't care. As long as I am with you I don't care where we are." Sakura said as she kissed him on the lips.

A strong barrier formed around them as the two deeply collapsed drowning in their love for each other. A hug so strong neither of them was able to breathe. Sakura ran her fingertips through his hair kissing him again and again. A red cape swirled over their head tapping them in the shoulders then swirled back around to Doctor Strange. He managed to teleport himself inside Sakura's protective shield.

"Hey! We still have a universe to save, so when you two are done I'd appreciate the help."

"Right. Sorry." Peter said removing his hands off her.

"Wait, hold on! My son is above the rubble of that building. We need to take him someplace safe!"

"You have a son..." Peter said fearful.

"His name is Nari. He's five years old. Loki's son." Sakura silently said, "I'm sorry Peter, but I wanted to personally see him grow to become a hero too."

"No don't apologize. I'd like to see that too." Peter responded.

"Take us to him." Doctor Strange said.

Surrounded Nari curled up to his fertile position crying for help. The protective spell wasn't holding up very strong. Creatures stabbed and attempted to claw their way inside this bubble. None has succeeded yet. Peter tightly held Sakura's waist to pull her up top as Doctor Strange has his cape hover him to the top of the building.

"Nari!" Sakura called out as she sliced her way through.

Strange backed her up shielding every enemy attack and whiplashing any more approaching them below. Unfamiliar with her new abilities she web shot a few of the rubble sliding underneath them to reach him. A burst of energy blew away everyone on the room except for the two of them. Peter held on once he attached himself to solid sturdy objects to prevent himself from falling. Doctor Strange's cape lifted him back up once more to the top of the building landing him right beside her and Nari. She strengthened his protective spell wiping away his tears.

"I'm so sorry I left you up here all alone. I had to go find someone important to me." Sakura said as she smiled to Peter.

"Spider-Man! Cool." Nari giggled.

"Thank you." Sakura whispered to the two of them.

A bright orange light circled in front of them viewing his building in New York. She tightly gripped him and looked up at Doctor Strange deciding if she should leave or not. Her son needs her, but the world needs her more. Without a universe there would be no son to protect.

"I can't have him stay there alone..." Sakura said staring at the portal.

"Exactly. Go with him. We can't risk losing you here." Doctor Strange said sighing.

"Are you crazy! You need me here. No offense, but I'm more powerful than Peter. My son has a future of three superpowers and I have two now. I am a Sorceress of Asgard and a weird spider chick now apparently." Sakura complained.

"Mom don't leave me..." Nari said quivering.

"I agree with him. I will not lose you out here!" Peter said as his eyes watered, "Listen to me I don't want you to die here."

"Peter I'm more suited for battle than you..." Sakura giggled.

"I love the way you smile. I love how you giggle at everything I say. You love adventure and helping people. Your healing abilities are to die for here on Earth. I don't care where you come from or what you've been through to meet me here. All I know is that I love you more than anything. I need you to live. Take him someplace safe. Don't come back until it's over."

"Fine," Sakura said placing a protective shield on Peter and Strange.

Nari pulled Sakura inside watching the portal disappear. She sat back on the broken staircase staring at the broken window above the doorway. Nari laid down beside her leaning up against her leg. The room was too silent. All Sakura could think about is Peter, but he wouldn't answer her call. Nari lifted his head and crawled up her legs to her chest to lay down.

"Momma, is Spider-Man my new Daddy?" Nari asked.

"Why do you ask?" Sakura said avoiding the question.

"He really likes you, and you really like him."

"Do you miss Daddy?"

"Yeah, don't you?"

"Of course I do. Daddy wasn't a good person. He hurt a lot of people, but I loved him anyway."

"Help! Help! Somebody anybody help me! I have the Gauntlet. I repeat I have the Gauntlet." Peter shouted.

"Oh no! Peter!" Sakura cried, "Doctor Strange! Bring me back please I have to help him!"

A figure walked through the double doors. A middle-aged brown man wearing an eye patch surrounded by men and women wearing formal clothing and weapons pointed at her face. Sakura lifted herself up off the stairs and guarded Nari using her own body. She lifted the palms of her hands watching her shield emerge in front of her.

"We are Shield. Please identify yourself." The Shield man said as he pulled up his small pistol.

"My name is Sakura I am the Queen of Asgard. Loki's wife. Thor and I returned to Midgard after our planet was destroyed. We came to stop Thanos from destroying the universe. Please, I have to go back to the battlefield, but I can't leave my son here alone. Spider-Man needs my help."

"Go."  The man said.

"But, sir." Said a woman who stood beside him.

"She's not a threat to us."

"Doctor Strange!" Sakura shouted as a portal opened up to her.

"Sorry I'm kind of busy here." Doctor Strange replied, "Where's the kid?"

"He's safe," Sakura said as she kissed her son goodbye.

Through the Portal, she jumped back in the war zone. In front of her, Peter had his spider legs out running for his life. Backed up into a corner he curled up in a ball protecting the Gauntlet. Sakura stormed her way past the raid to reach him to blast another explosion to protect him. Captain Marvel appeared beside her as they looked down at his bloody face.

"Take the Gauntlet I have to heal him!" Sakura shouted as she pulled it off his hands to pass it over.

"Don't worry I won't let Thanos get his hands on it." Captain Marvel said as she flew away.

"Peter are you okay?" Sakura said as she healed him.

"I'm fine. Where's your son? You shouldn't be here." Peter replied as he kissed her.

"He's safe. Get up it's not over yet."

Together as a pair shot webs and killed anyone who dared to face them. Sakura pulled out her daggers and shielded them both during this never-ending battle. So many aliens swarming like bees in one area to defend their own. She threw herself in front of Peter shielding them with her daggers. Peter took the clear shot tossing explosive webs. Behind her, an ax-wielding soldier ran in her direction. Peter threw himself between her legs pulling a knife from her pocket and throwing it at its chest. The monster fell backward splitting his head on a rock.

"We make a really good team." Peter laughed.

"I haven't been this happy since before Asgard fell. I'm grateful to be fighting by your side. I hope I can do this for the rest of our life together." Sakura said as she smiled.

"Me too."

A burst of light shined over the battlefield. No one spoke a word as the alien life began to dust away. Every hero stood watching the dusting without a smile. Sakura turned her body to see Thanos sitting down on rubble as he faded away. She saw Tony laying down motionless with his eyes wide open. A nasty scar covered half his body where he had snapped the Gauntlet. Sakura gave Peter a little nudge as she panicked. Both of them rushed over to him in tears.

"Mr. Stark, sir, we did it! We won! Mr. Stark, we did it!" Peter cried.

Behind them, Pepper appeared leaning over Tony. Assuring him everyone will be alright. If he needed to go he could go. Everything will be fine without him. Peter cried over Sakura's shoulders watching Pepper cry over the loss of her husband and the father of her beautiful daughter.

Today we lost a hero. A good man who saved the lives of millions of innocent people. A man who brought together a small crowd of humans and other creatures of the universe to fight for our right to a peaceful life. If it weren't for him Loki would have taken over New York and kill more people. The Mandarin would have taken over, and his weapons would have gone in the wrong hands killing thousands of civilians. Thanks to him the casualties were numbered. In the end, he sacrificed his life doing what he loved. Saving the universe. He sacrificed his life to bring back all of our hero's, friends, and family. Tony deserved so much more.

In Queens, New York, Sakura for the first time came home to Peter Parker. She entered the double doors to the elevators where she tapped a few buttons and waited to go up. Wearing a simple plain sleeveless black dress and a gold necklace she left the elevators and knocked on Peter's door. He opened the door wearing his black suit. His eyes are red, but not too puffy.

"You came..." Peter said with a relieved look on his face.

"Of course," Sakura replied as she hugged him.

"Peter who's at the door?" Aunt May asked as Sakura walked inside.

"May I want you to meet, Sakura. She's the one I told you about..." Peter said.

"Hello, Sakura. You look lovely. Would you like to stay for dinner after the Funeral?"

"I'd love too, thank you..."

"We don't want to be late. Let's go." May said as she gently nudged them out the door.

On their way out Peter and Sakura held hands. This isn't the end of their story, and Loki shall hopefully return.

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