Unduh Aplikasi
15.78% Queen In Green & Gold / Chapter 3: Attack On Jotunheim

Bab 3: Attack On Jotunheim

After so many years of training and learning from his King and Father, Thor, God of Thunder, has been chosen to be King of Asgard. Loki returned to his chambers facing his window frowning as he took a deep breath. A figure appeared behind him fearful of how he would respond to the news. He tightened his fists and turned to face the beautifully armored warrior. Wearing green and gold cloaks she handed him one of his daggers he had left behind.

"Sakura, what did I tell you about bringing these back. I have the ability to make more. Unless you were coming up with an excuse to come see me."

"I'm worried about you, Loki. Your brother is about to be King. That was your dream. It's not like you at all to just act like nothing is wrong!"

"I'm flattered that you worry so much, really. I'm happy for him." He said as he started to walk out the door.



"What are you planning?"

"Don't worry about me." He said.

"Wait." Sakura called out, "Aren't you forgetting something?"

He turned around staring at his gold horned helmet laying on top of a red pillow like a crown. Loki smiled grabbing his horn and walking back to the Throne room. She followed behind him standing beside him and besides his mother as Thor had approached the throne. Odin lifted his staff slamming it to the ground to silence everyone's excitement.

"Thor, Odin's son, My heir, My firstborn. So long and trusted with the mighty Hammer forged in the heart of a dying star. Its power has no equal. It's a weapon to destroy or is a tool to build. A fit companion for a King. I have defended Asgard at the lives of the innocence of the nine realms and brought peace. Today, Thor, Son of Odin shall become King. Do you swear to protect the nine realms?"

"I swear," Thor responded.

"And do you swear to preserve the peace."

"I swear."

"Do you swear to cast aside all selfish desires to pledge yourself only to the realms."

"I swear!" Thor shouted holding his Hammer up high.

"Then on this day, I Odin your father proclaim you...."

One of the guards quickly approached Sakura from behind and whispered to her of a disturbance in the Palace. She quickly turned to face Loki as he did the same to her. He didn't seem too pleased.

"Lady Sakura, the Vault has been overrun with Frost Giants."

"Now? Why now? Out of all the times... This is something out of our control." Sakura whispered to him.

"The Frost Giants..." Odin announced to himself as he stood before Thor.

"Pardon?" Thor asked.

Odin slammed his staff once more at his feet. The sound echoed throughout the building. Sakura was the first to leave the throne room in a rush to make sure the Vault was safe and secure. Odin quickly removed himself from his Throne to speak to his sons as Sakura led her soldiers down to the Vault after a loud blast had been heard. Dead soldiers are scattered around the open doors of the Vault. She approached the blue cube on its stand counting the Frost Giant's burned bodies.

"We lost a few of our own, and I'm not sure how many have managed to find their way down here. How did they slip through our defenses?" Sakura said as she checked the dead.

"I can't believe this. The Jotunheim must pay for what they've done. "  Thor said

"They have paid with their lives. All is well knowing the Casket is safe." Odin responded

"All is well? They broke into the weapons vault. If the Frost Giants had stolen one of these relics-"

"They didn't."

"Well, I want to know why?"

"I have made a truce with them."

"He just broke your truce. They know you are vulnerable."

"What action would you take?"

"March into Jotunheim as you once did. Teach them a lesson. Break their spirits so they never dare to cross our borders again."

"Your thinking only as a warrior."

"Well, this was an act of war."

"This was act doomed to fail."

"Look how far they've got."

"Sakura and the others will find the breach in our defenses and it will be sealed."

"As King of Asgard-"

"-but your not-King! Not yet..." Odin said as he had walked away.

The guards approached Sakura announcing to her none was able to find any entrance they had come through. No one had entered through the Bifrost either. She sighed placing her hand on Loki's arm then hurried back to her room. Due to the Frost Giants' return, Thor will not yet become King of Asgard. Everyone had returned to their usual duties protecting what belonged to Odin. Sakura returned to her room in Odin's Palace reading a large book. The first page displayed a piece of artwork of a blue cube. The light was strongly producing from the center, and whatever was moving inside of it.  Similar to the Casket but it had a much different stronger power than anyone could imagine. Her mind focused desperately on what Loki sought out to become King instead of her own problems. Frigga opened the doors to her room smiling. She sat beside her playing with Sakura's long black straight hair.

"How are you, my sweet child?" Frigga asked.

"Loki's determination to become the ruler of Asgard has been squashed. However, I don't think he will stop until he has the throne. Now that his brother is always one step ahead of him, and his father has already given him his blessing. I fear the worst."

"That's not the answer I was looking for."

"My apologies my Queen."

"You have nothing to be worried about. I've taught you and Loki everything I know. I have faith the two of you will lead Asgard to a peaceful everlasting future."

"Loki will fight Thor and win no matter the sacrifice."

"And your willing to stand by his side even in death."

"I would die for him."

"As if I'd ever let that happen..." Loki said as he had walked through the door, "Mother..."

"Loki. Are you alright?" The Queen asked.

"I came here to ask you the same question."

"Loki..." Sakura said as she quickly raced over to him.

At the moment she placed her arms on his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. He gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead caressing her soft skin. The Queen stood up from her seat directing herself to the doorway. She rubbed Loki's shoulder and smiled as she left Sakura's bedroom.

"How did the Frost Giants come through the Bifrost, Loki?" Sakura asked, "I don't believe this. They managed to reach the Palace without anybody noticing. What if I were asleep and-"

"Do not worry yourself. I'm sure there is more than one way to enter Asgard."

"Don't lie to me. What did you do?"

"I might have offered them something in return if I had asked them to ruin Thor's ceremony."

"Did you now?" Sakura angrily shouted as she yanked at his ear.

"Ow. I must say for a small young maiden you are quite strong."

"How many Asgardian civilians have you killed?"

"None I promise. I gave them my word I'd let them have the Casket of Ancient Winters. Although all efforts failed due to my Father's Destroyer."

"I've noticed." Sakura sighed.

"Speaking of the Bifrost I'll be assisting Thor in his vengeance."

"You are leaving Asgard to fight Jotunheim and start a war between our people and theirs. This is Thor's idea."

"Thor won't listen to reason. I might as well go with him to settle the peace if possible. Please tell my father of Thor's intentions. He's fought them before, so he will know what to do."

"Be careful," Sakura said pecking him on the cheek.

He smiled at her and joyfully hurried out the door. He had taken a horse and followed the warriors and Thor to the Bifrost to throw themselves to start a war. Sakura had watched as the beam of light brought them to another realm outside Asgard. The sun had begun to set and Sakura waited for a long hour or two. Her eye's widened in fear as she quickly rushed to the Throne room. Odin sat at his throne holding his staff sitting up straight like a real King. She kneeled to him placing her arm over her chest.

"Allfather, I was given word that both of your sons had left Asgard to fight the Frost Giants. They have brought only a few of the strongest warriors with them."

He frowned at Sakura and left the Throne immediately. Leaving the Palace he had quickly brought himself on a black horse to Jotunheim. He had returned home soon after, but another bright light had shined upon Asgard's Bifrost. From the Palace, she watched as Loki had returned overwhelmed and in fear of his life. She found him and followed him down a long hallway.

"Loki! What happened out there? Where's Thor?"

He turned to face her stumbling to say even a single word to her. Loki's eyes were red and watered and he had continued to keep walking to a large room. Frigga placed a hand over Sakura's arm pulling her back. She rubbed her back and brought her to the nearest quiet Balcony. The Palace had grown silent.

"Odin cast out Thor for bringing war upon us. Innocent blood will be spilled."

"He was what?"

"Thor was stripped of his powers and sent to the Human realm."

"He won't survive there! I know better than anyone."

"Odin loved Thor more than he ever loved Loki, but I see good in Loki and I know you do too. So look after him. Usually, at times like this, he will need you the most."

"Sakura!" Loki called out.

Both turned there head to face Loki who seemed to have a lot on his mind at the moment. Frigga tightly held Sakura's hands and hugged her before leaving the two by themselves. She then stared directly at Loki as he approached her slowly. He sighed wrapping his arms around her waist.

"I apologize if I worried you."

"When have I ever not been worried for you. The burdens you hold are my burdens too. We're both the same you and me." Sakura said holding on to his chest for warmth.

"If I were to burden you with my own problems I would be sending you to an early grave. It would be best if you stayed safely in the Palace where you belong. Not out there in the battlefield where I have a chance of losing you."

"My place is by your side. And I know you never meant for Thor to be cast out, so what is your next course of action."

"Follow me." He sighed as he led her to the Vault below the Palace.

"Why are we here?" Sakura asked.

"Guards please close the doors so I may speak to her privately."

The guards closed the door behind them. He strolled down the long path passing all of Odin's treasures and weapons of mass destruction. Sakura had slowly followed behind his footsteps. He approached the Casket of Winters staring down upon its glorious power. Loki had frowned lifting his arms to touch the Casket.

"Loki what are you doing? Have you gone mad?" Sakura questioned.

"If I would become King and you'd become my Queen... Would you accept me even if I wasn't the son of Odin."

"What are you talking about?"

He tightly gripped the handles of the Casket lifting it. His skin slowly turned blue and his eyes blood red. Loki stared intensely at it as Sakura stood back out of fear. Odin entered the vault realizing what had he was doing.

"Stop!" Odin shouted.

"Am I cursed?" Loki asked.

"No," Odin responded.

"What am I?"

"You're my son."

"What more than that?" He said as he had turned around.

His entire body had turned blue. Sakura defensively backed up hitting her spine up against the wall. He turned his head to her then turned away fearing he'd lose the one person who cared about him most. His skin tone returned to normal when he had returned the Casket back to where he had lifted it and looked up to his father in tears.

"The casket wasn't the only thing you took for Jotunheim that day, was it?" He said as he had approached his father with Sakura at his side.

"No..." Odin sighed, "In the aftermath of the battle I had gone to the temple and found a baby. Small for a giant offspring. Abandoned, suffering, and left to die. The King of Jotunheim's son."

"Laufey's Son..." Loki said as he had directed it to Sakura.


"Why? Why would you take me?"

"You were an innocent child."

"No. You took me for a purpose. What was it? Tell me!" Loki cried out.

Sakura had felt a powerful energy source from Loki as she backed up. He had startled her from the yelling and conversation wasn't making it any better. Odin looked over at her then back to his son who had tears rolling down his cheek.

"I thought we could unite our Kingdoms one day and bring about permanent peace through you."

"What?" Loki quietly said.

"But those plans no longer matter."

"So I am no more than a stolen relic locked up here until you might have use of me."

"Don't twist my words."

"You could have told me what I was from the beginning why didn't you?"

"You're my son. I only wanted to protect you from the truth."

"Why because I-I-I'm the monster parents tell their children about at night."

"No, Loki." Sakura cried.

"And what of your warrior maiden you love so much."

"Don't bring her into this she has nothing to do with this!" Loki cried out staring at her fearful face.

"Loki you weren't the only secret we've been keeping from you," Odin said.

"What are you talking about? What is he talking about?"

"I...I...I-" Sakura panicked

"Why don't you tell him? Tell him your history of Frost Giants and being born a Mortal."

"What?" Loki said as he had turned to her.

"Would you still stand by his side knowing what he is? Knowing what Laufey has done to you. She became a warrior to rid of all Frost Giants. That includes you, Loki."

"No!" Sakura yelled out as she had grabbed ahold of his arm, "Loki had nothing to do with it. He is as equally Asgardian as I am. I will fight by his side and take over whatever realm he pleases. I don't care as long as I can stay by his side."

"As I trained and protected Thor your mother did the same for you Loki, and then she had found Sakura and taught her in secrecy. She kept that from me for years until I had only recently figured out why she was far more fragile and powerless than the rest of us. And why she kept her so close to you and herself locked up in the Palace."

"I can't believe this. It all makes sense now. Why you favored Thor all these years because no matter how much you claim to love me you could have a Frost Giant sitting on the Throne of Asgard!"

Odin began to whisper under his breath as he collapsed to the floor. His body started to fail him and he had fallen into a deep slumber. Sakura hurried to his aide as Loki kneeled to his side overwhelmed. She called out for the Guards and the healers removed him from the room. Loki stood up staring at the door as it closed to behind them.

"I can't say I'm happy with you right now."

"Loki I can explain."

"Why didn't you tell me from the start? What happened to sharing our burdens with one another? You are a human! Does anyone else know about this?"

"I'm sorry Loki, honest. You were so occupied with Thor that I didn't want to burden you with my small insignificant problems. Nobody but the family besides your brother knows about this."

"I'm here now. Tell me."

"I was born on Earth but not too soon after somehow the Frost Giants had found their way to me and killed the family I was born to and brought me back with them. This was long after the war he had found you. I don't remember all the details I only know of what your mother told me...I...uh..."

"No, I know you know you just don't want to say it."

"I've never talked about this out loud before."

"Sakura... If you don't tell me then I won't know how to help you."

"They took me back to their frozen wasteland and kept me in prison for years. Beating me, starving me, kicking me, abandoning me, breaking me in as they raped and tortured me. I was too weak and small to be a slave so I was there toy. Are you happy now! I won't stand by until I've killed every single one of them. You may be a Frost Giant but you were long gone when I was taken away and stripped of my sanity." She cried out, "No one from Earth helped me. I was such an insignificant loss to them they didn't even care I was gone and out of the way."

"Come here. Stand by my side and together we will destroy the realms who've hurt us. Come. Our Throne awaits us." Loki said reaching out his hand.

"Loki you will always be King in my heart," Sakura said grabbing his hand and hugging him tightly.

Once the couple had left the vault they reached Odin and his wife who had been by his bedside the entire time. In his golden twin-sized medical bed covered in a healing spell. Aware of his surroundings Odin cannot move or speak, but to sleep in a paralyzing state. The mother stood up and hugged them both.

"I'm not sure how long he will stay like this. Knowing his age it will take far much longer for him to awake, and with Thor gone... You'll have to take the Throne Loki."

"I'd be honored," Loki replied leaving the room with Sakura by his side.

He placed his helmet on his head and grabbed his Father's staff. His eyes lightened up knowing he had finally gotten what he had wanted from the start. Once in the throne room, he had felt great power. He sat satisfied and waved Sakura over to sit on his lap. The gold and shine brightened her mood. They were finally happy.

"What a beautiful sight up here," Sakura said.

"Indeed," Loki replied.

"Allfather! May we have a word with you it is urgent." Asked the female warrior.

Standing behind them three of the other strongest warriors in Asgard placed their arms over their chest realizing it was Loki and Sakura on the throne. The room had gotten silent Loki had sighed.

"My friends," Loki said.

"Where's Odin?" Asked one of the warriors.

"He's in Odin's Sleep. Mother fears he may never awaken again."

"We will speak to her." The female warrior said.

"No need," Sakura said.

"She has refused to leave my father's bedside." Loki replied as he tapped on Sakura's lap to stand up, "You can bring your urgent matter to me. Your King..."

She stood by his throne as he stood tall and mightily over her. He tapped the staff to the ground and smiled over there unhappy faces. The warriors were speechless then had bowed down to him in order to keep the peace between them.

"We ask that you end Thor's banishment." The Female warrior asked.

"We are on the brink of war with Jotunheim. Our people need a sense of safety in these difficult times. All of us must stand together for the good of Asgard." Loki said as he had walked down the steps from his throne.

"Yes, my King." The female warrior said full of anger in her eyes.

"Good, then you will await for my word."

"If I may...uh Perhaps you can reconsider." Another warrior said.

"We're done," Loki shouted.

The four had stood back up and walked out of the room in silence. Sakura had caught up to him from behind and sighed as she already knew what they had planned to do.

"Loki they will betray you."

"I know. Nothing I can't handle. Nothing we can't handle."

"When you're mother found me. She saw similarities between the two of us and that is why she had introduced us."

"No offense but when she said she had something important to show me I wasn't expecting a fragile young girl." Loki chuckled.

"And I wasn't expecting a scrawny cat-like young man to be the next King of Asgard. A bit of a big baby and wus who runs at the sight of trouble. No offense, my King." Sakura chucked.

He laughed and gave her a kiss on the lips. They continued as he held her tightly around the waist. Their breathing became heavy and his grip on her had gotten much tighter than before. She caressed his chest attempting to push him away. The surrounding air was too hot to bear.

Loki...." Sakura said.

"What's wrong?" He seductively asked.

"Not here..."

"Why not? It's a free show. I'm King I can do whatever I want." Loki smiled.

"Your such a tease." Sakura said pushing him away, "but what are we to do about Jotunheim? The war?"

"Right. I'll be right back. Stay here."

"I'm not as fragile as you think I am. I can fight them."

"Heh, no you can't. In fact, you are as fragile as a human child."

"Oh God, I just realized your like thousands of years old and I'm only twenty-something. This is super awkward and kind of gross."

"Yeah, how do you think I felt when I had realized this earlier. Don't look so disgusted at me. I'm leaving before this conversation goes downhill." Loki said as he had walked away.

"He maybe thousands of years old but his manhood says differently." Sakura smiled as she walked back to the throne.

"I heard that." He said as he laughed and walked out of the room, "I'll be in Jotunheim. If you do not hear from me for a long time I give you permission to freak out and send an army my way."

"Be safe my King." Sakura chuckled.

In Sakura's mind, all she could think about was Loki. His Frost Giant form, but how small he was compared to them. Those bloody red eyes and the markings across his face. It will scar her mind for life. She stood by the throne desperately awaiting his arrival. She left to look over the balcony to see if the Bifrost would move, and by staring at it long enough it did. Only an hour or so had passed and Loki had finally returned to Asgard and he had promptly returned to her side. The night was long and dark, but the lights down below lit up the sky. He stared at her beautiful eyes as they sparkled like the sky filled with countless stars. She listened to the sound of his footsteps as he came closer.


"Yes, My Queen." He smiled.

"Very funny." She replied as she kissed him.

As they had wrapped their bodies around each other the Bifrost had begun to shine and the needle had lowered. Loki let go of Sakura and stared upon the sight. Displeased he stormed out to the Vault releasing The Destroyer and took the Casket. Sakura followed him to the Palace entrance. He turned to face her as if she was broken and innocent as she used her magic spells to place on her armor.

"I didn't say you could leave. In fact, I prefer you'd stay in your chambers."

"I will wait for you in the Throne room. I will obey you, but you cannot treat me like I am nothing."

"You are not nothing to me! You are everything to me! I refuse to lose you. I'm a selfish King who will do anything to keep his precious relics safe by his side."

She refused to speak up any further and left to the Throne room. He was only gone for a short moment until he had returned to sit down and wait.

"Did you release it?"

"Yes. Now we wait."

He waited and strolled around his Throne twirling his thumbs. Loki could see through the monster the Destroyer and fought his brother. He looked over at Sakura disappointed tightly griping her wrist as and pulled her towards his body. The power surging from his body made her heart race.

"Sakura you are not weak. In fact, you are my most powerful weapon against Jotunheim. Can I ask of you to please hide somewhere safe? I have to put a stop to this war, and to Thor. Please."

"Fine. Only because you asked nicely." Sakura said.

The twosome had gone there separate ways. Sakura ran off to Frigga who had sat beside the King's side while he slept. She approached the Queen and sat with her waiting for Loki to come to his senses.

"What's wrong my dear? Are you alright?"

"Loki knows everything about me now. He's now treating me like I am unable to take care of myself despite the fact that he and I have the same amount of knowledge of Asgardian Magic. I know healing magic that's something he doesn't know everything about."

"Give him time to process the information. He only wants to protect you because he loves you. You are mortal my child. You'll only live for maybe a couple a hundred years, and Loki is coping with that information right now. You had been cast out of there and thrown like a piece of garbage on our doorstep. If it wasn't me that had found you my husband would have thrown you back to Earth."

"My only reason for living is to protect Loki. I love him." Sakura cried.

"I know," Frigga said hushing her.

Icicles and frost formed around the door and the walls. Frigga pulled out a dagger from her husbands' bed guarding Sakura with her life.

"No my Queen I should be protecting you."

"Quiet child."

From the door, a tall blue giant showed itself to them. She swung her dagger killing one of them. The rest had entered afterward. The King of Jotunheim pushed the Queen down staring down at Sakura. He laughed in amusement to see her pretty little face again. Sakura pulled out her own daggers and begun slicing them one by one as she was backed into a corner. Laufey managed to place his hands over the King's head. He pulled his knife and prepared to kill him.

"No!" Sakura cried out.

A blast knocked him out of the King's reach. Behind him had stood Loki and his father's spear. He looked at the damage that had been done and stared over at Sakura sighing.

"I told you to find a safe place."

"This is a safe place. How was I supposed to know the Frost Giants could get here so quickly?" Sakura said as she watched Laufey crawling over his own feet.

"And your death will come from the son of Odin," Loki said to him as he destroyed his own biological father.

"Loki..." The Queen said as she stumbled on her feet to stand, "You saved him."

In that moment Sakura ran to her aide wrapping her arms around her to help her stand. Loki gave both his Mother and Maiden a strong hug. Out of breath, he faced them.

"I swear to the both of you I will make them pay for what they did here."

"Loki!" Thor shouted as he had finally returned to Asgard.

"Thor..." Frigga shouted with a big smile on her face as she ran to him for a hug, "I knew you'd return to us."

"I thought he was banished to Earth," Sakura said to Loki.

"He was..." Loki responded.

"Why didn't you tell her? That you sent The Destroyer to kill our friends, to kill me." Thor angrily said attempting to start a fight.

"What?" Frigga said.

"It's a long story," Sakura replied.

"I was only enforcing Father's last command."

"You're a talented liar, Loki. You've always have been."

"It's good to have you back. Now if you excuse me I'll have to destroy Jotunheim." He said blasting away his own brother, "Sakura this is our chance to destroy them for what they did to us. Ride with me."

He pulled Sakura away from Palace and brought her down on horseback to the Bifrost. She held on tightly to his waist as he had carried her away from the safety of the Palace. On arrival, he had jumped off his horse and assisted his maiden off it's back. Loki had found the sword and placed it on the center to open up the Bifrost. He directed the beam of light to Jotunheim to destroy it.

"You'll be the last Frost Giant left."

"So be it."

The Bifrost started to chip away and crack under the massive amounts of energy its not used to producing. Icicle shaped energy produced around it like veins in a body. What's done has been done. Thor had finally managed to catch up to the two of them and watched as Loki destroy an entire planet.

"You can't stop it. The Bifrost will build until it rips Jotunheim apart." Loki said.

"Why have you done this?"

"To prove to Father I am the worthy son. When he wakes I will have saved his life. I will have destroyed that race of monsters. And I will be the true heir to the throne."

"You can't kill an entire race."

"Yes, we can," Sakura said stepping up beside Loki.

"I should have known you'd be here standing by his side like always. Why would you stand beside my brother? He's done nothing good in his entire life."

"Because I love and I'd do anything for him. He's doing this for me, not just himself. He's not as selfish as you think he is." Sakura said guarding Loki with her life.

" And what is this new love for the Frost Giants?" Loki said walking around Sakura to face Thor.

"I have changed."

"So have I?" Loki said as he had whacked him with his spear, "I never wanted the throne. I only wanted to be your equal."

"I will not fight you brother!"

"And I am not your brother. I never was."

"Loki this is madness."

"Is it Madness. Is it?" Loki said as he started to tear up, "I don't know what happened to you on earth that made you so soft. Don't tell me it was that woman! Oh, so it was! Well, maybe when we finish here I'll pay her a visit myself."

The two crossed weapons and fought like madmen. Clashing the spear to the Hammer countless times Sakura could only step back from the fight. Two God's fighting one another is not something a Mortal should ever get in between. She stood by the Bifrost protecting it while Loki fought viciously. Thor had yanked himself and Loki out of the Bifrost, and Loki nearly fell off the bridge holding on for his life.

"Loki!" Sakura screamed until she had realized he was tricking Thor.

He formed hundreds of them to surround Thor to confuse him, but Thor brought him down with his thunder. Loki had fallen and his spear had gone down with him. Thor approached him leaving his Hammer over his chest. Unable to stand Loki used his words to lure him away from the Bifrost.

"Sakura! Get out of there!" He shouted as he struggled.

"Loki!" Sakura called out as she continued to guard it against Thor.

"There's nothing you can do!" Loki shouted to his brother.

Thor reached out for his hammer and it came to him. He smashed the Rainbow bridge at the edge. Loki used his magic to pull Sakura over to him away from the Bifrost and away from Thor. He held on to her tightly pushing her away from them towards the City.

"What are you doing?" Loki yelled as he tried to stop him, "If you destroy the bridge you'll never see her again!"

The blast was so strong it threw the three of them away from the Bifrost. Down the waterfall, it fell and the rainbow bridge had grown dark. As they fell Loki throw Sakura back to the bridge as his brother caught him and held him from falling to space. Thor had looked up realizing Odin had caught him just in time.

"Loki!" Sakura cried as she ran up to the end of the bridge.

"I could have done it, father! I could have done it! For you! For Sakura! For all of us!" He cried out.

"No Loki," Odin replied

"I love you Sakura more than anything. I'm not a monster."

"Loki don't you dare let go of Thor's hand. I wouldn't be able to live with myself." Sakura yelled out.

"No Loki!" Thor shouted as Loki had let go of him

"No! Loki" Sakura screamed as she reached out for him.

The King, Odin, pulled her back from falling off the edge as she tried to reach him. He stared up at her face as she stared down upon him until Loki was no longer visible. He helped Thor back on his feet staring down to see if Loki would still be visible. Sakura mourned pulling her daggers out to them and to Asgard.

"You never loved Loki from the start. From the very beginning, you gave him false hope that he would be King only to ruin his entire life." Sakura screamed holding her dagger to the King's throat, "And you, Thor, were supposed to be a good supportive brother and not rub it in his face."

"What are you talking about? I wanted Loki to stand by me as an equal but he betrayed our trust."

"That may be true, but you betrayed him long before that."

"Put down your weapon." Odin said, "I will put you away for this."

"Clearly not enough. Odin, it was I who brought the Frost Giants here to steal from you in order to prevent Thor's ceremony from successfully finishing. To get rid of Thor so that Loki could be King, but no you still stood at the Throne. I had no other choice but to get rid of you! I sent the Frost Giants to kill you as you slept in Odinsleep and unfortunately both your sons put a stop to it." Sakura yelled out crying.

"Father she's lying. This is her way of helping Loki get away with murder. So that nobody in Asgard would ever dream of blaming him for such a traitorous act."

"If it is a prison for life that you want then so be it." Odin said as guards hard marched up behind him, "Take her away. She is a traitor of Asgard."

"Someday you will pay for what you did." Sakura cried out as she had been hauled away back to the Palace.

The guards placed study anti-magic cuffs around her wrist than a mouth mask over her face so she would no longer be allowed to speak. Removing her from above ground they placed her in a dark prison. A light orange field prevented the escape of any of the prisoners. The guards threw her inside and locked her within it. Sakura cried for days banging her body over the painful orange field preventing from leaving. Every time she had hit it would hit twice has hardback. The pain was nothing compared to what she had lost.

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Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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