Hana at Nagame's guild master immediately went to the ground towards Daichi, trying to find out if her subordinate was okay, or if he had been seriously injured.
But what could have been so powerful and devastating, to the point of burning a hole in Daichi's barrier?
Without time to even think about what the answer to that question could be, Toshinori, after discovering that Daichi had just passed out due to the exhaustion of keeping a barrier of that magnitude up for so long, looked in Asahi's direction, with a single question. shining brightly in his eyes.
Asahi, already hardened by years of working alongside that guild master, already knew exactly what he was thinking, nodded to the leader, and went directly to the captain's cabin, returning from there with a box of tools.
"Can you do that?" Toshinori asked the genius strategist.
Asahi simply smiled ever so slightly.
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