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92.59% Mha: Quirk N.O.A.H / Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Goodbye

Bab 25: Chapter 25: Goodbye

The shadow of a pillar that supported the parking lot expanded into a circular void as Akemi and Solomon rose from it, the cold glow of the fluorescent lights casting sharp contrasts on their faces. Solomon blinked, adjusting to the sudden change in environment, and noticed Kanata standing beside the lifeless body of the man who had teleported them earlier lying on the ground, an eerie stillness surrounding him.

Kanata turned to them, but before he could say anything, Akemi spoke. "I will take my daughter with me." She smiled, seeming not bothered by Yoshio's dead body. "I can see your anger. Is there anything you want to say?

"Yes." Kanata nodded, staring into her eyes. "Leave her with me as you did before."

Kanata clenched his teeth but kept his calm. "Be serious, Akemi. We both know your husband won't allow her to live with you guys, because she is the child of another man." He said matter of factly. "Besides, you also don't like her."

Akemi smiled as she caressed Solomon's hair. "You speak as if you know me or my husband." She chuckled, her eyes showing amusement as she regarded Kanata. "Cute."

Solomon, for her part, remained stoic in Akemi's embrace, her mind racing with thoughts of the future. 'I hope this isn't a bad idea.' She thought, glancing at Kanata. 'And I should really keep myself useful. I am basically a prisoner right now.'

Kanata knew that he couldn't win against Akemi, but he couldn't give up without a fight. "You can't just take her away like this, Akemi," Kanata clenched his fists. "You know she'll be better off with me."

"Better with you?" Akemi's smile widened, her eyes narrowed into slits. "My dear Kanata," she purred, "You seem to have forgotten your place." With a flick of her wrist, Kanata's shadow flared out, spreading out on the ground behind him like a demon. "Now is not the time for idle chatter. I have business to attend to, and I will take my daughter with me."

Kanata glanced at Cerbera, then back at Akemi, before looking at Solomon, who nodded. He seemed to understand what Solomon meant, sighing. "Can I at least visit her?"

"Of course?" Akemi laughed. "I am not a demon. You can visit your daughter whenever you want." She tightened her grip on Solomon's hand, leading her away from Kanata and towards a sleek, black Genesis G90 parked nearby. "If you can find us, that is."

Kanata stared at them for a while before sighing. 'I hope you can use her as your stepping stone, Solomon. I believe in you.' He then turned to Yoshio's dead body beside him, asking. "What are you intending to do with him? I doubt you are stupid enough to just leave, not one, but two dead bodies laying around." He finished, pointing at the chauffeur's headless body.

"Oh, right." Akemi mumbled, opening the back door of her car and ushered Solomon in. "I don't have a booster seat, so you would have to ride with a normal seatbelt. I am sure you are smart enough to know how to put on a seat belt."

"Yes." Solomon nodded, freezing when she noticed Akemi staring at her. "Yes, mom." She quickly added.

"...Mom will do, I guess." She nodded, slamming the door shut as she glanced around the parking lot. "Cerbera. Take care of this mess."

At her command, Kanata's shadows enveloped the man's lifeless body on the ground. Darkness swirled and coiled around him, slowly obscuring him from sight. Within moments, the body was completely hidden by the darkness, and as Cerbera's shadows receded, it was as if the man had never been there at all. His eyes caught sight of a shadow, and he turned to see the shadow of his Lexus devouring his chauffeur's body and even blood on the ground.

'Whatever that dog is, I don't want to mess with it.' He thought, turning to Akemi as she got into her car's driver's seat. 'I guess this is it. We have only been together for a week, but damn Solomon. I love the shit out of you.

Her eyes briefly met Kanata's as she started the engine. "Remember, you're always welcome to visit," she said with a cold smile, knowing full well that finding her and Solomon wouldn't be an easy task. With that, she stepped on the gas, and the car sped off, disappearing around the corner of the parking lot.

Kanata stood in the empty parking lot, a strained smile on his face. "Solomon. I hope you climb higher than that bitch and make her suck your toes." He chuckled.


As Akemi drove down the bustling afternoon highway of Musutafu, Solomon sat quietly in the backseat, the city's skyline speeding past them in a blur of color and light, as her mind raced with thoughts of her future.

'I hope this isn't a bad idea.' She thought, looking out the window.

[Don't worry too much, sir. With you being of use to her, I see no reason she would do anything terrible to you.]

Solomon took a deep breath and nodded, glancing at Akemi, who was focused on the road, seemingly unbothered by the recent events.

'She must not know about my past life,' she thought. 'If she found out, there's no telling what she might do. I might turn into a test subject for Ethan.'

As they continued to drive through the city, Solomon decided to make the best of the situation and use her time with Akemi to gather information about her and her connections.

"Mom," Solomon began, trying to gauge Akemi's mood. "I was wondering... how did you become president of RoboTech?"

Akemi glanced at her in the rearview mirror, her eyes narrowing slightly as she considered her question. "I bought it with my husband's money," she replied coolly, smiling as she noticed Solomon's expression. "Did you expect another answer?"

"I certainly did." She nodded, inspecting the car interior. It is sleek and modern, with high-quality leather and wood finishes that exude luxury, and filled with advanced technology, including a large touchscreen display. "I thought you worked your way up, having a Master of Business Administration."

She paused, gathering her thoughts before replying. "Becoming a president of a company typically requires a combination of factors, including experience, a proven track record of success, leadership skills, strategic thinking, and networking abilities." She switched lanes to merge onto a highway while speaking. "An MBA program can provide you with a foundation in these areas, but it's up to you to develop these skills and apply them in your career."

"It would have taken years to become the president, or never if I did it like normal people. But I am not normal." She shrugged. "So I asked my husband for a few billion pounds and bought it." She sighed. "But, as you said earlier, things haven't been going well. I am only thirty-one, for god sake. I don't have enough experience."

'...Ok...' Solomon thought, staring at Akemi. 'I did not expect her to be this open.'

"And that's where you come in, my sweet little daughter." She smiled, glancing at Solomon through the rearview mirror. "You said you were building an AI after only a few days of studying AI programming. I would like to see your limits. I am sure you know what I mean."

Solomon looked out the window, considering Akemi's words. Her statement made it clear that she intended to use her intelligence to further her ambitions. But that is what she wanted. She will let Akemi use her then...

'I am not very good at planning and manipulation.' Solomon sighed. 'You take care of the planning and tell me when I need to do or say something.'

[Will do, sir. This 'bitch of a mother' won't know what hit her.]

'...Kanata influenced you too much.' She nodded. "I understand," Solomon replied to Akemi, feigning the innocent voice of a child. "I'll do my best to help you, Mom."

"That's my girl." Akemi smiled at her response, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "I expect great things from you, my dear." She replied as a yellow BMW sped past her, swerving through traffic like a pro. "By the way, what are these ideas you have that would raise RoboTech stocks?"

At this question, Solomon froze, which Akemi noticed. 'Shit. I haven't come up with anything.' She thought as Noah quickly rallied ideas to her.

"Well," Solomon began. "One idea is to partner with hero schools like U.A. High School and Shiketsu High School, offering internships and research opportunities for their students. This collaboration would not only give RoboTech access to fresh ideas and talent but also help build its reputation as a company committed to supporting the next generation of heroes."

"I already tried that. It failed." She replied bluntly. "No Hero School wants to be seen as a partner with my husband due to his... reputation. They fear backlash. What else do you have in mind?"

[I gave you an obviously horrible idea on purpose, sir. Your response to her question was already noticed by her. It would be wise if you didn't give her ideas that might or would actually raise RoboTech's stock for now.]

Solomon nodded, understanding Noah's point. "Another idea I have," she muttered as Noah fed her information. "Is to expand RoboTech's product range by creating gadgets for everyday people, not just heroes. Things like advanced communication devices or household robotics."

Akemi raised an eyebrow. "I appreciate your effort, but that's not really what RoboTech is known for, and the competition in that market is fierce. We'd have to establish an entirely new brand, and that would be time-consuming and expensive." She paused for a moment before continuing. "However, I do appreciate your attempt to think outside the box. Keep trying, my dear."

"I see..." Solomon sighed, feigning disappointment at Noah's command. "I will try better."

"You should." Akemi nodded, her eyes fixed on the road ahead. "I believe in your potential, Solomon. Those ideas were great, even though you just made them without much time to think. You just need the right guidance."

Akemi continued driving as they sat in silence, the scenery around them transforming from the bustling cityscape of Musutafu to a more industrialized area filled with warehouses, factories, and vast stretches of concrete. As they approached their destination, Solomon noticed a large, gated complex in the distance, surrounded by tall fences and security cameras.

"An airport?" Solomon asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"A fixed-base operator." Akemi corrected as she rolled down her window and flashed her ID at the security guard. "This is where my private jet is waiting to take us back to Osaka."

'Private jet? Osaka?' She hadn't thought of the fact that she would leave Musutafu, especially leaving Kanata behind and going to a whole other city. 'I hope he does well. I should probably send him information on how to complete the AI prototype so he can take it to Soundscape. That should---'

"We will stay in Osaka for a few years, my dear," Akemi said, glancing at Solomon in the rearview mirror as the car pulled up to the entrance of the FBO. "We need to work closely with RoboTech headquarters to see what we can do about this disaster. I just hope you are as useful as you claim."

Solomon nodded, trying to keep her expression neutral as she absorbed this new information as Akemi continued. "I will also assign you one of RT's most talented and experienced engineers to be your mentor. I hope you can suck him dry of all his knowledge."

"I will, mom." Solomon nodded, smiling. 'I will definitely suck him dry.'

[It seems like you forgot to say 'No homo,' sir.]

'R-right.' Solomon chuckled internally. 'Right. No homo.'

Akemi parked the car and stepped out, her metal pump heels clicking on the pavement as she walked to the entrance. Solomon followed with her hands in her hoodie, watching as the security guards stationed at the entrance saluted Akemi as she approached, their eyes betraying a mixture of respect and fear.

They walked through the sliding glass doors, entering a space of luxury, with walls lined with sleek, modern furniture, and the floor was polished marble that seemed to stretch on forever. A massive chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting a warm, golden light over the entire room.

'I have never been to an airport this nice.' She thought, looking around in awe. 'I guess this is what rich people experience. Just like Hikari Heights. Not bad.'

As they walked deeper into the opulent lobby, Solomon couldn't help but marvel at the intricate details and luxurious materials used throughout the space. The walls were adorned with art, and lush green plants were carefully arranged in strategic locations, adding a touch of life to an otherwise sterile environment.

Akemi led Solomon towards tall, frosted glass doors. A pair of security guards stepped forward to open them, revealing a spacious and impeccably designed waiting area. Soft, plush couches were arranged around low coffee tables while floor-to-ceiling windows offered breathtaking views of the airstrip and sleek private jets beyond.

"Quicken your step." Akemi's voice snapped Solomon back to reality as she noticed Akemi was already far ahead.

As Solomon hurried to catch up with Akemi, she couldn't help but notice the stares they received from the other occupants of the waiting area. Some people appeared curious, while others were obviously apprehensive, casting furtive glances in their direction. It was clear that Akemi's reputation preceded her, and Solomon knew that being associated with her would put her under intense scrutiny.

'The start of my fame.' Solomon thought, inhaling deeply. 'I can smell it.'

As they approached the far end of the waiting area, a tall man dressed in a sharp suit stepped forward, his expression neutral. "Mrs. Nakamura, your jet is ready for departure," he informed her, inclining his head slightly in respect.

"Thank you, Mr. Tanaka," Akemi replied, a polite smile on her face. "I trust everything has been prepared to our specifications?"

"Of course," Mr. Tanaka answered, a hint of deference in his tone. He glanced at Solomon who he didn't recognize but said nothing. "We have ensured that your journey will be as comfortable and efficient as possible."

"Very good," she said, turning to Solomon. "Come, my dear. Our chariot awaits."

'Chariot?' Solomon glanced at Akemi through the side of her eyes. 'Chariot?' He asked once more.

They followed Mr. Tanaka through a set of double doors that led out onto the tarmac. The scent of jet fuel filled the air as they made their way toward a sleek, black private jet emblazoned with the RoboTech minimalist logo on its tail, a bold letter "R" and "T" with a robot head integrated within the design, all in metallic silver. The sun glinted off the polished metal, and Solomon found herself momentarily awestruck by the aircraft's sheer opulence.

"Nice." She mumbled, inspecting the jet and the others around. 'By far the best looking. Makes sense.'

As they approached the jet, a flight attendant appeared at the top of the stairs, smiling warmly. "Welcome aboard, Mrs. Nakamura," she greeted them, her voice friendly and professional. "We are delighted to have you and your guest with us today."

Akemi nodded as she led Solomon up the stairs and into the cabin. The walls were lined with plush, cream-colored leather, and the seats were arranged in a spacious, comfortable configuration. A fully-stocked bar sat along one wall, and large windows offered expansive views of the surrounding landscape.

"Please make yourselves comfortable," the flight attendant said, gesturing to the plush seats. "We will depart shortly."

Akemi settled into one of the seats, her eyes scanning the cabin. "I expect nothing less than perfection," she informed the attendant, smiling as always. "I trust you will not disappoint me."

"Of course not, Mrs. Nakamura," the flight attendant assured her, her smile never faltering. "We will do everything in our power to ensure your satisfaction."

Solomon took taking a seat opposite Akemi as the jet's engines roared to life and began their ascent.

'Kanata. I have used you as a stepping stone and climbed higher.' She kept her facial expression in check, stopping herself from smiling, looking out of the window as the cityscape below them shrank into the distance. 'I wish you well, my friend.'


Author's Note


Sorry for the sudden one week hiatus. Stuff happened.

I was going to post yesterday, but just decided to do it today so I will be one chapter ahead. Hope this is good.

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