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Onslaught Armor.

After a long day of feasting with his family, once his parents went to bed, he and Yoshimura were again outside by his favorite tree. The tree had nothing special about it besides being an old oak tree, but it helped him think. 

With him were his two pets, and his loyal maid. Yoshimura watched as he reviewed each armor version up to this point. 

"So? You confident in this one?" 

He nodded. 

"I have had 10 different versions which were all failures, but each one improved on the last one. If my calculations are correct and they usually are, this will be a truly successful first version of the first version of the armor." 

Yoshimura was already feeling a headache. 

"First version?" 

He nodded. 

"This armor will barely be able to compare to the Logos once I bring it into proper service. It will need to be as resilient and powerful as humanely possible for what I have in mind for it." 

"Does this have to do with your 'unheroic' work?" 

He nodded. 

"I have no desire or need to harm the common people. Let them go about their lives as harming them will bring me no joy or satisfaction. I will be focusing my efforts on the governments of the world who hide the knowledge that I want. 

My goal in life is information and knowledge that I can make use of. Everything else will take backstage." 

Yoshimura was wondering about something. 

"Does this have to do with your lifespan?" 

"It does. You already saw the medical report when I was born yes and the most recent one?" 

"Of course I did. You cannot die of old age and you will age at a snail's pace." 

"Exactly. A life as long as mine needs a goal to not allow my mind to descend into madness. And my quirk also makes me enjoy the pursuit of knowledge. Do you dislike this goal of mine?" 

Yoshimura simply smiled. 

"No. My fear was that you were going to be going on a mass rampage among innocent people. The government has its fair share of darkness so hurt them all you want." 

That made him smirk. 

"What did I ever do to be blessed with a maid like you?" 

"You can keep flattering me or make your armor. Your pick."

"Armor time it is." 

He stood up and took off his shirt. He tossed it away as he would need the surface area. Yoshimura began to gawk at his body which seemed to be made of perfectly cut muscles that training had only refined even further. 

Regardless, he closed his eyes as he ran through the sketches he took of the past 10 failed armors. He had dismantled and put them back together over a hundred times each to find each microscopic failure. 

And that led to this moment where he began to produce each individual piece of armor. The helmet, Gorget, Pauldrons, Gauntlets, Cuissess, Plastron, Counter, Vambrace, Poleyn, Greaves, sabaton, Backpack Power Unit, Life Signs Monitor,

Temperature Regulator and the Nutrient Reservoir. 

Of course, the nutrient reservoir was empty as he could not make food or anything like that. However, when he had a better system to maintain these suits he would worry about it later. 

Not to mention he had finally fixed the issue of wearing the suit. 

"Here we go." 

He placed a hand on his chest and the Synthetic Muscle Layer appeared over his body. Making all this stuff was draining his calories, but he ate ungodly amounts of food to keep up with his use. 

He had eaten a feast earlier and he was going to eat another one soon after this. But now that every piece was ready, he stepped into the large boots which fitted around him. 

"Suit up." 

At his words, every piece of the armor began to fly toward him and link up from the legs first. He closed his eyes as each individual piece of Neo Adamantium Power Armor flew up from the ground to attach to his body. 

He closed his eyes as the process was much smoother than it had been before as much like Tony Stark, he had been launched around in the Mark VII. But that had been fixed in the Mark XI, his true success. 

After a minute every piece of armor was in place and where it needed to be. Except for the helmet which he caught in his hands before putting it on. Once the last piece was on, the entire suit hummed to life as the contained Nuclear Reactor powered on in the backpack. 

Power rushed into the systems of the 6-ton war machine causing Ivan's mind to be flooded with information. Yoshimura looked up at the 9-foot-tall Warmachine with unique symbols all over it. 

A two-headed eagle on the chest, a skull surrounded by 8 spikes on the left pauldron, and an iron helmet on the right pauldron. 

"How do you feel Ivan?" 

Ivan raised his hands and clasped the large gauntlets tight. 

(Image here)

"Everything is running as intended. How does this sound? I Hunger For War." 

The voice that came from his voice box was not normal, it sounded mechanical and distorted. Yoshimura shivered to hear his statement. 

"Ok, that was cool." 

"I know. Time to put this armor to the test." 

Yoshimura backed away along with Gustave. As for Typhon, he landed on Ivan's head and held on. Ivan took a step forward as the Power Armor moved smoothly. He started off at a walking pace before he began to speed up into a run.

Yoshimura watched as he started to run and expected him to be fast, but not as fast as he became. Ivan had never run at his top speed as the effects were going to be destructive, but it was time to take off the gloves. 

Most Space Marines were quite fast, but they only reached 50 Miles Per Hour usually. Toji on the other hand could run on water effortlessly as shown when he fought Dagon. He even ran on water which required speeds of 650 Miles per hour. 

However, Toji was much faster than that as he could move at hypersonic speeds with a baseline human body. Add in a Space Marine body to the mix and that caused him to be even faster than Toji. 

When Ivan let go of his restrictions and started to run at top speed, Yoshimura barely reacted in time and braced down as the sound barrier shattered. She gripped onto the tree as a shock wave from Ivan blasted in all directions. 

Gustave closed his eyes and dug his claws into the ground to not be thrown back showing the speeds that Ivan was moving at. Though, Typhon seemed to be unaffected as he was not a true living being. 

While he was small he was still a dragon meant to fly in the sky at incredible speeds. Meanwhile, Ivan began to run in circles around his mansion as his legs moved at such speeds they dug trenches into the ground. 

Once he started running, he did not stop as he put his armor through the stress test. So far, it was handling the pressure from moving at Mach 5. He looked at the console in the helmet that read his speed. 

3836 Miles Per Hour and he could go faster. 

'Time go all out.' 

That was exactly what he did as he moved his body with all the force he could muster reaching Mach 7.5. 

'5754.52 Miles Per Hour. AMAZING!' 

He leaned forward and continued his run over and over again. So far, the Neo Adamantim was holding just fine and the reactor was stable feeding energy into the suit. As he was running, his Father and Mother rushed outside wondering what the hell was going on. 

When they looked outside and saw the giant blur running in circles around their mansion they were shocked. The shockwaves Ivan was causing were so strong that they could barely hold into the door so as not to be launched back. 

His Father yelled out. 


Ivan barely heard his Father, but he did as he was told. Of course, stopping at such speeds would be hard, but it would not be a test if he did not push the armor. He lept into the air before spinning to dig his legs into the ground. 

He carved a massive trench in the yard before he managed to stop in front of the mansion. When he did stop, he braced for a few moments before he came to a full stop. As he braced, he looked at the reports his helmet gave him which spoke of the surface temperature of the armor. 

Much like Hypersonic Aircraft, the armor's surface was at 4,000 Degrees F at the moment. He dug himself from the trench and pulled himself out of it. Yoshimura let go of the tree as she sighed in relief that he stopped running. 

As she walked toward Ivan, he flipped open a console he added to the wrist like the predator. He pressed a button as the heat from the armor began to vent from the backpack unit causing the heat to begin to cool. 

"Status Report." 

The systems in his helmet began to list off the damage the suit sustained. It was mostly internal damage to the circuitry, but he could fix that easily. As for the outer shell of Neo Adamantium, there was minor damage, but otherwise, the suit was 84% undamaged. 

'Am I great or what.' 

Asashi rubbed the back of his head as he looked at the huge trenches caused by his son's run. 

"What the hell did you invent?" 

Ivan walked over and reached up to remove his helmet. 

"That was not the suit's doing. That was me." 

Asashi was even more confused. 

"How was this all you? I knew you were strong, but this is insane." 

His Mother Miku looked at the massive suit of Power Armor with admiration in her eyes. 

"You invented this?" 

"Of course. It was not easy, but enough trial and error led to this. Impressive isn't it."

She nodded. 

"Son, would you be willing to hand over the plans for this? We could begin to mass-produce it."

"Absolutely not. I don't mind sharing the plans with you, but my technology must never be shared with others. It is mine exclusively. Who knows what the government will do with it." 

Asashi agreed. 

"Agreed, but while the true suit can be hidden, we can sell a weaker version to help out heroes." 

Ivan had an idea about that. 

"Father. Let's speak on this later in depth. I am sure you will like what I will tell you." 

"Alright. Tomorrow, I will have to hire some people to fix all that damage you caused." 

"My bad. I underestimated my own power." 

"Of course you did." 

With that, Asashi walked back into the house while Miku stayed gazing at his power armor. 

"Your right. Keep this hidden as the government will use it for war. Do you plan to use this for your hero work?"


"Do you have a hero name picked out?" 

He thought on this for a bit before he spoke of a transformer he liked as a kid. 


Miku frowned. 

"Son, that sounds like a villain's name." 

"I know. Cool right?" 

"No. Not cool." 

"I thought it was." 

Miku smiled as she followed her husband. She had grown used to and fond of her son.

"Of course you did." 

Once she entered the house, Ivan walked back to Yoshimura while placing his helmet back on. She sighed as she looked at the damage he caused while just running. 

"Ok, you are strong."

"Imagine getting punched while I am running in this thing."

She imagined a villain getting punched by a 6-ton War Machine moving at Hypersonic speeds. And the result was them getting reduced to a bloody smear. 

"Try not to punch anyone at top speed." 

"A punch will be the least of their worries." 

This was just the first version which needed even more work. He also had to grow up as he was still limited by his young age. As soon as he hit puberty his strength and power would skyrocket and so would the power of his brain. 

That reminded him how he started off this second life.

'That goddess nearly made me kill myself as a kid. Living as a woman was never for me and now look at me. Look what I could do with this Quirk. The only good thing of being forced into that body. Sad the original Momo had to die for me to live. 

Oh well, no use crying over a broken egg.' 

Either way, his plans for the next 7 years were going to be all reaching. Especially when his political reach would begin to affect this world. He could hardly wait. 

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