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Chapter 57

--MC POV--

"We'll do a pre-emptive strike. We'll attract them with the offer of a verbal confrontation in a nearby abandoned building and then we'll attack them. We'll just go all together; it would be stupid to expect one of the parties to comes alone, in fact they'll know from the start that we are planning to fight, but they'll probably come either way, since they underestimate our strength." Exposed Laura, while showing us the map of said building.

"So the plan is to kill them, is it really impossible to end this with a talk" asked Scott, pretty nervous at the prospect of having to kill someone.

"It is either us or them Scott, they want you and Derek to join their pack and for Derek to kill his whole pack too. They are monsters Scott, they killed hundreds of people, their own betas included driven by the hunger for power. You can't reason with them" said Laura, trying to convince Scott, to not let his morals affect him.

"You can stay here if you are not willing. If you have doubts later it will become a problem for us too" I told him.

"No, I'm coming too, not coming would just makes me feel more guilty if something truly happened".

"What about you?" asked Derek while looking at the rest, me included.

"I'm in, I won't leave you fight against them alone" I stated and Malia, Lydia and the other Betas soon agreed with me.

"Lydia it's better if you don't come with us" I said.

"Why? I can fight too; a banshee's scream is quite powerful" she said.

"I know that you have a powerful attack, but what worry me is your defence and agility. While you can do a lot of damage the same is correct the other way around; physically speaking you are a human, and they will try to take you out immediately" as I expressed my worries, her face grew sadder, but am I wrong in worrying for about her? Last time while she was very useful with her scream, but she was also the one who got hurt the most.

All of us could tank a lot damage and regenerate fast, but for her even just a punch from a werewolf, especially an alpha could be fatal; it was after seeing her getting hurt that I got mad and transformed in my lion form, because I thought I had lost her.

"I know that you worry a lot about me, but I too can't stay still when I know that you and the others are in danger. I know about the risks, I knew of them that one time at school too, but I'm ready to take them, because I want to stay with those I love, during dangerous times, even if all I can do is buying a few more seconds by letting them destroy my body" I am a lucky man.

"Promise me that you'll hide and only intervene if you see someone in danger" my words convinced her and she nodded while hugging me.

At the same time I could see that Stiles was making sure to tell Erica to pay attention too, unfortunately for him he could not come with us.

Although Stiles is someone who is good in investigating and can help in making plans, when it comes to fighting, he is just a powerless human, who didn't even receive a training.

"Don't worry I'll be there to help her" said Scott as he placed his hand on Stile's shoulder.

"Now that everyone has decided to join, I want to remind you that since they are all alphas, you must never attack them alone without support, you must always be at least in two against one and not less than three for the fusion of the twins, as for Deucalion…" Laura interrupted the discussion for a moment and looked at me.

"I'll take care of him. I'll come directly as a lion" I said.

"Sorry to ask you this, but you are the only one who has a chance against him".

--3rdperson POV--

In the remains of a building which was never completed, two different group arrived to do all, but speak calmly.

Yet Deucalion was not a man, who would just charge from the start as he liked to remain civil and maintain an appearance of humanity, at least on the surface.

"I'm happy that you proposed this meeting. I too feel like we should try to conclude this with civility" Said Deucalion, with a calm voice, after all everyone here has a good sense of hearing.

The others didn't even try to respond to this blatant attempt to make this pass for something it wasn't, or at least the majority of them didn't, but Scott tried anyway to reason.

"You won't gain anything from us. I won't yield to your request and Derek won't kill his pack, as long as you leave we could just end this all here without any losses"

"I don't know how you came to know we wanted you too, it seems I messed up somewhere, but you see Scott, if you don't yield willingly, I'll just have more reasons to fight after all if I can't make you mine, than I should kill you to put an end to a possible threat. You may blame my blindness for this, after all I can only see friends and enemy, nothing else" replied Deucalion.

"Well, it seems like the negotiations failed, that is such a pity" added Deucalion as he saw a lion entering the premise while growling, putting an end to the useless talk.

At the same time, when Thomas made his entrance, the other alphas also got down from the upper floor where they were situated, and finally both factions were facing each other.

The first to move was made by the lion, unable to resist the urge to fight that raged inside of him.

Following him, his allies also charged to make sure no one could stop Thomas from reaching Deucalion, who stood on the stairs.

"It appears that today, I will be able to exercise a little" said Deucalion as his appearance morphed in that of the demon wolf.

It didn't take a lot to understand the superiority of Deucalion in front of other alphas, especially if we went by his look as he was far more hideous than a werewolf: his whole skin had assumed a greyish shade and his face was far more contorted than the other werewolves.

The impact between the beast and Deucalion could be compared to the one of a car crash, and neither of them retreated because of it, but instead they remained steady and started a confrontation of strength.

Deucalion using his high ground as an advantage was able to stop Thomas from advancing further, so the lion decided to just destroy the stairs they were in, as they were already damaged after the last impact.

So by stamping his paw on the surface he was able to break the stairs and destabilize Deucalion footing, and exploiting this predicament, Thomas pushed Deucalion from the right making the latter fall from the stair.

The lion then tried to jump on Deucalion, without success as the demon wolf evaded the attack in time.

"I only fought another werelion once in my life, but he had nothing of your strength. Not like you could expect much from someone who decided to run away, too weak and scared to compete with his kind" said Deucalion in a guttural voice, but the lion was too focused on the fight to even register his words, since for him language was just a thing for humans.

"Not a lion of many words I see, I should have realized earlier that this wasn't a Disney movie" He added, without ever stopping to evade, attack and parry, as the battle continued.

Both of them kept getting injuries and during their fight many walls were being destructed.

In the meantime, the fight was progressing on the other side too.

Here there were four alphas who were fighting against one alpha, five betas and one were coyote.

Derek was the only one who fought alone against Ennis, while the other were two for each alpha, but even then, they were barely able to confront them.

The twins had decided to not fuse in one giant werewolf as it would have been more difficult to deal with four werewolves with just two arms.

Laura and Malia on the other hand decided to face Kali, who happened to be the most dangerous among the four, as she was skilled in fighting and also knew how to use the nails of her foot to slash the enemy.

Laura was able to react to Kali's attacks, but the speed and strength behind her strikes, made her unable to last long under the fierce barrage.

Luckily Malia was able to lighten her burden by distracting Kali when she could, but differently from Laura she was unable to bear the weight of Kali's attacks if the latter started assaulting her alone.

The balance that had formed was suddenly interrupted when Ennis, who had been able to free himself from Derek by throwing him away, slashed with his claws Laura's back.

This could be considered bad luck too, because in that precise moment Ennis happened to be just a few meters behind Laura, allowing him to hit without letting the latter realize that another enemy was about to assault her from the back.

Derek came back fast, but the damage was done, and Laura was not able anymore to resist the onslaught of Kali and kept getting more wounds.

Malia tried to intervene more and stop Kali, but this too just ended in her being hurt more.

The balance that reigned in the first minutes had been broken, but just when Kali was about to claim her victory, Lydia came out from behind a pillar and with a scream she caught off guard Kali who was forced to retreat.

"So, the coward Banshee who hid herself decided to make her appearance" Kali said trying to provoke Lydia, but her words had no effect on the latter.

Laura was already too wounded to keep fighting as her body was full of cuts, while her arms were bruised because of the strength behind Kali's attacks.

Moreover she had a deep gash on her back and luckily Ennis didn't hit her spine or she would have been paralyzed.

This fight now depended on Lidia and Malia and on other fronts thing weren't going well too, as all parties were tired and wounded, but at least the alpha pack wasn't left unscathed either.

(Did i become better in describing fights? Either way i hope you all liked MC power up which i consider quite consistent, since he can fight against a monster like Deucalion. Don't forget to give me a power stone if you enjoyed the chapter)

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