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81.1% Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 176: Aftermath of John A Warden

Bab 176: Aftermath of John A Warden

It's been a few weeks after the John A. Warden incident of having a Infested ship crashing on earth, Rico was put under scrutiny as he was the first person to be suspected of willingly allowing it to happen. He was demoted to Major and ending up as a trainer to cadets to the martians, Rico didn't minded as much as he could spent time with his children and his grandparents...

Many began pointing fingers to several people that was in the aftermath, some of the one even blamed Alexander for not stopping it from happening.

Alexander was in a press conference in paris entertaining the press of seeking answers.

"Tell me, Sir what are your opinion about the John A. Warden incident?"

"I would inform you citizen of the Federation, that it is not my fault of reacting quickly enough, however due to the detractors wanting the Sol Defense Fleet was being sent on the behest of those that wanted my presence gone is the problem as they fear me more than the bugs, I understand that, but had the fleet been stationed there, it would have been no debacle about how much of the land is being destroyed in the aftermath. And I assure you that steps would be taken to prevent a situation like this again."

"The land was destroyed will be recovered by martian technology? What about the ship that been destroyed sir, what would you think would happen?"

"Yes, the Explosion have made a enormous crater and the several of my Soldiers is venturing in the ship to eradicate any bugs that survived and see to it that it would be cleansed from infestation before dismantling and we would begin Terra forming the area."

"What would happened to the soldiers family that lost their sons and daughters in this incident? The people that lost their lives in the defense?"

"I could only pray in silence of the brave men and women that died on that vessel, once we are done dismantling the hulk, we would leave a memorial in the crash site and list everyone that died in the line of duty. And their families would receive their Healthcare still and Vet Pension of the dead,That is all for today, thank you."

Alexander stepped down from the platform knowing several other reporters now coming to question him... Several of the guards prevented the zealous reporters from preventing him from escaping...

He did anticipated the infestation but a Dimensional breach in Carmen ship? That was something out of bounds...

As soon he left the conference hall where his interview was sent. Many of the people ask about the current stance of his organization... He was tired... As soon as he exited the building, he met several servitor skull probes loitering in the air. Serving as police surveillance...

Scents of bread and perfume lingered in the air as the Paris tower was in the distance ...

Alexander smiled as slowly, but surely he would peacefully integrate this Galaxy under his banners.

He took a walk down in the streets of Paris...

Several Sisters of Battle walked in the streets of Paris and some were them were hospitallers giving a blood donation drive in one part of the street. A preacher for the Echlesiarchy spoke in French in a corner about the coming of the emperor and the blessed the worshipper of the Golden throne...

Many prayed a bit in aquila necklaces to show their faith...

It was ironic... In his old life, before he was reincarnated here, Paris was turned to flames by thousands of illegals flooding the city of light, the french president was a moron, and in Warhammer, The Emperor fought against them for being to rebellious, but only here.. this was a perfect city to have a relaxation... In their natural habitat of drinking wine and Mimes...

A Chapel of the Sister of battle was erected at the behest of Alexander is built near the Notre Dame... Many of the faithful venture to pray for solace and comfort in this uncertain times.

What is a gift is actually a poison one, in the event that if the Federation did bare fangs at him... The Cathedrals and chapels that proliferated across all known space would be a staging point as it recruits Adeptus sororitas into this galaxy and the people would its shield... A government can force its will, but the people that is in a religious fanaticism?

He followed Lorgar path of slowly integrating the people to the Church worshipping the emperor...

Much better than a full blown rebellion..

Before, he had qualms about using the Sister of Battle as they are too unwieldy... But knowing the future the Federation denounce him as a traitor and sold his family out to the monsters that is coming towards them? He would rather have the Religious fanatism. Than outright destruction... However, he is the one that control the reign of the Echlesiarchy, and he would curb the extreme ones... He wanted a moral compass and a symbolism of faith, not some moron that want power like Goge Vandire that overthrow his position... Many rules was implemented to vet the priest that is a local, who wish to join the robe of the Echlesiarchy...

He looked at the prestigious Notre Dame and saw several Nigh lords sitting perfectly still, that many of the tourist didn't know if they were part of the statue... Alexander knows why they were there, they were task to oversee the City from the dark... A mass-produced Batman's linger in the depths of the city... They were Counter terrorist and Saboteur, but now they are simply Arbites in the dark...

He saw Carmen former ship silhouette in the distance with several flashes of light flickering on the hull as the dismantling crew began the process to dismantle the ship bit by bit, it provided some jobs to the people... The land where the ship landed destroyed several farmlands and towns...

Any it would take a few months to remove the ship and another few months to rehabilitate the land...

A ball approached him and he picked it up observing it, it was worn down and patched up, several part of it is old, a little boy with a group of boysin tatters looking curiously at him...

"Mister... Can we have a ball back?" He spoke in french with his gaze with curiously along with a hint of wariness...

"Let's play a game of football. If you managed to win against me, I will give you a prize. I will be the goal keeper." Alexander spoke in fluent french.

The boys nodded as they play in a alley way in a makeshift goal post that is made out of trash...

"Tell me, why are you in the alleyway?" Said Alexander as he played a goalkeeper.

"Parents... abandoned us..." Said the child as he kick the ball to the side of the makeshift goalpost.

"Why do you say it like that?"

"Because, We were driving in the countryside a sudden flash of light... I was Injured and my parents and my sister was gone...it was a farmer and his wife that help me up and sent me to Paris... To return to my home, but I got lost for several days..."

Alexander said nothing as deep down he knew that, the Mother Bug used John A Warden weaponry and probably one of the stray shells killed the parents of one of the children...

"I hope that at least our parents would come back.." Another spoke as he kicked the ball..

"But wouldn't you want to have a better life then this?"

"For a street rats like us? I doubt anyone would hear our pleas..." A child no older than 13 spoke from the sidelines...

"But not to me..."

"Who are you mister?"

"Mr.Santa Clause that having a Autumn vacation." Alexander smiled as he caught the ball.

"I call bullshite, Santa is a jolly fat tard that brings present on Christmas and how many of us pray to him to bring our families back?"

"Yet, I came here to hear your calls... I hope you didn't mind the long wait?" He smiled.

After the winner spoke that he wanted a pair of new shoes of him and his friends... Alexander was kinda touched...

"Even a perfect plan of cornering the plot... There is still hardships..." Alexander looked at the hardship of the boys were going through... Smiling for a piece of shoe...

One of the boys managed to reach a goal and the rest cheered...

Alexander sighed. As he treated the boys to a ice cream and bought them a new ball... He informed of the Sororitas squad that patrolled the streets of the children that still linger in the alleyways and task them to the orphanages that the sisters of battle propped up across earth... At least there is a shelter...

And they could be adopted by families that is thoroughly screened or if they want to stand on their two feet, the Sisters there would give them task or refer someone to give them a apprenticeship for them to make a living... It was selfish of him... Knowing that even though Mars is almost cleansed of the orphanage, Earth have plentiful of children in the streets like them... There are always reasons... Horrible parenting, or children that is hardheaded. Social issues... Or casualties of war...

As he arrive in the M.A.Rs base stationed on the outskirts of France, a hastily built base to oversee the crash landing, he arrive at the landing pad where he boarded the shuttle. Tired with the politics at hand...

"Where to, Director?" The pilot asked as he prepping the vehicle to take off..

"Take me to M.A.Rs Headquarters on Argentina. I am tired of the day..." He looked at the event from the skies...

The Luna Class Cruiser was even seen from the distance... There were countless soldiers and contracted civilians working to dismantle the ship...

Well, Time to give Carmen a new ship... Seeing that Carl somehow slinked back into the shadows once more... The message of what Carl gave him was disturbing to say the least...

"What does he meant, mother is waiting..." Alexander muttered as he but out a Block of Marble and a chisel set, the Pilot know that the Director is busy... It was his stress relief to carve statues of the Emperor to find some answers in his thoughts... A chip here, a chisel there, it was a almost perfect replica... Saved the Armor he always shown in...

"Tell me old friend... What secrets did you put into this body of mine? Who made Khorne to prevent him from corrupting me? What am I?" He stared at the silent statue..

One of his ramblings, knowing the Emperor that he serves is currently busy saving a multiverse of himself... He was alone in the plane...

The plane arrived at the Argentina at 4 hours...

And a group Acclamator was seen at one of the docks in the ocean, ready to leave... He boarded one of them...

"Director, Are you getting ready to go?" The commander of the ship. inquiring where Alexander is heading

"Yes, take me back to Mars..." Alexander stepped on the loading bays..

As he ascended towards orbit he looked at the first bug meteor in Buenos Aires still scarred the land...

Some of the damage was faded in time as the people build over the ruins hoping to forget the horrors the bugs inflicted upon humanity... But there was a part of it still left intact as a reminder to the people the bugs always there...

On transit, he looked across the orbit and saw the Sol Defense fleet being stationed, suddenly recalled back on Terra, the fools that wanted it gone became silent...

"I suppose that is for the best..." Alexander muttered...

He understands the detractors saying that the fleet may be danger to the government... It is true... As long as they don't pick a fight with him in the first place...

At his arrival near the orbit, he was met by a score of Messages from his parents and his wives... All with a hint of concern...

He was touched by the messages he was given...

A message alerted him that concerns him the most...

<Message Sender: Mortarion: We discovered something. Come to Inverse Mars. Corridor 23-B>

He sighed... Time to visit the Primarchs.

In the Depth of Base Zero, Magnus the Red have made a passageway into the warp, And a Mirror solar system was placed there, anchoring the first steps to rule the warp... It was a more secretive place since it was for humanity to conquer the depth of the Warp, without the chaos gods ruining it... Alexander somehow got the feeling that Magnus death never mentioned in the dark future he foreseen, was that the Crimson Giant was defending the Warp version of this galaxy...

In the warp version of Mars, Alexander stood upon the Prospero style buildings that is tinged with gothic designs... Sorcerers of the Thousands sons guarded the entrance greeted Alexander as they defend both inside and outside the passageway.

Pyramids that contains Necron Pylons flloating past by. And a Academy of Psykers was erected on one of them... The air was breathable as there is Yggdrasil trees that contains the emperor shard planted across the mirror universe to shield them from the Denizens of the Warp...

Alexander was escorted by several warp based automatons to a facility were it was jointly guarded by Iron Warriors and Death Guards to protect the secret within...

Upon entering the Vicinity of it, a Sorceror scry his face to ascertain his intentions and allowed him inside.

It was filled with baseline humans and Astartes alike to understand the mystery of the Warp.

Several armed Astartes armed with Sanctified Ammunition or Warp based bullets guarded every corridors to prevent a invasion.

Every 700 meters is Bulkheads guarded by Automatic defenses on both sides escorted by countless combat Servitors and Astartes.

Every security measures is even verified to be alpha legion unable to enter.

Upon reaching the destination..

He entered a Room that that seemed endless.

Several Primarchs was studying the remains of the beast on a dissection table that his men found in Carmen ship.

Mortarion, now wearing a doctor outfit noticed him and beckoned him to see the results.

"What did you found Mortarion?" Alexander asked as he put on a sanitized gloves as he poked the dead remains of the shadow beasts...

"Plenty of things, for one... This beast came from the deep warp."

"How is that possible? I only recalled that summoning a beast from the warp cost something but from the deep warp? That is more absurd."

Magnus spoke out.

"Nothing is absurd brother...the deep warp is linked to the Multiverse, even Tzeentch would not dare enter that place and forbade me to enter there...

But when me and Horus sent to pick you from there... The energies that emitted from that place is similar to the beast that the Astarte have encountered..."

"What about the one that control them, what did you know about it?"

Alexander refered to the one that he killed in Germany... His remains was shipped here immediately for studies.

"For one, He is a lot similar like us, but on a more sloppy design..."

"A mass produced primarch?" Alexander frowned.

"Worse than that, a cheap knockoff of you, placing a mid daemon from the deep warp into a already grown human body. He have some skills of summoning a swarm of daemons but that's about it... What do you know about it Alexander?"

"He was a scouting party. That's all I could guess of his intentions of fleeing from the crash site. I only delay the invasion by 5 years...more if I get the numbers heads..."

The people that heard him remains silent as their minds calculate the years left

"If that recording you show us is true... We better prepare for the upcoming storm. I request you that you increase the recruitment rate of your forces as much as possible. As well as our legions."

"Throne... I try, but after this upcoming election... Then I will do so, right now, all eyes are on me at the moment... So production is restrained."

"Now, excuse us as we would sturdy this specimens to ascertain some weaknesses. Magnus, you know warp biology better than my knowledge, help me out here...." Mortarion began to research the beast with Magnus and Alexander was left to his devices.

As he returned to his home and his family, sounds of laughter and the scent of food coming from the kitchen... He heard his mother chatting with someone there...

"Oh my, you two are so great at cooking... I am sure that when I am not around... My son would be in good hands...So when I will see my grandkids?"

There was coughing until one spoke out.

"I am sure right now my husband is currently at his duties to serve the Federation and we done it several times now... But it was not good at the moment..."

'That's because I didn't want to knock you two up and send our children in a apocalyptic nightmare.'

<Oi, why you use me as rubber aside from using me as a paperwork secretary? Making me to make your shots blank?>

'Shut up Theseus.' Alexander frowned.

As Alexander sat in the dinner table... He could see the smiling faces of his father and his mother talking about the current news, alongside with his brother and sister doing a jab...

Alexander was met with a cake...

"This is..."

"Happy birthday beloved" Ephritta smiled

"It's not like you deserve a cake anyway... But thanks Alexander for saving my people..."Dimh-Yriel smiled as she placed the cake on the table.

His father laugh as he patted Alexander back.

"Sonny, you been so busy that we didn't have a proper time to give you a birthday... It was a bit of a iffy spot since the John A. incident happened just a few weeks ago... Happy birthday son."

Alexander simply sat on the table... Listening to the conversation of his family...

He remembered how many birthdays that seemsed like a lifetime ago...

(Flashback moment)

"Oi Colonel, Happy Birthday!" Said one of his Soldiers of the Dust Hounds as they barged into one of his maintenance duties...

"I suppose that is not illegal in the commissary rules, eh?"

"Supposed not, But let's being out the Amasec Barrels we pilfered from that ruined distillery and celebrate, for we don't know when we would be dead!" Another laugh as they carried out caskets of alcohol and cheer on the birthday boy.

He remembered the first birthday when he was enlisted as a Guardsman in the Imperium...

It was just a Corpse starch rations smashed together with a pinch of salt and pepper, given by the commissary with a Hollowed out dynamite for candles from the Armoury along with a Stolen Amasec he ignored reporting to the imperium since they were behind Ork Lines. It was a Awkward situation, but it was a gift that counts... A simple birthday in a galaxy of war.

"Milord, Happy birthday, And the Citizens would like to say that they were appreciative of your policies." A butler came to him with a cup of Recaff and placed it at his administrative desk.

"Alright, inform them they shall have a day off since we have surplus of materials." He spoke and the butler got the hint as he smiled and informed the population about the holiday....

When he was a Temporary Military governor of a single city in the Kaurava conflict... It was the first time he unable to celebrate his birthday with his men and only ended with a Amasec poured into a Recaff as a mememto...

When he was in Cyberpunk, Judy proposed a party with his lovers there and Sasha along with Rebecca gave him a night to remember...

When he sent back to the past by Tzeentch, He didn't even have enough time to celebrate himself as he plan the foundation of the League of Ten Thousand to aid the imperium... His people celebrate his birthday... As a reminder of the deed he preserve what left of their legacy... It was ironic that it was the same day he made the holiday in the kaurava conflict...

The only lasting memory was that the Emperor, Horus and Macaldor celebrate his birthday... Though Macaldor... Damm fool... It wasn't the same without you bashing head with me...

During the Indominatus crusade... Roboute and his Eldar Wych rubbed wounds when they flirt in the golden palace... At least keep it professional...

'I am getting old' He pondered how much years he left in him since he was virtually immortal?

(Flashback end)

He sat Infront of the cake that showed his 27th birthday... But in reality he was already in the thousands of years old, surviving the age of strife till the end of Horus heresy, unchanged his looks due to merging both his bodies together... And with the introduction of life extension and immortality technology spreading throughout the Federation, none could say how old they are... Unless they show their Social security or their ways of living...

He played chess with a 25 year old man who's mentality and outfit is living in the 1980s...

And the thanks that was given by that old man was that he was told that it allowed him to spend time with his grandchildren and his son...

He is one step away from being a Sky Marshal as he provides jobs that keep the economy running, despite the sudden economic recession that he was aware that Alpharius have cause to help him gain the position faster... He took advantage by retaining the price for the people to look to his products causing the people to Garner support, though some called it monopoly, others called it a saving grace as he is keeping the inflation below that allow businesses to propped up, and he is one of the few in the government that listen to the soldiers and citizen alike...

Politically standing, he is a strong contender, all he needed is to simply say he would run for sky marshall. His combat duties is more accrued and vast compared to the other branches. And his organization keep on winning and almost all the military used his products. As well as the citizens that want to reach the top in gaining wealth and taxes was low in the outer and middle rim making it unofficially his territories... He have plenty of connections of the judicial and politicians, with both promises and blackmails, he fed the interest of those who follows him would be rich and marked those that sought ot defy him, but he simply biding his time, slowly digesting the Federation for people to truly given him the position...

If he acted now... The rats that remained in the government, though few they remain, buried deep in the system, they would cause his reputation to be tarnished... As he is aware that they supplying the rebel group known as the True Federation... That believes he is the true evil for reason unknown... But he couldn't act promptly as the John A Warden incident was blown out of proportion... And the vultures is waiting for him to show a crack to exploit his weakness... For now... He would wait. In the shadows he would slowly amassed his armies and fleets that is not catalogue in the Federation database... He do not desire to be label as a rebel or a insurgent...

When that Sky marshall ruin it... He would step up... For now, he chuckled as he take a spoonful of cake... He would prepare for the conflict ahead... For he need to keep his home universe stable before jumping ahead to helping others...


A/n: Life is hard, Farming is at the moment chaotic, Uncertain if I am able to write probably... But I already chosen certain path after the Traitor of Mars.

I gotten numbed of the fact I watch the acolyte and I wonder... WTF is a Thread and isn't the force is encompass all living things? Every sci-fi I loved turned to catering to a minority than learning...

Every news I listen, I question my sanity... Doctors found that I got hepatitis... I see it as a win win situation nowadays instead of mourning of my fate.

Happy Mental Health month for men.

Following order: Upon Killing the Wanted in this universe the deaths of the wanted would provide time based on their difficulty. (Note: After the Traitor of Mars)


Gear of War (Saving Carmines?)



Star wars (Mixed of Legends and disney Canon before their insanity) (pending)

Fallout (I do need some big iron)

Gundam UC


Helldivers (Find Joel)

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