Unduh Aplikasi
38.12% Illusion Is Reality: Gravity Falls / Chapter 69: -Oh snap-

Bab 69: -Oh snap-

(This chapter is a big setup for future chapters)


Kryptos's POV

I looked down at my newest experiment.

It wasn't for school. It wasn't even for my -world domination- side projects. I hadn't told Bill about this experiment yet. It was personal. Sort of. It was a personal project I was undertaking for Bill's sake.

I narrowed my eye as I thought of those... humans that had stayed with us for a few weeks. I thought of those sweet sounds Bill had made when the hairy one (Stun? Sten?) had run his hands along Bill's head. My hand slipped and a screw popped off. Fuck.

I picked the piece back up and inspected my machine. Good. Nothing broke. I growled quietly as I thought about it. What was Bill's fascination with those weird squishy creatures? They didn't even have external shells to protect their soft bits!

A distant part of me knew I was being unfair. Xanthar was a fleshy creature. So were Pyronica and PaciFire. No. Flesh wasn't the issue here. I suppose I can understand how Bill would enjoy touching creatures like that. He cuddled with Xanthar daily, loudly declaring the loaf to be the softest thing in the world.

Perhaps it's the soft, squishiness that appeals to Bill?

I adjusted the wires of the machine I had built. It was shaped like a ray gun. There was a spinning dial just behind the muzzle. I had the back open as I fiddled with the insides. It was almost time for my first test. I twisted another wire carefully into place and loaded the microchip with the data I have gathered and programmed in.

Gonna have to thank Hec for those lessons.

I clicked the cover on and breathed out a sigh. Right. I turned to pull out my clipboard. Experiment Restructuration Ray, Test One. I pulled out a potato. I had a whole bunch from when Pyronica tried to get rid of them without Bill finding out. She had run into my room while I was working and threw a handful of the things at me while screaming "HIDE THESE!!"


Either way, I had plenty of test subjects for my experiment.

I positioned the potato on the little circle I drew on the ground to indicate the test zone, grimacing as I moved its arms and legs so it would sit up properly.

"Restructuration Ray. Test one. Setting, Polytool." I held out the ray gun in front of me on the selected setting and held down the trigger. It whirled to life with a faint reddish light as the energy built up. I grunted as the kickback of the ray's energy shook my hands when the shot went off.

I blew on the steam coming from the tip of the gun before setting it down to cool off. I waved my hand through the steam around the potato so I could see the results of the ray. The potato was still intact. It hasn't exploded which was GREAT news.

It was also a square now.

"Yes!!!" I cheered as I jogged in place. I picked up the potato to make sure I wasn't celebrating too soon. Hm. The firm skin had hardened into a rigid shell. I turned the potato over in my hands. It had flattened somewhat. Not as thin as I was, and definitely not as thin as Bill but it worked. It actually worked.

Months of calculations and research have finally paid off!

Well, for one of the settings at least.

I put the potato back on the circle and picked up the Restructuration Ray again. I turned the dial to 0 and fired again. The Zero setting should revert the changes and return the creature to its natural form.

Never create something that doesn't have an undo button after all.

The 2nd shot went off and this time I waited for the steam to disperse on it's own while I jotted down my notes from the previous test. As I wrote Restructuration Ray, Test two, Setting Zero, on my clipboard the steam cleared and I looked at the potato.

Rather, what used to be a potato.

"Ugh…" I grimaced. Ok. So the undo option needed more work.

I nudged the mildly burnt and exploded remains of the potato off the circle and grabbed another one. Well, time to test the other setting. Might as well see if it works so I know if I have to fix up this setting too.

I turned the dial to a small stick figure with a head, torso, arms and legs. "Restructuration Ray, test three, setting humanoid."

I held down the trigger and aimed carefully at the potato. Carefully...

"I SMELL BAKED POTATOES!!!" Bill burst into my room and I yelped in surprise, fumbled my gun and my eye widened in horror when my clumsy movements caused it to point at myself.


A nearly unbearable heat overtook my body. I gasped in shock before crying out as the heat burned through me. I felt my sides shifting, twisting. My head prickled and it felt like I was swelling. I dropped to my knees with another gasp as my corners expanded like some kind of balloon. It didn't hurt but it was so HOT. Like I was burning from the inside out.

"Oh my gosh! Kryptos I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" Bill's voice trailed off and I groaned as I slowly pushed myself into a seated position. Oh void I've got a SPINE! I opened my eye, singular. Oh thank void. I don't know how I'd handle TWO. I blinked slowly before turning to Bill.

He was staring at me with a wide eye as he hung in midair unmoving. I winced. "Ah...Bill? Are you...ok?"

That seemed to break him out of whatever trance he was in. I yelped and fell over as he tackled me in a hug.


I blushed hard as Bill nuzzled against my chest. Shit. The friction of his bricks against my still tender newly formed skin was…


"B-Bill! Wait! S-st-stop!!!" I squealed as I pushed him off. Shit. Was this what flesh creatures felt when they touched things?! It was so WEIRD (and I wanted more). There was an odd heat gathering in my stomach and I was panting with the memory of how nice Bill's bricks felt against me. My skin was tingling from the aftereffects of the transformation. The scientific part of me noted that aside from the burning sensation, the process had been relatively painless. Good to know, one less problem to deal with when I work out the bugs in this machine's design.

Bill stopped moving the instant I said "Stop." and he floated there as I flushed. I shivered. Just a little rubbing along my chest was enough to get me this worked up.

How good would it feel if I asked Bill to touch me anywhere else?

I shook my head. There's no way I can ask him for that!

"So...what happened here Kryptos?" Bill's question broke me out from my embarrassing thoughts. I fidgeted nervously but ended up gasping as the movement rubbed my butt against the stone ground. Oh. I turned to look at said butt. Ugh. It was so...round. How unsightly. None of my handsome straight lines and sharp edges.

Still don't know how Bill can find something like this attractive. "I was experimenting with something…" I told the triangle.

Sure Bill's Jan-Jan form was fleshy and yet I still found it attractive but that was from the sheer amount of power I could feel emanating from him. And those glorious shifting patterns along his skin.

Humans though? They felt...bland.

Sure those lines and speckles along their skin are somewhat pretty but how could anyone be attracted to something that barely generates enough energy to keep their cells alive?

I frowned at my round butt. Not just my butt, my legs had swollen up and when I moved they actually jiggled. Gross. I hear a strange sound and looked back at Bill. "B-Bill?!"

He was panting as he stared at my thighs while his bricks pulsed a deep orange color. "Damn~I knew you had thicc lines but...geez…" he practically purred as he wiggled around in the air. "Fuck, I just want to watch you swelling up like that in slow motion…" he giggled hysterically. His eye looked a little...strange...like he was in some sort of daze.

I suddenly felt a little self conscious but a twinge of excitement and smug pride filled me as well. This experiment was meant to catch Bill's attention and it seemed like I had succeeded.

"Do you…" I licked my teeth and flushed darker. "...want to touch it?" Ahhh!!! I actually said it!!! Eeeee!!!

((((((((((((((Seriously, last warning. There will be smut ahead!)))))))))))

Bill's eye shot up to stare at my own. That slit pupil was dilated and widened with Bill's excited curiosity. "Are you sure?" He asked hesitantly. Then he flushed and looked away "I mean...this is kinda weird since it's you…" he wiggled "But it looks so soft…" he whined. Bill liked touching things that he thinks have cool textures. He did that with Xanthar's whole body (fluffy), PaciFire's tail (smooth), Keyhole's head (bumpy) and so on. Bill didn't like BEING touched but he liked touching OTHER things. It was very strange. He once complained that this double standard was stupid and he's very sorry for having it. We told him it wasn't his fault he felt the way he did about touch.

I looked away in embarrassment but nodded. "I m-mean...you're the Shapeshifting expert...so you should check to make sure nothing went wrong r-right?" yeah, that sounded like a worthy excuse.

"Ok. But only if you're sure. You seemed pretty upset before, I didn't mean to attack you like that. Sorry." Bill sounded a little guilty. "You just looked so cute I had to glomp you…"

I smiled at Bill's response. "Yeah. It's fine. I was just a little surprised." Bill's need to hug things he found cute were another trait I found incredibly endearing about the triangle. He did that with stuffed animals (and real animals) all the time.

Bill nodded before he floated down to inspect my body closely. I was quite warm as I could practically feel his gaze roam around my new form. I felt electricity dance along my skin and that heat in my stomach seemed to grow.

I breathed out and was surprised to see steam come out of my mouth. I really was heating up. It didn't hurt though so perhaps it was some side effect of my ray? I thought of how that potato had exploded and felt a sudden chill. What if I exploded too?!

I didn't want to explode. Bill told us that it hurt a lot. But...at least if Bill was here he would notice if something like that was going to happen and prevent it right?!

I yelped loudly when Bill finally reached out a hand to poke my thick thighs. He pulled back at my shout. "I'm sorry!!" He cried.

"N-no it's fine! I was just...surprised…" I shook my head. Bill gave me a long look before slowly reaching out again. I held my breath as his little fingers trailed along the round, smooth skin. I shivered. "Ah…" the sound escaped me before I realized it. Bill's hands stilled.

"Should I stop? Is this weird?" He asked softly. I bit my lip and shuddered. "No, k-keep going." I gasped. I know Bill was just petting me because he was curious but I couldn't help but wish it meant something more to him.

Bill made a soft sound before shifting forms into the one he called William. The humanoid Cyclops grinned at me, completely naked. "This way it's fair." He said as if that made any sense at all. "Since you're naked too." he added. I resist the urge to tell him that we're all pretty much naked all the time anyway...

I still blushed hard when I glanced down at Bill's body. "You didn't have to!" I sputtered. Bill shrugged. "It's fine. I am going to be basically groping you after all…if you don't mind? I need to check if your body is stable." He frowned. "Shape shifting is a delicate process and there are so many ways it could go wrong."

I felt a thrill run through me at his words. "I-it's fine!" I squeaked. "To-touch as much as you want!" I couldn't deny that I really wanted to feel more of that pleasant friction. Bill places his hands along my hips and brushed down, sliding around my round butt before gently squeezing. I tried to hold back some embarrassing sounds but I don't think I succeeded.

Bill squeezed again, moving his hands to begin squishing my thighs as well. "You're very bottom heavy, perhaps due to how wide your real body is?" He mused to himself as he squeezed along my thighs. "Firm yet soft. It certainly feels like human flesh...despite the color. Is there a full skeleton underneath?" he seemed focused on actually inspecting my body to see if it was structured right. I was both exasperated at his clinical outlook and annoyed that he wasn't catching on to what I wanted from him.

"Ngh...Ah...hah…" I moaned softly as his long fingers felt up my tender skin. That heat pooling in my stomach was getting unbearable. I felt my Point twitch and whimpered in embarrassment when I realized my body was preparing for Etching. Bill had moved behind me and probably didn't see it. I stared down at my crotch, instead of lengthening into a sharp point for carving through templates, my point had turned into some weird...worm looking thing?

It was twitching as I felt more heat pool into it. I felt a strange need fill me. A need for what I didn't know. But my point seemed to throb and I let out a whimper. I felt warm and tingly all over and my point was aching. "B-Bill...something is wrong…" I whined.


(Dick pic)

Bill leaned over my shoulder from where he had been feeling around my chest and mumbling about 'Ribs'. "Oh. You're aroused." he coughed awkwardly. "I'm sorry, I didn't think you were...um…"

"Everything feels amazing…" I whimpered. I leaned back against Bill's body and rubbed myself along him. I wanted more friction. He made a cute little squeak. "K-Kryptos?!"

"My point is aching Bill! What do I do?" I moaned when it throbbed again. Was it going to explode? That sounds terrifying! But it was so swollen and gross looking! Bill sputtered from behind me. "We-well you need to...um...touch it...stroke it? And um…" he shifted nervously and I sighed as he ended up rubbing his chest against my back. The bricks along his body burned so pleasantly. "Can you touch it for me?" I asked.

"What?! Well um...t-that's not...ah…" seeing Bill so flustered was making my point ache. I wanted...needed him to touch it. "Bill please? I don't know what to do…" I really didn't. These were sensations I've never felt before.

Bill made an embarrassed sound "Right...your species doesn't exactly have the nerves that allow for pleasure during mating…of course you don't know how masturbation works…"

"You were fine touching the rest of me, why is this so different?" I moaned, half curious and half just wanting relief from this awful ache. Bill whimpered "Well because that's your dick...and that's weird…" he took one of my hands and moved it to place on my point. "It's not hard. Just wrap your hand around it and start stroking it…"

I tried to do as he said and curled my gloved hand around my point. I gasped at the feeling. Oh. Yes…

I squeezed a little and began stroking my point up and down, moaning loudly as that need inside me was finally being attended to. It felt so good. Squeezing this squishy thing my point had turned into sent jolts of sensation all along my crotch and up to the rest of me. I panted as I got into the rhythm of it. Up and down, up and down. My hips began moving along with it as I stroked myself faster and faster. This wasn't enough. My gloves weren't good enough. "B-Bill...I ca-can't...I need…" I panted pitifully as I tried my best to fulfill that ache but just couldn't quite make it.

"I c-can't do this by myself!" I wailed as the odd feeling just kept building. I don't know what I'm supposed to do!

"Um...try taking your glove off?" Bill suggested. He made an embarrassed but curious sound. "You don't have any balls that I can see, what's gonna come out I wonder?"

"Something's gonna come out?!" I cried in fear. Bill waved his hands "I don't actually know! Humans have a white liquid that comes out when they do this...but I don't know what's gonna happen with you…"

"Nothing's supposed to come out! My point just extends and I use it to carve a template before it retracts!" I wailed. Bill quickly hugged me. "Shh it's ok...it's gonna be okay…" he was rubbing my back soothingly. "I will be here the whole time." Despite my fears, it was reassuring to know Bill was gonna stay.

He pulled back to kneel in front of me. He placed his hands up to cup my face. "Ok Kryptos, if your glove is in the way, take it off."

"But what if I-"

"You can't be hurt by your own electricity, you're not a Pichu! You're more like a Shinx...or a Pachirisu if we're taking your cute teeth into account…"

"I have no idea what those are!!" I wailed.

Bill rolled his eye and tugged my glove off. "Not important, here, just try using your actual hand…" he trails off again, staring at my hand, which was sparking and sizzling with electricity.

"W-what's wrong Bill?" I asked hesitantly.

"Awww~you have such dainty fingers~" Bill squealed as he pressed my hand to his face and nuzzled it. "Bill!!!" I whined.

"Dammit Kryptos why'd you have to be so cute? I'm so jealous!" Bill pouted at me even as I could see my electricity sparking across his skin. "Doesn't that hurt?!" I asked.

"It stings a little but I've had worse." Bill shrugged before taking my hand off his face and pressing it to my point. "So is this better? Without the glove?"

It did feel better, especially when I felt the buzzing of my electricity along my skin. "!!!!" I threw back my head and moaned. This was WAAAY too much for me.

I collapsed backward on the ground, my point still stubbornly throbbing upright. "I can't do this Bill! I'm gonna die!" I wailed. "You're not gonna die Kryptos!" Bill rolled his eye. He pulled me back into a seated position. I notice he was blushing pretty adorably. "H-how about I...jerk myself off so you can see how it's done?" he looked a little uncomfortable with the idea but it seemed he was willing to do so if it would help in any way.

"You...that doesn't really fix the problem you know?! I can't touch myself proper-"

"I KNOW! It's not...really...geez...I'm a mess…" Bill whimpered as he covered his face. "You're super cute like this Kryptos! Even cuter than usual and it's really weird…" he muttered.

"Is it really so disturbing for you to find me attractive?" I asked sadly. He shakes his head quickly. "No! Yes? Kinda?!"

He sighed and sat in a kneeling position. "You're like a little sibling to me Kryptos and I love you a lot...so finding you attractive is super...weird…"

"Then why do you always put me in goddam dresses?!" I protested. Bill shrugged. "I did that with my real siblings too." he sighed "Putting cute people in cute clothes is so much fun~" he giggles.

I suddenly felt sorry for Bill's siblings. They must have had a difficult life growing up.

But this still didn't change the fact that my point was still twitching and I wiggled uncomfortably. "Dammit I'm going to go nuts!" I wailed. Bill sighed and I yelped when he reached down and closed his incredibly warm fingers around my point.

"Bill?!" I cried as I looked up at him. His eye was averted and he was blushing profusely. "I don't like seeing you suffer ok? And...I've always been kinda curious about this kind of thing…" he ducked his head, hiding his eye behind his bangs. "So...I just…" he sounded so unsure of himself. I didn't like that. I leaned forward and hugged him gently. He shivered.

"You don't have to do this." I told him. He shook his head. "I've watched people do this all the time. I like watching it and part of me kinda wanted to try it out...but I'm too afraid to. It's scary and gross." He turned to glance at me. I felt my breath catch, Bill's expression was shy and his orange blush colored his cheeks. "This is pretty fucked up but could I try touching you? I don't feel right doing this with strangers and doing this with myself just isn't the same thing and you're my friend which makes it both better AND worse but-"

He was babbling so I sighed and placed my hand on his head. He stilled. I pet his hair and his ears twitched. "It's fine Bill. Just...do what you want." I feel my point throb in his hand. I move my hips to get some of that friction I was craving. "Touch me however you want." I breathed softly as I ground my point along his fingers.

He sputtered and I rocked my hips into his hand again.

"I'm an awful pervert…" Bill mumbled as he started stroking my point. I moaned as his fingers left tingling sensations that seemed to spread across my crotch. I mewled breathlessly as I buried my face into his chest, placing my hands on his shoulders as I got up on my knees so I could thrust my hips faster.

"I'm a sick, twisted person…" Bill was breathing heavily as he spoke, his eye half lidded when I glanced up at him. "B-B-Bill…" I gasped. The heat in my stomach was growing and I thrust harder into the warm grip of Bill's long fingers. My buttcheeks were slapping against each other with an embarrassing fleshy sound as my meaty bottom jiggled with my rapid movements.

Bill's free hand came up to grip my chin and tilt my face up higher. Bill's large eye stared unblinkingly down at me. "I must be a fucking pervert if I'm getting off on this…" he sighed in frustration as he held my face in place so he could see my expression as I fucked his hand. That's what this was, wasn't it? That sex thing that I've heard so much about.

My mouth dropped open so my panting breaths released small puffs of steam. There was a feeling inside me, like I was getting close. Close to what, I didn't know but I just knew I wanted to get there. My point twitched and I felt my stomach clench.

"Bi-Bill...I'm...I'm gonna…" I gasped, drool trickling down my chin and onto Bill's hand as I panted harder.

"I wanna watch...isn't that just so fucked up?" Bill muttered as I finally felt my body release that build up of heat. There was a bright flash of light, an ear splitting sound of a thunderclap and I spasmed with a loud cry. I hear Bill yelp as the smell of ozone filled the room.

I collapsed to the ground panting heavily with my eye half shut in a daze, my tongue hung out as I trembled. Fu...fucking...shit that felt...AMAZING!

(((((((((((((((((((Ok it's sort of safe now?))))))))))))))))))))))))))

"Did you just cum LIGHTNING?!" Bill shrieked.

"Eh-bah...dah…" I said intelligently.

I feel myself being lifted from the ground as Bill shook me. "Dude! That was FUCKING metal as shit!" He squealed. "Can you do that again? How long is your range? You know that was WAY stronger than anything I've seen you shoot from your hands…"

"B-Bill...staaap~" I moaned. He let go and I flopped backward bonelessly. I was so tired. Bill was still talking quickly in excitement. "This is so cool! Gonna suck for any future girlfriends you happen to get but seriously, think of all the fun stuff you can do with this ability?!"

I vaguely hear Hectorgon's muffled voice shouting through the walls "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO OUR WIFI!?"

Bill glanced over at the door. "Huh. I'm guessing that discharge must have messed up the signals in the house." He gets up and heads to the door "Be right back Kryptos. I need to go fix this before Hectorgon has a meltdown or something."

I moaned weakly.

You know what's the worse part of this? Even after all this, I think Bill still hasn't realized how I feel. I rolled over onto my stomach and rubbed my face against the cool stone. It feels nice on my overheated body.

My limbs were still trembling. That was way too intense. I lifted myself off the ground and crawled over to my bed. I will admit it felt pretty great and Bill apparently finds me attractive. Now I just need to get him to stop thinking of me as a little sister.

I suspect Bill just wanted a family again so badly that he sees us all as such. There has to be some way to get him to realize he doesn't have to? I can only hope. He did seem interested...if only due to curiosity…

Ok. New plan. Seduce Bill Cipher.

I face palm.



(((((((((((((((MOAR ECCHI STUFF))))))))))))))

My point was not retracting.

I glared at the stupid floppy thing. It appears it was not going away. Bill stared at it in fascination. "It really is all floppy! But it's still here! Hm...well humans can't retract their penises either so perhaps it's like that?" He mused as he stood before me, comparing our anatomy.


(More nudes)


I wanted Bill to notice me but not like this!

"You're so squishy!" Bill reached down to pat my thighs. "So lucky~I'm practically skin and bones in this form!" he frowned at his thin legs.

"C-can't you shapeshift to make yourself rounder? If you want that so much?" I asked. Bill sighed. "Xin and Miz are already plushy. But William feels weird when I add curves." He shrugged. "I tried making myself more voluptuous once but it didn't work. Circles and me as an altered triangle don't go together." He frowned. " However if I add mammalian bits into my DNA to more closely resemble a human, I grow breasts which unlocks my ability to add more curves."

As interesting as this discussion was, it wasn't what I needed to seduce him. Since Bill seemed to like this gross fat butt I have, I have tried pointing it at him or rubbing it against him but aside from a few embarrassed looks, I only really succeeded in arousing myself. Which wasn't bad per say because Bill would help me deal with that little inconvenience.

You'd think having Bill jerk me off would be a sign that I was finally making some headway but Nooo, Bill just likes to watch me shoot lightning from my point! He's so genuinely interested in the process he doesn't even seem to think of it as sex.

So there I was, thrusting desperately into Bill's hands as he pointed me at a lightning rod so my discharge doesn't cause a blackout or something. He even set up a battery to store my 'cum'. This time he was behind me so I could rub my butt against his crotch with every thrust as he curled his hands around my point. "T-tighter please!" I panted, mouth wide and drooling as I lost myself to the wonderful frictional feeling. Despite my efforts, my attempts to arouse Bill didn't seem to be working even though I could tell he was enjoying himself. I couldn't directly touch Bill in the ways I wanted because he would freak out, so my method of 'just so happening' to rub my butt along his chest and crotch while I was moving my hips was the best I could do.

Too bad it wasn't doing anything for him.

I moaned as another lightning bolt shot out when I climaxed. I collapsed into a drooling, twitching mess on my bed as Bill massaged my point to try and milk more electricity out of me. "Seriously! How do you do that?! Does the friction build up an electrical charge along with your movements? Will it be stronger if I used magnets?" he pulled at the squishy thing trying to make it go hard again.

"C-can we please take a break?" I moaned. He made me (what's that word he used?) cum over 3 times already and I think I might actually die if he keeps this up. He pouted but when I offered to give him a head pat he eagerly flopped onto my lap with a happy wiggle.

(((((((((((((((((((((((((Ok we done now)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I gave him his head pats, scratching at his scalp and ears to try and find his weak spot. I managed to make him purr and mewl deliciously but still couldn't arouse him from just that. I don't think he even realizes that was my goal.

"Hey Bill?" I asked as I combed my ungloved fingers through his hair. The stands seemed to be made of actual gold mixed with some other elements to make it feel softer than its molecular makeup would imply. It glimmered as its high conductivity had my static flicker through them. Apparently Bill enjoyed that sensation.

"What's up Kryptos?" Bill sighed from where he was nuzzling his face along my thighs. One of his hands absently rubbed my butt the same way he would pet Xanthar's fur whenever he cuddled with the loaf.

"Are we sexual partners?" I asked hesitantly. I feel him go still. I try to hide my panic. He turns to gaze up at me with that cute large eye of his. He really looks so innocent like this, his head in my lap with his hair spread around and glowing.

"Does this count as sex?" He asked quietly. He sounded so lost and confused. I lick my teeth and considered my response. "I'm not sure. You do let me fuck your hands…"

"Do handjobs count as sex?" He frowned in thought "I guess they do?" His expression turned to shame "Oh god I've been fucking my little sibling."

"I'm NOT your sibling! For the love of right angles!"

Bill pulled away, to my despair, and brought his legs up to his chest. "I'm disgusting." He whimpered as he curled around himself.

"No you're not Bill." I tried to assure him. "We're not actually related."

"That's not the point!" Bill cried. "If I see you as a sibling, love you as a sibling, and still decide to fuck you...that's wrong !" he shivered.

"But I don't see you as a sibling." I pointed out. "And I want to have s-sex with you." I stuttered.

Bill lifted his head to look at me. I flinch when I see he's crying. "But...I...I pretty much raped you…" he sobbed.

"No you didn't!" I protested.

"But I touched you all weird and then made your dick go hard and I even jerked you off without permission…" he squeezed his eye shut as he cried.

"No, no, it's fine! I wanted to do that sort of thing with you! I gave you permission! And you stopped when I asked you to!" I wiped at his tears but he just kept crying. "But you d-didn't even know what masturbation was! You just sta-started feeling good and wanted more! And I took advantage of you!" Bill sobbed.

I hugged him. "No you didn't. If anything...I'm the one who's been taking advantage of you! I'm…" I didn't know how to explain this. "I'm trying to purposely arouse you and seduce you!"

He blinked in confusion, tears trailing down his face. "But...why?"

"Dammit Bill! It's because I really li-like you and I want to start a relationship with you! Like, not as friends or family! I want to be together with you! Like...romantically! Sexually!" It seems I would have to be really upfront about this.

His expression went from distressed to realization. Then to my horror, he seemed to short circuit, his eye going blank as he spasmed and collapsed. "Bill!!" I screamed in panic. What happened?! Was he ok?! Was he hurt?! Was this my fault?!

Bill blinked slowly, his eye turning back to normal before smiling at me. "Whoa! Is that you Kryptos? What did you do to yourself?"

"Bill? What are you-"

He gets up and squeals. "Oh my gosh! You're so cute and squishy looking!" he giggled. "How did this happen? You look adorable!"

I felt faint. "Bill? D-don't you remember?"

He frowned. "Remember what?'

I searched his face for any sign that he was messing with me. I saw only genuine confusion.

"Bill...what's the last thing you remember?"

He pouted. "I came in because I smelled baked potatoes...then…" he frowned. "I must have passed out again, stupid Dreamscape making me black out all the time…" he grumbled. He looked at where he was sitting on my bed.

"Oh, you put me on your bed so I wasn't sleeping on the floor. You're so thoughtful Kryptos." He leaned forward and hugged me.

I gently hug him back, my mind racing "Yeah well, the bed is softer…" he didn't remember? Why? How? "So...what happened to you Kryptos?" He asked as he pulled back to look me up and down again.

"I was building a transformation ray gun. Accidentally shot myself instead of my test subject…"

"Oh. Well, do you feel ok? You're not in pain or anything right?" He looked me over "Do you need me to check?"

I shook my head. "It's fine. Everything is working fine and I'm not in any pain...my body is stable. I'm just...not sure if I can change back yet." I could shoot myself with the Polytool setting but I wasn't sure if that would just restructure my current body into a Polytool as opposed to actually changing me back to normal. So I was kinda stuck like this until I fixed the Zero option.

"Do you need me to change you back?" Bill asked. I blinked. Oh right, that was another option. But…

"No. I can figure it out myself." I wanted to do this myself. I also needed to figure out what happened to Bill's memories. How could he just...blank out like that. Almost like he had realized something and then shut down or overloaded.

While I was thinking, I noticed Bill wiggling in place impatiently as he stared at me hungrily. "B-Bill?" I squeaked.

"Maid outfit~❤" he squealed as he practically gyrated in place. I sighed. Of course. "Please? Please? Pleeeeeeease?" He begged. I rolled my eye. Well if I was gonna be stuck like this for a while anyway, I might as well let Bill have his fun. "Sure." I said simply, sealing my fate.

I just need to let him have fun until I figure out why all this happened. Besides, I still felt kinda bad for making him cry, maybe some wholesome crossdressing fun would make up for it…

...is what I thought.

I flushed in embarrassment and tried to pull the skirt down. At least no one else was seeing me like this, I might just die. Really, what WAS it with Bill and maids?!

I must have asked that out loud since Bill sits down on my bed and hummed. "Well...a maid is someone who helps people. Sure it's just for the daily household stuff but its just as important as anything big."

He brushed a hand along his own maid outfit.

"It's not all about the cleaning, cooking and the super cute outfit. A maid ensures the household runs smoothly. They make sure the pantry is fully stocked so the household doesn't go hungry, that there are always clean clothes, silverware and bedsheets so no one gets sick from living in an unclean environment, they care for the pets, the children and even the household plants…"

I sat down beside Bill as he spoke. "So...you like maids because they're helpful?"

"All I've ever wanted was to be helpful…" Bill muttered. I hesitated before wrapping my arm around him in a hug. "You really feel strongly about this huh?"

He laughed. "Yeah. And the fact that their uniforms are soooo cute is just a plus!" He fluffed his skirt. "Maid uniforms are JUSTICE!"

I chuckled. Well I think I understand a little more about some of Bill's eccentricities now. "Well I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." I tugged at the back of my skirt again. "But can't I have a longer skirt please?"

Bill pouted. "But then I can't see your cute butt."

I groaned. "Dammit Bill…"

He giggled adorably and hung out with me for the rest of the day. I'm still worried about that strange...glitch(?) that happened earlier but I didn't want to somehow trigger it again by bringing it up. Bill put me and himself in more outfits, which was embarrassing for me but I won't deny that seeing Bill in them was quite...enjoyable.

Still, I ended up staying in my room for the next week or so tweaking my invention to turn myself back to normal, I was too embarrassed to let anyone else see me like this. Bill brought me food and I won't deny I was enjoying the time I got to spend one on one with him.

We never strayed towards anything explicit, Bill wanted to pet my thighs but this time I told him no. I didn't want to get aroused and accidentally make him feel the need to jerk me off again. As wonderful as that felt, I feel like I would be taking advantage of Bill's curious nature if I did that again.

I'm still a little guilty I kinda...sorta...took Bill's virginity and he doesn't even remember it…

Eventually I fixed my settings and heaved a sigh of relief when I was back to my usual handsome self. Bill seemed a little disappointed but I was just glad my anatomy was back to normal. We didn't talk about it after that.

I told Bill not to mention it again and he shrugged and agreed not to talk about my experiment accident.

I'm still not sure how to feel about what had happened in my room that day. Bill really didn't seem to remember. I worried. Was this some sign of Bill's general insanity? It didn't...seem like it? But what would I know?

When Bill informed us he had gotten an actual maid for our household I was thrilled that he had someone else to dress up. I was also a little sad that his attention was on someone else now. It was a very strange mix of emotions.

I noticed the axolotl in our living room staring at me. I glared back at it before flipping it off and floating away. What's HIS problem?

I don't tell anyone about this, especially not Bill, but I would sometimes zap myself with my ray gun again and stare at my reflection. I would pose in front of the mirror and wonder what sort of thing would succeed in getting Bill hot and bothered. I know it's probably awful of me to think of it like this but considering he just doesn't seem to get it when I tell him I loved him, perhaps I really DID need to seduce him?

I could ask Pyronica for advice but she would tease me forever and I can't stand that. I've asked Keyhole but his only advice had been "Give Bill food." which was actually a good course of action but my attempts to do so never seem to have the result I wanted. Bill certainly loved it when I invited him out for lunch or dinner at various 'romantic' restaurants but he still wasn't getting it. I've even outright called them dates but apparently he used to have lunch dates with his sisters back when they were alive which only made me slam my face against a wall in frustration.

Why did I have to fall for the most oblivious idiot in all the multiverse?!

The upside is I got to spend time with Bill.

I glance at him as we walked around a Zoo on planet Ekwos. He was so excited to look at everything. We had our fingers twined together as he pulled me along, laughing and pointing at a colorful species of Slug that was crawling up the side of it's containment unit. He was relaxed and happy. It was nice. Just the two of us.

Sure there was a wide space around us as the other zoo guests ran away but that just meant we got the zoo all to ourselves. Bill tugs on my arm "Kyrptos lookie! They have Dagger Mites!" he squee'd as he waved a hand at the display filled with the dangerous creatures. I read the sign "Warning, extremely vicious and incapable of mercy."

Bill giggled as he tapped on the glass. "Aw...you poor widdle guys..." he turned to me with a pleading look. "Should I set them free?" Bill does that sometimes, ask one of us for whether or not he should do something. Generally it meant he got one of his 'random destructive urges' but it wasn't strong enough for him to actually follow so he gets our opinion.

The way Bill trusts us to make the moral choices for him makes me both incredibly proud and sad. Proud because who wouldn't have their ego stroked if a literal cosmic deity valued their opinion? Sad because Bill didn't trust himself to make the right choice. I shook my head. "No. It would be funny but I think too many people would die if you let them out."

"Ok." Bill replied easily as he waved good bye to the Dagger Mites and pulled me off to look at something else.

We DID end up freeing several cages of animals. Bill uncovered some of the zookeeper's awful treatment of the animals and we spent the day terrorizing the man before transporting the animals back to their native habitats. The law enforcement got called of course but Bill dragged me behind him, laughing and throwing blunted Dagger Mites behind us.

After we lost the cops and finished releasing some glowing crabs into the ocean on another planet, I walked slowly behind Bill as he sang to himself while running around the beach. The sun was setting and his bricks were reflecting the light in a nearly blinding display. The waves splashed softly and I watched his footprints in the sand get slowly washed away.

"Yuuhi no o-yama ni~ teru teru Bill Cipher~"

I didn't understand the words but I smiled softly as I walked along. He sang to himself cheerfully as he stopped to pick up a seashell that caught his eye. It was nice. This was nice.

"Kaeru ya tokage ga~ konnichi wa..."

"Hey Bill?" I called out quietly. He stops to look back at me, the sunset reflecting off his bricks. "I love you." I told him.

He squints his eye into a smile. "I love you too!" It was a heartfelt reply. It just wasn't what I wanted. I don't doubt Bill loved me. It just wasn't in the way I wanted.

I turned to throw myself into the ocean, splashing around so I could cover myself in water. Splashing around so I could hide my tears. I tell myself it's fine. I have a near eternity with him. I didn't care how long it took, years, centuries, millennia...someday I'll make him realize how I felt. He hasn't told me "No." yet after all.

He doesn't understand what I meant. Which mean he hasn't directly rejected me. So I wasn't going to give up. If Bill eventually DOES realize what I mean, I could get a true answer. When that happens I swore to myself I would accept it. Even if it was a "No."

But for now I'm going to continue pursuing him until he realizes it.

I hear Bill splash next to me. "You really suck at swimming!" He laughed.

"Well, I guess you're gonna have to teach me then!" I shoot back at him. He hits the water with his hands "Challenge accepted! Once I'm through with you, you'll be able to swim in your sleep!"

I laughed long and hard. Even if Bill doesn't notice, I still got to stay by his side. That was all I really wanted. I reached out to grab his hand and I felt his fingers curl around my own.

As long as I could stay by his side.

From now until the end of time.


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