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Chapter 50: The Return of Humpty Dumpty

After lunch and the rest of their lessons everybody packs their bags and are ready to leave, when out of nowhere their classroom door slides open to reveal an entire mob of people gathered outside!

Ochaco was closest to the door at the time so she's the first to ask... "U-um... Why the heck are you all here!?"

Anyone not paying attention to the door, Hitomi in this case, only now pays attention to the problem 'Huh? Oh... Those must be the students from the other courses'

Tenya points his hand at them "Do you students have some sort of business with our class?"

"Why are you blocking our doorway?" Mineta rushes forward and shakes his fist at them "I won't let you hold us hostage!"

Bakugo casually makes his way towards the door with hands in his pockets "They're scouting out the competition, idiots, we're the class that survived a real Villian attack. They wanted to see us with their own eyes"

As Mineta points at Bakugo with grief on his face Izuku tries to sooth the smaller boy "Let's just hope he doesn't explode anybody..."

Bakugo steps right up to the front if the crowd "At least now you know what a future pro looks like. Now move it extras"

Tenya frantically chops the air at him! "You can't walk around calling people extras just because you don't know who they are!"

Hitomi quickly goes over and gets between Bakugo and the many people "Please forgive him, he really puts the Ass in Classmate!" She chuckles "I am the Class Representative, Hitomi Sekizō, if you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them but please don't continue to trap us in our classroom, at least move away from the other door so those of us who need to catch a train or something don't have to panic and rush"

"Get out of my way Snake Head." Bakugo is, of course, not happy with Hitomi getting in front of him

She sighs... "Can you all please make room so this jerk can leave?"

"Keep insulting me. See what happens." He clenches his fist in his pocket

"Nothing will happen Bakugo. And you know it." She turns to him as the crowd shuffles out the way "There. The "Extras" moved for your highness."

He growls and pushes past her as he leaves

"Hey you!!" From within the crowd a boy with jagged grey hair and MEGA thick eyelashes pulls himself up into view "I'm from Class 1-B next door to you!! We heard you fought some Villains and I came to see if that was true! But you're just a bunch of stuck up brats ain'tcha!?"

Hitomi raises an eyebrow "I don't really see how we're stuck up? If being the victims of mass attempted murder by sickos and psychopaths makes us stuck up then we're definitely owed some fancy expensive tea or something"

From inside the classroom Momo raises a hand "If you'd like some expensive tea I-"

Kyoka elbows her and puts a finger to her lips! "Shh!"

Hitomi quickly continues speaking to cover that up "And as for being brats... Aren't you the same age as us? You said Class 1-B right?"

"Uhh... Well..." The boy kinda lost his flow...

"Now all of you please! Move out of the way so we can all go home!" Hitomi claps her hands and spreads her arms

The crowd grumble among themselves as they move out of the way... Class 1-A start making their way out

"Nicely done Rep!" Kirishima gives Hitomi a thumbs up as he heads out

Kaminari does too though his is slightly shaking "Y-yeah nice job!" He runs after Kirishima!

Toru comes up behind Hitomi "Hey... You take the train too y'know..."

"I know, don't worry" she looks back and smiles at her and whispers "When the class is empty I'll run for it"

The class quickly empties with Toru sticking with Hitomi until it's only them left

"Ok thank you for waiting everyone!" She slowly gets ready to run and Toru does the same "Unfortunately I also take the train! Bye!"

She and Toru sprint across the room and out the other classroom door! Then keep running down the hallway as the crowd shouts after them angrily!

Hitomi grabs Toru's hand as they run and they both laugh as they don't stop running until they change their shoes at the entrance and leave the school

"That must have made them so mad" Toru giggles as they make their way towards the train station

"Who cares? They had no right to block us in or waste our time" she clenches her fist "We were attacked by evil people, that doesn't make us anything but victims. If they wanna somehow make us the bad guys for it or feel threatened by it then they're just insecure idiots."

"Hey..." She retakes Hitomi's hand "That sounded like it was more than just those people...? Are you ok...?" Toru squeezes her hand

"Yeah... Yeah I'm good... Just a bad past experience that I'm trying to forget..." She sighs and gently returns the hand squeeze...

"Well those that believe in the truth won't forget Hitomi Sekizō!" From behind them

They both turn to see a boy with bull horns, that Hitomi had ignored as just another person, stood proudly with his arms folded "We meet again Hitomi Sekizō! Ready for round two?"

Hitomi frowns and moves Toru slightly behind her "Do I... Know you?"

"Ugh!" He instantly gets flustered and angry at the fact he's been forgotten "I-I'm Meiwaku Miyagi! I interviewed you before that weirdo tried to squash me with his Hero landing thing!"

"Oh... You." Her snakes hiss angrily and she clenches her fist

"Uhh Hitomi...? I'm still lost..." Toru is blushing from Hitomi being protective of her... However she's no damsel so she's ready for a fight!

"Well..." She sighs and taps her chin in thought for a few moments... "He's some chump wannabe reporter who thinks I'm evil?"

"Why would he think that...?" She tilts her head "Is he dumb?"

"Oh so you've not told any of your little school friends huh Sekizō?" He smirks and points at her with a passion "Well the truth will finally come into the light now that your victim is alive and well!"

"Wait... What...?" She freezes in place for a few moments... Then takes a step forward "Do you mean what I think you do?"

"I do indeed." He takes a step forward himself "There was a sudden unexpected breakthrough in the restoration project" he holds up his phone screen to her to display a news article "Kōichi Shidō is back! Despite your best efforts"

Hitomi stares at the article... Detailing the case, what happened to Shidō and how he was repaired and woken up earlier that very day 'This... I... I don't know how to feel... I'm officially not a murderer... But he could still cause problems...'

"Uhhh..." Toru raises a hand "Who's Kōichi Shidō...?"

"A good man that your classmate tried to seduce and murder!" He returns his phone to his pocket "But now-"

"Pfffff!!! Hahaha!!" Toru bursts out laughing! Surprising both Hitomi and Miyagi "Seduce and murder!? How stupid is that idea!?"

"So... You don't believe it...?" Hitomi knows it's completely ridiculous... But she can't help but worry considering many people have stupidly believed it...

"Of course I don't! Jeeze Hitomi anyone that actually knows you would know it's completely ridiculous" she holds both Hitomi's hands "Especially the seducing part... For obvious reasons" she giggles and tip toes to kiss Hitomi's cheek

"It doesn't matter what you say! Mr Shidō is a beloved educator and your lies won't be able to sully his reputation!" Miyagi clenches his fist and glares at them both!

'Wait a second... The "Beloved educator" line...' Hitomi faces the boy properly "Was... Was Shidō your teacher? Did you got to Nabu Middle School a few years ahead of me?"

"Yes! He was my favourite teacher! But I fail to see the relevance of MY relationship with him" he jabs a finger at her "It's YOUR attempted relationship that's the focus"

'This is why he's so convinced! Shidō must have used his Quirk to make Miyagi truly believe he was a good guy no matter what! But why...? I thought Shidō was only interested in Schoolgirls...' "Miyagi, what do your family do for a living?"

"Funny you mention my family! Once I convince my Father to pressure his bosses into airing a true exposé about you you'll be finished" he punches his hand into his fist "No mercy"

"And who's your father?" Hitomi leans closer

"Oh! That was it!" Toru points at his face "Your Dad's the bull horned news reader that cut off one of his horns so people could see the screen behind him better!"

"He's done more than just that...! And he was being considerate of his viewers!" He stomps his foot!

"Well it's his body his choice, if he wanted to make it more convenient for his viewers that's entirely up to him, nothing wrong with it" Hitomi shrugs

"Uhh... Y-yeah... Thanks?" He shakes his head! "You can't fool me by being nice! So don't even try!"

"Uh huh... Anyway! The truth will come out soon enough so just wait and see, I'm as innocent as I've ever been" she takes Toru's hand and starts walking away

"We'll all see you go to prison Sekizō!!" He points at her as she leaves

"So Hitomi... Umm..." Toru doesn't know how to ask...

"I'll tell you when we're on the train... Don't worry..." She squeezes her hand

They make their way to the station and BARELY manage to get to their train on time! They sit in one of the more empty train cars and Hitomi tells Toru the whole story... Including how Aizawa came and offered to mentor her based on an old pinky promise

After she's finished the story Toru is shaking in anger! "Mommy. Daddy. I'm sorry. Your baby girl is gonna do an illegal."

Hitomi puts an arm around her "Easy tiger, I've got first dibs anyways"

"You... You're a really strong person Hitomi..." Toru turns in her seat and hugs her girlfriend... "I'm so sorry you had to go through that..."

"Y'know... I'm glad it happened actually" she smiles as Toru looks at her in shock! "If it never happened then Shidō wouldn't have been exposed, I would have never met any of the great people in class 1-A and I wouldn't have met the perfect girlfriend" she plants a gentle kiss on Toru's cheek

"W-what makes me perfect...? I'm just me..." She blushes heavily

"You're sweet, funny, beautiful aaaaand I get your beauty and cuteness all to myself" she squeezes Toru against her causing her blush to burn even brighter

"Sh-shut up... Flattery w-won't get you nowhere!" She covers her face with her hands

"Thank you for being you Toru..." She kisses the top of Toru's head "Never change"

"You're unbearablllllle!" She mock cries into her hands but practically radiates happiness from Hitomi's words...

Hitomi laughs and continues to tease poor Toru all the way to their destination

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