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58.33% A Vampire Knight's Destiny / Chapter 53: Graduation Part-3

Bab 53: Graduation Part-3

King Thalorion Haigos gazed at Freya with a glint of recognition in his eyes. "Ah, I remember now, I never got your name. Why don't you name them in their order of kill count, from low to high?" he suggested, his excitement evident.

"Yes, Father," Freya replied, her demeanor transforming into one of enthusiasm whenever she was in the presence of her father.

With grace, Freya moved to stand behind Ava, announcing her with great pride, "Behold, the Famed, Serene Axe Maiden, Fourth General, Ava Alopex."

King Thalorion Haigos nodded approvingly. "Good, I hope you continue to excel in the future," he encouraged.

Ava bowed respectfully, replying, "Yes, Your Majesty."

Next in line was Luke, whom Freya approached. "Presenting the Famed, Luke the Mace Mauler Third General, Luke Pathos," she announced.

Luke simply bowed to the king with an emotionless face. The king had already informed him about Luke's reserved personality, so he expected no response. But King Thalorion Haigos couldn't help stealing a glance at Freya, pleased with her adeptness in leading the introductions.

Continuing down the line, Freya walked behind Alex, "Presenting the Famed, Prideful SwordKnight Second General, Alex Maeson," she announced.

Alex couldn't help feeling a pang of frustration at being outperformed by Chase in terms of kill count. Yet, he knew better than to display his anger in the presence of the king.

"You are the heir of the Maeson family," King Thalorion Haigos remarked, recalling the family's illustrious reputation. "The Maesons have long been renowned for their bravery and leadership, tracing their ancestry back to the noble house of Eldoria, protectors of the ancient forest of Serenwood. Throughout generations, your family has produced remarkable generals and commanders, each with their unique strengths and achievements."

"Yes your majesty" Alex answered back worried if his family did anything wrong.

"It's good that the Maeson family heir became a general at such a young age, "King Thalorion Haigos said happily.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Alex replied, feeling relieved that the king's focus shifted away from any potential wrongdoing by his family.

Finally, it was Chase's turn, Freya announcing him with great pride, "Behold, the Famed, Phantom SpearKnight, First General, Chase Haemas."

As Freya introduced Chase, King Thalorion Haigos couldn't hide the fleeting expression of fear that crossed his face, A sense of foreboding washed over him, looking at Chase in his mind a mysterious presence lurked behind Chase, Nevertheless, the king quickly regained his composure, though Ava noticed the brief unease.

"You are all worthy of the famed name, and I hope you continue to earn more accolades as you grow stronger in your future battles," King Thalorion Haigos spoke with a motivating tone, displaying pride in his generals' accomplishments.

With respect and gratitude, each everyone bowed and responded, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

King Thalorion Haigos looked behind everyone's with a gleam of excitement in his eyes. "Look here, my other daughter," he exclaimed.

Everyone turned to see a girl whose beauty had a different charm from Freya's. She possessed an adorable face, dressed in flowing and luminous light blue fabric that seemed to shimmer and sparkle like the dancing rays of the morning sky. Delicate embroidered patterns of intricate runes and celestial motifs adorned the fabric, while her bodice glistened with silver and iridescent beads. The dress boasted a V-neckline, and from her shoulders, flowed sheer, gossamer sleeves resembling the wispy trails of shooting stars.

Her skirt, crafted from translucent fabric, cascaded like waves of magic, allowing for ease of movement. Around her waist, a silver belt with an enchanted gemstone buckle enhanced her energy and focus during spellcasting, Adorned her hair with delicate silver hairpins, each adorned with a shimmering crystal that reflected her radiant and vivacious spirit.

The girl skipped over to them, with Master Lane, a skilled mage, following her closely. Another man stood beside her, emanating a powerful presence.

The girl embraced Freya warmly, and Freya kissed her on the forehead. "Sister," she said affectionately.

"Everyone, this is my sister Eve," Freays said playing with Eve's hair.

"Greetings, Your Royal Highness," everyone bowed and spoke respectfully.

Freya explained, "You all already know Master Lane; he's been teaching my sister magic."

Everyone nodded remembering him from the trials, But hearing what Freya said about teaching her magic everyone thought her family only had knights.

Freya pointed at the other man holding his sword behind his back"This is Sir Benson"

Everyone again bowed to Sir Benson and he just nodded.

'How come Eve uses mana but Frreya and King use war power, now that I realized where is their mother'Chase thought.

"There are both father subordinates, "Freya said.

Upon seeing Sir Benson holding his sword behind his back, Chase felt uneasy, sensing that Benson's gaze was fixed on him alone 'Why is he only staring at me'

Alex, looking around, inquired, "Don't all kings have a royal guard? Where are they?"

King Thalorion Haigos replied coldly, "Just like all kingdoms, they have been called out on a hunt for a certain person." his voice sent shivers down everyone's spine.

"So all kingdoms had to send out the royal guard," Ava asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, "King Thalorion Haigos answered unsure why Ava asked that.

'Strange if the tramid kingdom, the royal guard is also called out on a hunt, why would you want to attack another kingdom with less defense unless you are sure to win'Ava had an enlightenment after thinking for a couple of seconds she asked, "Is that why the Green Griffin Knights decided to attack? Because the royal guard is gone?"

King Thalorion Haigos pondered, "It's a good point, but why would the Tramid King attack me when we have always been good friends?"

Everyone paid attention to what Ava was about to answer back with"With less defense, it will be easier, but there is still a chance of failure unless the attacker has someone on the inside close to you."Ava confidently responded.

King Thalorion Haigos questioned with a hint of anger, "So are you saying there's a traitor among us?"

Ava regretfully nodded, "Sorry to say, but it's a possibility."

Chase felt a chill down his spine and noticed Benson's intense gaze filled with hatred directed at him. 'What's wrong with him, what did I do' He couldn't fathom the reason behind it.

King Thalorion Haigos calmed down, acknowledging Ava "Since Freya spoke well about your intellect I will trust you and investigate"

"You can't send anyone close to you to investigate or the traitor will be alerted, "Ava said quickly shutting down King Thalorion Haigo's idea.

Suddenly Alex spoke "Freya remember the hole we found in the west wall" When the south wall was taken over by Alex and Freya sent knights and mages to take back control of the west wall.

"Alex don't worry we investigated it and it was sealed off," Freya said.

'A hole, why dig a hoe if you're just going to seal it back' Ava thought.

Ava remembered something"Didnt one green griffin general, escape an made it back to the west wall"

Freya and Alex nodded.

"It will make sense to have the hole sealed off, because the general probably told them to seal it off," Freya said

"You should unseal and search how far it goes and where it goes".Ava said,

"All right I will"Freya replied.

King Thalorion Haigos smiled at Ava happily" Freya is right about you being very intelligent, you can think very fast on the spot"

King Thalorion Haigos smiling ear to ear."Alright enough talk lets begin with the graduation"

"Freya will have you change into a new knight armor, then meet in the Throne Room"King Thalorion Haigos instructed Freya before he, Eve, and the others, went back into the room he came from.

Freya waved"Come on guys let go" to another room, changing into their new knight armor.

In the throne room, adorned with ornate tapestries and flickering torches, King Thalorion Haigos sat upon his throne, his regal presence commanding respect from all who stood before him, Chase, Ava, Alex, and Luke, stood nervously in a row, dressed in gleaming new vibrant armor and vibrant capes matching their hairs, behind them are other subordinates of the king and other nobles.

King Thalorion Haigo's voice boomed through the hall as he addressed them. "Today marks a momentous occasion, as these brave souls stand before us to be granted the honor of knighthood. They have displayed bravery, morals, and unwavering loyalty, by defending the kingdom from tramid traitors, they proved themselves worthy to serve the talia kingdom."

The first to step forward Ava, "General Ava, your heart is as noble as your axe arm is swift. For your intellect and bravery, I grant you the title of Knight of the Azure Rose."

Next Luke knelt before the king, The king touched each shoulder with a ceremonial sword, symbolizing the weight of the responsibility he would carry from that moment on, "I grant you the title of Knight of the ."

The third, Alex knelt before the king his face beaming with pride, The king touched each shoulder with a ceremonial sword, symbolizing the weight of the responsibility he would carry from that moment on "I deem you worthy of the title Knight of the Shining Star."

Lastly Chase, "For your unwavering dedication and courage, I bestow upon you the title of Knight of the First Order."Chase's heart was shocked giving him this powerful-sounding title.

After the knighting ceremony, Chase and the others rose, and King Thalorion Haigos addressed them once more. "Arise, Knights of the Talia kingdom! With your new titles, come great responsibilities. Defend the innocent, uphold justice, and be the guardians of peace, This world relies on your strength and bravery."

Suddenly four servants came out with golden trays and multiple strength potions on them"This is your gift for the kill count" King Thalorion Haigos, they remember Freya said with high kill you get certain rewards, Chase, Alex, and Luke got three but Ava got two.

As the audience erupted in cheers and applause, The king stepped down from his throne and approached the knights, laying a hand on each of their shoulders. "May your weapons remain sharp, and your hearts pure. Go forth, and may the light of honor guide your path." The castle echoed with celebration, Chase and the others went back to change back into their normal clothes.

When Chase entered back the grand hall in his suit he went straight to Ava"Ava I would like to speak to you for a couple minutes."He said, and Ava just nodded.

Chase and Ava then walked outside the Castle, The central courtyard is a lush oasis of color and lif, Fountains adorned with intricately carved blue eagle sculptures shoot crystal-clear water into the air, Flowerbeds line the pathways, bursting with vibrant blooms of blue, white, and silver, mirroring the colors of the mythical blue eagle's plumage, they went to near the fountains

"What did you want to talk about?"Ava asked.

"Turned around and close your eyes, "Chase said.

"Why?"Ava asked with a puzzled face.

"Just do it please, "Chase said.

Ava slowly turned around closing her eyes, wondering what Chase is about to do.

Chase took off her other necklace and took a necklace out of his pocket, then slowly wrapped his hand around Ava's neck and put on the necklace.

Chase removed his hand from Ava's neck"Open your eye and have a look" he said.

Ava opened her eye looking down her neck she saw Green Enchantress Necklace is a breathtaking piece of jewelry, The necklace's chain is woven from delicate silver vines, each intricately detailed with tiny leaves and buds, The silver vines wrap around each other, forming an elegant and seamless loop, At the center of the necklace hangs a stunning green gemstone, reminiscent of a rare and precious emeral, The gemstone is teardrop-shaped, with facets that catch the light and reflect an entrancing play of colors, The gemstone is cradled within a silver filigree setting, Surrounding the green gemstone are delicate silver ivy leaves, their delicate veins and serrated edges painstakingly crafted to mirror the intricacies of real leaves. The ivy leaves cascade gracefully from the pendant, creating an aura of natural beauty and elegance.

Ava spun around with a big smile on her face and a crystal tear about to run down her Cheek"Chase I love it" she said.

Chase stretched out his hand whipping her tears"Your welcome" he said, during the week Chase spent all his money buying the Green Enchantress Necklace.

Suddenly Ava grabbed Chase's hand and pulled out a watch from her skirt, putting it on Chase's right wrist.

Obsidian Sentinel Watch is a magnificent timepiece that embodies the essence of darkness, power, and eternal vigilance, The watch's strap is made from supple black leather, its surface is adorned with intricate embossing, resembling ancient runes or symbols of protection. The leather is smooth and soft to the touch, The watch's bezel is crafted from gleaming black obsidian, a gemstone of profound darkness, The obsidian bezel is smooth and polished, with no markings or numerals, adding to the watch's enigmatic allure. Its surface is mesmerizing, reflecting an iridescent play of colors, akin to the dancing shadows under the pale moonlight.

Within the obsidian bezel, the watch face appears like a portal into the cosmic void, featuring luminescent hour and minute hands that seem to glow with an otherworldly radiance. The hands move gracefully over an intricate dial, decorated with tiny silver stars that mark the hours. The watch's hands and hour markers illuminate the darkness, ensuring the time is easily discernible, even in the depths of the night, The crown of the watch is shaped like a miniature ebony tower, embellished with a sigil of ancient power, known only to those who possess the watch's secrets. Turning the crown to set the time feels like tapping into the arcane, as if unlocking the timekeeper's mystical capabilities.

Chase gave Ava a peck on her lips"Thanks" he said grabbing both ava soft hands "Babe, Can I have this dance", Ava nodded.

As the soft sound of a haunting melody filled the air, coming from the castle, Chase and Ava, step closer to each other, their hands intertwining, Their movements are slow and deliberate, a perfect reflection of the moon's gentle sway over the tides. They twirl and glide across the ground with effortless elegance as if they had danced a thousand times before.

Around them, the night comes alive with magical fireflies, their soft glow casting an enchanting spell upon the scene, Their gazes meet and hold, and at that moment, the world around them fades away, leaving only the two of them illuminated by the moon's soft embrace.

As the night wears on, they dance on, their steps blending with the music of the night and the fountain's gentle melody. The stars above seem to shine brighter as if celebrating the union of two souls entwined in a timeless dance of love, inside the castle window Freya looked down with a smile on her face masking her sadness as she wondered why is she happy and sad.

After a couple of minutes of dancing Chase and Ava stood there looking into each other eyes reflecting their appearance when suddenly Chase grabbed Ava's chest.

Ava felt electricity through her body and her face became red"Chase what's wrong?"

Chase brought his face closer to Ava kissing her"I love you" he said affectionately with a bit of lust squeezing Ava's chest more.

"Mmm!" Ava moan softly as Chase keeps squeezing her chest.

"Ahh!"Chase suddenly grabbed Ava into a princess hold running out of the castle everyone watching wondering whats happening.

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