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Bab 61: Chapter 61

Emitting a dark glow, a purple-coloured book with golden patterns around the edges and a round-shaped gem in the centre hovered in front of Severus . 

'If someone in this world found out how I create this artefact, they would definitely call me a dark magician and put me in Azkaban, well, or they will award me the Order of Merlin,' Severus  thought with a smile, taking the gold watch lying on the table with the symbols of the four houses of Hogwarts. "Come on, stop taking up space in my artefact."

The clock opened and a shadow burst out of it, in an instant taking on the form of an attractive young man, with delicate aristocratic features and in a classic black suit with a green tie. 

His cold red eyes watched Snape smiling at him angrily, for he remembered who pulled him out of the diadem and imprisoned him in another thing from which he could not release even a particle of his energy. It was a real prison.

"Who are you?" trying to contain his anger, the spirit asked sullenly while looking down, where he saw a rounded pentagram emitting red light, and then transferred to a book hovering near an unknown magician. "I just want to ask you a question, are you ready to completely submit to my will and serve me?"

"Serve? You?" A cold, contemptuous grin appeared on the soul shard's face. 

"Who are you that I should bow my head to you?" 

"The one in whose hands your life is. I gave you a choice only because I need a sentient, not a mindless artefact, but even if you refuse, then the second option is not bad ... " At Snape's words, the soul shard narrowed his eyes and began to emit an invisible wave of magical power, trying to break through the barrier and to get the impudent bastard who decided to shove him into an artefact.

"Do you think I'll agree to this?" The Soul shard asked, narrowing his eyes.

"If life is dear to you, then yes, I'll give you ten seconds to think, and after that, I will destroy your consciousness, and this fragment of the soul will become a dummy," looking indifferently at the face of one of the strongest dark magicians in Britain, Severus pulled the book to him and opened it up. 

"Ten… nine…" cutting his finger, Severus  began to draw various symbols on it, "eight… seven…" the soul shard only snorted contemptuously, "six… five…" waver his resolve…

"You can't do that—it's better if you, yourself bow down to me and then I'll accept you as my servant, but you'll have to bow to me for that." the soul shard said.

"Four… three…" the pentagram became even brighter, but to this was added a dark whirlwind emanating from the crystal on the book, and Severus  looked up mockingly at the soul shard, "two…" 

Finally, the dark magician sensed the real danger and, panicking, he began to hit the barrier but under the barrier did not even move under the hail of attack. 

"One …"

"Stop! I…!" Feeling how the whirlwind intensified, and seeing how his legs began to dissolve and be sucked into the book, the soul shard experienced horror because the soul really did not want to disappear, it was more afraid of death than anyone else. 

For this reason alone, he split his soul in order to live forever, and if his personality is erased, it will be like dying. 

"Stop, I… agree…" the last words came out of his mouth with a particular difficulty, because in all his life the man did not lower his head to anyone. 

It's a shame that eats away at him from the inside. 

"Well done, so I won't have to subdue you in order to get consent, and now ... "Lord Voldemort", heir of Slytherin, you are my slave," Severus said to the soul with a mocking smile, but the whirlwind did not calm down but only intensified. "Become a good artefact and serve me faithfully, and although you won't be able to do it any other way, you have already given your consent."

"Are you really me…?!" But before he had time to finish, he was completely drawn into the book, and the Grimoire slammed shut, and the whirlwind disappeared. And silence reigned in the room. 

"It turned out to be easier than I expected, I thought it would be much harder and I really would have to stuff a "dummy" into the Grimoire," pulling the book towards himself and opening the first page, Severus saw how words began to appear on it ... a lot of words. 

Snape smiled wryly because he had never "heard" so many curses against him.

"The first rule: I forbid you to insult or curse me and my loved ones, you must treat me with respect" and the text disappeared in the same second as Severus said this, but another text which was in a respectful form appeared, but it was still with wishes for a speedy death and the likes. 

"I guess I still have to tell you about the One Hundred and Forty-seven Golden Rules of a Good Grimoire?"

"Now you will find out," Smiling wildly Snape touched the edge of the book, and it shone. 

"You must follow each of the mentioned rules. 

First, the Grimoire is obliged to honestly answer every question, correctly express thoughts and not lie; second, the grimoire is required to address its master as "Master", with a capital letter, using pronouns like "him", "him", etc. is strictly forbidden; thirdly, the Grimoire is obliged to carry out every order of his "Master" with all responsibility in a timely manner; Fourth, Grimoire is obliged…" 

And so, without stopping, for the next hour or more, Severus  continued to list more and more new rules and after listening to so many rules "The Great Voldemort" turned into a ra...ahem, into a good Grimoire.

After all, due to the fact that he became part of the artefact, he could not disobey Snape's orders, and with every second more inside the Grimoire, he felt more and more despair. 

"... and finally, the one hundred and forty-seventh rule: even after my death, you are forbidden to tell anyone anything about me. The exceptions are those whom I identified in the forty-seventh paragraph. That's all, I hope we can get along…" 

In his past life, Severus  had a magical Grimoire that did not require such "sacrifices", because the basis was a particle of his soul and a crystal, which he managed to get with some difficulty. He had to spend a fortune and he had to work as a mercenary for a whole year to amass that fortune.

And these one hundred and forty-seven rules were invented in the Magistrate, one of the darkest organisations in the world, it was done in order to take complete control of the soul in an ordinary Grimoire so that it would obey and not contradict its owner, while they did not limit the mental activity of the artefact. 

So the gremory could be much more useful and help with advice, because for such things, the stronger and wiser the owner of the soul was in the past, the better the Grimoire becomes. 

Of course, Snape could also use his soul, but he considered it too stupid a waste of his own potential, because first of all, the strength of a magician when moving to the rank of Archmage depends on three factors: the core, soul and body. 

If the second one is damaged, there is a high chance that the fusion of all three components will fail, and the wizard will lose his life for nothing, or even worse: the core with the soul will be damaged, and then Wizard will forever be stuck at the rank of Master, that's why he considered Voldemort as a fool who wasted all his potential for the illusory hope of eternal life.

As soon as the radiance disappeared, Severus  opened the first page, where the text appeared: "I am 'glad' to greet my Master. "I hope" that you live a "long life".

"So many quotes… and I hope so as well" Severus drawled with a smile. "Tell me your story from beginning to end without missing anything important."

"Yes, Sir, I, Tom Marvolo Riddle, was born on December 31st, 1926, my mother was a purebred sorceress, Merope Gaunt, and my father… Muggle, Tom Riddle. Immediately after my birth, my mother died in the orphanage ... "

"So, an anagram, Tom Marvolo Riddle ... Lord Voldemort, I wonder ... "

"I lived in the orphanage until eleven, until Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore came to me, who told me about the world of magic and that I'm not the only owner of such power ... "

"At that time, if I remember correctly, the old man was still a teacher at Hogwarts, so there is nothing suspicious in the fact that a professor was sent to a boy who knows nothing about the world of magic to tell him everything he needs to know …" Nodding to his thoughts, Severus  returned to the story of the Dark Lord.

"On September 1st, 1938, I was assigned to the Slytherin House, and there I learned that the founder of my house could talk to snakes, like me. Continuing to study information about him, using only a clue - the name of the grandfather, after whom I was named - "Marvolo", I found out that I was his maternal descendant …" Following was the descriptions of his feeling, how disgusted he was that he was named after a Muggle and that a muggle-born's blood was flowing through the veins. 

"Spare me your feelings, I don't care much about this," and in the same second, eleven written pages turned into seven and a half. 

"It's better that way... Then there was a description of Voldemort's school life, how he grew up, how he was a brilliant magician and the best in school and how he deceived everyone that he was a purebred magician, almost completely erasing any mentions of the muggle part. 

How he managed to accidentally discover the "Chamber of Secrets" leading to the Basilisk and how he met with a portrait of his ancestor, which only increased the young man's hatred of Muggles and Muggle-born wizards at that time. 

By the fifth year, he was already an exemplary dark magician, having created his first Horcrux, accidentally "killing" Myrtle, who was in the toilet at the wrong time when he called the Basilisk to him. 

At the age of sixteen, he broke off a piece of his soul and, with the help of a spell, placed it in his diary. 

He threw the blame on the half-giant Hagrid , who had a pet - Acromantula, a spider the size of a chair and possessing strong poison. 

The fact that the case was so simply dismissed, blaming the innocent, caused a tired sigh from the wizard. 

After all, how blind do you have to be to attribute petrification to a simple spider? 

But Severus  was not very interested in such things, he just felt sorry for the demihuman, nothing more~nothing less.

He also finally found out why Slughorn reacted that day to his request to tell about the forbidden ingredients, because he had already made a mistake once by telling Tom about Horcruxes, and since then considers himself guilty of the fact that his student became a monster and started this "civil war". 

On that day, having known the taste of murder, Voldemort killed the Riddles on vacation, created another Horcrux from the Gaunt family ring and planted his uncle Morfin Gaunt as the one who did it. 

After graduating from Hogwarts, he also tried to get a job as a teacher of "defence against the dark arts", but the headmaster turned him down, citing the fact that he was too young, although Tom suspected that this was the work of Dumbledore. 

But the young man did not "despair" and got a job at Borgin and Burkes, a shop in Knockturn Alley selling artefacts. 

There, he made a lot of new connections, and he even got his hands on two more artefacts of the founders: the Hufflepuff's Cup and Slytherin's Locket. He got them by beguiling and killing the lady who bought them. 

And he made two Horcruxes from them, one from the murder of Hepzibah Smith, the lady who owned them and the second from a tramp, who unfortunately caught his eyes.

After this incident, he quit and left the country, starting to travel, learning all the subtleties and depths of dark magic. 

Along the way, he again gathered all his school "henchmen" and founded the Death Eaters, who were joined by other aristocrats of Magical Britain, and even some magicians from other countries where Voldemort had been. 

And during this journey, he hid one of his Horcruxes, the locket of Salazar Slytherin in Albania, and created another one. It was the diadem of Ravenclaw, the location of which he learned from the daughter of the founder of Hogwarts, Helena Ravenclaw, having charmed her, with his mask of a pleasant and charming student. 

And so in 1958, he returned to the country and almost immediately came to Hogwarts in order to again ask for a teacher's position in "protection from the dark arts", but Dumbledore, who replaced the previous director in his post, refused him.

Although Tom already knew that this would all end, he still wanted to try, and his real goal was the room where Severus found the diadem. 

This was the end of the soul shard's memories, and Voldemort's further actions were unknown to him. 

Of course, Severus  didn't stop there. He was able to find out the location of two more Horcruxes, in addition to the locket: it was a diary given for safekeeping to one of their(Voldemort & Severus)mutual friends, and the ring of the Gaunts, which was currently gathering dust in the house of the Gaunts, at Little Hangleton. 

Severus also received a hint that at some time Voldemort was thinking of hiding the bowl at the bottom of the sea in a chest but someone decided to put it in a safe because nobody would suspect him of doing so. 

The reason? 1. Tom didn't own an account in Gringotts. 

2. Nobody would expect Voldemort to place one of his dear things near a creature whom he hated.

Moreover, the protection of the bank was at the highest level.

Although the way Voldemort "hid" some of them made Severus  sigh in disappointment. 

"I see, thank you for such valuable information, and I think I know where you could've left the cup, you have only a few truly devoted associates: Black, Lestrange and Malfoy, but the we can leave the last one, because he already has your diary, and it means that only these two remain," Severus thought for a moment, and the next moment his eyes lit up. 

"Now I understand why Bella didn't care about her fiancé, and even after I openly flirted with her at the ball, the engagement was not cancelled, because not only their families are involved in this marriage, but a no~nose bastard as well. After all, such a wonderful marriage: both are faithful followers who will definitely not betray him and are not the last in their families…. Thank you for opening my eyes." With an enigmatic smile, Severus looked at the open Grimoire, from which all the text had already disappeared and the question appeared: "Are you going to destroy the rest of the Horcruxes?" 

"No, it will be boring, I even wonder how it would all end, who would win this"war "…" Closing the book, Severus  headed towards the exit. 

"But still, it's worth making sure, just in case. It is not yet known what this creature(Voldemort) could think of, and god knows how many more he created in these 20 years…"





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