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20.68% Rearing Monsters in Tensura / Chapter 6: (6) Evolution?

Bab 6: (6) Evolution?

As the white-haired soul continued to scan his own small world. A feeling of satisfaction starts to sprout within him. Who would have guessed that the ultimate goal that he tirelessly pursued during his second life would come to fruition after his death and accompany him during his third chance at life.

He even truly made sure that his small world would be the greatest thing he would do as his second life's long dream was indeed extremely unique.

The Arctic was covered in snow and ice that won't melt even under extremely high temperatures. The Sierra is a continent filled with numerous mountain ranges and was filled with humongous trees. The Prairie is a vast grassland that extends until the eye could see. The No-Mans-Land contains no vegetation as it was filled with extreme desolation. In the middle of these unique masses of land situates a large ocean so huge that the size is enough to fill the No-Mans-Land, the largest of the 4 continents, twice.

These 5 places would become the main habitats that he purposefully created for the different monsters and beasts that he wants to rear. While the purpose of the 3 layers of heavens is to filter elite subordinates that he intends to nourish, and it would also become their home and training grounds. Deciding upon the division of the heavens is up to their abilities.

While he was appreciating the beautiful uncanniness of his small world. Three dragon roars were heard outside his cave that he stayed in for over half a year already. Withdrawing his consciousness from his soul avatar inside the small world, a white-haired human stood up and dusted his clothes as he muttered.

"They are finally back after more than a month. I wonder how many monsters they caught if it took them this long."




Outside the cave.

3 huge dragon lords were bowing their large heads as they are waiting patiently and silently while kneeling towards an unsuspecting cave entrance.

The more than 5,000 monsters and beasts behind them were dumbfounded at this scene. And all of them have the same questions inside their head.

'Are these the domineering dragons that forcefully made our race submit?!'

As all of them were thinking of escaping while the dragons were not moving and unsuspecting, an extremely terrifying aura immediately spread to more than 750 meters around them.

Extra Skill "Coercion".

As they felt this aura, the monsters and beasts heard an extremely ancient voice that's filled with the vicissitudes of time and extreme coldness.

"Don't even think about it. Don't make me slaughter all of you here." The death dragon lord knew exactly what they were thinking, and before they even embarrass him in front of the supreme one, he decided to act immediately.

He just released his skill and did not even bother raising his head and remained in his kneeling position, despite that, almost all of the monsters and beasts were scared witless. Only the stronger willed ones were able to withstand the pressure, albeit they used all of their strength.

The strength of a Dragon Lord was not something an unnamed monster and has yet to evolve beings like them could withstand easily. This is just a testament that among these yet to evolve beasts and monster, there were capable individuals.

As the death dragon lord's coercion continues to intensify, a white-haired human with tanned skin and a pair of scarlet eyes slowly walked out of the cave. Seeing this human, the death dragon lord immediately withdrew his skill, and everything returned to peace, as if what happened earlier was just an illusion.

Although it seems like nothing has occurred a few moments ago, the white-haired human was not oblivious to what was happening outside the cave. He knew what transpired, but it was inconsequential.

"Are these all the monsters you caught?" Without even batting an eye, the white-haired human questioned majestically while eyeing every monster behind the 3 dragon lords.

Hearing the question from the human, the dragon lords looked at each other and reached a consensus through their eye contact.

The death dragon lord was the one who answered, "Yes, Supreme One! There's a total of 5,645 monsters and beasts."

He waited for a few seconds then said in his aged voice, "Supreme One, if you wish to hear the full breakdown of their races, I could tell it to you right away. Just say the word." After saying this, he immediately shut up and bowed his head as he waited.

As the human listened, he fell into deep thought, 'More than 5,000 for over a month? I don't know if their efficiency is lacking or is it average?'

Honestly, he was expecting a bit more from these 3 dragons lords since they claimed that they can rival a 'demon lord seed'. Although he wasn't completely sure about the power level of a 'demon lord seed', he could infer the possible range of strength of a 'demon lord seed'. If these 3 dragon lords could rival such beings, then they are extremely powerful. Even for the current him, he wasn't confident that he could take down all 3 dragon lords at the same time if they decided to fight him seriously. He estimated that fighting one dragon lord was already his current limit, fighting two dragon lords would be an uphill battle and he estimated that he won't even win against the three of them if he used conventional methods. He was confident in his fighting experience that he gained in his second life, but having only experience and not possessing the strength to back it up are two completely different concepts.

After contemplating deeply for a few moments, he asked in a domineering tone, "Do tell me then, I am quite curious about it."

The death dragon lord then stood up and transformed into his humanoid form.

An old man with a head full of white hair emerged, he then said respectfully. "The initial tasks that we needed to accomplish were to capture all of the surrounding mezus, gozus and a handful of lesser dragons. We did just that, the graceful sky dragon lord managed to capture all mezus at the periphery of the Canaat Mountain Range alive and it totaled to 1,375. While the lethargic poison dragon lord managed to capture almost all of the gozus, and if it weren't for his corrosive dragon breath, he would have captured more than 1,800 gozus. But the lack of control of his strength led him to only capture 1,589 gozus. As for me, it was a challenge to locate lesser dragons as they are solitary monsters, but I still manage to capture 1,000 lesser dragons of varying elements."

Before he could continue on his narration, he heard a proud dragon puff and a dragon's grunt of dissatisfaction from his side, but he pretended not to hear and still continued.

"The reason we took long to accomplish the tasks that we were given was because of 6 magical beasts. Initially, we didn't mind it as only a few magical beasts were only loitering near the encampments of the mezus and gozus. But after we regroup, we found out that these 6 magical beasts were from the Great Jura Forest, and they are fighting over for the territories of both the gozus and mezus. We wanted to track down each of their den and capture all magical beasts in one fell swoop, but it was easier said than done as the Great Jura Forest has a Guardian Deity and was under the protection of one of the 4 True Dragons, the Storm Dragon, Veldora." The old man said in a slightly shaking voice, although he tried his best to hide it. His fear was still evident in his voice.

The white-haired human seems to infer several things based on what the death dragon lord said, "So you have threaded in an extremely dangerous place just to capture magical beasts?" He questioned as he can't really think of a reason to do just that as it wasn't worth it.

"Yes, Supreme One. These 6 races of magical beasts are extremely powerful, and they sure will be of some use to you. Even the gozus and mezus that are considered one of the strongest monster races are hesitant to have a full-blown war with just a hundred of these magical beasts." The death dragon lord proudly claimed, and he was oblivious to the fact that the white-haired human seems to eye him and the other dragon lords with extreme pity.

"6 races of extremely powerful magical beasts?" The human asked as if he can't believe that he just heard something so preposterous.

"That's correct, Supreme One!" The death dragon lord still proudly said.

"To be more precise, 202 lightning tigers, 276 flame hounds, 149 sea wolves, 272 thunder falcons, 379 freezing hawks and 403 blazing eagles were all captured. It's quite disappointing that we haven't caught all of them as they started to retreat deeper into the forest, we did not to give chase as we might encounter the dryads." The death dragon lord sighed in defeat as muttered the last sentences.

As the human listened further to the narration of the death dragon lord, he eyed every beast and monster behind them. None of the monster or beast managed to stare longer than 1 second at the pair of scarlet eyes that seems to burn their very soul if they stared any longer.

"If that's the case, then they are under your supervisions. Manage them properly." After heavily scrutinizing every beast and monster, the human turned around and returned to the deepest part of the cave.

After confirming that the human entered another tranquil state inside the cave. The 3 dragon lords immediately released their auras.

Extra skill "Coercion".

With their combined skills, more than 5,000 monsters and beasts fainted. And the stronger ones that managed to stay on their toes were forcefully put into sleep by the frustrated poison dragon lord.

They understood quite well that the small world was a well-kept secret by the Supreme One. They were lucky enough to know about it, but it may as well serve as a curse. The Supreme One may execute them immediately just to keep this secret buried. So, in order to avoid the secret from leaking, these monsters and beasts needed to lose their consciousness before transporting them inside the small world.




Just like that more than a year had passed by and only 10 more years left before the birth of a unique slime.

A white-haired soul avatar was surveying his 200,000 square kilometers small world. After more than a year of constant absorption of magicules, the small world has grown to 200,000 square kilometers, and the time acceleration has also increased significantly, however, the absorption rate has clearly gone down by quite a bit. The soul avatar estimated that it would take at least 2 years just to gain another 50,000 square kilometers for the small world.

Glancing down, he saw that the 4 continents was already brimming with life. Utilizing the extremely fast reproduction of the goblins, the population inside the small world is nearing half of a million. With the help of the accelerated time, more than 1000 years had passed by inside the small world. During these countless years inside the small world, many have died, wars have been waged, some civilizations have risen and fallen, heroes have slain invincible enemies and countless dreams have been fulfilled. Many things have happened, but the most noteworthy of them all was the evolution of all these monsters and beasts.

Just as expected, goblins were the degenerated bloodline of some races, the lowest of the low. After so much time and continuous absorption of magicules, these creatures managed to evolve into ogres, dwarves and elves. However, it was quite noticeable that the evolution progress of dwarves and elves were so rare compared to the evolution of ogres who can evolve into a kijin after several centuries, surviving countless life and death battles and non-stop magicule absorption. After observation for a long time, the conclusion he reached was that elves and dwarves should be considered demi-humans and they are not magicbornes like the other races inside the small world. Meaning that their magicule tolerance was much lower compared to others, and the evolution progress seems to align with humans because they don't evolve like monsters and magical beasts, thus this was the only plausible hypothesis.

Even the mezus, gozus, dragons and all races of magical beasts managed to evolve with time and enough energy. Moreover, an extremely unexpected surprise was the birth of elementals, these spiritual creatures were initially so weak that they were negligible, but the with passage of time and continuous absorption of natural energy, they evolved as well and currently, there are many greater elemental spirits inside the small world.

The soul avatar watched these beings like a god enjoying his creations and never did he intervene even once as the continuous progress of the inhabitants was a dream come true for him. He has been living in this world for 2 years already, and watching his inhabitants play was his greatest hobby.

Not only was his small world flourishing with its own ecosystem. There was a huge leap in his strength as well as he discovered that he was capable of absorbing magicules to grow his capacity and strength, but the strangest thing was, he doesn't seem to evolve further like the rest. Regarding his evolution, he speculates that it might be related to his body, or he doesn't simply satisfy the requirements for evolution. Knowing that he can't evolve further, he left the Canaat Mountain Range and travelled the world and during his journey, he discovered many secrets of the world.

The secrets of the harvest festival, the difference among demon lords, the location of the true dragons and many more intriguing news that the world could offer. He wished he never knew these information as it made his sculp go numb from mixed emotions, thankfully, he had a unique skill to suppress his emotions.

After realizing his existence as a bottom feeder in this world, he obediently went back to his cave at the Canaat Mountain Range and stayed there until this day. He was fully prepared to live an eccentric life, away from civilizations, disputes and fights. He had long lost his interest in fighting and gaining fame and recognition. There was only one thing left for him to do in this life, become the strongest and fulfill his ultimate wish.

He really wanted to exploit the accelerated time in his small world to increase his strength, but even though he knew that he won't benefit from it, it was still frustrating to understand the reality that he wasn't affected by his own small world.

Even though it has already been more than a year in the real world and more than 1000 years inside his small world, the 3 heavens were still empty, his standards for choosing subordinates were incredibly high. As the soul avatar continues to contemplate if he should lower his standards, he heard 3 dragon roars behind him. As he heard the familiar dragon roars, he began to remember some information that he obtained from observing Carrion and Frey, two of the publicly known demon lords.

Both of them were part of the 'Ten Great Demon Lords', however, these two were only recognized by the world as a 'Demon Lord Seed'.

After the evolution of the three dragons to dragon lords, they claimed that they could rival a 'Demon Lord Seed'. However, he realized that they were merely boasting, at most they could rival a majin at the demon lord-level or a being at the high-majin level, both of which are weaker than an actual 'Demon Lord Seed'.

Nevertheless, he withheld this information from the 3 dragon lords and still nourished them because at this moment, he was finally prepared to hand out names to these loyal generals that served him ever since his arrival at this world.

"I want to witness the process of naming such powerful monsters. Their potential has already been squeezed dry and they stopped growing powerful for the last 500 years inside the small world." The avatar muttered as he stared at the approaching dragon lords and released his extra skill "Split Body".

The reason he used his skill was to experiment about the soul corridor that exists between a "namer" and a "named". If his theory is correct that when using a medium connected to him, he could perfectly control the souls of those that he gave name to, it was a safety precaution in case of betrayal. He wouldn't take any more chances as he intends to go all out in this life.

After a black and dark green dragon, a blue and white dragon and a skeletal dragon arrived, they were shocked to see four humans with identical auras standing in front of them.

Extra Skill "Split Body" allows the user to create identical copies of himself and divides evenly the magicule amount across the bodies created. As the white-haired soul avatar created 3 copies of himself, all of them contains 25% strength of the original for each split body. It was an inconvenient skill when fighting againts strong opponents, as it will forcefully divide the remaining energy, but the purpose right now is not to fight.

As the 3 dragon lord stood there motionlessly, a majestic voice came from one of the humans in front and questioned them.

"How does it feel to be freed from lifespan but is unable to increase your strength?" The soul avatar questioned.

Hearing this question, the dragons just hung their huge dragon head low and had a bitter smile across their faces.

Seeing their reactions and silence, the soul avatar was satisfied with their emotions.

Frustrations, despair, helplessness and different kind of emotions were displayed. Their desire to grow stronger was yet to be washed away despite the bottleneck they encountered. This was his purpose for asking the question, as a weak desire will never give birth to a powerful skill.

"You guys have been serving me ever since you met me. I've seen your desire to grow stronger just to serve me. I've noticed everything from your development of different spells and creation of different battle techniques. The 3 of you noticed your bottleneck a long time ago, but still pursued strength above all else. Your loyalty moved me." After saying this, the soul avatar monitored their expressions, and he was shocked at what he saw.

All of them were crying!

The mighty Dragon Lords were tearing up!

The 3 beings that bought balance inside the small world was crying like a child!

If the inhabitants of the small world saw this scene, they would fail to recognize the 3 dragon lords that they feared the most.

After observing the sobbing dragon lords, the soul avatar ordered his split body to approach the dragon lords and shouted majestically.

"From today onwards! The Dragon Lords shall be addressed properly by their names!"

The statement reverberated throughout the small world. The inhabitants were shocked silly when they heard this, and they immediately dropped what they were doing and stared blankly at the sky and questioned the injustice of the universe.

'Why would the strongest beings in this world receive a name?'

After the inhabitants' initial shock, a mind-boggling question surfaced.

'Who will be the one to name the Dragon Lords?'

The inhabitants of the small world never knew an existence above the dragon lords, they all thought that the dragon lords were the gods of the world. Although, there were rumors from ancient times claiming that they saw a being whom even the dragons lords were extremely respectful towards exist, it was never proven since they never saw such being. These rumors came from the captured beasts and monsters before, but with the passage of time, ancient texts turned into mere rumors inside the small world.

The most shocked of them all are naturally the 3 dragon lords. Although they deeply desired to be named by the supreme one, they don't dare voice their thoughts out loud. Even when the inhabitants gave them names through prayers and beliefs, they never accepted it. However, right now was a completely different story, they didn't move for a few minutes upon hearing the statement of the supreme one.

Without waiting for the responses of the dragon lords, the white-haired soul avatar proclaimed in a majestic voice filled with dignity and regality.

"Viper shall be the name of the Poison Dragon Lord!"

"The graceful Sky Dragon Lord shall be known as Ehacatl!"

"And the Death Dragon Lord shall be known as Doryu!"

As the soul avatar proclaimed their names, the split bodies dissolved and immediately enveloped the stunned dragon lords. As soon as a cocoon was formed around the 3 dragon lords, it turned into a huge vortex as it sucked in hungrily all the surrounding magicules.

Witnessing the initial success of his theory, the soul avatar withdrew his consciousness after whispering in an emotionless voice.

"If you can't survive the onslaught of magicules, then you are not deserving of your names."

Unbeknownst to him, a seed has been planted in the hearts of the inhabitants of his small world and they started to believe in him as the 'Absolute'.

As the dragon lords were starting to lose consciousness due to the influx of magicules towards them, they felt something touch their very soul.




Inside a cave at the foot of the Canaat Mountain Range.

A white-haired human slowly opened it eyes and revealed a pair of scarlet eyes as he said slowly while holding his chin.

"When naming monsters and beasts, there is always a danger on both sides. But I manage to avoid the danger on my side when I only used 25% of my energy and utilized it as a vacuum to use the surrounding magicules as supplement."

After proving his hypothesis, the lives of the dragon lords became insignificant to him. Whether they live or die, it doesn't have anything to do with him as long he found a safe way to hand out names to worthy monsters and beasts.

"If they controlled their greed for power and only absorbed their limit, they will survive and grow more powerful than they can ever imagine. But if their greed overtook them, then they deserve to die for it." The human said in a neutral voice.

The technique that he developed cannot be influenced by external factors, not even the caster himself, it will purely respond to the inner desires of the target.

"However, knowing the personalities of those dragon lords, they should be able to survive this ordeal. I can't wait for the surprises that they will bring me."

After confirming that the dragon lords were indeed on the process of evolving, he finally checked his soul as he clearly felt a tug from it when he was naming the dragon lords.

DarkPrison DarkPrison

My first work ever! :) I'm planning to write only 20-30 chapters for now.

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