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66.66% The Best Gift Ever / Chapter 22: Chapter 22

Bab 22: Chapter 22


I hadn't heard from Gabriela since she had left with her cousin, and it's not I'm worried, I'm busy with Ana, who, instead of helping her, we could say I'm only looking at her, because this girl is a genius with guitar I must admit, if she continues like this I'm sure she will go far.

When we entered the house to get something to drink, I noticed everyone a little tense and thoughtful, it's as if before we entered, they were discussing something, but they stopped soon and continued talking.

We didn't spend too much time in the kitchen, because Ana wanted to continue playing the guitar, so I went out and continued, and she didn't stop playing until Gabriela entered the garden with Kevin behind her. Ana didn't take long to get up to go hug her , which Gabriela gladly accepted.

"Hi mommy." said the girl with a big smile on her face. "Hello princess, did you practice a lot?" Gabriela asked and the little girl nodded. "If I tell you she stopped practicing the moment you walked through that door..." I approached her to hug her, because it may sound exaggerated and I'm sure Gabriela would tell me the same thing, but I missed her.

"Hello my Queen." I greeted her "Hello love." We kissed and at this moment everyone came in with the food, so we went to sit down. During the meal I noticed Gabriela a little distracted and it seemed Kevin was trying to distract her, but he only half succeeded, which made me think what was happening to her that made her like this considering she was so happy in the morning. The moment Kevin said something in her ear he made her smile and she started to look at me, and when she saw my face I'm sure she realized I'm worried, so she approached me.

"Don't look at me like that, there's nothing wrong with me." She assured, "The face you had a few seconds ago didn't say the same." I noted, "I just remembered the moment when Andrea told us they would be girls and twins." Gabriela said with a smile on her face. "Was that what was keeping you so thoughtful?" I asked, "Obviously, that and thinking about how good you will look with the girls in the park, with all those mothers who will stare at you and make advances trying to get time with you."

"I don't think that will happen, but in case it happens, I will tell them that the girl who's sitting on the bench looking at us is the woman of my dreams, the mother of our daughters and the one who conquered my heart." The smile on her face grew, automatically causing mine to do the same. After that exchange of words, we went back to eating and I saw she was once again the same Gabriela who had gone shopping with Kevin, so I put away the ideas had formed in my head before.

When we finished eating, Kevin went to make coffee, and Gabriela warned no one should approach her with milk, to which everyone laughed. There were different conversations at the table and at this moment Gabriela is having one with Nerea, when her grandmother came in with a boy I had never seen in my life.

"Look who I found." It is at that moment Gabriela looks in the direction of her grandmother, and tense up, but she quickly stopped, but her gaze towards the boy was cold, which was unusual for her. "I don't know if you remember him, you played with him when you were little, he recently moved back here with his family."

"Oh yeah? Well, I don't remember him. Where was he supposed to be all this time?" Nerea asked with a smile "In Italy, my mother is Italian and we had to go there for a family matter, I practically grew up there." The man reported, "Well, you don't have an accent so you lived practically your entire life there." Nerea flirted. "The same could be said about you, Nerea."

"It really shows to us." Roberta pointed out at her side. "It shows too much." Nerea stated "I always liked Italian, I would really like to learn it." The girl continued, "Bene bella ragazza, sei fortuneta , io posso insegnart. (Well, beautiful lady, you're lucky, I can teach you.)" said the boy. "I don't know what you said, but okay."

At that moment the boy turns in Gabriela's direction and I must admit the smile that appeared on his face gave me a chill. "Gabriela, so nice to see you again? Let me tell you, you look beautiful, as always." The boy said with a big smile on his face. "Well, I'm sorry to tell you I don't remember your name, we haven't seen each other in a long time."

"Oh, a name like mine cannot be forgotten." He laughed. "Well, I'm sorry, but I did ." Gabriela said dryly. "It's Federico, there are few people left with that name." He noted "In Italy it's a fairly common name." Gabriela replied, "Ciò che non è così comune è vedere ragazze belle come te. Tanto meno che mi sia impossibile dimenticare la notte che abbiamo passato quattro anni fa. (What is not so common is seeing girls as beautiful as you. Much less that it is impossible for me to forget the night we spent four years ago.)

"Sei sfacciato, sei Fortunato che nessuno sa cosa mi hai fatto quattro anni fa, perché ti ucciderebbero in un attimo. (You are shameless, you're lucky no one knows what you did to me four years ago, because they would kill you in no time.)" Gabriela informed, which makes me frown and not understanding why she replied that "Se non hai detto nulla sarà perché ti è piaciuto. (If you didn't say anything it will be because you liked it.)"

I don't know what they were talking about, and from the look on the others' faces, they had no idea what Gabriela was talking about either, but from the look Gabriela had at this moment, I know she didn't like this guy, I don't know why, but I kind of had a bad feeling about this guy. Also, I wasn't understanding what night they were referring to four years ago, but apparently Gabriela didn't like that night at all.

Gabriela was going to answer what that guy said when we hear something fall to the ground breaking, and out of nowhere an angry Kevin comes out towards that guy, who ends up punching him in the face and everyone stares at him dumbfounded. It didn't take long for Gabriela to get up from my side to stop her cousin, because it was clear he wanted to punch him again, kill him right then and there.

"Kevin!!!! What are you doing?" Angela asked in a scared tone "JE BENT EEN FUCKING SON OF A BITCH. JE GAAT ME BETALEN VOOR ALLES DAT JE AAN GABRIELA HEBT GEDAAN. (YOU ARE A DAMN SON OF A BITCH. YOU'RE GOING TO PAY ME FOR EVERYTHING YOU DID TO GABRIELA.)" Kev shouted, and now I'm really wasn't understanding anything, and not just because he's speaking Dutch "Kevin, laten we gaan . (Kevin, let's go.)"

"DENK NIET OM MET DEZE KEREL HIER MEE TE GAAN, GABRIELA GAAT ZE BETALEN. (I'M NOT GOING TO GO WITH THIS GUY HERE, GABRIELA. I'M GONNA KILL HIM.)" he continued shouting "We gaan oma grandson een rotgevoel geven . (We're not going to make grandma feel bad)" Gabriela insisted in a calm tone "Als ze he twist, zou ze ervoor Zorgen dat son zelfmoord pleegde. (If she knew, she would kill him herself.)"

"t is er vier jaar geleden gebeurd? Waar heb je het over? (What happened four years ago? What are you talking about?)" The others' faces became one of concern and curiosity, I guess because of what they were talking about, and once again, it made me want to learn Dutch to know what they were talking about.

"Kevin... alsjeblieft... laten we gaan. (Kevin...please...Let's go.)" I don't know what they were saying, but Kevin's look quickly changed to one of extreme concern and checking Gabriela like crazy. "Het gaat goed, mar laten we uitgaan... Dat vraag ik alleen maar. (I'm fine, but let's go out... I'm just asking that.)"

"Laten we vanaf hier gaan. ( Let's get out of here .)" Kevin said to my fiancée "Farai meglio a uscire di qui prima che tu pucchi dinew . (You better get out of here before he hit you again.)" Gabriela said looking at the man " Colpisci forte ill your ragazzo . (Hit strong your boyfriend)

"Credimi, il mio fidanzato colpisce di più, pero via del suo aspetto non gli paici troppo. (Believe me, my fiancé hits harder, by his appearance he doesn't like you too much)" Gabriela pointed out, pointing in my direction, which makes him turn to look at me "Devi I saw a competition , it sounded irresistible. (He must see me as competition, I'm Irresistible .)"

"Sei disgustoso, ora esco di qui se non vou che ti garment a calci in culo io setesso. (You're disgusting, now I'll get out of here if you don't want me to kick your ass myself.)" Gabriela asked "Mi stai facendo arrapare, piccola. (You're making me horny, baby.)" said this one, which makes me tense and start to get really angry "ESCHI HO DETTO. (GET OUT I SAID.)"

"Ok, but this is the last volta che ci vedremo, principessa. (Okay, but know this isn't going to be the last time we see each other, princess.)" I had gotten up and stood next to Gabriela the moment that guy dared to say that to her. Who did that asshole think he is? I wasn't going to hit him because I didn't want to make Angela feel bad nor did I want Gabriela to get in a more bad mood than she is right now. I must also admit it was the first time I had seen Gabriela look so cold towards someone, it's saying a lot she had not even looked at Paula like that. I got up and stood next to her to support her, and then I would ask her what happened with that guy, because I don't have a good feeling. Gabriela looked in my direction for a second before looking back at the man as I put my arm over her shoulders. Next to Gabriela, Kevin is getting desperate and it seemed like at any moment he's going to throw himself at that man again.

"Kev, kom eruit. Ik ga nu. (Kev, go out. I'm coming right in a bit.)" said Gabriela "Ik laat je niet alleen met hem. (I'm not going to leave you alone with him.)" answered his cousin "Il ben niet, ga nu weg, het zal niet lang duren. (I'm not, now get out, I won't be long.)" With that last thing Gabriela said, Kevin left the garden and it didn't take Angela long to approach the man, examining the area where Kevin had hit him a couple of minutes ago.

"I'm sorry for my grandchild hitting you, I don't know what's wrong with that boy." Angela apologized, still confused with what had just happened. "Don't worry Angela, everything is fine, it must be whatever is making him stressed." He said with a big smile on his face, "You're a sweetheart, Federico." My fiancée's grandmother commented with a smile on her face, "I'm not, but I have to go, I'm getting late and they're waiting for me at home."

"Sei lo stesso stronzo de anni fa. (You are the same douchebag as you where years ago.)" Gabriela muttered next to me "Ti amo anch'io, ma non preoccuparti, me ne vado. (I love you too, but don't worry, I'm leaving.)" he reported " Spero di non tornare. (I hope not to come back.)" commented Gabriela and Federico burst out laughing "È impossibile, ci vediamo, princeessa. (That's impossible, see you, princess.)"

"Stupid stronzo, e sci e lascia in pace la mia famiglia. (Stupid asshole, get out and leave my family alone.)" I don't know what they were talking about exactly, but luckily for me I understood Italian, my grandmother is Italian and she taught me Italian when I was little, which I didn't understand It' everything they were talking about what happened four years ago, I just know that her being tense like that made me tense up too. The man didn't take much longer to leave, and went to the opposite side where Kevin went and Gabriela turned in my direction.

"Love, take care of Ana and Nerea, please." Gabriela asked calmly. "I will, but what just happened?" I asked "I'll explain it to you another time, now I have to go." He said, "Gabriela, do you want to explain to us what just happened here?" Angela asked seriously. "I don't have time now, I have to check on Kev."

"You should leave him alone, he's too angry he won't know what he's doing." Kevin's mother said, to which Gabriela denied, "He's not going to do anything to me, really, I have to go check on him. See you later love." Gabriela whispered with a small smile "See you. I love you."

"But…" Angela began to say, but she didn't have time to finish saying what she was going to ask my fiancée, because she quickly left in search of Kevin and leaving us all with the doubt of what had happened, because clearly we didn't understand what had just happened, and that's how Carlota shows it at that moment.

"What the fuck just happened here?" She asked in an annoyed tone. "I have no idea." Marcos said next to her, "What happened four years ago?" Nerea asked, totally confused. "I don't have the slightest idea either." Roberta said at her side. "Four years ago Gabriela went to Holland without saying anything, that's what happened."

We all turn to Carlota who apparently was thinking out loud at this moment, because when she realizes that everyone is looking at her she blushes a little, but that soon goes away. "What are you talking about, Carlota?" Angela asked in a curious tone, "Think a little. Gabriela went to Holland without saying anything for a reason, and once there, she reacts badly in some situations, it's obvious something happened to her and that's why she left without saying anything."

"And what does Kevin have to do with all this?" Lara asked with a frown. "Simple, Kevin knows what happened." She pointed out "Do you believe?" Angela asked to which Carlota nodded "Obviously I believe it." assured the girl, "What I don't understand is why she reacted like that with Federico." Marcos noted "Gabriela was not comfortable with him here and talked about a night they spent four years ago. What does she mean by that?"

At that, eleven heads turn in my direction asking me the silent question what I was talking about. "Her eyes, she looked at him with a look too cold to be her. She didn't even look at Paula like that. She looked like she was comfortable, but she wasn't, and then she yelled at him. Plus, there's something I don't like about that guy." I said sincerely, "See? We have to find out what happened four years ago. I think that boy is in the middle of everything."

"We have to find out, but what do you mean about the night they spent four years ago? That boy came back a couple of months ago. If he had been here four years ago, Gabriela would have said he was here." Lara pointed out, "I don't know, the only thing I'm sure of is I don't like that guy."

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