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8% MHA:UA’s Ghoul / Chapter 4: 10 months- 10 meals: part 2

Bab 4: 10 months- 10 meals: part 2

Naomasa Tsukauchi walked into the large meeting room that Chief Tsuragamae had called all the available detectives in the department into. The room was full of a low buzz of noise as he walked around the room to an empty seat and sat down, beginning to listen to to conversations the other detectives were talking about. From the sound of it, it seemed like no one knew why everyone had been called in but everyone realized it must be a very important case if everyone had been called in.

After everyone had finished entering the room the Chief of police came into the room with a very serious look on his face.

" would like to thank everyone who came here properly ,but at the moment, we don't have the time."

The room fell Silent as they all turned to look at their boss with equally serious faces.

"Over the last three Months, 3 murders have taken place" Tsuragamae began before placing up pictures on the board making everyone cringe and look away from the bloody crime scenes placed up on the board. Each picture contained the remains of something which looked like it had been ravaged and eaten by Wolves.

"The first attack was against a homeless man who went by the name Kanai Yoshiro. A woman called into the station claiming she hear some screaming from the alley down the side of her Apartment." The man pulled up the first picture for everyone to see clearer.

"As you can see the the body has been completely destroyed, the remains which are missing from the crime scene are yet to be found."

He turned around to look at the screen. "This was the worse crime scene in terms of blood and gore littering the alley, The clean up team took 3 day to fully find all the blood which had splattered everywhere."

The chief changed the picture to the second


"The second case, quirkless - 17 year old, Yamamura Hideo. A student from a local Collage.

This case was found the day after and no one reported and screaming or terror in the area at the time of the supposed death. After a quick search of the area and local buildings we discovered Mr Hideo's shoes on the roof of one of the buildings.

Regrettably, we wont know what happened first but considering the lack of blood on the roof and the lack of calls into the station we came to the cordlusion that he was already dead when he had been attacked."

The men and women in the room all took a moment to pay there respects to the young man as the Chief turned to the last picture.

"The last was of American, A Samuel Jackson, who has been living in Japan for the last 5 years with a known criminal record for sexual assault. Just like the last two attacks his body was left half missing and destroyed."

It was at this point another Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi didn't have the pleasure of knowing spoke up.

"Aren't these attacks just the work of a wild dog or something, surely no one, even the worst of criminals would do such a thing. Nothing like this has ever happened before." He spoke with a concerned doubtful voice.

The Chief Sighed and shook his head before continuing on with his explanation.

"To begin with, the people who were first placed on the investigation, thought some kind of animal had caused this inhuman act of murder, yes." The Chief stated before his tone became serious turning to put a picture of last victim while he was live onto the screen,

"That was until half an hour ago, when a woman we where questioning, about a sexual assault attack which had been interrupted and the culprit murdered right in front of her eyes, Confirmed the same man in this picture, the man from the last attack is the same one who assaulted her."

Gasps and low mutter began to spread throughout the detective force.

"This man was murdered right in front of the woman with a tentacle quirk before being take away and inhumanly destroying the body in the next Alley across."

Detective Tsukauchi sat in shock, wide eyed at the revelation. Someone was going around killing people, defiling them and then taking parts of the victims body's away.

What shot Tsukauchi as the strangest thing was why would someone defile a dead suicide victims body.

The chief cleared this throat, calling for attention.

"We asked the lady for a description of what the perpetrator looked like yet the only description she would give was a single red glowing eye through the darkness and the sharp red tentacle. I know its not much but before we all go the thing which has confused me the most is that She also stated that he had told her to leave the scene showing how this serial killer had noticed her at the scene and choose not to kill her. That is all." The chief packed up his stuff and proceeded to walk out the room leaving all the detectives to there own devises.

Tsukauchi rubbed the temples on his forehead.

Very Strange. Something he would have to get Yagi's opinion on next Tuesday when they had planned to meet.

Few Days later at the Coffee shop.

Naomasa Tsukauchi made his way into the cafe and went straight to the same booth as always.

One he arrived he sat down next to his good friend

Yagi, more commonly known to the rest of the world as All Might!

"You look awful." He pointed out and Tsukauchi almost laughed as he lowered his head into his hands and rubbed his temples.

He had been doing that a lot lately.

"This new case the Chief has put all the free detectives into. The media hasn't picked up on it yet but theirs a serial killer on the loose."

Yagi looked at his friend intensely while staying silent waiting from him to continue.

Tsukauchi sighed and spoke quietly as to not be over heard

"In the last three months three people have been brutally murdered in the same manner. To begin with the police force thought it was some wild dog or bear or something. That was until one of the people who has been murdered had be sexually assaulting this lady the earlier the same night.

Something happened while she was getting assaulted and the guy got stabbed right through the chest by some dude."

Tsukauchi reached for his face before trying to run the exhaustion away.

" they guys body was found hours later completely ripped to shreds. Blood everywhere. Who ever did it seems to have takes The flesh from the victims bodies and seems to move it else where as not all of any of the victims full body's have been recovered. Nothing like this has happened before and No body on the task force knows how to deal with it...

Yagi was about to comment but paused when a waiter came over and placed the cups of coffee on their table which Tsukauchi took thankfully.

Once they had gone he began speaking.

"My friend, what- do you know what this mans quirk looked like?"

Tsukauchi sighed before looking up at his friend. " oh I don't really know, they didn't get much from the lady. Said it was too dark. The only thing she said she saw was this tentacles looking think which was red from blood and one of the guys eyes which glowed red."

Yagi slightly paled.

"Why do you know something. "

Yagi turned to look at his friend.

"I don't- don't know much.." he began, unsure of how to continue " | certainly don't know who's doing this but I do however know of something which sounds similar...

Tsukauchi perked up at that and brought his attention way from his coffee.

"What is it?" He asked questionably.

Yagi frowned. " honestly I hope I'm wrong..." he said quietly before turning to face him. " Have you ever heard of Ghoul quirks?"

Tsukauchis face answered it all.

"I assume not, not that I'm surprised though. They where thought to be killed off during the first and second generation of quirk users. It Allows a user to have great power and healing abilities at the cost of only being able to each human flesh..." Yagi shivered at the thought as he paled at the thought.

Only eating human flesh...

"It makes so much sense..." he whispered quietly to himself making Yagi look at him questionably.

"The second victim was also find to have attempted suicide by jumping off a building. There was no blood on the roof of the building and the victims shoes were also up there but the body had still been attacked. That's what made everyone at the station so confused. But if this person does have this quirk then that would make sense. They where eating it."

Tsukauchi said almost cheerfully at the revelation.

He turned to Yagi and saw his face. Yagi was not


"If this is true then more people are going to die.

Ghouls have to eat there body weight in human flesh each month..."

" so we just have to find were he's going to be before hand..." Tsukauchi finished.

The pair sat in silence until he broke it.

"So you said you found a successor, hows that going?" He said with a smile as he watched Yagi faces light up almost instantly.

" ahh it's been going great. He's perfect...

."' Yagi said

with a warm radiant smile as he thought of his sweet innocent Midoriya.

The next two months meals happened in similar style.

Find a villain, attack and eat.

His fourth meal consisted of a murderer who he had caught in the act of murdering a young lady who had unfortunately already been murdered, he fought the killer and looked down at the two body's before him.

As much as he didn't want to eat the filthy man he did out of respect for the woman.

By the time he had finished the police had arrived and he watched from the roof of a near by building as they recorded evidence at the scene.

There where no witnesses.

His fifth meal consisted of another criminal he had caught in the burglary.

Sure burglary wasn't something which could get you locked up in prison for. However he was hungry.

Izuku never liked the idea of eating all his food in one go a month. But it was safer then trying to eat a bit at a time.

He began feeling better about himself and his training and encouragement from all Might helped him form that mental block to lock away all the guilt that was swimming around in his head. Ever if it was very much there and would never truly leave.

As such his life began to return to a normal. He had taught himself how to chew food and swallow human food so his mother wouldn't get too worried.

He also learned how to make himself vomit to make sure he got it all out his stomach with out causing him to get ill.

His life, once again was starting to look up.

But of course that would never last for him.

On his way home from his sixth meal he had a run in with Kamui Woods who had driven him out to a main road, full of people and attempted to trap him in a lacquered chain wood prison.

In his fear against being caught he used his kagune to attack and defend himself from the pro hero's ultimate move in the process accidentally spearing the poor hero straight through the leg making him fall to the ground in agony.

As more pro hero's started to approach Izuku jumped and uses his Kagune to flip himself over the closest building and out of sight before sprinting him and falling asleep.

When he had woken up the next morning he could hear his mother watching the TV in the other room. As he was about to go meet her he looked down at his clothes realized he was still in his bloody clothes.

Quickly tearing them of and shoving them under the bed he ran to the shower to wash off the remaining blood.

After scrubbing his skin red once again he walking into the living room and froze at the sight of the TV.

'Breaking News; pro hero Kamui woods hospitalized after fighting an unknown villain last night in one of Musutafus busy intersection. Here is our correspondent at the scene.'

The screen switched from new anchors to a lady stood at the location he had escaped.

Yes, just last night a villain it seems was seen being chased by pro hero Kamui woods along the road. Eye witnesses say they saw the villain using some kind of tentacle quirk from avoid and attack

Kamui woods.'

A short clip of Izuku running through traffic and avoiding car with his kagune was shown on screen as he watch as Kamui woods chased after him before Izuku turned around a stabbed him straight through the leg.

'We Have confirmation That pro hero Kamui woods is in stable condition thanks to the quick response from witnesses at last nights scene.

However we have yet to conform if he will be able to return to work from that deep injury. It seems like this pro hero's story has unfortunately been cut short. Back to you at the studio"

Izuku went numb as the reporters had been seen on TV wearing the dark clothes currently finishing its cycle in the washing Machine.

He had crippled a hero, probably ending their hero career short.

He was a villain. And now his own mother had seen the footage.

His vision tunneled as he fell into a silent despair, he slowly turned away and made his way to his bedroom. His mother's worries and concerns about the 'dreadful villain' falling on deaf ears.

Maybe finding an old warehouse, locking himself up Ind starving to death wasn't such a bad idea...

He never fully got around to that last plan. Things kept coming up and he never went through with it.

The news however were drilling the case of the pro hero Kami woods getting put down so quickly.

The day after the first new release the Musutafu city Police department release a statement.

'The villain seen attacking Kami woods yesterday is currently being investigated and has been for the past few months. We are glad to announce we have already made great strides into discovering the villain accountable.'

A few days later, the media go hold of his habits.

'The villain dubed the Bloody stain has been discovered to be the lead suspect in a long chain of brutal murders over the last six months. Police say they are already looking into quirk records to discover the perpetrator'

After a few more weeks, the night of Izukus next meal, Kamui woods conditions was made public.

'After a month of intensive care and physical therapy the hero commission has deemed pro hero Kamui woods unable to continue his pro hero work. He has agreed to continue work at his agency's main office.'

That night, After arriving home Izuku sweater never to attack or harm another hero ever again.

Even if it mean't his imprisonment.

It was currently the night before the hero entrance exam and Izuku was sitting on top of one of the large sky scrapers in the city.

He looked down sadly at the city he had tainted with his dirty deeds.

Murderous Musutafus.

He cried and cried as him emotions full of guilt, anguish and sorrow overwhelmed him.

Tomorrow he was going to be taking the exam for the most prestige's hero school in the world.

His feelings were deeply mixed.

He was disgusting, horrified and so angry at himself for even allowing himself to enter. The though of knowingly letting a villain into the hero course, ever if it was him made him want to vomit.

Tomorrow he would be getting All Mights quirk.

This was his last chance to change his mind and


On the other hand he he was terrified of revealing the truth and letting everyone down.

And no matter how small. He was excited. He child hood dream of becoming a hero, no matter how iroMc it is, was becoming a reality.

He sighed deeply as his feet dangled of the edge of the building, looking down at the hundreds of tiny dots wandering around below him. He looked up towards the moon when his eyes where distracted to a shadowy figure on a build on the other side of the road. Izuku narrowed his eyes when the figure turned to look at him.

lzuku almost fell of the ledge in shock as his eyes shot open and his body jumped back.

A pair of red eyes glared back at him.

Izuku jumped across to the figure on the other side. The figure was a man with black straight hair which fell down around his head who was currently looking away over the edge of the building as Izuku made his way up behind him.

"Who at-"

"Your really lucky you haven't been caught yet you know. You need to find a better source of food..

The man turned around to look at Izuku in the face. His eye still red as blood.

The man continued with his calm and surprising relaxed voice.

"Oh wow your a one eyed ghoul? Where you born witn it or experiment?"

Izuku looked at the man before lowering his head in shame.

"Experiment I guess, my neighbor was a ghoul she attacked me and we got caught in a villain attack.

Her organs were transplanted into me...

"I see..." the man replayed quietly.

They stayed silent as Izuku made his way forward cautiously and sat down next to the man.

"What- how-."

"I saw you on the tv when they did the Kamui woods incident. Saw what our quirk was and I followed your meal times to around this time.

After that I sniffed you out. "

Izuku looked at the man strangely. Picking up on his confusion the man continued.

"Ghouls have a very specific smell and can smell other out easily. Although you were very difficult to smell out but now I know that's because your half human."

The man turned to face him.

"My name is ken kaneki."

"Midoriya Izuku..." Izuku replies quietly.

The pair watched down at the crowd below them in a comfortable silence before Izuku broke it with a quite question.

"How do you like this..." he asked so quietly kaneki didn't hear him replying with a questioning


"How can you live like this everyday with out feeling so disgusted and ashamed and guilty all the time. How do you find a will to keep on going.." he repeated.

Kaneki sighed.

"Being a ghoul is never easy. Eating human flesh every month leaves you full of guilt and sadness.

When I was younger I had to do what your doing along with my mother who was also a ghoul quirk user.

We lived quite lives in Tokyo until my mother died from illness. Where I had to start getting for for myself. The guilt built up and I could barely live with myself but I'm sure your aware how difficult it is to kill a ghoul..."

Izuku hummed a soft agreement while slightly nodding his head.

Kaneki continued.

"When I was in collage I met this guy with a regeneration quirk. We became friends and now I rely of him for food. It pains me every time since I have to eat an arm or so twice a week but he says he would rather go through regrowing his arm all the time then have me kill people like you are doing.

Izuku looked down in guilt and shame as tears began pouring out his face.

"Midoriya " kaneki began. "Doing what you need to do to survive isn't a bad thing to do. You have nothing to be ashamed about trying to live a relatively normal life. Do you understand? From what I've seen you only go after criminals and that is nothing to be ashamed of weather the media label you as a villain or not. "

Kaneki places his a hand on Izukus shoulder.

"Guilt and sadness will always play a part now In your life. But remember you have no reason to feel ashamed to keep on living, going out your way to kill villains shows how you are protecting the people who don't deserve to be eaten and for that you are a hero"

"Thank you..."

"Do you, Young Midoriya except this quirk!"

"Yes! I do!"

"That's what I like to hear now. EAT THIS!"

Damn was Izuku was happy to not be hungry at the moment.

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