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90.43% One Piece - Thorny Path To Freedom / Chapter 104: Tortuous meeting

Bab 104: Tortuous meeting

Pasty mouth, a slight migraine and physical in the head, as if he had been repeatedly hit against a wall.

That was the first things Colombo Rocco's senses captured when he woke up.

The next points on the list were realizing that he couldn't move his body, that he was tied to a chair and to finish... when he completely opened his eyes and focused his blurry gaze well, he realized that he was no longer in his friend's place celebrating

He was in a dark room and in front of him there was a black curtain through which he could see several lights that projected human silhouettes, to whom he listened without much context or attention.

His brain was only focused on asking the typical question

"Whe... where am I?

What do you want?"

The typical question his kidnappers had been waiting for

"Uh, and speaking about fear…" A certain person behind the curtain said excitedly. "Our guest has finally woken up

Let's leave the TV for a moment while this continues recording, it would be impolite not to attend to you..."

That was the voice of a person Rocco would never forget, he didn't even need to see who was hiding on the other side of the curtain to know who was coming towards him.


He was without a doubt Frederick Freed!

And with him had come all his collaborators, at least the ones that Rocco was able see in the photos distribute by his family, including the huge dude that prevented their escape in the pub... although now he seemed shorter than before.

An unimportant detail, since right now Fred, his captor sat in the chair in front of him to begin their second meeting.

"I'm going to make it very simple for you" Fred said very cordially, so much that was even scary. "You just have to say...

I undertake to do everything that Frederick Freed orders me and..."


GET LOST" Colombo Rocco shouted stoically, interrupting the speech of his captor "I'm not afraid of you at all!"

He lied about the fact that he wasn't afraid of him at all, he was totally terrified even though he hid it well. However, he wasn't lying when he said that he refused to cooperate in Fred's scheme, whatever the purpose.

Rocco had been in Fred's position many times and knew his enemy well enough to know that no matter how cooperative he was with that red-haired demon, his end would be the same.

Die with great suffering!


Since he was destined to die at least he would do it with some honour!

He refused to collaborate with his enemy to harm his family in exchange for suffering less pain, as did some of the few people he tortured or saw being tortured. They were his enemies, made his waste time, energy and complicated his life by not revealing the information he wanted, but even so Rocco came to admire them for their bravery and integrity.

That was the only honorable death possible in this kind of situation!

"I see...

You're not going to say anything, you're not going to collaborate with me and... you're not afraid of me" Fred said with condescension and irony. "I admire your courage and I'll respect your wishes.

I can respect that"

To Rocco's surprise that respect seemed to translate into gagging him with a metallic gag he had prepared in advance. And perhaps also out of respect Fred didn't start torturing him right now, but he sat back down in the same chair as before to continue chatting, this time without interruptions.

"You know, I love your attitude. It's preferable to what two previous friends have shown me." Fred said while peeling a tangerine to satisfy his hunger and from time to time splashing its acidic juices in Rocco's eyes. "It's much more heroic, much more combative and without a doubt more pleasant to the ears"

'Oh… here we're…

Typical pre-torture speech...' Rocco thought mockingly at such a lack of originality, although closing his eyes intermittently because of Fred's annoying tangerine juice 'Start now, you're not going to intimidate me with your performance...'

Being the son of a mafia boss who doesn't pamper his son, Rocco had been in this same situation several times. Since he was little he saw how his father or his father's subordinates tortured people and a few years ago he started his practical classes.

He had even taken classes on how to resist pain and fear. He couldn't be scared by something he already knew perfectly well, he was prepared.

"First I made the same proposal to Gambino Giovanni, the usurper of my pub... and he was really pathetic

That piece of shit started crying…" Said Fred, continuing with his performance despite noticing that his audience wasn't particularly motivated, not even Rocco. "He was crying a lot and very hard, was choking and his nose was blocked with snot. 

At one point his cries seemed like the grunting of a pig and it was impossible for me to understand him... and that taking into account that I understand animals"

'Yes, I can imagine him crying like a bitch' Rocco thought, trying not to laugh after imagine him in that situation; after all he was more or less a friend 'Anyway, it was a pleasure know you'

It was no open secret that Rocco considered the rest of his extrafamily friends to be softies, especially Giovanni. His family had pampered him excessively and he had never been exposed to a real problem in his whole life. It was more than evident that he wasn't prepared to face death as bravely as he was doing.

"Due to the major communication problem I experienced I thought it would be a good idea to continue with Bonanno Dario

He seemed like the most eloquent bastard of your group of motherfuckers" Fred continued, this time eating a lemon quite aggressively "But listening to him was a pain in the ass!

He talked excessively and everything that came out of his mouth was shit!"

'Yes, I can imagine him trying to convince you that he's just another victim' Rocco thought, subconsciously nodding his head, until his eyes began to sting 'Fuck...

Who the hell eats a lemon like this?


Who the hell eats a whole lemon? Even with the pulp!?'

Rocco believed that Fred would move on to talk about his last friend or ex-friend Genovese Terzo next, but instead Fred continued talking about Dario, who clearly exhausted his patience and insulted his intelligence not long ago

"The fault that I am like this's not mine, it's the environment in which I've grown up that has made me this way."

My family is responsible for my crimes, they were the ones who instilled these values in me since I was born. They distorted my perception of what was right or wrong.

I'm a minor! I am still not aware of my actions and their consequences! You can't hold me responsible!

I didn't want to do those horrible things, but I couldn't refuse to do them or else the group would oppose me for going against them and I would become the victim too.

I only did that to survive! It was them or me!

If I had been born in different circumstances I would be a totally different person, we could even have been friends…" Fred said tediously repeating Dario's arguments perfectly imitating his voice and getting progressively angry as the recital progressed. "FUCK!

If you're going to spew exculpatory bullshit why not say that all your actions were guided by some fucking almighty god who has a plan for everyone!?



Anyway...I got tired of him and I thought...

Now let's try the most direct guy in the group... and here we're you and me."

'Well, it's finally over' Rocco thought, relieved that this verbal torture was finally over... and that Fred had stopped eating fruit 'Let's start with the real torture, I don't have all day.'

Just as Rocco expected, Fred stood up from his chair, probably to grab his torture tools and show them to him to scare him, a fairly common and effective tactic. Many people often start talking just by imagining the horrible things that they torturer could do to them just by looking the torture instruments...

However, this time Fred surprised him by skipping the script

Instead of grabbing the case from the next table, which in 99% of cases contained the tools, Fred walked towards the nearest door.

'Had he left his tools in another room?' Rocco thought indignantly as he witnessed this rookie mistake. 'That's very inefficient!

And you're a great torturer!?


Rocco misunderstood Fred's purpose as well as his competence.

"Just like you none of them acted the way I wanted" Fred said, opening the door. "But now they seem eager to do it.

How about we ask them?"

Rocco didn't expect to hear that his two companions were still alive. Hearing that surprising news, Rocco's brain went blank for a few seconds, losing the opportunity to think about why Fred hadn't finished off those useless stupids yet.

"Babe! Come here! And bring your little brother Assface!"

However, even if Roocco had time to speculate the purpose of leaving them alive and how [alive] they really were, he wouldn't have been able to come close to the harsh reality.


As soon as Fred finished his scream something came out of that door, something that under normal circumstances would have raised certain questions in Rocco like...

A pig? A pig dragging a wheelbarrow? What the fuck?

However, upon witnessing the... aberration... on top of the wheelbarrow, his mind went blank again.


In front of him was a grotesquely huge donut made of meat. Or at least that's what he thought he saw at first and maybe it's what he also wanted to continue seeing... but after looking a little closer he realized something extremely disturbing.

That meat donut was actually a human!

A human who lacked hands and legs, with an abnormally long and flexible trunk that allowed him to form a practically perfect circle connecting his head with his butt.

A connection that wasn't metaphorical! As twisted as it sounded, there were indications that surgery had been performed to attach that person's mouth directly to his own rectum!

And the terrified and agonized face of that person peeking out from between the cheeks of his own butt looked familiar to Rocco.

'Bonanno Dario...'

When he realized what was happening, Rocco's blood completely ran cold and his breathing stopped. There was no longer a trace of the determination, confidence and dignity that he had until a few seconds ago. All of that was replaced by an enormous dizziness and emptiness inside him, as if all his emotions, thoughts and even his own internal organs had left his own body.

That feeling didn't go away even when his brain worked again and tried to reason how was possible that his friend had transformed into that aberration.

Rather it only got worse... especially when he had the bad idea to look away from that nightmare with the bad luck of focusing on the pig that had brought his former friend here.


His perplexity, despair and state of denial reached unsuspected heights the moment he looked again at the face of the other being that appeared a few moments ago through that door.

'Gambino Giovanni?'

When he once again saw another familiar face embedded in an aberrant body, which this time couldn't even be considered human in any way, the emptiness inside him was filled again, but this time with excruciating fear.

A fear more intense and acute than anything Rocco had felt in his entire life together.

A fear that translated into abnormal sweating and an incessant increase in his heart rate, almost as if his entire body were turning into a large racing heart.

Rocco tried to deny what he was seeing! He didn't want to accept that that was reality!

He refused to believe that those beings were actually the boys he had been happily partying with so recently...

He wanted to deny it with all his might, but his subconscious didn't allow it

'He was crying a lot and very hard, was choking and his nose was blocked with snot. 

At one point his cries seemed like the grunting of a pig'

'But listening to him was a pain in the ass!

He talked excessively and everything that came out of his mouth was shit!'

Rocco couldn't help but relate those phrases of Fred with the current state of the beings that he refused to accept as his friends. He needed to tell himself that this was a nightmare, a hallucination or a setup. He was horrified to accept that what had been done to his friends was something humanly possible.

At the very least he wanted to believe that those aberrations weren't his friends, but... no matter how much he tried to convince himself otherwise, it became impossible when he saw the pig with the anguished face of his friend Giovanni asking for help between tears.

"Rocco...please... hel…"


However, that useless call for help couldn't be completed. Before Giovanni could say another word Fred kicked him mercilessly... and continued hitting him repeatedly, more and more violently.








The humiliation and kicking didn't stop, as did the physical and mental damage accumulated in Giovanni's current body and mind. The teenager felt closer and closer to death, perhaps his only way out of the hell that his life had become.

However, without knowing why... without knowing if this was an act of bravery or cowardice... he still clung to his miserable existence.


"Oink! Oink! Oink!!

Despite barely being able to breathe due to the blows he was receiving, Giovanni drew strength from where there was none to humiliate himself even more. And as a reward the beatings stopped.

"Good, much better this way Mr Babe" Fred said as he once again adopted a more serene tone of voice and composure. "Continue using this dialect, just like when we started our friendly conversation."

The extremely violent and bloodthirsty Fred disappeared And he left behind his insult to all the human life, a floor full of blood, perhaps of pig or perhaps human... and an indescribable discomfort, not only towards his victims and potential victim...

"This... I..." Perona stammered, completely pale, while covering her mouth so as not to make her retching visible. "I'm going to watch the recording of the meeting if you don't mind..."

"I... I'll accompany you" David said hesitantly. He really wanted to run away from there, but he didn't know if it was the right thing to do, so he asked Fred "Can I, sensei?"

"You can go," Stephen answered without waiting for Fred's opinion, it was understandable that they didn't want to continue watching this. "I'll stay for now."

After Perona and David crossed the other side of the curtain in that room only the two aberrant experiments were left, Hawky (who was everywhere), David, Fred and of course Colombo Rocco, still tied in his chair and practically paralyzed by the poison.

But even if the restraints had been released and the poison had dissipated, Rocco probably wouldn't have even attempted to run.

He was totally paralyzed!

Even his heart, which until a few moments ago seemed ready to burst, was now barely beating. There was nothing left of the Colombo Rocco who laughed at death at the beginning and Fred still hadn't laid a finger on him

Rocco believed himself fully prepared to endure the terrible tortures of the infamous bounty hunter, but this was different. This wasn't something that seemed to belong to this world


"MMmff... yes...

Fear…" Fred breathed in with extreme satisfaction and exhaled with a wide macabre smile. "Now you smell much better."

Even if Fred removed the gag right now, Rocco wouldn't be able to express all the fear he currently felt towards him. But instead of using words, Rocco demonstrated it with actions. First at all not daring to do anything at all, not even the slightest misinterpretable gesture that could anger the demon in front of him... and listening to him with the utmost attention as he resumed his speech.

"I know you'll have many questions...

What have I done to your friends? How? Why? Is it reversible?

What am I going to do with you?" Fred said melodramatically, moving his chair closer to Rocco so he could better smell the fear he gave off. "I'll answer you in due time, but I would like to start our conversation again by asking you a question.

Do you know what the Ship of Theseus paradox is?"

Rocco knew that paradox, but although he was willing to answer him respectfully, he was unable to do so because of the gag...

"Aren't you answering me? I'll understand that you don't know, but you're ashamed to admit it and that's why you don't answer me.

But that's okay, Professor Fred will explain it to you" Fred said sarcastically, enjoying the uninterrupted forced attention and his own voice. "Old Theseus had a ship almost as old as his own life, which he loved very much and with which he had survived many wars.

As it was a warship it suffered a lot of damage throughout its life. So many parts had to be changed over the years...

Something normal, but there came a day when Theseus realized something...

There wasn't a single original piece left of the boat he bought years ago.

And Theseus wondered...

Is this still the same boat I bought?"

At that moment Stephen felt the need to give his opinion on the matter, but he restrained his impulse to respect Fred's monologue. Furthermore, he sensed that this hypothetical ship was made of wood, it wasn't worth thinking about this inferior product.

"The fact is that today the answer isn't entirely clear. It would help to know what the ship's opinion was, but unfortunately ships don't talk, at least not all of them...

That's why I wanted to experiment with someone who could give me their opinion on the matter." Fred said pointing to his two aberrant test subjects. And when Rocco's eyes stopped paying attention to Fred's finger he realized with horror that with his other hand he was now holding a knife "It would have been much easier with the Ope Ope No Mi, but my Life Life No Mi also allows me to do this kind of thing with relative ease"

Seeing how Fred brandished that knife so close, fear intensified in Rocco's body. At one point Rocco instinctively got the idea that Fred would sooner or later chop him up and turn him into something different.

But seeing that fateful moment so close made him sweat profusely.

"I just have to make a good plan, cut off amputate parts of a body and replace said parts with the new organs that I can create myself…"


Just as Rocco expected, the knife in Fred's hands cut flesh and amputated a limb, however, it wasn't as he expected.

Fred cut himself off a finger! And immediately before him he turned that amputated finger into a spike, stuck it in his severed finger and grew another one!

An exhibition that surprised, fascinated and terrified Rocco even more... and also gave him clues as to how his friends could end up like this.

"And as you can see, they match quite well, especially if there's good compatibility

As in any transplant."

However, in case Rocco hadn't yet been able to visualize the surgical process with which Fred turned Dario and Giovanni into aberrations, Fred had the courtesy to record them and play them before him.

"With my skills it wasn't difficult to surgically cut him in half without killing him and repeatedly reattach him to the same part I created of his trunk to enlarge it and thus return his butt to its rightful place." Fred said proudly as he advanced the recording in the most visually and aurally shocking moments. "The problem was perfectly joining his trachea with his rectum.

He didn't stop screaming, probably because I didn't use anesthesia during the surgery"

Rocco expected to see the worst thing he could imagine... and still Fred managed to surprise him

The operation wasn't only visually and aurally painful, horrifying, calamitous and distressing... also extremely disgusting. So disgusting that Rocco, someone who had participated in a dozen tortures, murders and even dismemberments, vomited after witnessing such an insult to life and human dignity.

A vomit that had to be swallowed again. He couldn't expel it through his mouth because of the gag... and this happened again... and again... and again... thus generating a vicious circle that lasted until the video ended.

However, there was still another surgical process to visualize, one no less difficult to digest.

"With Giovanni things weren't so easy at any time.

FYI I didn't glue his head to a pig's body. There's not even an atom of pork in his body.

It's human tissue but modified to look like pig tissue." Fred said, treating Rocco like he was a surgical student. "It was really difficult to make this transformation in such a short time.


Reorganizing his skeleton and muscles was complicated, but the real challenge was adapting the position of his vital organs to avoid his death.

Fascinating right?"

No, it wasn't fascinating...


So horrible and heartbreaking that Rocco felt something called empathy for the first time in years...although feeling like something similar could happen to him in a few minutes definitely helped.

At this point Rocco no longer had any control of his emotions, or even his body. He was shaking uncontrollably, as if he was suffering from a severe case of hypothermia.

"Yes, I did a good job, but as impressive as it may seem, they're not very good at proving the Theseus Paradox." Said Fred said somewhat conflicted, after all he had had fun, learned from this experience and the operations had been a success. "I've barely changed Dario.

He's still the same, I've just turned him into a better version of himself, at least for those who had to listen to him... somewhat problematic, since I couldn't get his opinion either...

The change in Giovanni has been quite substantial, but his whole head remains the same. The identity of him as Gambino Giovanni is still ingrained in him, more than ever in my opinion."

And before Rocco could realize Fred disappeared from his chair and appeared behind him, giving him a shoulder massage that didn't calm him at all. Quite the opposite, especially after hearing his fateful message

"As is usually said… third time's the charm!

That's why I thought I'd do one last experiment."

After hearing that he could be the next Rocco thought he was about to faint and that feeling worsened after Fred whispered in his ear

"And well...

What should I turn you into?"

However, Rocco didn't want to faint, he was fighting with all his might to stay awake. He wanted to enjoy every second of being himself. He was terrified of the idea of waking up transformed in some aberration, even more than go through the same pain and suffering as his friends... although he would surely wake up during the surgery due to the absence of anesthesia.

"You're very macho!

The bravest! The most virile! The strongest! The toughest!" Fred said mockingly, patting Rocco's shoulders masculinely before squeezing them gently. "AND...

If my memory serves me right you ordered the pig to make an innocent girl your sex slave, right?"

And after that not at all casual question...

'No... No... No...'

Even Rocco's brain began to shake at the same rate as his body.


I see you guessed my intent...

What name would you like to have after my surgery?" Fred said, pleased to hear his victim's brain crash into his skull on its own. "Do you like Francesca? I love it"

Rocco didn't like the name at all, nor did Stephen, nor even Fred, but that's what it was about… to make the situation even more unpleasant. And to make things even more unpleasant, Fred began a small medical checkup on his patient's body, drawing with a marker the changes he would make.

"You're very lucky. Unlike the two aberrations that you previously called humans, I'll turn you into a very beautiful... and defenseless girl...

I'll take care of correcting your ugly and intimidating face to turn it into a source of desire and lust.

I'll reduce your weight and height so that you can be easily hugged and carried by even the shortest man.

I'll replace your strong squared pectorals with enormous and soft spherical female breasts.

I'll undo these strong masculine muscles and grant you the delicate, fine inner filaments that only a true lady should have.

I'll widen these narrow hips so that a baby could even be born doing somersaults.



Say goodbye to your little friend and his companions."

With a great depression, Rocco had already said goodbye to his second brain and anti-stress balls several interventions behind, but hearing first-hand what would happen to him reopened a wound that hadn't yet been created.


Aren't you excited?

It will be permanent, totally genuine and without the need for hormones

The only thing I won't change is your brain

A lot of people would pay millions for this!"

Looking at this situation coldly, being transformed into a woman, although he would be an extremely weak woman just as Fred had described, was millions of times better than becoming a being with a mouth attached to an anus or a pig with a human head.

And this was exactly what worried him!

Losing all of his beloved masculine attributes seemed too nice a fate compared to what his friends had received.

"But it would be a waste for a work of art like your future self to rot in this room, don't you think?

Seeing how much you and your entire circle love the trafficking of helpless women, I thought would be appropriate to make you experience it

Maybe even with the guys of your own family."

Fred didn't disappoint. He found a way to increase the suffering of Rocco, who now seemed to suddenly age at a rate clearly visible to Fred and Stephen. It was as if they were watching a sequence of frames of the same person in the same position and in the same place over several years.

His hair became gray and even began to fall out due to stress. He no longer looked like a teenager with overconfidence and pride, but rather a war veteran with a severe case of post-traumatic stress disorder.

Rocco couldn't imagine how his situation could get even worse.

"Though that could be problematic.

You might alert them to your true identity and destroy my fun, so I think I'll have to remove your vocal cords and also your arms and legs just in case."

But Rocco was wrong...

"That would ruin your beauty in my opinion, but many of your friends and acquaintances wouldn't be disgusted by this detail, quite the opposite...

They're truly extremely twisted and sadistic motherfuckers...

Including your father…"

Everything could get worse...

"That would be fun, don't you think!?

I would leave you with him for a whole night and the next morning when he woke up he would have a video prepared in which he would see how I had transformed you into his sex toy…


And when he realized what he had done, horrified and disgusted or so I hope...


SURPRISE!!!" Fred yelled surprisingly, making Rocco fall to the floor with the chair where he was tied. "I'll go in, kill him in front of you and we'll go back to the operating room.

There I'll end the experiment by slowly replacing your brain with a female one and when I get bored of you, if you're still yourself after the brain change, I'll throw you in the worst brothel in West Blue, where I'll make sure you've the worst clients.


And upon hearing his horrible death announced, Rocco burst into tears.

This was too much! If that was going to be his life from now on, he preferred to die right now!


"You could avoid this if you were willing to collaborate, but as I said at the beginning… I'll respect your wishes.

Fearless boy" Fred said sarcastically as he began to prepare his tools. "I won't ask you to tell me anything or play my games."

But if you still want to change your mind, you just have to say it..."

Not knowing if it was bravery or cowardice, Rocco still clung to life, at least a life that deserved to be called life.

Crak... Crackk...

Using all his willpower and his jaw, Rocco made a superhuman effort biting the metal gag that covered his mouth.

Crak... Crackk...

He bit with all his might, trying to destroy the gag or at least deform it, although for now the only thing he had managed to destroy and deform had been his own teeth.

Crak... Crackk...

Even so, Rocco, trying not to swallow his own blood persisted, ignoring the pain and the minimal possibilities of achieving his goal.

Crak... Crackk...

Rocco kept biting even with his bloody and deformed gums!


And in the end the first miracle of the day appeared before Rocco, who was able to remove the gag from his mouth to beg...

"I'lj do whaj you wanj! Whajevej you wanj!


A miracle Fred didn't expect

"Oh my…

I didn't expect you to be able to break that gag, it was pretty tough.

You've impressed me and broken the rules of my solitary game...

I guess I could listen to you!" Said Fred, not acting sarcastically. He didn't really count on this development, but he still accepted it with a smile. "Do you want to escape this interesting destiny and transfer it to Genovese Terzo?

He's also appropriate for that punishment."

"YEJJJJJ!!!! YEEEEJJJJJJJ!!!!!" Rocco screamed in great pain, crying and vomiting blood while he watched from the ground as the demonic being that had reduced him to this rejoiced whatever the situation "ANYJING!!! ANYJING!!!"

Rocco wasn't even thinking about negotiating. Je would make a deal with the devil himself if that meant he could keep his penis and testicles.

"Good boy…" Fred said as he picked up Rocco precisely by his sore, toothless mouth. "Luckily for you you can still be of some use to me.

Not much, but I'll think of something..."



You'll be able to see 8 chapters in advance in my Pa-treon


Meralman Meralman

A chapter not suitable for people with weak stomach XD

I hope you like reading this story as I do writing it and that you leave me your comment, review and vote if that's the case.

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