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67.82% One Piece - Thorny Path To Freedom / Chapter 78: Life Life No Mi

Bab 78: Life Life No Mi

After clarifying Perona's misunderstanding for the umpteenth time that week, postponing the tourist guide around the island, greet mommy and daddy Steel after a long time, clear up the misunderstanding again and explain the whole situation to avoid more misunderstandings... As an apology for not having informed them, Fred prepared the food as he explained his exploits to the whole family 

"Before there was a debate about who's the most intelligent bounty hunter in the world, Frederick Freed or Tanuki from Parabelum

Also whether the Frederick Freed is or not the best bounty hunter in the history of West Blue.

Now those debates are dead! It's indisputable who's the winner!

Now what we should ask ourselves is...

Who's the best bounty hunter in the world? Frederick Freed or Kaiser Parabellum!

STEEL-STEEL-STEEL!!" Marlon said from the table, showing the newspaper with both hands.

Yes, with both hands!

Since one of them was a perfectly functional metal prosthesis developed between the collaboration of the Steel and Freed Family in the [Automail] project.

A science fiction project proposed by Fred years ago motivated by knowing that the concept was possible with relative ease in this world thanks to Franky, Vegapunk and Queen. A concept that was in principle possible to replicate by combining the medical skills of Fred and the engineering skills of Marlon and Stephen.

And after a lot of time, effort and money invested, Marlon was able to return and work normally.

"This damn Morgans…" Said Fred, who grabbed the newspaper with his hair to read it while cooking with a happy and worried expression at the same time. "I like the adulation and free publicity, I like adulation and free publicity, but at this rate I'll make enemies 

More than I already have…"

One of the few things that can be reproached to Eichiro Oda apart from the false deaths is how little the world of bounty hunters had been developed in the better-constructed world of the manga where pirate bounties were a very important factor.

There were almost no bounty hunters in the manga and the few ones were minor individuals incapable of catching pirates with high bounties. Additionally, the only known bounty hunting organization was Baroque Works, but that one didn't really count since it was led by a pirate.

However, despite this argumentative void, obviously there must be minimally capable bounty hunters in the world if the World Government bothered to offer bounties on pirates. Although there wasn't a large number of great individuals or organizations due to Oda's poor intervention, the world corrected itself in this matter and some powerful fellas and organization emerged to hunt the inflated rewards. 

One of these groups of bounty hunters was Parabelum, an organization made up of thirteen elite bounty hunters and some minor lackeys who operated in the first half of the Grand Line and had been very famous for quite some time as the best group of pirate hunters in the world

But little by little Fred was eating away their popularity with his tactics, performance, success, facade and the complicity of the media 

"He's been reading that newspaper for days without stopping.

If there was anyone else besides us on the island he would be bragging right now in front of him" Said Roxanne who was carrying little Perona in her arms, whom she had helped take a bath.

And now that they were both relaxed, clean, with freshly washed clothes and with a smile from ear to ear, Roxanne still with Perona in her arms sat at the table around her family with the little girl on her lap without stopping hugging her with extreme devotion

And she wasn't the only member of the predominantly pink-haired family who wanted to hug the newly arrived pink-haired girl!

"Perona-chan, did you like the bathtub that I personally made?

If you become my daughter you could bathe in it every day

IT'S MORE! I'LL MAKE ONE FOR YOU ALONE!" Marlon said with the least rude and masculine tone that Fred had ever heard come out of his mouth as he hugged his wife and Perona at the same time.

"Say yes!

I have always wanted to have a little sister that I could pamper, make toys, play with non-dangerous things, help with homework, give her my ice cream if hers falls on the floor so she doesn't cry, tell stories before she go to sleep..." Said Stephen, exposing some of his unfulfilled dreams while hugging his mother and the little sister... with pink hair like him... that he never had.


Finally something cute and feminine in this house overrepresented by loud excessively muscular men who only know how to train, fight, hunt, work, experiment with living beings and talk about money and evil plans...

I am so happy..." Said Roxanne, whose tears of happiness kept coming out of her eyes when finally one of her most repressed frustrations was finally overshadowed as she was embraced by some of the culprits of said problem

However, these individuals weren't offended in the slightest, they couldn't blame her.



Even Captain Mcnugget and Po joined the group hug!

It wasn't even an hour and a half since Fred arrived on the island and little Perona without even trying ... for different reasons apart from her natural grace... she earned the love of the kind and loving Steel family!

"YES! Spoil me more!

"Horo-horo-horo-horo-horo!" Said Perona, who was really happy with the treatment, affection and attention she was receiving... and was even tempted to accept that offer...

Everyone was happy!

"STOP SPOILING THE SPOILED GIRL!" Shouted Fred upon see that his ambitious re-education plan was being sabotaged "And everyone sit in your places, the food is ready."

And that's how it was!

Everyone stopped hugging Perona and sat normally around the table to taste Fred's apology dish, which coincidentally was the Steel family's favorite food.



That's right!

They were so good that even Perona's childish palate and eyes, which normally reject this type of food, now ate them with great pleasure, it was even written on her face that she would order seconds.

"Of course they are delicious.

With the exception of your usually high quality lentils, which had already been soaking for many hours, I have chosen all the other ingredients and they are the best we have tasted at some point in our lives.

And the best of all...

At zero cost!

MUA HAHAHAHA!" Fred said while laughing like a villain, an extremely miser villain despite earning so much money "MUA HAHAHAHA!!!


An ability that he had been using in front of the Steel family since he arrived on the island and that Stephen, just like with the other weird things about his brother, had a hard time believing that this power real, had no choice but to accept as genuine and possible

"Yes, the last thing you need to be less weird..

An ability that allows you to create living things or parts of living things from non-living things...

Tell me..." Stephen said as he took out his metal-covered notebook to begin the interrogation for scientific purposes. "Scientifically... how the hell does your ability work?

What rules and limitations is it subject to?

What's the cost of the transformation?


"I'm going I'm going..." Fred said, interrupting Stephen's increchendo "As you have already seen and I have explained, the green aura that I generate through my body is what allows me to activate my ability

I call this green aura [Substrate]

Once it permeates something non-living I can turn it into something living instantly… or in the future by activating the transformation remotely when I want or by programming the event with which it has to transform...

And exactly the same thing happens with the detransformation 

Don't ask me how I do it exactly... maybe it's a very rare and specific type of nuclear transmutation...

But it's subject to various limitations and conditions, as you may have suspected..."

Everyone, including the pets, nodded. None of them believed that such power couldn't be subjected to more conditions and limitations beyond the ones implicit in it's principal description.

There had to be some limits that prevented Fred from transforming the entire Earth's crust into orange juice with a single touch!

And those limits were about to be revealed

First of all this aura doesn't combine well with air or and of course with vacuum. I can barely separate it three centimetres from my body through the air and although air is a non-living substance I cannot transform it 

And in a vacuum it's not even able to propagate…

However, it spreads extremely well through solids and liquids!

Although unfortunately it loses effect in areas with temperatures below 0 degrees or above 100

Curiously, the melting and evaporation temperature of water, the source of life, at least for us..." Fred said as he showed with the air around him, the water in his glass and the napkin that was nearby the transformation capacity of both, transforming them into a plant and later detransforming them again.

A demonstration that didn't impress them much at this point.

Especially to Stephen, who had been very attentive to this power while Fred prepared the lentils "And the transformation time also varies depending on the source material and the destination material?

It seemed to me that the meat took longer to complete than the vegetables... and I think that the initial size of the object is also decisive..."

"Very observant Stephen. Yes it's correct.

The more complex the organism I want to create is, the longer it takes to complete its transformation.

So far I haven't noticed that any source material... or [Medium], I like to call it... speeds up the process, not even with water, the origin of life in this planet at least" Fred said as he turned two exactly identical metal forks. One into a plant and the other into a mouse with the same mass as the plant, but the mouse took longer to complete its transformation "Although actually the biggest limitation…"


He has turned metal into wood!


IT'S HORRIBLE!" The two men of the Steel family shouted as they hugged each other, completely horrified as they witnessed one of their biggest nightmares come true before their eyes. "OH NO!





A stupid horror that was quickly ignored by all those who don't have a stupid and sick obsession with metal and its derivatives.

"Well… anyway…" Fred said with some resignation as he looked only at Roxanne and Perona to continue his explanation "In reality the greatest limitation lies in the mass of the medium and what I want to transform it into, which I'll call 

Organum! These are provisional definitions, they may change over time...

The fact is that if I want to transform a medium with a lot of mass into a organum with little mass, the process is extremely fast.

On the contrary, if I want to transform a medium with little else into an organum with a lot of mass, the process is quite slow...

However, whether it's one scenario or another, performing these disparate transformations consumes a lot of stamina, as if I were carrying the weight difference

Only when the ratio is exact or close to exact I don't even notice the...

Additional fatigue…"

"Mmm…additional…" Said Stephen, who after recovering from the shock paid attention once again to the conversation, but at the same time he reassured his father with pats on the back. "This analogy you have given is not coincidental, is it?

Is it related to the limit that you can transform?

Everything is related to the mass of the medium and the organum?" 

"Another point for Stephen!" Fred said while, as usual caressed his friend's head, but with the former metal fork to annoy him a little "The conversion ratio is not the only limitation, it's also the mass of the medium and organum and my ability to bear it.

I'm not able to bear the weight of an island or a giant turtle with the same mass as that island, so it's impossible for me to turn an island into a giant turtle despite having the same ratio.

And evidently it's even more impossible for me to turn an island into a pea or a pea into a giant turtle, since I would have to endure even the additional pressure

There're obvious limits to the things I can transform, at least at the same time

But if you ask me, it's still incredible that I can transmute and even create matter in this way for such a low price."

As a person who came from a universe without fantasy elements, who knew something about the basic physics of that reality and who tended to analyse and overthink everything, Fred couldn't stop thinking about how some Akuma No Mi like his were capable of breaking the laws of conservation of energy 

A physical law that, although it tended to be fulfilled, wasn't so hermetic in this world.

Fred and Stephen had tried to get books that could explain this phenomenon that even took place in their bodies on a regular basis. 

The brutal amount of effort they exerted daily couldn't be maintained solely with the amount of calories they ingested. Not to mention the law of action and reaction, which was invalidated on many occasions when they hit a very heavy object and didn't receive the opposite force on their own bodies.

Incongruous physical laws within a fantasy world that at the end of the day Fred and everyone else could only explain with a single sentence...


"And is this limit of mass you can bear related to your ability to lift weight or something?" Asked Marlon, who hadn't recovered from the shock yet, but imagining that Fred really tried to turn an island into a giant turtle to move through the sea made him react minimally.

Something that really happened... and with disastrous results and consequences that Fred would never explain...

"More or less Uncle Marlon…" Fred answered as he returned the forks to his normal form so that the male Steel's could calm down. "It's related to the amount of weight I can bear, but not in the same way as if I were lifting weights or running with one of your training suits on my body

In this case I cannot use techniques to lift more weight or apply more strenght than would be possible with just my raw capacity 

It's as if the ability applies pressure to each of my muscles, bones, organs and... my entire body...

In the last test I made my maximum without risking my life was approximately 160 tons, but exhausting me extremely and even damaging my body

It's not highly recommended to try to create something that big, much less in the middle of a fight.

But there's something moooooooooreeeeeeeeeeee..." 

"More what?" Everyone asked, tired of this long, agonizing, unnecessary and stupid suspense of a television show host announcing a prize

Exactly what Fred was doing to further capture their interest!

"There's something very curious that I can only do when I create an organum with a medium with exact mass" Fred said as he took out a small viturí from his pocket "If I really want I am capable of creating a hybrid between the medium and organum!" 

In front of everyone, Fred used his ability to transform that scalpel into a rather large worm. A rather peculiar worm with a completely metallic color and a scalpel-shaped horn on its head


A body that didn't just look metallic!

When Fred hit it lightly with a knife, everyone could verify that the entire body of the worm had the same hardness and presence as…


A STEEL WORM!" Shouted Stephen and Marlon, who completely forgot the horror they experienced a few seconds ago after witnessing this wonderful miracle "Wait...

That means that... "

"That's right!" Fred exclaimed assertively as he detransformed back one of the few combinations of exact mass he had in his repertory right now "If the mass of both matches exactly I can create knife birds, bomb fish, snake swords, chain mosquito needles, scorpion toilets, platypus ...

Endless possibilities depending on the combination!

And of course I would need a good repertoire of customized mediums with the exact mass of some animals and plants I have seen to have a good arsenal that… certain craftsmen might be interested in making" 

And those artisans were certainly excited to be able to contribute to this project...maybe too excited.

"Dad... finally... finallyy...

"We'll be able to make living beings made of 100% Steel" Stephen said, emotional and crying like an open faucet as he hugged his father.

"The dream of our Steel family since its founding has come true my son.

I wish your grandfather and great-grandfather were alive to witness this great moment…" Marlon said, crying even harder as he hugged his son back before both screamed.






A thunderous, tear-soaked cheer followed by an eye-sore, absurdly motivated celebratory dance that everyone not directly involved tried to ignore and pretend it wasn't happening.

"This…" Perona raised his hand, who after drinking his juice, noticing that his possible adoptive family was somewhat strange except for the mother and that she hadn't spoken for a long time, asked this more or less interesting question "Does this combination work on anything non-living?

You could create... 

Panda bears made entirely of orange juice?"

"Although I don't see the need to do that...


I have already tested something similar, but with liquid poison in the hope of obtaining a being immune to normal attacks like a logia user, extremely lethal on contact and without a defined form to infiltrate all places and...

Let's just say that none of my experiments were very successful or even pleasing to the eye." Fred responded, showing with his non-verbal language that he created aberrations against nature that died in horrible ways a few seconds after being created "Although medium may contain liquids inside, said medium has to be solid and cohesive so that the organum doesn't fall into pieces after being crated

Therefore, neither liquids nor accumulations of solids such as sand or iron sand work...


A pretty deep regret...

If it were possible for him to create hybrids between animals and poisons or acids, his effective combat capacity would have risen to stratospheric levels. Fred would only need to transform the soil into hundreds of liters of a poison produced by a plant or animal and subsequently transform that poison into a horde of animals with poison logia properties to slaughter virtually anyone without even lifting a finger

In this regard his Life Life No Mi was far inferior to Big Mom's Soru Soru No Mi, which could create life forms made of fire, storm clouds and even seawater.

And those unfulfilled expectations frustrated him deeply... so much so that he stopped his entertaining presentation and stared at something indeterminate on the wall of the living room, as if his soul had left his body...

"This is..."

Marlon and Stephen were in their own world full of happiness, stupid ideas and steel... Fred was in one full of regret, negativity and broken dreams...

Perona was extremely confused by the strange mental states of the men in the house... and Roxanne was trying by all means to end this stupid situation.

"Fred, honey…

Tell us a little more about the transformations...

From what we can see you can transform non-living things into living things and into specific parts of those living things" Roxanne said as she passed her hand repeatedly in front of Fred's face to see if she could provoke any reaction in him "

But is confusing that you can transform those parts of living things back into other living things or parts of living things

How many times can you do that?"

"Ah… yes…" Fred stammered as he returned to the harsh and cruel reality thanks to Roxanne's efforts to answer "Technically I can do it as many times as I want until my stamina runs out...

An orange is not a living being, but rather it's a part of an orange tree, but since is part of a living being at some point I can create one using… a pencil…

However, since it's not a living being I can then transform that orange directly into something else, such as an apple after applying my ability again.

However, I'll never be able to turn that apple into a pencil again, but into a orange, the last medium before the last transformation

And obviously I can't transform something living created by my ability into something else without first untransforming it and reapplying my ability."

"And what happens to the living beings you create like my little Po?

Can you control them at will in any moment or something like that?" Perona asked as she hugged Po, refusing to accept that this sweet and cute little bear was like her Negative Hollows, willless beings over which their summoner has absolute control

"No, I can't…

Here's one of the biggest limitations of my ability and at the same time the most interesting theory" Said Fred, answering with less negativity than before for having the opportunity to explain his theories "As a blonde guy the same age as me and similar powers with two biological fathers and a biological mother named Giorno Giovana once said...

Every living being has its own will and desires!

And this is something that I can't even change with my ability… at most I can influence it…"

"What… do you mean by that…" Asked Roxanne, not only for the confuse explanation of this Akuma No Mi limitation, also for the strange birth circumstances of the boy Fred just mentioned "Two biological fathers and a biological mother? How's that possible?" 

However, Fred was only willing to give details about his Life Life No Mi, much to everyone's disappointment "When I create a living being with my Life Life No Mi I do it with a certain objective to fulfill, with a certain desire, with a certain... will...

And in some way that will is transmitted to the created creature, which will try to fulfill that will… as long as it's possible to do for that creature, of course.

If I want to make a snake solve a fourth degree equation, the poor snake won't even know where to start, but it's extremely easy to make her bite or strangle someone, since these are things that are embedded in her instinct.

The simpler my order is and the easier it's for the organum in question to fulfil, the more likely it will be carried out as I expected. Although it cannot be a very long-term order, even if it's simple. Eventually the organum will will overcome mine and he will live his life unless I untransform it


That I touch it again to transmit my will until it lose my will one more time and needs to be touched by me again... or keep it touched all the time to make it always follow my will


That I train them with my great animal communication and as a contractual skills to make them follow my orders

But no, I cannot control them at will at all times regardless of the distance nor share their senses like Perona does with her ghosts."


These creations you make... inspired by a being you have seen before...

When you create them with your ability, do they inherit the will of those beings that you took as a model?" Asked Stephen, who was beginning to make connections between Fred's Akuma No Mi and a certain theory that Fred had told him a lot of times until he memorized it...

A theory that despite having memorized against his will, he had never paid special interest due to lack of evidence.

Until now!


They're used as a model but they aren't even 100% genetically the same, much less have the same will as the original" Fred answered as he approached Captain McNugget and plucked one of his feathers "But... that changes when I use the model creature's lineage factor to generate my creation."

And as soon as he finished the explanation, Captain Mcnugget, the family's favorite bird, whom they had known for years and who until now had been behaving as always with them, suddenly turned into a feather.


A feather very similar to the one Fred was holding in his hand right now 

"The original Captain Mcnugget unfortunately perished in this last adventure…" Fred conveyed his condolences to the rest of the family while holding the feather high that was being bathed by Fred's green aura. "But luckily I had some of his feathers in my jacket and I realized that if I mix the linage factor of an animal in a creation, I can create that same being

With exactly the same genetics, the same will and the same memories.

And the best thing is that I can use the genetic code of the summoned creature to replicate it as many times as I want...

With the last memories and will of the lineage factor that I have obtained"

And as he finished his sentence the feather in his hand became once again the elegant falcon that everyone knew as Captain Munugget, who began to poke Fred head for untransform him

"No way... this is…"

And while this common comical scene between pet and owner was happening all the inhabitants of the Steel residence were completely speechless after processing what had just happened before their eyes. So speechless that their jaws were practically touching the floor even though they were sitting in a normal-sized chair.

Especially Stephen, who other than Fred, understood better than anyone else in this room the repercussion of this power!

"This is a… totally perfect clone…"

How could Stephen not know?

For five years he had seen how Fred had been studying like crazy on this topic, invested a lot of capital in related studies and he had even collaborated in those studies to be able to carry out a common project with his brother. 

A common project that was currently on hiatus precisely because they lacked this technology

But now...

"That's right... Stephen...

We can skip several phases now…" Fred nodded as he walked melancholically towards the window "And before you ask me how it's possible to create a clone using the lineage factor of another clone...

Let's say that life tends to replicate itself" 

Giorno Giovana, by mixing the blood of Coco Jumbo... the turtle with Stand power... with one of his accessories he was able to clone that turtle perfectly including his Stand power

Fred believed he could do something similar with his powers and he was right...

He was able to clone Captain Mcnugget with the exact same physical abilities and memories he had at the moment his feather detached from his body.

In this way Captain Mcnugget was able to [resurrect] after dying in the campaign against Lerna, although technically he wasn't the same Captain Mcnugget with whom he had shared years of adventures, much less the one who really died

"It's a perfect clone...

Extremely perfect for animals and plants" Fred said once again as he looked out the window, specifically in the direction of the town cemetery, where two of his loved ones were in eternal rest "So much so that you can even... more or less bring them back to life..."

"And what about humans?" Asked Roxanne, who got up from the table even though her legs were shaking after being aware of that implication, of where Fred was looking right now and possibly why he was doing that "You also can…"

"I can? Yes, I can…" Fred quickly interrupted "I can create their bodies... and parts of their bodies too but...

When I create them they have no will whatsoever, as if they were just bags of meat... with their lineage factor or without..."

The very moment Fred realized that it was possible to create perfect clones of animals, he quickly tried to do the same with humans and even himself.

However, in each of his attempts the result was always the same.

A naked human body, alive and with blood circulating... but without any trace of brain activity

Alive and at the same time lifeless

"I understand…" Said Roxanne, who with her heart racing and not knowing very well if she was disappointed or relieved, sat back down in her chair again 

Practically the same reaction his entire family had when thinking about that possibility.

"And what about Schrödinger?" Stephen asked, with his heart practically about to burst out of his chest and metal armour after remembering the kitten who sacrificed his life to save him years ago "He's not human

Can you resurrect him?"

"If I could do it right now he would be eating with us, but unfortunately I can't." Said Fred, who deeply regretted not being able to travel back in time "My perfect cloning doesn't work with the dead lineage factor

If I had kept some of the hairs that Schrödinger dropped when he was still alive I could do it, but not with what remains of his corpse.

However, after all these years, clinic cleaning and the renovations that were done at home there will be nothing left from Schrödi to use

He won't come back at least not being who he really was."

"It's… it's ok Fred" Said Stephen, who was making titanic efforts not to cry "I don't need a cat that just looks like Schrödi

I just wanted to see him again to at least thank him… even if he doesn't remember what happened..."

Fred's return after his great achievement and gaining incredible power, what should have been a moment of happiness was suddenly about to turn into a session of depressing crying. 

In fact, that's what would have happened, at least for Stephen, if no one had interrupted.

"Do you know why you have this limitation?" Marlon asked, trying to redirect the conversation towards a less emotional position. "The limitation of not being able to create humans, I mean."

An interruption that everyone, but especially Fred, appreciated by answering that question "I have no conclusive evidence...

Some uncultured people would say that it's because humans have souls but animals don't and that's why I can create animals but not humans or something like that...

But I believe that I can give life to animals and plants with my will because they have a lower will than humans...

And I can't create humans because my willpower isn't strong enough... or perhaps is incompatible…

I really don't know, but I think that the willpower is the…"


I didn't want to interrupt until now but..." Stephen asked once more, practically certain that the answer would be affirmative and would surely take advantage to repeat for the umpteenth time his theory "Everything you have said is related to your theory that Akuma No Mi's, the lineage factor, Haki and will are closely related.


"Yes, but…" Answered Fred, who looked at poor Perona, whose child's brain was already tired of so much complicated talk... and had some compassion "I won't bore the little girl with my theory that everyone here knows except her."

"YAIII!!!" Perona shouted as she high-fived Roxanne and Marlon, who also didn't want to hear that theory for the umpteenth time "We're safe!" 

A reaction that greatly hurt Fred, who loved to talk about that theory, especially now that was confirming this theory

But despite that Fred doesn't get discouraged!

Fred took a notebook out of his pocket and placed it on the table in front of the Steels and Perona. "When Perona grows up a little and becomes interested in these adult things and whenever you want, I have all the information about my Akuma No Mi here in this notebook, as well as my updated theory."

"Wait… you had a notebook?" Stepen shouted indignantly upon verifying that in that notebook there was all the information that he had been writing down until now and even more. "Why haven't you told me from the beginning that you had these notes?

You would have avoided giving this explanation and me writing everything"

"I thought you liked to take your own notes" Fred replied while trying to suppress his evil laugh.

An evil laugh that disappeared from his face as soon as Perona once again dropped a sweetened information bomb in the middle of the Steel family "I think it's because he wanted to talk to you about these things Stephen-niisan

He has spoken a lot and very well about you throughout the trip.

He missed you a lot"

An information bomb that not only Stephen would gladly use to puncture the tough guy façade that Fred had built around him.

The entire Steel family looked at Fred smiling mischievously as they asked

"OHHHHH?! It's that true?"

A tough guy facade that he wasn't able to maintain convincingly due to this malicious team attack "No...don't talk nonsense...

I just... I just wanted to have minimally intellectual conversations... it's not that I missed you specifically."

A very bad excuse that earned the following qualification from the other living beings in that room.




A qualification that made him blush even more!

"Stop this nonsense…" Fred exclaimed as he tried to control his emotions "I was going to explain to you the two most incredible applications of my skill that I haven't even added in the notes as a precaution, but not anymore, at least not today after calling me tsundere..."

"Ohhh…" Everyone protested "Meanie!

Bad looser!




"Even so eat quickly!" Fred said, turning a deaf ear to their protests "We have to redesign the plan according to this new ability that I have obtained

There're many things that we have to adjust, for the better obviously"


You'll be able to see 8 chapters in advance in my Pa-treon


Meralman Meralman

I hope you like reading this story as I do writing it and that you leave me your comment, review and vote if that's the case.

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