Unduh Aplikasi
77.21% A Heroes Time / Chapter 61: Part Four

Bab 61: Part Four

Part Four

[ S E C T O R  F I V E  ]

The Airship quickly pushed out of the atmosphere of the planet and straight into space.

That entire interaction made its way onto Cameron's most heart aching moments. He has had many scary moments, but the heart aching moments were the most special.

Everything though started calming down a little bit after they arrived at the airship. Xyax was able to activate the thrusters of the airship and make a straight jump out of the planet.

Paradox appeared in the main control room.

"Glad that you could all join me."

"Paradox!" Cameron exclaimed with excitement in his tone.

"You look the exact same. Your level of time manipulation must be huge." Auu added.

"Yes. Yes. We don't have much time you three. I failed to mention how much time you really had before because I was worried that it might tamper with how you all do on the mission."

"Better late than never."

"You have about; Otw gramms. In human tongue Cameron that means two hours."

"Two hours?! We don't even know where the Annihilarg is?!

"The Annihilarg isn't on a planet... The device is floating somewhere in space."

Paradox smirked and with a blink of an eye the three were in the middle of nowhere.

"I don't see a planet here."

"Someone could press the device and kill us all! Why the hell would you do that!"

"No need to worry... I know that nobody will do that. I have a ton of information to share with you all now that you're all here, just rest up and we'll speak."

"Where is the device though?"

"We came here early, the device will be on it's way. I didn't really change anything, I just pressed fast forward."

Auu went into a room and started building something with the blueprints given to him by Paradox. Cameron on the other hand was resting well in a weird gravity room that was apparently supposed to be a bed.

After the well needed rest; Cameron got into a space suit with four leg compartments and a weird square oval helmet.

They all returned to the main control room.

"Paradox you were about to tell us something very important before, and you have all the time to do it now."

"Of course, of course."

"Yeah. You said left us at not redoing the world." Cameron nodded.

"Redo the world?" Auu raised a question. "I Knew It! My theory wasn't off at all-"

"-Quiet!" Xyax exclaimed. "He's about to explain himself."

"But this information I have could-"

"-Shush!" Cameron sounded.

"Celestialsapians. Do you know them?"

"Another alien name... Which one of my aliens is that?"

"Celestialsapians are literal gods Cameron." Auu revealed. "They are able to rid a universe with a breath."

"Whoa?! And I can turn into them?!"


"Is that how Cameron will stop the Annihilarg? By transforming into a celestialsapian?!"

"Sadly I can't answer that. Anyway. Celestialsapians; A Celestialsapian was the one I helped."

"That's impossible. From what I heard of Celestialsapians they should-"

"-some are different. They are not THE god, they are just gods, they are below him so they act perfect, but they are not perfect."

"Fine even if you somehow met a celestialsapian that acted out of order, acting out of order is a Universal Crime for Celestialsapians-"

"-Would you stop interrupting him." Cameron said.

"This Celestialsapian changed the entire fate of this duplicate universe. A sense of humanity came from this Celestialsapian and with their powers changed everything. They were the ones who moved time back to the second the Annihilarg was activated, and then with some help from me they placed it into a time bubble that postponed the device. Now remember that okay."


"With the Annihilarg postponed; the celestialsapian did not just reset the universe, they changed the ENTIRE universe. They believe if they changed the entire universe then the events leading up to the Annihilarg would play out differently. In other words of understanding; for a new experience of the game they needed to use a new character."

"What do you mean by new experience?" Xyax asked.

"The universe was reborn with different people and different events, but with the same roles and same moments." Auu explained.

"And that means exactly what you're all thinking. Now let me enter an example; Ben Tennyson played the role as the omnitrix holder now Cameron is the holder of the omnitrix so he's playing in that one role. A complicated example would be; The omnitrix holder had a cousin named Gwen who went on trips with him, Katherine your sister is playing the role Gwen played in the Omnitrix holders life and she's also playing the role of the secondary person the omnitrix holder went on a roadtrip with so therefore she's playing two roles. That was actually the one time the moments and roles of the universe before and this one were perfectly inlined which is rare."

"The roles a character played in the other universe don't exactly have to be played by the person who is playing that person's role in this universe."

"Exactly. I don't want to explain too much since there's a lot to understand, but that's the gist of it."

"So I was destined to get this watch?" Cameron asked.

"Nothing was destined until the watch found a holder... So no... You were not destined to get the omnitrix, you weren't even the one they planned to get the omnitrix."

"Wait what do-"

"-can't say..."

"Sure whatever... So what I'm getting here is that my entire life isn't in my own hands, that some of these stuff that have happened to me are happening because they were supposed? Dude that's a-"

"-Almost correct- Your life is in your own hands. These moments are meant to happen, but not in the way they happened before and not when they happened before. The chronological time, and the effectiveness of these events are all in your hands. Say Ben at 40 had a big Universal fight with a family member in his universe, then in this universe the same thing will happen, but it doesn't have to be as big and it does not have to be resolved in the same way and it does not have to be at that time it happened with Ben; depending on how you are the fight could literally just be watered down into a small brawl between you and your sister. There's a difference, Ben got the watch at 10 you got it at 13."

"There's a lot of questions I have relating that." Auu added.

"I'll take the small relief for now..." Cameron said.

"The celestialsapian. What happened to them?"

"A harsh punishment. For one; their existence was illegal. Two they partnered with me. So their punishment was brutal, but not as brutal as you think."

"They should have been blinked out of existence, they messed with the entire process of the universe."

"Not really. The celestialsapian never changed the fate of this universe, they just postponed it."

"Then what's the point of this if the Annihilarg will end up destroying the universe anyway?"

"The whole universe was never destroyed. The Annihilarg was activated and the destruction started, that's the fate."

Xyax, Cameron and Auu took in deep breaths so they could process everything.

"This information is big dude-"

"-Look ahead because it's time."

The three moved closer to the window of the spaceship where they caught eye of a small device inside a circular energy field that was sparking off shots of electricity.

Auu attached a device below the omnitrix which shot off a powerful range of Omni energy.

"Whoa. What did you do?"

"What the blueprints told me to do. I don't know what exactly that will do, but it's not activate and seeing that you warned me about it killing someone I suggest you activate it when it's necessary."

"How do I do that?"

Cameron climbed out of the spaceship wearing the space suit so his body wouldn't float away. He looked up at the Annihilarg.

"I can't believe that's the Annihilarg. We're supposed to be scared of that."

"Notice how that barrier is shaping into different shapes?"

"Yeah... That must mean we're almost out of time."

"Here we-"

A shadow hovered above Cameron overlapping their spaceship. He turned to look up where a bunch of spaceships floated.

The lower bunk of one of the spaceships opened and dropping down from the inside was none another than the general they thought they escaped from.

"We have you now, you've messed with the wrong individuals."

"I'm kinda tired of running now, it's time to end this!" Cameron slammed his palm onto the dial.

Gorantuala and general Log'rskin stood toe to toe, both matching up one another in height.

"That form of yours is very similar to a prisoner we have."

"Good for them."

The two charged toward one another and threw both their fists at each other, and just like that a strong bout commenced between the two. The aliens were somewhat both matched in strength, the only thing that separated them was their unique individual skills.

The ape alien was able to produce webs from his tail and that was his individual skill while general Log'rskin had the ability of jumping high, sure it didn't seem big, but it was useful in their fight.

As the fight rained on, Gorantuala was able to overpower the general and victory somewhat looked close, up until Log'rskin revealed that he was holding back by pushing out an incredible amount of power. General Hoared crashed into the fight and the two were able to tag team Gorantuala.

Finally Xyax and Auu acted. Auu climbed out the ship in a titanium armor he built and Xyax also had armor and her X-4 was upgraded.


Xyax shot back both Five-Hive members giving Gorantuala enough time to jump to the edge of the spaceship. He took in a deep breath and jolted forward, he leaped straight up toward the Annihilarg energy sphere and just before he could touch it; he disappeared.

D ar kn E ss

Cameron rubbed his eyes and found himself floating in a dark void.

"What's going on here?"

"There you are Mr Lenardo, I've been waiting for this moment."

"Paradox! The universe, I have to save it!"

"Yes, but we first need to make sure that you're prepped, you need the right alien."

A portal opened behind Paradox - Cameron couldn't get a good glimpse of what was happening inside the portal, but he could see a female wearing a white mask.

"Where the hell?" A female voice sounded

"Where yah at Cam? He can't jus leave us." Another female voice sounded.

"Let him be. Doctor Who wants to take him on a joy ride." A male with an altered voice spoke.

The portal closed and Cameron waited about a minute or so before a tall male wearing some altered version of The Peacemakers uniform floated toward him. For some reason Cameron couldn't get a glimpse of the mans face since a dark cloud of energy covered it.

"What's this about?" Cameron raised a question.

"Hey little me." The man said. "I bet you're super confused on what's going on."

"Confused? I'm more than- whoa, wait a minute, did you just say little me?"

"Yep. This is how you'll look like when you enter your twenties."

"You're twenty year old me?!"

"I never said I was twenty, I just said that I'm in my twenties. Anyway I kinda need you for something, not me now, but you after you and before me."

"Now I'm definitely confused."

"It's okay. Listen up young me. before I get into anything, I just want to tell you that what you have right there is a gift."

"The omnitrix?"

"Yep. You may see it as a curse or whatever, but that's a wonderful gift that the world entrusted upon us, and we should respect the omnitrixies."

"Omnitrixies... wait a minute... where's your omnitrix? Do you even have an omnitrix?"

"That's a surprise little guy. A surprise that you'll get to understand in the future. Anyway, what I said doesn't only just apply to you, it also applies to you as well."

Older Cameron turned over to the left, Cameron turned as well and there stood floating a depressed looking male with slick back neat and tidy coiled hair. The boy wore a damaged white formal shirt, with black formal pants and dark shoes.

"Looks likes he went to some formal event or something. Who's that guy?" Cameron raised a question before realising, "Wait a minute... That's me right? He is built like you, but isn't built like you. More youngish."

"Believe it or not he's actually closer to my age... or your age... I think he's more closer to you, I know he's not in his twenties.. yeah he's closer to you. That's the guy who we're here for."

"Him?!" Young adult Cameron exclaimed. "How in the world is he going to help convince me? Why is he even here? He's still young-"

"-Hey! What's wrong with being young!?"

"You don't know anything that's why! I know how you think and your not able to produce the valid answers we need here!"

"I'm younger than you sure. That doesn't mean I'm not able to give out valid answers or my opinion doesn't matter."

"It actually does because you don't think smart!"

"I do too speak- I mean think smart!"

"Give him a chance Cameron." Older Cameron said.

"Fine then! Answer this. If the opportunity came to remove the watch, the best choice would be to take it am I correct?

"Why should we remove this awesome thing from-"

Young adult Cameron grit his teeth. "-I said think about it!- This is exactly what I'm talking about he doesn't think straight, he's just giving cocky answers for a serious thing."

"Cocky answers?! I'm giving you my genuine answer!"

"You're me back when I was younger, it might be vague, but I still remember how you think!"

"Ch! I'm not you, I'm a different version of you so we might not think the same."

"The way you answered sure says differently little guy!"

"Fine! If you want me to answer so badly, I'll answer! If I got that option; I'd feel relieved to get that opportunity-"

"-Exactly! Exactly! We might be different versions, but we're still the same person."

"I'm not done... I said I'd feel relieved, but... I will be more scared. I've been through so much with this thing on and saved so many people that the idea of having removed it makes me feel a sense of fear, of what will happen if something bad such as the cult uprising happened and I wasn't there."

"He answered your question-"

"-no! No! That's not The Answer I wan- What if the omnitrix was given to someone else, then you'd have to feel relieved-"

"-no... there's no additional here at all, what if I removed the omnitrix a few days ago and gave it to someone else, then just a few days later after getting the watch; Paradox will find said person, teleport them onto a ship and ask them to stop the destruction of the whole universe... no... and what if nobody had the omnitrix in that scenario, what then?"

"You ARE being complicated!"

"I'm not being complicated, I'm following the advice of someone great, they said that; Even a curse from the universe if used in the right way can turn out to be the best gift ever."

"Then what's the point of the BEST GIFT EVER if it only brings you shit and hell, but when it comes to doing it's job via saving that ONE IMPORTANT PERSON it can't do THAT."


"Exactly! You think you have an answer for-"

Older Cameron pulled the young adult version of himself and shouted at him. Young adult looked upset and later his facial expression changed to a defeated ond.

Older Cameron moved back to Cameron while the other disappeared.

"What was his problem anyway?"

"You'll find out, obviously hoping that you don't turn out like him of course."

"Of course not. What was the point of this anyway?"

"To knock some sense into that bastard and to help you out with your issue."

"Are you gonna come to my timeline and stop the Annihilarg?!"

"Nope." Young adult Cameron layed his fist out. "That's your job. It's time to do that hero thing you always do in other words I guess it's time to be a hero."

The two Cameron's fist bumped one another a blueish green light glowed from the wrist of Older Cameron while Cameron's one started to shine in a bright green.

D ar kn E ss

Everything went dark - Cameron opened his eyes and he was now staring directly at the Annihilarg device that was trying to breakout of the energy sphere it was stuck in.

"Alright... It's time to be a hero I guess..."

Cameron took in a strong breath and pushed his arms forward, the omnitrix glowed green and with a bright and strong emerald flash he turned into ReLode who turned into MicroMech.

The powerful energy from the Annihilarg tried breaking through the energy sphere with more power which made MicroMech turn into Static-Brain and then turn into CrashSpring who started sweating before turning into 0verSpeed who was able to push the sphere closer and then transformed into Mimick who made thirty duplicates that pushed the sphere before turning into ThrowUp who changed into H2hydr0. The water alien was able to keep the sphere at bay for a little while before turning into an alien with eyes everywhere on his body and then jumping over to a small green alien that almost ate the Annihilarg before he turned into KillerSlugg who transformed into WoodWorks who pushed the sphere energy in and then transformed into BurnOut who moved the energy in closer and then transformed into Gorantuala who almost closed the sphere, but the Annihilarg pushed out a strong wave of energy that almost made Gorantuala break hold-.... if it wasn't for the omnitrix switching him into a stronger, and larger alien.

The tall massive alien held together the Annihilarg energy sphere fighting back against the power of the Annihilarg, the entire universe started shaking at the power being released, even a small crack could be seen developing in the universe. The large alien was holding well against the Annihilarg, but it was clear it wasn't enough.

The omnitrix started glowing green, The large alien removed one hand from the sphere coursing the universe to build out multiple cracks, the alien slapped the hand against the omnitrix faceplate sending off an incredible amount of Omni energy that changed the form of the giant alien into a massive giant alien.

The alien looked completely different, but still possessed the same features and traits as the one from before. The humongous alien tightened his body and clapped his hands together closing the energy sphere which released one more boost of power that pushed away all the spaceships. The cracks in the universe reversed, fixing themselves.

The large alien opened his hands revealing the secure Annihilarg that later pushed out an incredible force of power that knocked the large alien away transforming him back into Cameron.

When Cameron opened his eyes Paradox stood in above him.

"The universe has been saved, for now of course." Paradox said to Cameron.

Cameron raised his thumb with a forced smile on his face. "I'm just glad it's done." He fainted.

M o m e n t s L a t e r

Xyax and Auu waved at Cameron.

"We're gonna continue travelling through space together. I hope one day you can come up and see us again."

"I hope so as well."

"Enjoy your journey human!"

A small blue light flashed and both Cameron and Paradox were back on earth where everyone had to be frozen in time again.

"I'm guessing this is good bye?"

"Not for long. I'll definitely see you again-"

"-In due time. I got that Paradox, I got that for real dude."

"I'm about to say the exact same thing to you in just a few seconds."


Paradox entered through a portal that opened from behind him. The world unfroze and everybody continued on with their day.

"There you are!" Addie ran up to Cameron. "I thought you left the party."

"What kind of idiot leaves their own party?"

"True. Happy birthday dude."

"Thanks, I'm happy that at least one of my childhood friends stayed."

"I know. I miss Trent and Style as well, I guess it is true when they say cherish every moment."

"Yeah... speaking of moment..." Cameron turned over to where Ruby and her friends were.

"What're you planning?"

Cameron pulled out his phone and started typing something. He raised his head looking at Ruby and her friends.

"Bro?! You did not jus-"

"-yeah... I typed it and yeah I know it's a bitch move, but like come on."

Ruby's phone buzzed in her pocket. She looked down and noticed a message from Cameron. Léla stood starstruck looking at her phone, she slowly raised her head and looked toward Cameron who was looking back at her with a smile.

Maddie, and Abbie checked Léla's phone.

"Fuck Yah!" Maddie cheered as she threw her arm around Léla.

"Christ oh mighty." Abbie commented. "Ruby you have to see this!"

Ruby looked up to Cameron who was sharing a look with Léla. She turned over to Léla and checked her phone.


A f t e r T h e P a r t y

Busy day. Being a hero isn't easy, it's not fun either, but it still has its perks.

Though as said before there's nothing more relaxing than falling back onto a soft comforting bed and resting after an out of world adventure that threatened the life of humanity as a whole.

Sadly a heroes job is never done; Katherine kicked the door of Cameron's room down which made Cameron groan before throwing a pillow in her direction. The pillow stopped mid throw and stayed floating in one area with a dark field around it.

"What the hell?"

"I know." The pillow dropped down and the energy that surrounded it formed into a sphere that floated in the palm of Katherine. The sphere was black and had a bunch of white dots inside similar to a universe. "I think I've mastered my powers and just in time too, because I'm leaving tomorrow."

"I'm gonna regret asking this, but what are they exactly?"

"I don't know really, but this small orb thing is like a helping hand, I got access to it thanks to this mind person that spoke to me."

Katherine moved the orb to her laptop. The laptop started up and then went over to a live news feed that showed a bunch of destruction and terror.

"Would you look at that."

"Hey! You Two!"

Katherine and Cameron turned to one another before looking out the window. The Sienna was parked right outside Cameron's home and Marcy was in the drivers seat.

"Check this out."

The orb increased in size sucking in both Cameron and Katherine, then in a split second the two were transported into the inside of the Sienna.

"Would you look at that."

Katherine took her place in the front seat besides the driver seat while Cameron sat on one of the middle seats.

"You better start that watch of yours Cameron, I heard that this big bad is actually big."

Cameron activates the omnitrix. "It's time to do that hero thing I always do in other words it's I guess it's time to be a hero." He said before slamming onto the faceplate.

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