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70.37% Danmachi: Reborn with EMIYA's Powers / Chapter 57: Chapter 47: Countdown 

Bab 57: Chapter 47: Countdown 

Within the halls of the city governor's residence which has been repurposed as the home base of the Gigantomachy Alliance of the Freya familia, Hermes familia, and the Shalzard Kingdom, Bell could be found in a large room located within the building's center. The office of the city government which the vigilante now made his main office for dealing with the alliance's affairs.

With the warm light of sunset radiating the office's four walls in a calming glow and the towers of paperwork and documentation surrounding him on all sides, Bell dived headfirst into his work as the leader and head of the alliance. He was reading and signing numerous papers with immense efficiency. His mind absorbed and comprehended information at a rate that went way beyond what an average person should be capable of.

𝙎𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙗𝙗𝙡𝙚… 𝙨𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙗𝙗𝙡𝙚… 𝙨𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙗𝙗𝙡𝙚… 𝙨𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙗𝙗𝙡𝙚...

The sound of Bell's quill writing away on parchment was the only sound that could be heard within the office beside his calm and steady breath. Even though he was flooded with work to accomplish, Bell had a smile on his face as he went through each paper atop his desk. The reason? He was reading the status reports regarding all the actions he had enacted for the alliance to perform, and much to his joy, everything was going smoothly.

'It's only been a week since the alliance has started moving and results are already being made… at this rate, the alliance could begin making true preparations for the upcoming war in another week…'

Bell thought so in his mind as he continued to take note of every single word his subordinates had written in regard to the progress of their missions.

Hermes and his children were able to secure the funds that Ouranos had given him and his familia through the regional banks that bordered the Kaios desert. The numerous children of the god had written back to Bell that the transferring of funds had begun and that they would begin escorting the payload with some assistance from the adventurers of the Freya familia.

'Rather than get the funds back to the alliance base, after Freya has secured the suppliers for our needed materials, the Hermes familia and the guards from the Freya familia will instead transfer the funds directly to the supplier'

'Given the time needed for the gathering of the funds, for it to be delivered, and the materials to be procured, it won't take too long based on the report'

Bell would've been skeptical if any other person had told him that such complicated tasks could be accomplished within a week without the support of instant communication, but after reading that Freya had strong-armed and slightly charmed the people in charge of the transfer… The vigilante immediately accepted it without question.

'Goddesses of beauty really are scary. They can turn any respectable and accomplished organization into a group of simps at the drop of a hat'

After having read and confirmed the documents of the Hermes and Freya familia, Bell turned his attention to the status reports given to him by the Shalzard kingdom. Specifically from the nation's king and her retinue of her advisors, reporting on the generous 'donations' they had secured for the alliance.

Scanning the document quickly, Bell began to understand the reports given to him by the king and his followers regarding the progress of their assignment and to put it simply, Arry had been extremely successful.

'Fifteen galleon desert ships and a substantial retinue of smaller-class vessels… eight months worth of supply rations for the troops… a significant amount of cargo carrying precious metals and ores… and a few special magic items and swords from royal families who couldn't contribute as much…'

Bell began to take in the large list of 'donated' supplies for their war effort, and each new row of entries for the long list only widened Bell's smile more and more. The report stated that the shipment of the supplies would arrive just a bit earlier than the shipment of supplies from Freya and Hermes, so Bell would be able to begin working sooner than he had expected. Something he appreciated greatly.


After taking in all that information non-stop for hours, Bell let out a tired breath as he began to sink into the soft cushioning of the chair he was currently sitting on.

Looking up at the ornate ceiling of the office, he began to slowly reiterate the essential points that he had taken in.

"Progress on the bank fund transfers… the downpayment for the suppliers…the shipment processes… the remaining nations that have yet to enter negotiations with…"

Try as he might to let no amount of information slip his grasp, Bell simply wasn't able to retain all the information he had read all at once. Thus, he began to reinforce the knowledge in his memory by constantly repeating it in his mind. Focusing first on the most crucial points of the reports he had read.

After a few minutes of hammering the knowledge into the recesses of his mind, Bell began to slowly rest his weary mind from all the work he had performed. He fully expected and accepted that his role would carry immense responsibilities and expectations, but it didn't draw away from the fact that he was extremely tired.

"𝙎𝙞𝙜𝙝… I really need a goddess to fully relax my mind…"

Bell spoke out his selfish desire as he closed his eyes. He had come to experience the comforting embrace of the three goddesses that sapped away his fatigue and stress in an instant. After learning of such pleasures as a mortal, there was no way for him to go back to the man he was prior to meeting the divine beauties.

"Back in Colchis village, I was able to take a nap on a tree branch with ease, but now I need a fix of a divine hug… and I think I may be experiencing withdrawal symptoms…"

Freya had left the alliance base alongside Hermes in order to better lead the adventurers through their assigned tasks. As such, Bell was now without the incessant adoration and comfort of the goddess of beauty for a week. It pained him to admit it, but his weakness now was a beautiful woman. He could no longer live without it.

"I have now become sullied with the colors of a pervert… forgive me Aunt Idyia…"

As Bell begged for forgiveness from his aunt who would no doubt look upon him with a look of disgust, he soon began to snap out of his desire for rest and began to once more dive back into his work.

He had taken care of the major documents, but he had yet to go through the more menial and less eye-catching reports. Even after having delegated responsibilities to his subordinates, Bell still had an immense amount of tedious paperwork to go through.

Grabbing his quill and dipping it into a bottle of ink, Bell was about to begin working again, but he was stopped from his actions by the sudden appearance of knocking on his office's door.

𝙆𝙣𝙤𝙘𝙠… 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙘𝙠...

"This is Asfi, Bell. Do you have a moment?"

A calm and serene voice entered Bell's ears from beyond the doors, a voice that he knew all too well. The sound of the person waiting for his response brought a smile to the vigilante's weary face.

"Feel free to enter, Asfi. Just working on some paperwork"

After he had accepted Asfi's request, the familia captain slowly began to enter his office. The creaking of the door was reduced to a minimum under the handling of Asfi's hands. Gracefully walking to the main desk whilst carrying a number of documents in her hands. Soon, the bespectacled beauty locked gazes with Bell.

"I am quite familiar with being stuck with endless paperwork, so forgive me for saying this… you have more documents that need your approval, Bell"

Asfi's words were like a sharp dagger that pierced through Bell's chest. The vigilante visibly winced in pain as she spoke out each syllable of her sentence.

"The pain of more paperwork… it hurts… it hurts… why does it hurt so much, Asfi?"

Seeing her friend begin to dramatically act like he was suffering, Asfi couldn't help but giggle at his comical display. But it was a sight she related quite heavily to after having worked with Hermes for a long time.

"I have a few potions that help with mental fatigue and improve focus. Something I requested from some brewing familias for my personal use, but I don't mind giving some to you, Bell. You want some?"

Asfi offered such as she simply couldn't stand idly by while knowing a fellow overworked laborer was suffering in pain.

Hearing her offer, Bell's eyes began to glisten in tears of joy. At that moment, bereft of any goddess in his vicinity, Bell began to see Asfi as his personal goddess. The goddess of overworked laborers across the world.

"A goddess… Lady Asfi… I generously accept this divine blessing…"

Seeing Bell begin to praise her with immense adoration, Asfi's face began to be plastered with a wide smile as she laughed without worry. The sight was something that would've shocked her head god and her fellow familia members, for the ice-cold queen of their familia was now glowing brightly without any semblance of caution.

Her cold exterior had melted away in the presence of the one person who could do so, a person Asfi considered her closest friend.

"Stop that, Bell. I don't want you to become another one of my fanatics"

Wiping away the tears in her eyes, Asfi began to rebuke Bell for his joke. She had always been hounded by a group of admirers who constantly put her on a pedestal, and she didn't want to associate Bell with those people at all.

Laughing slightly at her words, Bell eventually stopped his praising of Asfi as a goddess. Bereft of the atmosphere brought by their jokes, Bell entered an awkward silence with Asfi because he had something he had yet to address.

"... Sorry for leaving Orario without telling you, Asfi…"

Bell apologized to her for what he had done nearly a year ago. Leaving the dungeon city of Orario without telling anyone he knew in advance in order to embark on his journey.

He knew that Asfi was no doubt hurt by what he had done. If a close friend of his had done the exact same, Bell knew he would've felt extremely hurt by the action.

Alongside his knowledge that Asfi was a person who rarely grew close to people in order to protect the secrets of her familia, Bell felt extremely guilty for what he did.


Asfi heard his apology and went silent. All this time she had been silently worrying for Bell. She knew just how strong he was and how reliable he could be, but such things did little to dissuade her heart from thinking about the dangers her friend could've been facing, and her heart proved to be correct after all.

'Surviving a major incident in a hidden ruin in the north of the continent… repelling an invasion of Evilus upon Altena… undergoing a grueling war between nations… and barely surviving a horde of Behemoths after committing the worst taboo a mortal can perform… trouble always seems to follow where Bell goes'

Asfi thought as she narrowed her eyes looking at Bell. The boy in front of her was responsible for so much good in the world. Countless lives were saved and endless smiles and laughter were born from the results of his actions. By every metric and standard, Asfi should be happy her friend was able to accomplish so much,

She was a person who operated on logic and facts. She ignored feelings and emotions in order to effectively carry out the tasks her god assigned to her and her comrades. Her line of work had little allowance for such pleasantries… Asfi should be happy that her friend was so reliable and strong… but she could never seem to form a smile at such a fact.

"Do you know how much you made me worry, Bell?"

Asfi spoke in a cold tone that stiffened Bell. He knew that her friend was extremely angry. Though he did his best to avoid the wrath of 『Perseus』that even a god feared, Bell knew there was no escape from the consequences of his actions. He prepared himself to receive the anger he had learned so much about in his past life.

"Every story… every anecdote… every rumor… every gossip… every time I heard about some perilous adventure you underwent, I wasn't left in awe or in admiration of the stories spoken of you Bell… I was angry…"

"Angry at the people who simplified your pains and struggles into a few common words… angry at the people who denounced your efforts as lies and exaggerations… angry at the masses who used those stories to raise you higher and higher upon a shaky pedestal… and most of all, angry at you"

Asfi spoke whilst she began to recall her time as the princess of the island nation of Seriphos.

As the princess of the small island nation, she knew all too well about the effects of the public's words.

Those that praised her blooming talents continued to raise their expectations higher and higher to the point of near impossibility. Gifting with endless gazes of disappointment when it came time that she could no longer meet the expectations put upon her by her family and subjects.

Those that quietly denounced her began to hurl poisonous words and sentiments toward her way. Beyond the reach where she could simply judge their actions, she simply had to grit her teeth as she worked whilst carrying the thorn that constantly grew sharper by her side.

She knew far too well the consequences of the road Bell walked on, and though she could feel that he has already come to terms and accepted what lies ahead, Asfi simply couldn't just accept and watch her friend walk into a burning hell by his own volition.

"Did you not even consider thinking about the people who care about you? What would they feel if they were suddenly just thrown to the side? To suddenly be told that they weren't considered to be of use to the person they care about?"

Bell's eyes only grew guiltier as he watched Asfi slowly shed tears down the outline of her face. He had always believed that every action he had taken so far was for the benefit of everyone involved, even his friendship with her.

He had wanted to understand and ease the loneliness of the stoic adventurer, but he inadvertently afflicted her with emotions that stung her heart deeply for so long. Seeing her crying so profusely, Bell realized just how wrong he was.


He simply remained silent as he received all of Asfi's emotions. He could've spoken to justify his actions for the sake of saving the people he did save, but that would simply be him diminishing his friend's emotions. He knew far too well what it was like to ignore the few for the many, so he decided to simply accept responsibility for what he caused.


But contrary to Bell's expectations, Asfi didn't continue to lambast him with her anger. The familia captain went silent alongside the vigilante as she watched him silently accept his guilt. Taking a few moments to recompose herself, Asfi shifted her approach. Instead of dragging on the waterworks, she would simply head straight to the point she wanted to talk about.

"Bell, look at me"

Asfi said as she lifted his chin to have his eyes meet her piercing gaze. Staring straight at the gray eyes of Bell, Asfi declared her intention directly to him.

"I don't care how much you know about what's happening in the world. I could care less for your beliefs to become the leading figure of a crisis. You made me come to care deeply for you, and I have come to consider you my closest friend"

"Come hell or high water, I will make sure I am by your side through it all. You'll never leave me behind out of concern or self-sacrifice. Understand?"

After Asfi declared her desire to stick by Bell's side, silence quickly descended upon the vigilante's office. His face still in the grasp of the determined woman in front of him, his cheeks slowly filling with blood and emotion, Bell soon found the courage to answer her resolute declaration.

"S-Sure Asfi…"


Seeing Bell awkwardly reply, Asfi's stern expression was quickly replaced with a soft smile. Even though she was angry with the constant worry that afflicted her heart ever since he had left Orario, she could never truly bring herself to hate him.

'Although my former captain told me that this feeling is called love… I'm still not quite sure if I can consider it as such…'

Asfi thought as she continued to gaze at Bell's face in silence. Her gaze only stirred the embarrassment in his heart and mind.

She definitely treasured Bell a lot. His presence in her life meant a lot to her. His face constantly appeared in her mind throughout her days. His company brought a sense of comfort and excitement that none brought her before… but Asfi was still not sure.

'Whether or not it is love, my desire remains the same… for this person who brought such happiness to my usually lonely life… I will make sure only smiles appear on his face'

Confirming her goal in her heart, she soon let go of Bell's face from her grasp, leaving him to silently process what exactly had just happened.

With her intentions out of the way, Asfi immediately began to change the subject. Now that the tension between herself and Bell was gone, she felt it was now high-time to talk about something he couldn't bring himself to talk about during the meeting.

"Now that we have resolved our grievances for the most part, how about you finally talk about the request you've been wanting to ask of me?"

Hearing her words, Bell could only smile at the astute observations she had made.

Asfi was known as the famed item maker 『Perseus』after gaining the extremely rare development ability 『Mystery』which allows one to imbue an object or item with unique magical effects.

With Bell's plans to develop weapons to arm an entire army to be able to fight the horde of Behemoths, Asfi could tell immediately that he wanted to utilize her abilities greatly, but held back from doing so due to the tension between them both.

But with their problems resolved, Bell was now given the go-ahead to make the most out of the abilities of 『Perseus』.

"You sure, Asfi? If you accept, you'll become the most overworked person in the alliance besides myself"

Bell said with a mischievous smile. Asfi hated being inundated with unreasonable amounts of work, but if it was for her closest friend…

"I told you, Bell. No matter what, you won't be able to get rid of me"

Asfi would work herself to extreme points she had never gone to before.

With the acceptance of one of the best item makers in the world to assist his cause, Bell's smile only grew brighter as he trembled in excitement at what they would both be able to make.

"You and I working together to make weapons of war… I'm starting to feel bad for the Behemoths"

Bell said with a hearty laugh.

"Don't feel too bad, Bell. They will simply just become the outlet for our stress. It's unhealthy to bottle up frustration"

Asfi replied with a burst of similar bright laughter.

Within the four walls of the alliance head's office, the gears of the war machine began to turn and burst with life. Unknown to the two who had begun to plant their mark on history, the efforts they would achieve would bring about both horror and admiration for generations after them both.

112 𝙙𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙡 𝙎𝙤𝙧𝙨𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙖'𝙨 𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙡𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣



A week later, in the city of Merkabah, the headquarters of the Gigantomachy Alliance.

The city was brimming with activity as the first batch of supplies for the preparation of the looming battle arrived at the city.

The part of Arry and her advisors came back to the city in a fleet of desert ships carrying an immense amount of supplies. After having secured the support of neighboring desert nations, their party was able to attain a variety of goods in great supply.

The walls of the city were surrounded on all sides by the anchored desert ships that were undergoing inspections by the experts of the Shalzard navy. Though they were given a number of desert ships, the nation's navy officials were quick to notice that many of the vessels were either worn in age or possessed many faulty errors.

This was initially met by outrage from Arry and the alliance members, but Bell was quick to dissuade their anger. He explained to them all that he planned to remodify every single desert ship into an original craft of his own design. Thus, it could be seen as beneficial that the ships were worn and torn, making it easier for the alliance to be able to dismantle and modify the craft so long as the essential parts remained fine.

His words were able to calm a majority of the alliance, but beyond his knowledge, Arry began to ponder deeply on the meaning of this action. She knew this was a ploy by the desert nations in order to make sure that Shalzard wouldn't grow absurdly strong in the future.

Facing the demise of an entire people and possibly the entire world, seeing the desert nations' leadership continue to act in selfishness… it lit a spark within Arry's heart.

Walking through the halls of the alliance's headquarters, Arry pondered to herself as she made her way to the destination she had in mind. Her personal training hall.

"Such blatant disregard for more pressing issues in favor of the retaining of one's slipping grasp on power… such thinking is what inhibited our people to become the laughing stocks of the continent… it has led us to become such a weak force in the eyes of even the divine…"

Arry tightened her grasp on her sword which currently housed the light of her contracted spirit Eos. She had not been training in the last week due to her mission, but now that she had secured the supplies, the king was now free to strengthen herself once again. Her body began to eagerly await the strains and struggles of self-improvement.

The king had yet to notice, but under her time with Bell, she had changed from a rather reclusive royal to a warrior that constantly sought out ways to improve all facets of her strength. Perhaps a subconscious change in disposition in order to attain her dream.

To stand by Bell's side.

"For the world that Bell loves so dearly… something he would sacrifice himself so thoughtlessly for… such disgusting people don't deserve to be a part of his dream… right, Eos?"

(E/D: She is starting to sound like Geto now. Also who is simping over Sukuna in Megumi's body. You can tell me, I promise not to bonk you~)

Eos transformed from the light of her blade back into her human form after receiving the call from her contractor. A burst of light escaped the scabbard of the sword by the king's waist, reverting 『Caliburn』back to 『Merodach』


Taking a breath, the spirit took a moment in order to readjust her senses. She was still getting used to having a contract with a mortal. Readjusting her short glowing orange hair and inspecting her white robes, Eos soon smiled in satisfaction as she was able to perform a flawless transitional transformation.

'I'm sure I will be able to do this without thinking so much in the future!! I wouldn't want Arry to scream again after seeing my disfigured human form… hehe…'

Eos quickly reminisced on the horror-filled scream of her contractor after she had messed up in her transformation one time. Appearing like a monstrously deformed human child. The incident resulted in Arry scolding the spirit to take more caution in her transformation.

'Anyways, moving from that…'

"... What did you say, Arry?"

Eos wanted to clarify what Arry had been talking about. Though she was a thousand-year-old being, her mentality was far from fitting her age, having been sleeping in her sword form whilst Arry had been talking to her.

But before Eos could fully voice out her thoughts, she pulled an abrupt stop to her voice after seeing what had become of Arry.


Eos was struck with shock seeing Arry's eyes both glow immensely in magical power, but at the same time appear so devoid of light. Peering into her soul, the spirit was confused as she saw her contractor's heart was the calmest it had ever appeared to her.

'Her soul's color is so… stable… How come Arry is so filled with emotion but so calm? I don't understand mortals. Why do they have to be so confusing?'

Eos thought in confusion. She had come to learn during her private conversations with Arry about her relationship with the vigilante and head of the alliance formed in order to deal with her deformed sister, Bell Cranel.

The spirit was forced to sit through the king's endless ramblings and praisings about Bell throughout numerous nights during their travels to numerous desert nations. Beyond her ability, she had become quite the knowledgeable expert regarding all things Bell Cranel.

'Wait… I think I heard about this from a spirit I met some time ago… Yandere?... or was it Goudere? Whatever it is, it's one of those dere's that the gods and goddesses of Tenkai often talk about…'

Eos wanted to understand her contractor more as a person, as a closer bond between spirit and mortal would lead to increased strength in their contract… but Eos felt a sense of foreboding that awaited her if she decided to peer deeper into the king's immense feelings for Bell.

"... Eos?"

As the spirit pondered deeply about the mental state of her contractor, Arry called out to the spirit as she had been silent for a while after she had asked for her opinion.


Eos was immediately put into a hard situation. Her wandering and lazy mind had left her with no information on how to answer the question Arry had called her advice on… left with few options to choose from, Eos resorted to the tried and true method used by divine and mortal kind alike throughout the ages.

"Y-Yeah Arry…"

Just say yes

"You think so too, right? I'm really glad you get me, Eos… though we can't yet reveal our contract to Bell, I'm sure your appreciation of him will grow deeper when you can finally talk with him!"

Unable to say anything else to the ominous pressure being exuded by the king at that moment, Eos could only agree with whatever she had said.

"Hahaha, you're right Arry"

Eos continued to awkwardly agree with whatever Arry talked about. Though she was a divine spirit that garnered immediate worship and reverence by many mortals throughout the world, in that instance, Eos felt like she was being drowned in the pressure exuded by Arry's emotions.

'Mortals… I don't think I'll ever be able to understand them…'

Eos thought as she resigned herself to her fate of listening to Arry's umpteenth lecture on the greatness of Bell Cranel.

But as Arry continued walking and talking alongside her to her personal training hall, Eos began to wonder who exactly Bell was as a person.

'That person really is a mystery… I can't meet him right now because Arry wants to keep our contract a secret for now until she becomes stronger… but I have the feeling I can really get along with him'


Eos wondered to herself as Arry began to open the wooden doors to her training hall. Revealing a large room filled with various pieces of equipment for the king's needs to become stronger than she already was.

As Arry undressed herself to begin wearing her training garments of a breast wrapping cloth and some breathable trousers, Eos situated herself on a nearby bench near the center of the training hall. Watching Arry in curiosity as she continued with her train of thought.

'Bell Cranel… a mortal human boy of fifteen years, yet he's so strong and mysterious… not only can I tell that he is strong on an individual level, he has the support of so many impressive people'

Eos thought about how eagerly Freya and Hermes were to help him, despite their standings as the superior being in their relationships with Bell. Along with that was the way he had pressured the strong adventurers of the Freya familia into submission, and the fact she observed three spiritual entities ingrained into the essence of his soul.

'I never thought more than one form of divinity could be implanted within a mortal… normally different divine powers would compete for dominance within a mortal's body and soul, usually resulting in the disappearance of one divinity or the total collapse of the mortal… but Bell Cranel was somehow able to tame those three competing powers'

Divinity was a naturally selfish energy, so seeing the normally selfish energy cooperate for the benefit of a singular mortal was fascinating for Eos.

'I think I would've been able to include myself in Bell's soul given its deviation from the norm… but I have a feeling that it would only cause me more trouble down the line…'

Though Eos' mentality was far from maturity, her intuition was scarily accurate. Had she included herself in Bell's soul… he would've been hounded with questions regarding preferences.

'But regardless of it all, I still don't regret forming a contract with Arry! She's so much fun to be with!'

Eos thought in her mind as she smiled widely watching Arry prepare herself for her training. Sensing the spirit's gaze upon her body, the king turned to meet Eos' gaze and replied to it with a simple wave and gentle smile which was then reciprocated immediately.

'I am very happy with my contract with Arry… but I do look forward to being able to talk with Bell Cranel. After all the stories Arry talked about, it was only natural my curiosity would be piqued!'

Eos was a naturally curious spirit. Though she had refrained from traveling much in the mortal world due to her fears, her desire to explore and understand the wider world still remained.

The spirit of the dawn wished to understand the various meanings of warmth beyond the gentle embrace of the rising sun.

After having seen Bell's eyes that radiated kindness despite how scarred they were… Eos was sure that she would have a blast talking with Bell.

'Talking with Bell and Arry… I can't wait!'

Eos was filled to the brim with excitement as Arry began to perform her warm-up routine before practicing the sword style Bell had taught her.

Looking through a nearby window that showed an overlooking view of the city, Eos sat in wonder at what mortals were capable of.

She had always believed the divine to be the only hope mortals had at surviving the cruelty that existed within the lower world of Gekai. But after having trudged along the fear of exploring an unknown world in search of her sister, despair at the realization of what she had become, and emptiness at not knowing what to do… seeing the falna-less mortals of Shalzard fight so fiercely in the face of absolute tyranny by the Behemoths. Picking themselves up after having been robbed of their dreams at the last moment. The sight of it all fascinated Eos immensely.


Eos and her sister were spirits that detached themselves from the happenings of mortals and monsters. Their patron god Helios held no expectation for them to help out heroes or repel great monsters. Only being given the simple task to live as individuals.

Hiding away in remote forests for most of their life, Eos and her sister trembled in fear of the unknown. Their only contact besides each other was the occasional spirit or great spirit that had encountered them in their own travels.

'The way those spirits talked about the mortal world always fascinated me, but I was always too afraid to make that major leap into the unknown… I can never understand how mortals are able to perform such terrifying acts with their weakness…'

Eos could never understand mortals. They were weak, unreliable, susceptible to sin, and generally cowardly. Their demise was all but certain without the assistance of the divine… but they managed to live despite the limited capabilities of the spirits and gods to aid in their continued survival.

The spirit recalled the heroes that the traveling spirits regaled to the curious Eos and her fascinated sister.

Fianna, Dim, Crozzo, Argonaut, Elveta, Celdia, Girard, Giorgio, Albert.

All these mortal men and women proved their worth to the divine, gained their unwavering support, and achieved monumental achievements that even the gods couldn't simply ignore.

Mortal kind was dealt the worst hand possible and beaten to the brink of extinction time and time again… but every time they fell down, they simply rose back to their feet to fight once more.

(E/D: Bruce… Why do we fall?)

Eos simply couldn't help but become fascinated by everything she saw. She laid witness to many cruelties of the mortal world in her short travels. But unlike the hedonistic gods who rarely changed… mortals were able to somehow find ways to improve themselves. In Eos' eyes, that was the defining trait that mortals had over the spirits and the gods.

'The mortal world is so fascinating…to think we spent most of our time hiding in fear, Hesperides…'

Eos smiled in slight sadness as she recalled her sister. Taken away by a mysterious and cruel hooded god alongside his children for their twisted desires. The spirit tightened her fist as she hardened her resolve to save her sister.

'I will save you Hespe… and together… let's explore the world…'


As Eos grew silent in thought, Arry noticed the spirit's change in mood almost immediately. With the establishment of her contract with Eos, she was able to faintly make out the emotions running through her head at any given moment.


Putting down her sword, the king soon made her way to the sulking spirit who hung her head low, even when Arry had approached her.



Eos was confused as she felt a hand begin to rub her head gently. Raising her head, her eyes met Arry's that were radiating immense kindness and understanding.

"When Bell promises something, he will always be able to deliver. No matter how impossible it may be… he said it himself during the alliance's meeting, right? Simply believe in his promised victory and keep fighting"

Arry said as she kneeled down to meet Eos' eye level. The spirit was wrapped in a blanket of warm emotions. Eos' eyes began to tear up along the edge as she raised her voice.

"I-I know that!! I'm thousands of years old, you know?!! I-I don't need pampering like a-"


Eos was cut off as Arry wrapped her in a tight embrace. The spirit was about to rebel once more but was silenced by the king's words.

"Age shouldn't define whether someone can express their emotions… and after getting to know both Lady Freya and you… I don't believe the divine should be some stoic pillar of support, Eos"

"Human, Beastman, Elf, Spirit, God… we're all people at the end of the day. So if you want to cry then cry. Your tears are proof that you were loved, and they will serve as the strength for you to push on…"

(E/D: I wonder if demons would love to torture Gods. I mean… Lucy fic?)

Eos was quiet as she listened to Arry's words…but soon she began to tug tightly on the king's bare body before letting out her emotions fully. The feelings she had bottled up as she searched desperately for her sister. The tears threatened to pour as her gaze landed on the monstrous Grand Behemoth that housed her sister. Everything was left free to be expressed without concern.


Arry could only smile as she held the small spirit in her arms. They both lost their families but found each other in the process… though she could never reunite with her father and mother once more, Arry would make sure Eos wouldn't suffer through the pain she went through.

For that, they would both need to dedicate themselves to growing stronger. To make sure that they wouldn't be overshadowed even among the alliance of prominent adventurers.

105 𝙙𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙡 𝙎𝙤𝙧𝙨𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙖'𝙨 𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙡𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣



Another week passed and the Hermes and Freya familia's adventurers returned with a hefty amount of regional currency along with a variety of metals, monster materials, and other supplies in order to begin the manufacturing of weapons.

Contracting numerous suppliers from rural villages to more developed city-states and some trade with the nation of Altena, the alliance was supplied plentifully. But materials and supplies weren't the only things the two familias returned with. Along the various shipments came along specialized personnel that Bell had requested.

"All these children are working so hard to reclaim their home… yes, this place will do nicely to start a familia"

A sun-kissed beauty with black hair and clothes of exotic design spoke as she observed the bustling streets of the alliance base. Every able-bodied personnel committed themselves to prepare for the great battle that was to come, as such, the city of Merkabah never slept.

Shifts among the alliance's members were divided between day and night in order to ensure constant productivity. The sight of the mortals' dedication to fighting back despite the odds being stacked against their favor charmed the soft-spoken goddess as she observed with her keen eyes.

"I suppose you have agreed to our proposal for you to start a familia with the children of the Shalzard kingdom then?"

Hermes said as he slowly approached the observing goddess, smiling as he knew that he had finally secured a source of falna for the alliance members.

"Even if you hadn't coaxed me, I would've still been eager to start my familia with these courageous children, Hermes. The reason you approached me was for my reputation in my region on Tenkai, right?"

The goddess said as such to Hermes' words. She knew that she had been targeted for her predisposition to help the needy and heal the wounded, but wasn't offended by it. So long as it led her to aid those who cried for help, the goddess would not mind taking any hand, no matter how perverse or secretive it may be.

"Hahaha, don't make me out like that. I'm simply using a bit of my brain, though I suppose that may be rare among our kind, Lady Isis"

(E/D: I still like Taweret more. After all, HIPPO!!!)

Isis chuckled lightly at Hermes' remarks. It was something she was quite ashamed she couldn't refute in the slightest.

"Then it falls onto us less intellectually challenged divinities to pick up on their slack… by the way, Hermes, could you kindly inquire as to when I could meet this famed Gray Ghost? He's been making the rounds in Tenkai lately, and I find myself extremely curious to meet this fabled mortal hero… even Asgard has been moving you know?"

Hearing Isis' words. Hermes' eyes narrowed. He knew all too well that knowing Asgard was moving and taking action after the discovery of the Gray Ghost wasn't good.

'Most of the gods and goddesses of Tenkai probably have yet to learn about Bell's identity, but Odin… I would be an idiot to think he hasn't been carefully observing Bell, especially since he's grown so close to Freya…'

Hermes resolved to report this to Zeus as soon as possible. Olympus and Asgard were in a state of peace due to the agreement of the two great gods to set aside conflict to pursue their personal interests. The observation of heroes for Zeus, and the search for unknown magic for Odin.

'But with Bell embodying both heroic ideals and mysterious powers… this could possibly lead to a conflict of interests between the two great gods… I can already feel a headache coming…'

Hermes kept down the incoming strain of his mind in order to maintain appearances with Isis. Promptly responding to her question to remove any possibility of suspicion.

"That might be a little hard at the moment, Isis. Our dear alliance leader has entered a state of seclusion lately. So long as the plume of smoke and hammering noise from the center of the city doesn't stop, I'm afraid he will be unavailable"

Hearing Hermes' response, Isis was a bit disappointed but quickly accepted the fact that her meeting with the Gray Ghost will have to be delayed.

"It's quite alright. At least this will give me enough time to help raise my familia and leave a better impression… but it's still quite bizarre no matter how many times I look at it, Hermes. That plume of smoke and constant hammering noise… has Gray Ghost been forging all night and day without rest?"

Isis said as she looked towards the center of the city. Constructed in the heart of the alliance headquarters was an intricate forge to assist Bell in the making of the weapons for the alliance forces.

Not long after it was completed, Bell had ordered that no one aside from Asfi was to disturb him. Locking the doors to the forge, he promptly began hammering away as intense flames erupted all around him.

The belching of flame. The rising of smoke and steam. The hammering of metal.

Sounded like the vigilante's desire to raise an army that can repel the ashen black monstrosities. Signaling to the entire town that his will was burning bright. Bereft of any hesitation or doubt.

The cacophony of noises may sound like disturbing pollution to the ears, but to the alliance members, it was far from it.

It was a song of their leader's promise of victory. A constant reminder that hope still remained for them all.

Motivated by Bell's constant hammering at the forge, the alliance members followed his leading example. Never once halting work no matter the time of day. Never once faltering or doubting the attainment of their dream.

Following the light of their hero, the alliance dedicated their heart and souls to every task asked of them to perform. Even rising beyond the expectations of the alliance leadership on multiple occasions.

"Mortals never cease to surprise me. Constantly fighting with the will to continue moving forward. Even if they're bogged down by the folly of sin and pride, hope always seems to find a way to ignite their hearts once more"

Hermes smiled gently as he agreed with Isis' words. Never once did he think that the looming shadow he met that fateful night in the slums of Orario would eventually be heading an alliance against a world-level threat, and yet here he was witnessing it all come to fruition.

'Isis was a really good find. With her personality, she will not harbor any desire to seize control of Shalzard whilst giving it her all to raise her children… but the same can't be said for the other goddess we were able to recruit…'

Hermes thought with difficulty as he turned his attention away from Isis to the other goddess that had been recruited to the alliance's cause.

"First that damn Helios kicks me out of my house and ships me off to Gekai, and now I can't get any sleep with all this loud noise… IS IT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR A GODDESS TO SIMPLY RELAX IN PEACE?!-"

A white-haired beauty shouted in pain as she tried her best to find enough tranquility to be whisked away into a peaceful slumber. Clutching an intricate doll by her right side and a pillow on her left, the goddess Selene was not the most enthused person to be part of the alliance.

"Selene, I get that you want to sleep with your doll, but at least hold out until you give out your falna to the children…"

Hermes said pleadingly as he knew how volatile the goddess was, being fellow residents of the same region in Tenkai. But try as Hermes might to not incite any emotions within the miffed goddess, Selene erupted in anger regardless.


"S-Sure… sorry for the rude remark… mister Endymion…"

Hearing Hermes apologize to the lifeless doll by her side, Selene's mood grew docile very quickly. The obsession that Selene held for the doll in her grasp was both the reason why they were able to recruit her, and a large concern in Hermes' eyes regarding her future cooperation.

'That doll… if I recall what Helios told me about it, it's based on the appearance of some mortal thousands of years ago that Selene took a liking to… but since this happened before we were able to descend, Selene was only able to sculpt his appearance and act as if the doll were his proxy in Tenkai…'

Hermes thought as he remembered the information that had been provided to him by Helios.

The sun god was the first choice Hermes had when he was looking for recruits for the alliance. Since his beloved spirit, Eos, was in league with their forces, and her sister spirit Hesperides was in great turmoil, Hermes believed it would be easy to gain his assistance.

But unfortunately, Helios was not a god who was able to descend, as his departure from Tenkai would cause immense trouble for the governance of the world.

'He mentioned that ever since a certain perverted sun god descended while thinking with his lower brain, the governance of the sun has been facing a problem because of a lack of personnel. Something he had to fill in for lest the world goes dark…'

(E/D: Now cut his head off and make a torch light out of it.)

Ever since the descent from Tenkai to Gekai was established, many gods and goddesses took the opportunity to relieve themselves of their immense boredom by mingling with mortals… but as a result of their mass exodus in search of entertainment, Tenkai was faced with an immense crisis the world had never seen before.

𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙤𝙤 𝙛𝙚𝙬 𝙜𝙤𝙙𝙨 𝙡𝙚𝙛𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙜𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙 𝙞𝙣 𝙏𝙚𝙣𝙠𝙖𝙞.

Faced with such a crisis, the great gods of the numerous regions and pantheons in Tenkai gathered together to establish a system whereby the descent of the gods could be controlled and organized.

Numerous procedures were held in place to make sure the bare minimum amount of divinities remained in Tenkai in order for the world to be properly governed. Such was the reason why the goddess Hestia had been barred from descending for so long, as she held the important title of virgin goddess and was the last keeper of the sacred flame of heaven.

'Helios was rejected from descending because his departure would bring chaos to the lower world… so faced with such a problem, he decided to kick his constantly sleeping neighbor Selene to go in his place'

Helios had threatened to chuck the goddess' beloved doll into the sun if she didn't comply with his demands, and faced with the destruction of her doll, Selene agreed to aid the alliance in their cause.

'But since Selene was forced to aid the alliance rather than through her own volition… she has not been the easiest person to work with'

Hermes recalled numerous points where the moon goddess had complained incessantly to his ear and those of his children during the journey to Merkabah.


The god thought deeply about how to best convince the goddess to aid their cause, whilst the goddess simply fell silent as she let her annoyance brew within her heart.

But as Selene did so, her eyes wandered amongst the crowd of Shalzardian mortals for a moment. After landing her eyes on a certain child who was carrying a box of supplies down the street with all his might, the goddess' heart began to beat faster and faster.

"No way… his reincarnation…"

Hearing Selene talk, Hermes was broken out of his thoughts. Facing the goddess whose face was reddening immensely, he grew greatly confused. But before he was able to ask what exactly had happened…


Selene was now one of the most enthusiastic members of the alliance.

"... eh?"

Hermes was dumbfounded that the reluctant goddess had such a sudden change of heart… but he was not one to look a gifted horse in the face, and immediately accepted the goddess' eagerness to support their cause.

"Well… welcome aboard I guess?"

Selene was smiling giddily to herself as she lost her mind to fantasies, while Isis smiled gently seeing her compatriot goddess becoming as enthusiastic as her to help the mortal children of Shalzard and the alliance.

Soon after, the members of the Shalzard kingdom's fighting force were gathered to receive the two goddesses' falna. Outside of the insistence of Selene in recruiting a particular child to her familia, there were no problems that occurred during the blessing process.

Thus, the Isis and Selene familias were established. Agreeing to remain neutral in the affairs of the Shalzard kingdom's governance, bound by the honor of the two goddesses with Hermes and Freya being assigned as keepers of the oath.

The children of the two familias were immediately subjected to immense training by the adventurers of the Freya familia, utilizing their unique style of training by sparring till near death.

The adventurers went into the training with exasperated moods as they believed they would be doing nothing more than beating up a bunch of weaklings… but they were proven wrong.




The soldiers of the Shalzard kingdom kept bringing themselves back up after being pummeled time and time again by the Freya familia. Throwing themselves through immense pain and learning to fight better and better with each knockout they received.

The recovery wards were flooded throughout all times of the day. Potions were consumed en masse as healers struggled to keep up with the number of patients requesting their services.

They fell to the ground, recovered, learned, and stood back up to fight once more. They hounded the Freya familia's adventurers with an obsession. Their eyes grew wilder as they desperately trained through each bout. They didn't desire victory over their abusive trainers… no… they desired to grow strong.

Far too long have they ridden on the coattails of the Gray Ghost to achieve their desires. From the saving of their king from bondage as a slave, to the releasing of their brethren being held captive by desert raiders, to undertaking bloody battles and ensuring victory for their resistance, to even being able to escape Sorshana as he held the enemy forces back.

Far too long have the Sorshana people taken advantage of their savior's kindness. Given the chance to lessen the burden he would need to carry, the stubborn people of the desert dedicated themselves to the task fully.

As the sounds of Bell's forge resounded through the city, so did the war cries of the people that followed the path he trailblazed.

Bell had dedicated everything to realizing the dreams of a far-off people of a far-off land. It would be a stain upon their people's honor should they give anything less than absolute devotion.

"For our nation's benefactor…"

"For our people's hope…"

"For our hero…"

The people's will converged as one in service of the solitary warrior who foolishly wished to save the world.

Bell forged their weapons, as the people honed their wills.

98 𝙙𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙡 𝙎𝙤𝙧𝙨𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙖'𝙨 𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙡𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣.



A month had passed since the start of the alliance's preparations for the upcoming battle.

The hammering and flames of Bell's forge continued to resound and burn brightly across the city as the people continued to dedicate themselves to their tasks and training just as fervently as he did.

The desert ships docked by the outskirts of the city walls were stripped bare. All that remained of the once plentiful fleet of wooden warships was only the magical core and the assisting magical devices that allowed the arcane tool to propel the craft.

In place of the wooden hull that once previously made up its structure was a composite alloy consisting of common but durable metals with faint traces of mithril that improved the transfer of magical energy from the core to the entirety of the craft.

The numerous ships no longer appeared as the medieval galleons that were so commonplace in the world of Danmachi but were more akin to the brutalist modern warships of Bell's past life.

The reason was simple: the battleground where the final fight would take place simply didn't allow such a primitive ship design to enter its premises.

The city of Sorshana now held within itself the harsh winds of numerous Behemoths. Any sail-driven ship would be thrashed around with little to do in the face of such a violent storm, so Bell opted to make the desert ships be entirely propelled by the magical core, as well as adding the additional weight of the metals to ensure the ships would stay grounded and not freefall across the desert.

Another concern that Bell had was the poison that was associated with the Behemoth's wind and blood.

He was fortunate that when he was consumed by the black ash storm previously that the winds of the Behemoth had yet to gain their poisonous properties, something that would only occur once the gigantic monstrosities slowed their rapid pace and began to produce the toxic gas through a specific organ in their body.

But now that the Behemoths were given time to rest, there was no doubt in Bell's mind that the storm was not only extremely violent but incredibly poisonous, even to adventurers that possessed [Abnormal Resistance].

As such, he decided to construct the ships to be air-tight as well.

It was an extreme problem for him to be able to produce oxygen tanks on such a large scale for each ship. Still, luckily for him, the study of chemistry and synthesizing wasn't completely new to the world of Danmachi, having read a bit on the subject during his time in the Altenian academy.

Questioning himself about the inconsistent progress of technology in the world, Bell had ordered Asfi, Hermes, and Freya to begin the mass production of oxygen tanks for the desert ships.

Under his strict and detailed instructions, the alliance marveled at the developing fleet of warships. Something that even left Freya and her accompanying familia executives aghast.

"These ships… the sheer density of magical and engineering innovation placed into their designs could even put the floating ship of Hringhorni to shame…"

Said Hedin as he walked alongside Freya through the busy makeshift shipyard of the currently in-development desert ships.

He and his fellow executives had been busy exterminating any straggling Behemoths around the perimeter of Sorshana as per Bell's instructions. Gathering not only the horns, claws, and bones of the gigantic beast but its muscles and organs as well. All of which Bell accepted and put to good use.

"Logic doesn't seem to apply to Bell Cranel…"

"Wouldn't a task of this size require an entire team's worth of shipwrights?"

"Perhaps he has experience in designing ships as an apprentice, such as ourselves?"

"It truly doesn't make any sense…"

The Gulliver brothers said in chorus about their thoughts of the scenery. Their voices and thoughts synchronized perfectly and never broke in pace or tone from one another.

"The clock strikes ever closer to midnight for thy heinous and bestial occupiers of Sorshana…"

Said Hogni as he tucked his hood even tighter. In awe of what was happening around him, but his social anxiety began to awaken as he walked in the presence of so many people.


While the rest of the familia's executives spoke out their thoughts, Allen was quiet as he moved his gaze across the place. The words that Bell had spoken to him were ringing constantly in his mind, and the image of his younger sister kept haunting him just as thoroughly.


The cat person's pride was simply too high to admit defeat, but he had to admit that his personal feelings regarding his goddess had diminished.

As the week flew by, the Freya familia had reluctantly begun to accept that Bell was the only worthy contender to be the goddess' beloved.

Seeing so many people move and work earnestly as a result of his actions.

Feeling the burning spirit of the people continue to stay alight despite the overwhelming odds.

Hearing the chorus of laughter and determination in the air, boldly making itself known as the looming storm of darkness sat just shortly beyond the horizon.

None among their rank could confidently say that they too would be able to inspire such change and fervor among such a large group of people.

The image of Bell was slowly cementing itself in the minds of Freya's children as the rightful taker of their treasured goddess' heart… but they simply couldn't bring themselves to accept it.

They all began to dedicate themselves more fervently to cultivating their strength.

Training nonstop among their own members on top of training with the Shalzard army.

Hunting down the Behemoths and unlucky surface monsters more quickly and accruing more excelia to add to their statuses.

Just as Bell ignited a spirit of determination among the Shalzard people, he also ignited a spirit of competition among the mostly dormant Freya familia.

After they had secured their position as the strongest in the world, many of their members grew lax with their training. Though to the eyes of outsiders, it may appear to be very brutal, it was nothing in comparison to the brutality Folkvangr was in during the reign of Evilus.

A competitor had appeared so suddenly and taken away the greatest person they held in their hearts… it would only be a matter of time until Bell had fully taken the title of strongest for himself… so until that time arrived, the Freya familia was determined to make him struggle for it.

Hedin grasped his staff. Hogni gripped his magic sword. The Gulliver brothers tensed their muscles. Allen sharpened his gaze.

The sleeping giant in service of the goddess Freya was now slowly rousing itself from a deep slumber.


Freya chuckled lightly as she could feel the burning conviction of her children as they walked behind her.

She was quite happy that Bell had woken up her children from their long period of dormancy. If fueling their spirits with jealousy was what was needed to let them strive to become stronger, it was something she didn't mind subjecting her children to.

'It's a nice benefit alongside my personal desire to be with Bell, but I would like for all my children to become stronger… Loki and I know all too well that this period of peace is simply a temporary thing'

Freya reminisced of the past as she locked her gaze on the orange sky of the desert. A brilliant hue was painted across the vast expanse as the sun began to set.

The dark age of Orario. The collapse of Zeus and Hera. The failure to subjugate the ancient dragon. The rise of Evilus. The chaos that ensued.

The deaths of allies. The deaths of innocents. The deaths of the weak. The deaths of the strong.

The blood of strangers. The blood of passing acquaintances. The blood of enemies… The blood of her children.


As one of the two familias that rose to prominence after the fall of Zeus and Hera, Freya and her children had taken up their responsibility as the final line of defense for Orario.

They were present at every front in the war against the evil gods. She led her beloved children to battle… and she would come from every skirmish with less and less among her family.

The beautiful souls of children she picked up from the chaotic times. Children from the streets who starved in hunger. Children from smoldering ruins who survived the tragedies of the war. Children she cared for and raised with all her heart… for though she could never truly reciprocate their admiration of her… loved them she did.

"My children…"

Freya spoke softly as she slowed her steps. Her voice and tone alerted the accompanying executives by her side.

"It's all well and good to desire more strength… but please… make sure to come back home at the end of the day, alright?"

Freya lost so many who declared their intent to achieve dreams of grandeur. Many more in the desire to obtain her heart.

In the eyes of the goddess, a single year was but an instant, a decade fleeting movement, a century a passing breeze. She had come to learn and let go of so many mortal children in her brief time in the lower world… her heart had hardened over time but began to slowly awake from her twilight as she walked through life by Bell's side.

Time began to rewind for Freya. Slowly but surely reverting to a version of herself she considered weak and careless… but genuine in every sense of the word.


Freya had yet the heart to face her children. She had yet to find the courage to express her vulnerability to people beyond Bell… but her sentiments rang clear to her followers who chased after her visage for years.

Kneeling on the ground and laying their weapons by their sides, the executives pledged their fealty once more to the goddess that had saved them.

From a life of burden, wearing crowns they never asked for.

From a life of servitude, producing works that never spoke to their hearts.

From a life of struggle, wandering the burning remnants of mortal conquest and greed.

Obtaining the goddess' heart, such was a desire that rang true for all of them at present… but the desire to never see her shed tears was one even stronger.

Amid the burning wills for the victory of the Shalzard people, the Freya familia lay somber in contemplation.

Accepting the changing of the times.

Facing the hurdles of the future.

Reaffirming the motivation they found in the long past days of yore.

Such was the way of the strongest. Warriors who have gained and lost in equal measure on every battlefield they walked upon.

Such was the way of the Freya familia. Children of the goddess who suffered in cold silence.

68 𝙙𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙡 𝙎𝙤𝙧𝙨𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙖'𝙨 𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙡𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣.




Walking to the gates of the Merkabah was a lone figure dressed in a robe of black. Tall and imposing, the mysterious figure walked with a calm gait. Nearing ever closer to the gates of the alliance's occupied city with each passing second.

"Hold your fire men"

As the figure drew closer to the city, numerous weapons were raised and aimed at his visage. Spears and bows were trained towards him, held by soldiers whose gazes looked upon him fiercely.

"Identify yourself immediately"

An officer of the Shalzard army spoke to the mysterious figure with a tone that wouldn't waver even in the face of a sandworm. The man who donned the army's officer uniform and those who wore armor behind him were once simple men and women who knew little of strength.

But they were now changed. Gone were the days of peaceful lives and trembling in weakness. They were now all warriors. Fighters who were reluctantly acknowledged by the high-class adventurers of Freya and Hermes for their tenacity.

Such were the fruits of the Shalzard army's training with the Freya and Hermes familia. Manifesting as increases to each soldier's status, empowering their once weak mortal bodies.

Their progress would be considered impressive, even by the standards of Orario. The sheer dedication to repeatedly face the high-class adventurers of Freya and Hermes nearly to the point of death gave immense amounts of excelia to each soldier.

Their statuses primarily focused on Strenght, Endurance, and Agility. Most soldiers' stats hovered close to or around rank H after going through a single month of training.

The Shalzard army was now a fighting force that held the possibility to establish hegemony over the Kaios region, but such aspirations weren't the driving force for them all to endure such hellish training.

All of their sights were set on the mysterious hero who kept guiding them through the bloody and painful road to reclaiming their homeland. To repay their gratitude to the Gray Ghost… such was the desire that drove an entire army to such lengths.

"... It would seem Bell held true to his promise to raise a Behemoth killing army"

The lone figure spoke in a soft tone before eventually putting away his cloak to reveal who he truly was. The captain of the Freya familia and the world's current strongest adventurer, Ottar. Having returned from a personal mission that Bell had assigned him to.

Realizing who they were pointing their weapons towards, the Shalzard army soldiers immediately disarmed themselves and apologized to the Boaz beast man. But, as befitting his alias of 『King』, Ottar paid it no mind. He had more pressing matters he wished to attend to, rather than pointlessly argue with a couple of level ones.



Ottar walked through the streets of Merkabah in silence as his eyes drifted from side to side, taking in the constant movement of every person as he made his way to the alliance's headquarters.

Alliance personnel carried supplies to and fro from all directions, making sure constant progress was being made throughout the day.

Shalzard soldiers sparred intensely with the adventurers of the Freya and Hermes familia, nearly to the point of exhaustion as their bodies were dirtied and bloodied.

The sound of hammering metal and fiery shouts intertwined alongside the idle laughter and street-side small talk of the people.

Ottar held no doubt that Bell would be capable of leading the alliance to victory, but it still surprised him to the extent the vigilante's charisma had on his allies.

'During the height of Evilus' reign of terror upon Orario, not even the assurance of Lady Freya and Lady Loki's familias were able to calm the people this much…'

Ottar had grown up fighting alongside the greatest talents Orario had to offer, so he knew full well that the ability to ignite such a mood among a people fighting against despairing odds wasn't something to brush off.

'The closest thing Bell's charisma resembles should be Maxim's… Empress was rather eccentric, but Maxim was always able to instill confidence in an army no matter how bad the odd's were…'

His instincts were telling him that the similarities between the former captain of the Zeus familia and the vigilante didn't stop at a mere coincidence.

'It's as if the Zeus familia lives on through Bell Cranel…'

Ottar always sought to grow through a worthy opponent with whom he could test himself, but after the fall of Zeus and Hera, his warrior's spirit grew cold as he stood by himself at the pinnacle of strength…

… and it was only after Bell had made himself known that the lonely king waited eagerly for the day when he would no longer be alone in his pursuit of strength.

"It looks like yours and Alfia's bet paid off, Zald. The future is looking more and more interesting…"

Ottar said as he tightened his grasp on the large sack he carried on his back, something which drew the attention of the passersby.



Once Ottar had entered the headquarters of the alliance, he was astounded by how much it had changed during the time he was gone.

The halls were filled to the brim with personnel. Entering and leaving rooms constantly without rest.

Numerous rooms were filled with contraptions he wasn't familiar with but unknown to Ottar, the headquarters were producing the vital line of defense for the army in the upcoming battle. Oxygen tanks.

After inquiring for directions as to where Bell was from some surprised alliance personnel, he was directed toward the office of Asfi.

He was informed that Bell had secluded himself in his forge ever since he began production of the alliance's equipment, and only Asfi had the means to contact him.

Walking for a bit more, Ottar finally arrived at the location of Asfi's office… though he was unsure if he was in the correct place at first.

The room was a large storage room, far from what Ottar remembered as being an office, but after knocking on the door and entering the room, it soon became clear why the famed item maker made a storage room her main office.

Row upon row of equipment was all that Ottar could see. Every single piece emitted faint amounts of magic, indicating that Asfi had enchanted every single object into a magic item of high quality.

Endless amounts of communication orbs in order to facilitate effective communication throughout the entire alliance force. Something that Asfi was able to create after referencing the Occulus orbs in Freya's possession.

Ventilators and gas masks complimenting the oxygen tanks being produced. All were made in order to ensure every member of the alliance didn't have to inhale the poisonous black wind of the Behemoths for the upcoming battle.

Precise measurement tools of all kinds. Made to a specificity that only someone of Asfi's caliber was capable of producing in such quantity and consistency.

And more eye-catching of all was the endless amounts of shell-like equipment.

Though their numbers would normally catch anyone's attention due to the sheer amount of shell-like items there were in the storage room compared to everything else, Ottar was fascinated by it for another reason. It was the smell.

"Kaenseki and Orbia Flare?..."

He naturally knew all too well the scents of the two materials that filled each of the shell-like objects, because they were infamous for their explosive properties.

The Kaenseki was a drop item from the deep floor monster known as the Flame Rock. A mineral that reacted violently to fire, resulting in a powerful explosion.

Meanwhile, the Orbia Flare was a plant that was commonly found around volcanoes throughout Gekai. Its sap was known to be able to set alight a brilliant flame after coming into contact with mind.

Ottar had become intimately familiar with the two materials through the numerous terror bombing attacks of Evilus, so he was quite unnerved to see that such a large amount of the material was gathered inside a building containing so many people.

But before he could ponder on it more, Ottar was suddenly greeted by a tired voice. One belonging to Asfi.

"Ottar? Ah, you must be done with the mission Bell gave you…"

Ottar turned around in order to reply back, but he was a bit surprised by what he saw.

Asfi appeared greatly disheveled. Immense eyebags hung beneath each of her cyan eyes that seemed to be devoid of life.

Her body slightly staggered as she slowly walked towards the beastman. It was as if the captain of the Hermes familia hadn't seen the light of day for months.

Asfi noticed Ottar's concerned gaze shifting between her tired self and the shell-like items around the room and soon realized that an explanation was in order.

"Don't worry too much 『King』. All the ammunition primer has been removed, so you don't have to worry about anything exploding"

"Though I haven't slept in three days, I'm not amateurish enough to commit such a simple mistake. This isn't my first time working while exhausted"

Hearing her words, Ottar was relieved and soon realized why there was so much of the shell-like item.

Each and every one of them was a piece of ammunition. Something he assumed to be Bell's Behemoth killing weapon.

'So his plan is to bombard the Behemoths with artillery… It's not like the Zeus and Hera familia hadn't thought of the idea before. So perhaps there is something that makes them special?'

Ottar wondered as to why Bell was so confident that these weapons would be capable of killing Behemoths.

"Follow me『King』. I'll explain a bit about how these weapons work while I lead the way to Bell's forge. It'll take a while till we get there"

Asfi said as she beckoned Ottar to follow her. The Boaz beast man complied with no resistance, eager to meet with Bell and curious as to the inner workings of the ammunition.

The pair walked deep into the alliance headquarters. The halls grew less and less abundant with life as they pushed forward whilst a faint sense of heat began to grow more prominent with every step they took.

"The whole crux of Bell's operation boils down to a simple enchantment he devised solely to combat the Behemoths. An enchantment that would allow a weapon to perform much better when faced with a gigantic opponent"

『Giant Slayer』

"An original enchantment he developed through his studies in Altena. It's a simple enchantment that allows a weapon to absorb more mind from a user in proportion to the difference between the size of the weapon and the size of the opponent"

Asfi talked eloquently as she continued to guide Ottar to Bell's forge. Passing through numerous hallways filled to the brim with countless pieces of equipment. All of which Ottar could feel were high-end pieces of craftsmanship.

"However, although the enchantment scales in proportion to the difference in height, there is a limit as to how strong a weapon can grow through the enchantment. Should the limit be reached and continue to grow, the enchantment would turn the weapon into a magic bomb"

"That was what Bell was going for. By utilizing the vast amounts of mind the enchantment could gather alongside a highly reactive mixture of Kaenseki and Orbia Flare sap, he has essentially mass-produced a high–class explosive against Behemoths"

Ottar was silent in awe as to the implications such a weapon could mean for the future battle. Behemoths as a monster species were naturally very large. The smallest of their kind sized up to around a small house in size, and only went up from there.

The ammunition Bell had produced turned their natural boons into their biggest weakness. Though Ottar was still unaware as to the strength of the explosion, given the purity of Kaenseki and Orbia Flare sap he was able to detect previously, he didn't doubt it was strong.

"Through the reports that your familia members gave during their expeditions to gather Behemoths drop items for item manufacturing, we were able to pinpoint the general location of where a Behemoth's magic stone would be"

"So we configured each round of ammunition to contain an orichalcum projectile which will utilize the immense force of the explosion to pierce deep through the hide of the Behemoth. Hopefully destroying its magic core in the process"

"The ammunition will be fired through a cannon we plan to install in the retrofitted desert ships. So we have been training the alliance forces in physical durability in order to ensure the cannons can be constantly firing"

Asfi continued to break down the specifics of each weapon that she and Bell had produced in the last few months, and Ottar was left speechless by everything he had heard.

He had personally experienced the Zeus and Hera familias fight against the Behemoth. The Freya familia of that time was relegated to support duties in order to ensure that the main fighting force was in top shape, but even in his position, Ottar could tell just how hard the battle was.

'Potions, Antidotes, and Elixirs were consumed non-stop in order to mitigate the effects of the poisonous winds and blood of the Behemoth… and even more, issues arose when it came to breaking through the monster's hide'

'But in just a few months, Bell Cranel was able to almost completely nullify what troubled the greatest of Orario's adventurers all those years ago… had we possessed this equipment, how many lives could've been spared from the battle?'

Ottar thought as he looked through the equipment set casually in the hallways.

Metal paneling for the dessert ships. Lined with enchantments that increased the material's durability and defense, and its resistance against corrosion.

Air-tight suits of armor that allowed the wearer to subsist purely on the oxygen provided by the oxygen tank.

Weapons and ammunition that turned the Behemoth's greatest strengths in on itself. Armaments that were worthy of the title of Anti-Behemoth weapons.


Ottar was silent as he realized Bell brought to fruition an idea that even the current greatest adventurers of Orario doubted.

He forged weapons that could kill giants. Raised an army that would become their bane. Cultivated hope of promised victory. He had done all these things through his words and actions.

"You have proven yourself Bell Cranel… all that's left is for you to take my throne…"

Ottar whispered to himself his acknowledgment of Bell as his goddess' beloved. He no longer held any doubts about the potential of the young adventurer. It was now only a question of when he would take the title of strongest… something Ottar would eagerly wait for.



Ottar and Asfi were nearing the entrance to Bell's forge, and the area began to significantly increase in heat. The air was burning hot as clouds of smoke wrapped the area in a hazy fog.

Asfi had to put on a gas mask and a salamander wool coat in order not to incur any injuries that might hamper her ability to create magic items.

Ottar's natural resistances and status as a level seven adventurer were able to mitigate the effects of the growing heat, but even he knew how unnatural it was for such a phenomenon to be possible through a forge.

'This heat is similar to the heat produced by the Dragon Vase's deep floors… just how intense is the heat being produced by Bell's forge?'

The pair continued to trek through until they came across a great metal door. The entrance to the forge Bell had been using for the last few months to produce so many weapons.

The hammering of steel resounded. The heat of fire permeated throughout the structure. The forge spurred with life as the blacksmith continued to labor endlessly without rest.

Asfi slowly approached the door with a small key in hand. Placing the key into an inconspicuous hole, numerous gears, and locks began to move. Unlocking the great metal door slowly but surely.

Something that had been installed in the forge's entrance in order to ensure that nothing outside of the most urgent of concerns would take away Bell's focus from forging.


A heavy metal sound reverberated throughout the hall as the door to the forge slowly began to open up. In an instant, an intense wave of heat struck both Ottar and Asfi as the figure of Bell slowly began to form in their eyes.


Bell was silently hammering away at an anvil as great flames surrounded him on all sides. Multiple forges were brimming with life, melting down numerous precious metals. Countless pieces of equipment lay scattered across the room.

Though there were many impressive pieces for Ottar to observe, a single weapon was enough to take his attention away from it all. Hanging above his head with chains was a large black cannon that emanated immense power.

Ottar could tell that it had been forged with an abundance of Behemoth drop items as the barrel's presence resembled the gigantic beast of black.

Numerous enchantments were inscribed throughout its length. Differing from the normal canons he had seen while making his way to the forge previously, the black cannon truly encapsulated the title of a Behemoth killing weapon.


Numerous bolts of lightning manifested throughout the two rails of the cannon's barrel. The sight was fascinating to Ottar who had never seen such a weapon before in his life.

Unknown to him, he was staring at a piece of artillery that could do so much more than kill a simple Behemoth like the other armaments Bell had produced.

"Don't stare too much at that weapon, Ottar. It's still a prototype that's undergoing development… Bell said that it wasn't powerful enough for his liking"

Hearing what Asfi had said about the weapon, Ottar failed to imagine what more could be done. But before he could lose himself in such thoughts, he had finally arrived at the center of the forge where Bell was currently working.


Bell was silent as he continued to hammer away at his anvil. Creating a magnificent black spear that exuded immense magical power. Ottar could tell that the weapon was being tailor-made for a single person, Allen Fromel.


There were tons of weapons around Bell that were in varying stages of production. A staff for Hedin, a sword for Hogni, a series of gigantic weapons for the Gulliver brothers, and accompanying black full-plated armor sets for all of them.

"Bell is nearly done with the production of all the weapons for the alliance… the last project he will undertake will probably be your weapon and armor, Ottar"

Asfi commented as Ottar continued to remain silent.

He could feel that Bell was so focused on his work that not even his words would be able to reach him at that moment, so he simply laid down his sack on a nearby table and spread out all of its contents.

"A sword of the fallen Zeus familia… I never thought I would be able to see something of its caliber"

Asfi was mesmerized by the gigantic sword Ottar had laid on the table. The sword of the first-class adventurer Zald, which had slain the great monster Behemoth in a single blow.

It was a blade of orichalcum enchanted with 『Durandal』, allowing the weapon to remain so pristine despite all the years that had passed since it was last wielded.

The weapons, armor, and equipment of the Zeus and Hera familias were of a quality that was hard to replicate, even in current times.

The two great familias produced their high-end equipment with the cooperation of the world's best. With their dominance, only the two familias were capable of gathering the best artisans of every group and faction to produce numerous works of art, without any dispute occurring during the creation process.

The sword of Zald was one such piece. Forged by the best blacksmiths the world over. Enchanted and polished with techniques that would make the Hepheastus and Goibniu familias struggle to recreate.

With such a high-class sword available, it would be enough for Bell to create a powerful weapon to combat Behemoths, but the sword wasn't the only thing he had assigned Ottar to gather in the black desert.

A large bone. A black claw. A black horn. A couple of strands of dense muscle fibers… and a large and eerie beast-like heart.

As the Zeus and Hera familias slayed the Behemoth in the past, there was a mystery that hovered over the two familias as they recovered from the battle.

𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙𝙣'𝙩 𝙨𝙚𝙚𝙢 𝙩𝙤 𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙮 𝙙𝙧𝙤𝙥 𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙢𝙨 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩 𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧

During their battle with the Leviathan, they had been able to recover numerous items such as the monster's skeleton, its fins, and numerous other items, but no such items were found after the defeat of the Behemoth.

But unknown to them at the time, they were simply buried deep within the ashes of the great monster. The immense amount of ash had obscured all traces of their magical energy, so they were simply left to wither through time. The great adventurers unknowingly left behind numerous treasures in the black desert…

… except, Bell knew perfectly well where they were located. As a reincarnator, he was able to recall such a fact being talked about during the Danmachi side story "Grand Day".

So on top of the retrieval of Zald's sword, Bell had ordered Ottar to retrieve as many drop items from the great monster as he could. Resulting in the recovery of the monster's bones, claws, horns, muscles, and most importantly its heart.

After sorting out the materials, Ottar and Asfi left the forge without breaking Bell out of his trance. The pair were sure that he would know what to do once he saw the materials.


Ottar took one last look at Bell's figure as Asfi slowly closed the door to the forge. Seeing him work so tirelessly to produce numerous weapons, he couldn't help but have his competitive spirit ignited.


The metal door reverberated with a deep noise as the locking mechanisms began to securely tighten the structure.

After walking back to the main parts of the alliance headquarters, Asfi and Ottar parted ways as they tended to their respective works, both finding motivation after seeing Bell.

Asfi continued to enchant numerous magic items throughout the day and night. Never once sacrificing quality or quantity as the day for the alliance's operation neared.

Ottar began to train by himself. As the executives of his familia all busied themselves with their own training to grow stronger, the Boaz beastman went on many solo expeditions to eradicate straggling Behemoths and other surface monsters that happened to be on his path.


As the alliance all busied themselves with their own training, Bell continued to silently hammer away at his forge. His body was continuously being reinforced through his magecraft, and healing from the fatigue and burns through 『Avalon』


Bell's body moved purely through instinct. He had entered such a deep state of flow that he no longer sensed the passage of time. He simply only felt the dextrous movements of his hands, the heat of his forge, and the recoil of his hammer upon the anvil.


His months of endless forging had allowed Bell to gain a deeper understanding of his powers. Improving his overall idea on how to best utilize his projection magecraft.

"... fuu…"

After adding the finishing touches to his last creation, Bell slowly but surely returned back to his normal self. His flow state began to end as he felt the passage of time return to his senses.

In a moment, all the fatigue he had accumulated in the past few months struck Bell all at once. Though his body and muscles haven't deteriorated due to his regeneration, he had felt the anguish of overusing his body for so long.

"FUCK!!!... HAA!!!… HAA!!!… HAA!!!…"

Bell writhed in pain for a few moments before the worst of the pain eventually subsided. Breathing slowly for a while after, he eventually picked himself back up to observe what he believed to be his finest work.

"I really want to rest right now… but I just have to appreciate just how much of a genius I am"

Looking down at the sword he had rested upon his worn anvil, Bell slowly clasped the grip of the gigantic sword he had forged.

A deep black greatsword that radiated the aura of a bestial predator. Oppressing all that was unworthy of facing its edge through its visage alone.

Forged with all the techniques he had implanted into his memory through UBW, and enchanted with everything he had learned in Altena, the sword Bell had forged was currently his best work. Even beating out the projection he had used to slay the Leviathan.

"What should I call you? I could call it Dragon Slayer, but considering the black dragon is still kicking around I don't think it would be appropriate…"

Bell was sure that the sword he had forged would become one of Ottar's mainstay weapons, so he didn't want to cause any possible friction between him and the dragon-hating maniac that was Ais Wallenstein.

Thus he began to ponder on an appropriate name for the sword. Drawing upon his experience with the numerous stories he had read, Bell began to search for a name fitting for a Behemoth killing weapon.

Eventually, he stumbled across one of the most famous betrayals of all of human history in his past life. One of the greatest falls for one of the most powerful men the human world had ever known.

"I suppose it's only right… for a sword capable of killing the king of the land, it should be named after one of the most famous king slayers… or should it be emperor in this case?"

Raising the black greatsword overhead, Bell admired its making as he slowly uttered its name henceforth.


38 𝙙𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙡 𝙎𝙤𝙧𝙨𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙖'𝙨 𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙡𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣.



"Haa… haa… haa… Freya…"

"You like that, Bell? You want more of it?"

"Mmm… please… more…"

"Just keep voicing yourself out like that… fuu… it motivates me~"

"Freya… haa… haa… you… you-"

"Just let it all out, Bell~"

"You… you…"


Bell screamed out in delight as he lay in his bed, with Freya kneading and massaging his back with expert movements and precision.

He could do nothing but writhe in pleasure as the goddess removed all the tension his body had accumulated in the past few months with her soft and gentle hands.

For the last few weeks before the alliance's attack on the Behemoth storm began, Bell prioritized unwinding and resting his tired body before the fight began. Resting and relaxing in every way he could.

Seeing this, Freya volunteered to assist in his recovery through her expertise in full-body massages.

Bell was suspicious of the goddess' proposition at first but soon threw all caution to the wind as he melted in her divine masseuse technique.

"Haa… haa… haa… Freya… can I please pay you if I want a massage again in the future?"

Having experienced the goddess' massage, Bell was confident that he could no longer live without it.

Seeing the desperation in her Odr's eyes, Freya was amused that she was able to so effectively seduce the vigilante through such a benign tactic.

(E/D: Some men don't want anything horni like segs… Some men… just want a hug.)

"You know I can give this to you every night if you just accept my confession?"

Freya began to pressure Bell to break and accept her confession which he had been putting on hold until now.

Bell's face contorted in pain as Freya's suggestion was really making his resolve falter, but alas, he still managed to put the goddess' confession answer on hold.

The pair continued to relax with one another for a while afterward. The goddess would continue to press him with more and more reasons to accept her confession, while the vigilante simply tried his best to lead the conversation in other directions.

Though it was a hard–fought battle for Bell, he still enjoyed it nonetheless. Being able to return to talking with the people he cherished rather than simply keep hammering away at a forge.

Bell walked around the city, observing the alliance's continued preparations. He managed and resolved some growing paperwork that he had yet to attend to. He even found time to assist Asfi with the last few magic items she needed to enchant.

He spent the last few weeks before the battle at a leisurely pace until he had only one last thing to check up on.

"Let's see how Arry is doing"

Walking slowly to the king's personal training grounds, Bell slowly opened the door, expecting to be greeted with the sight of Arry heavily training. Instead, he was greeted with a sword's edge to the face.


Dodging swiftly, Bell quickly avoided the strike, but he was not out of danger just yet. He was hailed with a flurry of sword strikes just as he tried to gain his composure. But though it was a surprise to be sure, it was not one that he couldn't adapt to.

『Trace on』

Bell projected a sword into his hands and began to swiftly redirect every strike that headed his way, but to his surprise, it proved to be harder than he expected. His assailant was perfectly matched with him in terms of how to best deal with his sword style.


"My, it seems you've gotten better at handling the sword…!!!-"

Bell attempted to make a comment, but he was soon taken off-guard when his blade was interlocked with his assailant's.


Magic circuits sprung to life across Bell's scarred arm as he needed the extra boost in strength to evenly match the stalemate he was now in.

With the assault halted for the moment, he was now able to take a good look at the sword bearer who was now blowing his expectations out of the water.

"Just what have you been doing while I was busy, Arry?"

Bell could only express a grin as he watched how much Arry had changed in a few months. Power coursed through every single part of her body. A faint yellow glow radiated off her being as her muscles seemed more defined than he remembered.

Her eyes were locked on his, her posture never once giving way to allow her opponent to have an opening to exploit. But most shocking to Bell was the reminiscent divine aura that she was now exuding… and the sword she held in her hands.


'I know I was playing as a kingmaker, but I seriously didn't expect something like this…'

Bell could feel that Arry's growth could've only been possible through a spirit contract with Eos, but it didn't explain how it led to the king possessing the sword of selection of the King of knights.

He was highly interested in how such a phenomenon could occur, but such thoughts were relegated for another time, for now, was the time for battle. An affirmation of determination between two sword bearers.


Bell and Arry exited from their stalemate and began to duel fiercely once more. The clashing sound of metal resounded throughout the room as the two performed high-end sword techniques.

The path of their blades turned into a blur as they both upped the ante more and more. Their strength began to cause shockwaves through the training hall, as violent gusts manifested from their intense movements.

Bell and Arry were perfectly matched at that moment, but the vigilante's years of experience simply couldn't be triumphed after a few months of training. Once the pace of the match slowed, Bell would surely win in a battle of attrition or if he exerted more power… but the king only needed a moment to obtain what she wanted.


Bell grew flustered for a moment as Arry surged with a burst of strength in an instant, redirecting the flow of his sword upwards, leaving him defenseless.

He quickly repositioned himself to defend, but Arry simply continued to swing her sword to meet his. She intended to end it all in a single move.

Caliburn glowed brightly as the king whispered an incantation under her breath. Soon, the entire room had been engulfed in a burst of light.


Bell was quiet. His eyes were calm as he focused on the person who currently stood in front of him. Exhaling deeply, sweating profusely, her mind diminished greatly. It was obvious to anyone that Arry had used all of her strength in a single movement…

… and in a single movement… the king had finally closed the significant gap that existed between herself and the man she had set as her goal.

"Haa… haa… haa… I finally reached you…"

Arry raised her head to meet Bell's eyes. She was tired beyond belief…but at that moment, she had never felt more alive. Caliburn now hung next to Bell's neck but slowly began to be withdrawn.

Smiling widely, Arry confidently declared her reaching for Bell. She was not yet strong enough to stand by his side, but now, at least he was within reach. But though she tried her best to appear confident, the king soon began to stumble.

Just as she was about to fall onto the ground, Bell had tried to pick her up, but a burst of light erupted once more and his effort was soon no longer needed.

"You did it, Arry! You did it! You did it!"

Eos transformed back to her humanoid form to assist Arry from falling down, leaving the sword to tumble helplessly onto the ground. Changing its appearance back to Merodach.


Bell was quiet as he observed all that transpired. The blinding light attack. The exhausted king. The overjoyed spirit. The lifeless projection. He observed it all, and his face grew wide with a smile as he processed it in turn.

"Looks like I still have more to learn about this world… nothing wrong with that I suppose"

Knowing there would be more adventures into the unknown waiting for him in the future, Bell began walking forward, joining the spirit and Arry in their banter, wishing to understand all that happened while he was busy forging weapons.

The soldiers readied their arms. The poets readied their songs. The king wore a heavy crown atop the cold throne. War was coming.

Deep dark clouds loomed over the horizon, but the light of hope had yet to extinguish.

The stage was set, and the actors waited with bated breath. The story that would go down in history will now unfurl in the present.

37… 36… 35… 34… 33…32… 31…










𝙍𝙚𝙘𝙡𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙝𝙖𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙙






Thank you for reading this chapter.

This one was a big boy. Over 16k words. There was a lot of stuff I wanted to include before the war began, so I hope you didn't mind the chapter's long length.

I will also try to limit my chapters to around 6-8k words in length moving forward, as I received some advice from my literature professor that 10k words per chapter isn't the best way to tell a story HAHAHAHA.

Sorry for the abrupt string of inactivity. I only have 1 month of schooling left before I graduate high school and head to college, so I hope you can understand why things might be hectic for me.

I will be uploading 1 chapter per day until this arc is finished. Doing some last-minute editing for the remaining chapters.

Thank you for sticking with this fanfic, I hope you look forward to the next chapter, and may you all have a nice day.

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