Unduh Aplikasi
73.33% Dragon Soul: Ryu Senko / Chapter 11: A Night to Remember

Bab 11: A Night to Remember

We find ourselves in the deepest part of the Forest of Death, AKA training ground 44. Shrieks of pure pain and incoherent squels of torture sound throughout the area. The animals have long since fled from the deranged laughs of the one who inflicts this pain. The indescribable scene upon which we come is quite gruesome. The man's intestine's are splayed across the ground infront of him along with various other organs. Each of his ribs and the subsequent bones connected to them are cracked and broken beyond repair. His eyes are bloodshot and dry, whilst his face is gaunt with pain and agony. His vocal chords are visible and his neck is at an unnatural angle. The last thing you see is the man's shriveled (Ahem) object on the floor. This torture is beyond anything anyone could possibly endure and something that no one should have to... O who are we kidding of course he deserves it! If you haven't guessed yet, This man is Orochimaru. One of the Dansetsu no Sannin, and, argueably, the strongest as well. However, after the events of the day prior, He became the personal torture toy of one Anko Mitarashi, mate to Ryuujin.

Anko was currently watching as Orochimaru slowly healed. Apparently, the Shinigami had left a seal on Orochimaru to heal him fully anytime chakra was inserted into it. Anko had plenty of fun destroying his organs and healing him afterwards. Now, however, She had her fill of his pain and would leave him pinned to the tree to heal slowly while she went and "congratulated" her husband for having such a good repoire with the Shinigami. Sora had stopped by and explained that he had met with Shinigami about this deal before Sora gave the soul to the Shinigami. Well that gained major points in both of the girls books. (YES Shinigami is female!)

Anko sighed and visibly checked the kunai and ninja wire wrapped around Orochimaru before Shunshining to the Hokage's office. After all, They had a meeting to go to. They could have their fun afterwards.

Namikaze Estates: 6:30 AM

Naruto and Hana had awoken to find themselves pleasently entertwined. After a half hour of cuddling, Hana had been the one to remind Naruto of the meeting he had today. Naruto had sighed and gotten out of bed and promptly changed into his usual attire. He had turned around only to find Hana rifflng through the other dresser's drawyers.

"Uhhh Hana-chan. I'm not sure anything in there will fit you. Actually, how are there clothes in there? I didn't..." Naruto said his voice trailing off as he saw Hana smirk.

"Hope you don't mind Naruto-kun but I claimed the dresser as mine." She said until her face turned into a frown. "That is unless, you don't want me to have some drawers in here?"

Naruto shook his head quickly, "No No. I'd be happy to let you use those drawyers. Their all yours Tenshi-chan." 'I hope this means what I think it means' He thought.

Hana smirked, 'Perfect step one complete!' 'Step two: strip him down and ride him until your hoarse!' 'Quiet you!' "Great! Thanks Taiyo-kun." She said smiling.

Naruto was a little worried. While he liked having Hana in his bed, He didn't want her moving JUST yet. He had one more thing to change before he asked her for that. "Hey Hana-chan?" Naruto said.

Hana turned just as she was finished getting her clothes on. "Yes Naruto-kun?" She asked

"You didn't put ALL your clothes in here yet huh?" He asked.

Hana shook her head but was a little anxious, "No. Why do you ask?" She replied.

Naruto smirked, "Well, When we go on that date later this week, I wanna be able to surprise you and I won't be able to do that if your here now can I?" He said.

Hana chuckled and inwardly dismissed her anxiety, "Well, how about Friday? Thats at the end of the week and I'm sure most places will be back up because only five buildings were damaged in the attack, thanks to Jiraiya-sama and you of course." (a little unrealistic I know but I made sure that all threats were promptly disposed of before they reached deep into the city.)

Naruto nodded, "Friday it is Tenshi-chan. Now we have a meeting to attend." Hana nodded and stepped next to her boyfriend and took his arm. They both disappeared in a flash of golden lightning.

Hokage's Office: 7 AM

Sarutobi, Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Shizune were all waiting for Naruto and his friends to arrive. Tsunade was deeply worried that Naruto wouldn't forgive her, Shizune was stealing glances at her sensei and wishing her the best of luck, while Jiraiya was sure that the kid would understand his reasonings. After all, the kid loved Konoha.

Sora and Anko both shunshined into the room. One in a silver lighting bolt and the other in a pruplish gas. When they took in the room they didn't even say "Hi". They knew what this was about. Just before Jiriaya opened his mouth, a golden flash flared in the room and died away to reveal Naruto and Hana.

"Yo Jiji!" Naruto said really brightly. Tsunade and Shizune were unsurprised to see the man with Hana. He was pretty protective of her on the battlefield after all. Jiraiya on the other hand... well he's a super pervert so I can't vouch for what was going through his mind. Sora, Anko, and Sarutobi simply smiled at seeing the two lovebirds together.

"Good Morning Naruto. How are you?" Sarutobi asked.

"Never better Oji-san. So what was so important I had to get up and come to the office this early?" Naruto asked.

"Straight to the point then huh?" Sarutobi asked. Naruto simply nodded and Sarutobi motioned to take a seat. Naruto sat down with Hana in the chair next to him. Naruto had quickly took in the people surrounding the office and was mentally frowning at where this meeting was going. "Naruto I would like for you to listen fully to these people here. I assume Sora gave you your parents scrolls correct?" After a nod from both Sora and Naruto, Sarutobi continued, "These two people are Tsunade Senju and Jiraiya of the Sannin."

Tsunade stepped forward only slightly hesitant. "Naruto, We are your godparents. Before you go hating us, please listen to what we have to say. I don't know about the pervert over here, but I am sorry I wasn't here for you." Naruto looked her right in the eyes and kept silent, his eyes almost begging for an answer. "After the Kyuubi's attack, I was crying over Kushina's body and had just proclaimed her dead. I don't remember how long it was before a group of ANBU with the NE symbol on their heads appeared in front of me and told me her son had died from the influx of Kyuubi's chakra. I was grief stricken. First, my brother and lover died defending Konoha, then Minato and Kushina, and now, a child not veen a day old? I couldn't bear it. I didn't even wait to get a full story and it has cost me dearly. I quickly told Shizune to pack everything and we left before dawn the next day. It wasn't until Sarutobi-sensei set up a poker tournament that I came back to Konoha and, when he beat me, did I find out the true story." She was heartfelt the entire talk and several times she failed to meet his eyes. Shizune was watching with hopeful eyes that Naruto would forgive her sensei and give her a chance.

Hana was silently watching Naruto. She could see the tell-tale signs of him being both hurt and relieved at the information. She silently prayed he was more relieved than hurt. Sora and Anko shared a look that spoke volumes of how much they wanted to kill Danzo at the moment. Sarutobi was silently gazing at Naruto trying to decipher him much like Hana, while Jiraiya was sorta hoping he wouldn't have to speak.

Naruto simply turned his gaze to Jiraiya as if to say, 'it's your turn.' Tsunade almost flinched but looked down and started to leave the office. Naruto's hand reached out and caught her arm stopping her. He glanced at her and then returned his gaze to Jiraiya. Naruto couldn't trust his voice right now so he was staying silent. Tsunade stepped back to her spot near Shizune and everyone turned to Jiraiya.

Jiraiya sighed and said, "I knew you were alive kid. I had hoped that the people would respect Minato's wishes but, apprently, that wasn't the case. I couldn't stay in the village because I had to maintain my spy network which is crucial to Konoha's survival. I couldn't very well take a baby along for those types of missions and most of them wouldn't have allowed you even as a child. I still sent presents for your birthday though and I was supposed to let you sign the toad contract and teach you the rasengan when you reached the appropriate level of skill."

Sora, Anko, and Hana were all severely disappointed in that answer. At least Tsunade had been tricked, even if it was a major blunder on her part. Shizune was unhappy as was Tsunade but they had heard the flimsy excuse before.

"So you mean to tell me, you abandoned me in this hellhole for 12 years because of a spy network?" Naruto asked, his arms shaking slightly.

Jiraiya sighed again and replied, "It was necessary for Konoha's survival Naruto. Surely you understand..."

"O I understand alright!" Naruto said loudly. "You abandoned me so you could run from the death of your prized student. You left me to rot in squalor and hatred because you couldn't bear that Tou-san was dead. Your excuse is flimsy Kyoufu. I could see through it a mile away. As for the Rasengan and Toad summonings, I never would have been able to master the first because I was never trained until Aniki came along. The second is useless in almost every battle except against another summoner. You could have earned my trust back had you not lied straight to my face. Don't ever expect me to like you Jiraiya-san because I assure you, it WILL. NOT. HAPPEN." Naruto said glaring directly at Jiraiya. Shizune and Tsunade were shocked at the scathing reprisal while Sarutobi was frowning because Naruto had him pegged completly correct. Many times had the Sandaime asked Jiraiya to take Naruto and he had refused.

Sora and Anko were actually smirking slightly. They were happy to see Naruto tear apart the man who should have been taking care of Naruto's innocence and well-being but instead had run gallavanting off into Kami knows where. Hana was actually smiling. She was happy that Naruto was able to deal with his godfather without losing control of his emotions and just riping the man to shreds.

Naruto suddenly stood up and walked over to Jiraiya who was slightly wary of the boy. "One last thing Jiraiya-san." Naruto said. "My Tou-san said that you deserve a punishment for ignoring me and I was to deal it out. However, I have decided to forgo that punishment" "Jiraiya sighed in relief and relaxed... big mistake, "I'll be punsihing you for peeping on Hana-chan and Kaa-san instead." Naruto cocked his right leg back and quickly slammed them home into Jiraiya's balls. He kept through with his swing and launched Jiraiya out the open window, conviently opened by Hana, and across town.

The entire room was silent until Tsunade chuckled slightly and then everyone busted out laughing. It took them almost two whole minutes to calm down and Tsunade wiped a tear from her eye, "You most certainly are Kushina's son Naruto." She said.

"I know. I loved playing pranks on everyone with her when we visited Valhalla." He said.

Tsunade, Shizune, Hana, and Sarutobi went bug eyed. "You-You met your mom?" Tsunade asked.

Naruto nodded, "During my training, I spent two years in Valhalla just fighting. Met my mom, dad, and quite a few other people too." Sarutobi just shook his head while the other three tried to wrap their heads around it, although Hana had an easier time. "Tsunade." Naruto said. Everyone looked at Naruto who was staring her straight in the eyes. "I can forgive you because of your grief. I understand it must have hurt. I cannot understand how much because I have never had a family member torn from me. Despite that, I cannot understand why it took you thirteen YEARS to return!" He said rather harshly.

Shizune spoke up, trying to defend her sensei, "You just said that you can't understand her pain. She had a right..."

"Bullshit!" Naruto said glaring at Shizune. "If it had been anyone other than a Sannin, she'd have been marked a missing nin and dragged back here by her hair! Her station is admirable yes. She is a drunk and a gambler to try and drown her sorrows. Her pain is heavy, but what about the other ninja's who have lost the same and never ran?" He looked at Tsunade who was taking this quite hard and was ready to punch her godson's lights out. "What of Dan and Nawaki? What would they say if they saw you like this?" He asked seriously.

That made Tsunade pause. She hadn't even thought about her brother and lover since that day thirteen years ago. Could this boy be right? Would they be ashamed of her for her actions againest Konoha? She had returned, but only for a time. She shook those thoughts away and turned her glare to Naruto. "Where do you get off! You didn't know them and you most certainly don't know me!" She said angrily.

Naruto narrowed his eyes. "No, I don't know you. However, Nawaki and Dan were in Valhalla. They often talked about how you must have followed their dreams since they were unable to fufill them. Were they wrong to place their dreams on you?" He asked. Everyone in the room was stunned to say the least. Sora and Anko had not been around all the time and had not heard of these discussions. Hana and Shizune were both rather shocked that Naruto was speaking to Tsunade like he was scolding a child. Sarutobi was inwardly happy because his student was getting the reality check she needed.

Tsunade stuttered for a few seconds before getting out, "They wanted me to be Hokage?" she whispered.

Naruto nodded seriously. "More than anyone. They knew if you were Hokage that no one would dare mess with, and I quote, 'The most beautiful and talented hothead medic nin of our time'." He replied. Tsunade bit her lower lip and went back into deep contemplation. Naruto sighed, "Listen, take your time. I'll be here when your ready and I would like to get to know you."He got a nod from Tsunade and he smirked, "I hope that Genjutsu lasts Oba-chan, because I don't think I could get used to seeing you all wrinkly!"

That remark earned him a tick mark from Tsunade along with a "Gaki!" and laughter from the assembled room. However, it did the job as everyone was smiling.

Sarutobi cleared his throat, "Well since thats over. I'd like to congratulate Naruto NAMIKAZE for his battlefield promotion to Chunin." Naruto and Hana beamed with prided. Tsunade smirked and Shizune had a soft smile. Sora and Anko were smiling happily seeing their favorite knucklehead get his promotion. "To be clear, I'd promote you to Jounin with all the training and experience but even I couldn't ignore the backlash from the Council if I did that."

Naruto nodded but Sora spoke up. "Wyrm. I'd like to take Naruto, myself, Anko, and Hana out to hunt down Akatsuki members Kakkazu, Hidan and Madara."

Sarutobi's eyes widened, "You really think they are ready..."

Sora nodded, "The only one we need to train is Hana. But she's inventive enough on her own. She's more of a backup and a healer for us. I know she doesn't have many human jutsus but..." he looked at Tsunade.

Tsunade smirked and said, "Ya sure I'll train the brats girlfriend. If she's already got the basics it shouldn't be too hard to get the more advanced things down."

Hana's eyes widened, "Are you serious!" she asked Tsunade.

Tsunade smirked, "Of course, I can't have my godson going out gallavanting without a medic. With that stunt you two pulled at the gates, Your likely to get killed!"

Naruto chuckeld sheepishly, "Sorry I haven't gotten to the healing parts of Dragon training just yet. It doesn't suit my style so its low on the list."

Tsunade nodded, "It'll take about two months. Think you can wait that long?" she asked looking at Sora.

He nodded and said, "Ya, in the meantime, Naruto I want you to train her in evasion and speed, don't worry about strength for now. Me and Anko will be tracking and hunting the non-immortal members of Akatsuki. Namely Deidara, Sasori, and Zetsu."

Sarutobi nodded, "Consider it done. I'll pay Hana and Naruto for a two month training trip and take them off of the active duty roster. Tsunade please take care of the hospital along with Shizune. Sora, I can't pay you, but Anko will be recieving A rank mission pay along with the bounties so I'm sure that will be enough." Everyone nodded in agreement. "Good then your all dismissed. I have to fight this paperwork!" he said glaring at the paperwork that seemed to pop up on his desk out of nowhere.

Naruto chuckled, "Neh Oji-san. I know the secret to defeating paperwork."

Sarutobi's eyes widened to a comical scale before he was on his knees in front of Naruto faster than the Hiraishin. "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME O WISE ONE! I'll do anything!" he said.

Naruto smirked, "Two times that I can call on you for ANYTHING and you will comply." Sarutobi was back at his desk and wrote out two 'Sarutobi Owes You' slips and handed them to Naruto. He smirked and said, "Two words Oji-san. Kage Bunshin." The room was deathly silent until Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Sandaime Hokage of Konohagakure and The Kami no Shinobi started hitting his head on the desk saying, "stupid stupid stupid stupid" everyone sweatdropped and quickly left the scene.

Once outside the office Tsunade turned to Hana, "Your coming with me we are begining right now. Your physical training starts tomorrow before lunch and after lunch is medic training except Friday and Saturday which are rest days understood?" Hana nodded and Naruto nodded behind her agreeing to the schedule.

Naruto stepped up to Hana and smirked before kissing her chastely on the lips. "Have a good day Tenshi-chan, I'll see you at home?" He asked hopefully.

Hana smirked, "Only if I get steak when I get there." Naruto smiled and nodded before he was kissed again and the three medics walked off.

Naruto turned to Sora and Anko, "So I guess you'll be going?"

They nodded and Sora spoke up, "Listen Naruto, Itachi and Kisame should be heading here. You know how the Dragon's like to randomly pop in and survey the land? Well they spotted those two closing in. It'll take them about two weeks at their current speed and approach. Be careful ok?"

Naruto nodded. "You got it Aniki. I'll take out Kisame fast because he's the muscle. Doesn't mean that Itachi's gonna be easier, just that Kisame is a worse matchup for me."

Anko and Sora smirked, "Common Ryu-kun, I wanna drag Oro-teme and throw him in front of the Akatsuki and see them beat him up!" she said gleefully.

"Hai, Hai Hebi-hime." Sora said and they disappeared in a silver flash.

Naruto smirked and shook his head before he headed back into the Sandaime's office only to catch him reading Icha Icha with his clones doing all the work.

Sarutobi noticed Naruto and quickly put away his book before turning to him, "Yes Naruto? What can I do for you?"

Naruto smiled and help up one of the slips of paper, "I need a certain bed made and I'm sure you can help me..."

Timeskip: 3 days: Namikaze Estates 10 AM

Naruto had been doing nonstop D rank missions with his clones to help as many people as possible while his real self trained with Hana. He was glad that most people seemed at least apathetic towards him nowadays. The shinobi were actually quite nice and many had offered apologies for past behavior which he shrugged off in return for a "I won't do it again." This had a very positive affect on his reputation. Hana had spent every night here completly wiped out from her training. Naruto was no slouch in forcing her to dodge and Tsunade had already made her memorize and learn the medical Jutsu to stop and heal a deep puncturing wound. (I have no idea what real medicine is so I'm just gonna explain the medic jutsus like this. Sorry in advance)

Hana woke up to find herself, once again, entertwined with Naruto. It seemed ever since he returned that they just couldn't get enough of being near one another. They had taken to eating lunch together like before the exams and they were happy. She smiled and cuddled up to Naruto a little more who chuckled. "Good morning Tenshi-chan." He said.

"Good Morning Taiyo-kun. Whats on the agenda for today?" She asked, although she refused to move.

"We got training so we need to get up Hana-chan." Noticing the look on her face when she looked at him, he stopped her in her tracks. "I don't wanna move either, but You need the training. Please don't fight me?" He said.

Hana pouted slightly and looked him in the eye. "Fine." she said exasperatingly. "But you owe me bar-b-que for lunch!" She said smirking.

Naruto chuckled, "Hai, Hai, let's go ok?" Hana nodded but there was a knock on the front door. Naruto scrunched his face. "I'll get that, you get dressed." Naruto quickly threw on some pants and went to answer the door. He opened it to see an ANBU standing there.

"Naruto Uzumaki, You have been summoned by the council of Konoha." He stated.

"There is no Uzumaki at this residence ANBU please tell the council that Naruto Namikaze does not like being disturbed with useless summons." Naruto said before he slammed the door in his face. The ANBU seemed to blink before he disappeared. Naruto quickly made a Kage bunshin who henged into a small table and plant before he headed upstairs.

"Naruto, Who was that?" Hana asked coming out in her training outfit, just some sweats and sandals.

Naruto sighed, "You may want to get dressed in something better. I have a feeling the council will force that ANBU to come back." He said while getting dressed in his usual attire. Hana nodded and quickly changed. Just as they were finished an incessent knocking at the door made them look at each other and Naruto once again openeed the door. Unfortunatly, the ANBU brought a squad of friends.

"Naruto Uzumaki. The Council of Konoha has summoned you. Please comply or you will be detained and brought in for questioning." The ANBU stated once more.

Naruto and Hana both glared at him. "I told you before, there is no Naruto Uzumaki at this house. I do not appreciate that the council refuses to acknowledge that. I will come with you, but if you so much as make a wrong move in my direction," He focused his KI on them " then don't expect me to go easy." They nodded and were only slightly intimidated but Naruto got his point across. He took Hana's hand and disappeared in a golden lightning bolt. The ANBU quickly shunshinned away. None of them noticed the extra leaves on the ground.

Council Chambers: 10:15 AM

The council was annoyed to say the least. First, they had summoned the demon brat to demand that he hand over the dragon summoning scroll and training to Sasuke, who had never asked for this to begin with. Then, they find him living in the Yondaime's house and were going to kick him out. Finally, he had the audacity to decline a summons from them claiming that he was a Namikaze! O, the civilians were not happy. Tsume, Shikaku, and Shibi were quietly watching actually amused at the idiots digging their own graves, especially since the Hokage wasn't here right now.

Naruto and Hana arrived in grand style. In a flash of gold, eerily similar to the Yondaime's famous Hiraishin, they stood in the center of the room. Naruto stepped forward, "Now I am here to lodge a complaint against this council." He said. "You have been sending an ANBU to my home and asking for a Naruto Uzumaki, who does not reside at my home, and demanding that I come to a meeting that obviously has nothing to do with me, Naruto Namikaze."

The jaws of the civilian council dropped. The ninja council, privy to the secrets of his heritage, were inwardly chuckling. Satsumi Haruno stood up screeching, "You are Naruto UZUMAKI demon brat! The Yondaime never had any children and most certainly wouldn't have a demon for a child."

Naruto's eyes hardened, "You do know that the Sandaime's law is still in effect correct Haruno-san? I suggest you watch your mouth before someone enforces that law." Satsumi looked enraged but barely held her tongue. "I am curious, however, why is this council in session without its Hokage?" He asked.

"Why indeed Naruto-kun." An aged voice came from the entrance. Sarutobi, Tsunade, Shizune, and a clone of Naruto walked in. The clone smiled and waved before disappearing in a puff of smoke. The civilians were, once again, sweating bullets. Both Tsunade and the Kami no Shinobi? They couldn't bully the kid now.

Homura stood up and spoke to the Hokage who had taken his seat. "We are here because Naruto Uzumaki has taken residence at the Yondaime's house. It is well known that he had no children so why is Uzumaki-san being allowed to enter and take up residence there?"

Sarutobi sighed, "Doesn't anyone read the decrees I send out anymore? I sent one to every member of the council informing them of Naruto NAMIKAZE'S promotion and claiming of his heritage." He said forcefully.

Satsumi screeched again, "He can't be the Yondaime's son. He is just a de..." She found herself dangerously close to becoming a shishkabob by Naruto's sword.

"Finish that sentence Haruno. I took enough abuse from your daughter and I'm sure your the cause for that. I'd be happy to enforce Sarutobi-ji-san's law." he said coldly.

"Now now Naruto-kun, Thats enough." Sarutobi said, although inwardly he was cheering for him. Naruto nodded and jumped back to his place near Hana.

"If you don't believe it, check the medical reports I, myself, have run on his blood. It is a 90% match to the Yondaime's. Naruto is obviously related to him." Tsunade said, handing out many copies of the report.

Danzo took one look at it and frowned before turning to Sarutobi, "If we had known his heritage, he could have been molded into an even greater weapon! With the Yondaime's techniques and the Kyuubi's chakra, the boy would be unstoppable!" He said angry at losing such a tool.

Naruto frowned, "Kyuubi's gone you one eye freak. I'm the only one standing here." He said. That threw the council for a loop.

A random civilian jumped up and screamed, "Your the Kyuubi! He can't be gone! We should have killed you before you got this... URK!" He never got to finish the sentence because his head was impaled on the sword of an ANBU.

Sarutobi sighed, "It is true. Naruto here had such a strong soul that the Kyuubi couldn't die with him so Naruto cut him a deal. In return for his promise, on his own life, to never return to Konoha or the land of fire for the next 1000 years, He would be returned to Makai and leave Naruto with a large amount of chakra and a fighting style." Sarutobi said. 'Not entirely untrue but close enough.' he thought. The council gaped. Kyuubi was gone!

Danzo spoke up once again, "If that is the case, then I propose that we celebrate the Kyuubi's banishment and the hero who brought us this victory. In addition, we should put him under the CRA. We cannot allow such an important clan to wither and die." 'If I can get some leverage on him from his wives or children then maybe I can get the Yondaime's techniques.' He thought.

Naruto denied it vehemently, "I don't want that! I refuse to marry multiple women. I have a woman I love and I refuse to force her to accept someone else into our relationship!" He said forcefully. Hana smiled hearing what he said along with Tsume, Tsunade, Shizune, and Sarutobi.

Sarutobi looked at Danzo and replied, "You heard him. Besides, the CRA is for people with Kekkei Genkai, which Naruto does not have." Inwardly Danzo cursed. "I am glad however to announce that I will be stepping down from my psotion as Hokage in the coming week. On Monday, I will announce our new Hokage to the village." The council looked stunned once more. 'Who could take the position?' was the thought on many minds.

"Troublesome. May I assume Lady tsunade will take your place?" Shikaku drawled out.

Sarutobi chuckled and nodded, "Indeed Tsunade Senju will be the Godaime Hokage on Monday." The council cheered for her but many were inwardly seething. Tsunade was known for her bullheadedness and her short temper. They wouldn't be able to manipulate her like they could the aged Sarutobi. Amidst the cheering, Naruto and Hana slipped out, unnoticed by all save a few.

Once outside, Naruto and Hana shunshinned to a bar-b-que joint and sat down to eat. They ate mostly in silence until Hana looked at Naruto and said, "Did you mean what you said back there?"

Naruto cocked his head to the said, "Mean what Hana-chan?"

Hana stared into his eyes, "Did you mean what you said when you said you loved me?" she asked slightly scared and anxious. She loved him, hell the month apart from him was torture after spending everyday of two months with him. She knew it but she wanted to know if he really felt the same.

Naruto smiled softly and grabbed her hands, "Of course I did. Why would I lie about something like that?" Hana smiled brightly and had tears shimmering in her eyes. She gently leaned forward and kissed him. Naruto was in heaven. While they didn't engage in a tongue war, the kiss was magnetic and neither wanted to pull away. When the need for air became too much to handle, They broke apart panting slightly.

"I... I gotta go Naruto-kun. I'll see you tonight?" She asked.

Naruto nodded, "Of course, seeya then!" He said brightly as she slid out of the booth and out the door. Naruto couldn't wait for Friday. 'Only two more days!' He thought.

Friday: 8 AM: Namikaze Estates.

Naruto had woken early and sent a clone off to ask Kurenai for a favor. He needed Hana out of the house for most of the day and he knew Kurenai would be happy to help. He smiled softly and started running his fingers through her hair. Today was gonna be a good day. He could just feel it!

Hana stirred and turned her head to face Naruto's. She smiled and said, "Good Morning Taiyo-kun."

Naruto just smiled back and replied, "Good Morning. Did you sleep well?"

Hana nodded on his chest and said, "Ya, although the bed just doesn't feel..." her voice trailed off as she looked for the right word.

"homey?" Naruto asked with a smirk.

"Ya thats it. I still like waking up to you running your hands through my hair so don't stop!" She said slightly childish at the end. Naruto chuckled and got the memories of his Kage Bunshin. "Listen, Tenshi-chan, why don't you go out and have fun with your friends today? My treat."

Hana frowned playfully and said, "Are you trying to get rid of me Naruto-kun?"

Naruto shook his head swiftly, "Not at all. I just assumed that you would want to be pampered for your date tonight. I even got you and your friends full day massages." He held up three tickets to the Konoha springs and Hana's eyes widened and took on the shapes of stars. "Buuuuuutttt, if you don't want them..." He didn't get to finish as Hana grabbed the tickets and disappeared into the bathroom.

Naruto chuckled and kissed Hana as she flew out of the bathroom and down the stairs to get her friends. He was still amazed that she could move so fast when properly motivated. He was glad that Kurenai had agreed to help him. After all, He didn't want to ruin the surprise so he planned her day with two major activities that every woman loves, namely spas and shopping. Most of the morning would be spent at the hot springs and spa, while Kurenai would take Hana shopping in the afternoon. That gave Naruto plenty of time to set up his house for tonight.

Naruto quickly got dressed and headed downstairs waiting for the people he hired today. When the doorbell rand, Naruto opened it and smiled seeing exactly what he wanted. "Ahh good boys bring it right in and lets get to work." Naruto said.

Lunch: noon: Bar-b-que joint

Hana, Kurenai, Shizune and Yugao were relaxing after that wonderufl trip to the spa. Kurenai had rounded up the other two girls and explained that Naruto had a surprise for Hana and she needed to be kept busy. Both girls had agreed, besides they got spa treatments out of it. The girls spent most of the lunch in silence until Shizune couldn't stand it anymore.

She looked at Hana and said, "So, how did you and Naruto meet?"

Hana smiled softly and replied, "Well, he would always bring in these wounded animals to the clinic. It was probably when he was around five. He brought in a wounded baby bird. He was holding it so gently. I was only able to watch or clean the kennels and room sat the time but I still remember the look of fear on his face. He was scared for the little bird. I knew that people called him a bad boy, but after seeing that I knew it was a bunch of hogwash. So, as he kept up the trend I got to see him more and more. Eventually I started treating them and he would just talk to me about anything. He never asked me for anything, except to heal the animals but that was my job. He always looked so happy to see the animal healed once again. He has a heart of gold and don't let anyone tell you different."

Shizune smiled softly, "I can tell you really care for him huh?"

Hana nodded. Kurenai chuckled and said, "Well then I think you need something to knock him dead."

Hana sputtered for a moment. "I have plenty of clothes to 'knock him dead' Kurenai!" She said.

Yugao sighed, "Honey, You need to KNOCK him dead. You keep having that look in your eyes that I get when I want to spend a night with Hayate-kun." she said looking Hana right in the eye daring her to dispute it. (Note: Hayate didn't die in my version, he simply was too wounded to join in the invasion.)

Hana blushed a deep crimson and muttered out a "Ya... maybe."

Three girly shrieks later and the friends were off to get an outfit that would make Naruto, and every other straight male, drool and stare at Hana like a piece of FINE meat.

That Night: Inuzuka Compund 7 PM

Hana was finished getting ready for her date. After the small shopping spree, payed for by Naruto, she was ready to knock him dead, as Yugao put it. She sighed and finished fixing her hair then smiled at hearing the crunching of feet outside her house. She turned and looked at her clean room. Hopefully, it'd stay that way, because she had no intention of returning to it tonight.

Naruto was beaming. His little project for his house was complete. He had finished with plenty of time to go ask Kurenai how Hana did and he got a subtle hint that Hana had no intentions of going back to her home after tonight. Naruto was dressed in some black slacks with formal black shoes. His shirt was a simple dark red, short sleeved button up shirt, over which he wore a black jacket with a golden dragon coiling on the back. (alot of black I know so sue me!) He played with something in his pocket for a minute before refocusing himself.

He marched upto the Inuzuka clan heads house and gulped slightly before knocking on the door. "Just a Minute" sounded from the inside before a happy Tsume answered the door. "Ah, Naruto-kun. Come right in Hana should be ready any minute." Tsume said smiling brightly.

"Thank you Tsume-san. I'll wait for her in the living room is that alright?" Naruto asked politely.

Tsume nodded and laughed, "Sure pup. Drop the honorifics they make me feel old."

The two made their way into the living room and Naruto took a seat at Tsume's behest. He looked nervous and kept glancing at the hall. "Relax pup. Kiba ain't here tonight. He's out on a mission." Tsume said trying to ease his nerves. It seemed to work although only slightly.

Naruto shook his head, "He's not the one I'm scared of. What if Hana doesn't like where we go? Will she like what I'm wearing? How can I know I didn't screw something up?" he asked.

Tsume frowned. He was having first date jitters. He was still a greenhorn at the whole dating idea anyways but that wouldn't do. "Naruto." His eyes rose to meet Tsume's. "She doesn't care where you take her, just make sure you do what you always do. Pay attention to her. When she asks you a question, answer truthfully. Don't let your eyes wander, unless she provokes them. Be a gentlemen and she will enjoy it." Tsume said calmly.

That seemed to do the trick as Naruto visibly relaxed. Around the corner, Hana smiled softly and thought 'Thanks mom.' Hana walked around the corner and said, " HI Naruto-kun I'm ready." His face was priceless. She was silently smirking as his eyes travelled across her form. She was wearing a beautiful deep forest green, shoulderless dress that hugged her body perfectly, with slits at her hisp so she could move her legs freely. Her shoes with a pair of low heeled brown sandals that flowed into her dress, complementing them. Around her neck was a silver necklace with a golden claw on it. Her lips were free of lipstick, although her eyes had only a slight amount of masacara and a deep green eyeliner that complimented her brown eyes beautifully. Her hair was let down to cascade around her face like a waterfall. All in all, she had an earthy look to her that brought out her natural endowments rather well.

She walked over to Naruto and put a finger under his chin and closed it saying, "I'm glad you like it so much, but I am rather hungry."

Naruto shook his head and said, "Sorry. You look... breathtaking Tenshi-chan."

Hana blushed slightly and replied, "You don't look half bad yourself Taiyo-kun."

A flash of light and the two lovebirds looked to see Tsume standing there with a grin and a camera. "That was good. Now if you strip and I get a few shots of that..."

Hana went beet red, "MOM!" Tsume smiled and winked at Naruto who quickly grabbed Hana and went out the door before more teasing could occur.

Dragon of the Leaf: 7:15 PM

Naruto and Hana had walked hand in hand all the way to the Dragon of the Leaf. It was one of the best restaurants around, not to mention it served Hana's favorite dish: steak with a side of chicken shishkabobs. (I apologize in advance I have no training in Japanese foods)

They stopped outside the restaurant and Hana looked at Naruto. "Here?" she asked.

Naruto nodded and dragged Hana inside. They walked up to the maitre'd and Naruto spoke up, "Two for Namikaze?" he asked.

The maitre'd looked at him and barely repressed a scowl, unfortunatly, he had orders from the restaurant manager to allow them to pass. Naruto had anticipated people's dislike of him and had payed extra to get a private booth and a special service so that he would be able to enjoy his date with Hana. "Yes right this way please." he ground out as he took them to a secluded booth. "Your waiter will be with you momentarily."

Naruto and Hana nodded to the man and took their menus. Hana's eyes lit up at seeing her favorite dish and she looked at Naruto who was smirking slightly. She bent over the table, giving him a nice view of her cleavage and pecked him on the lips. "Good choice Naruto-kun."

Naruto smiled and replied, "Glad you liked it Hana-chan." The waiter arrived soon after and took their drink orders of sweet tea for the both of them. Naruto kept looking over the list of items eventually settling for some sushi. When the waiter came back, they quickly placed their orders and made some small talk. Mostly talk of the training that Tsunade was doing with Hana. Their food arrived rather quickly and they dug in. The food was delicious. Hana was smiling appreciatively thinking that Naruto had picked the place especially for her, seeing as this place didn't serve ramen.

She smirked softly as she watched Naruto finish off his sushi. It wasn't his favorite dish but he had taken a liking to it ever since she had made him try some. "Naruto-kun. Thanks for the dinner. It was wonderful." She said.

Naruto smiled, "Glad you enjoyed it Tenshi-chan."he replied.

Hana let a bit of her sexy side out and said, "So did you have any OTHER activities planned for tonight?"

Naruto took a mock thinking pose and watched Hana out of the corner of his eyes as she stared at him. "Hmmmm I dunno. I was hoping a beautiful lady would accompany me to my favorite spot in the village, but I don't see any." He said only slightly teasing. Hana deflated a bit. 'so he doesn't think I'm beautiful huh?' Naruto smirked, "I guess I'll just have to settle for the hottest angel in the village instead." He continued.

Hana's eyes sparkled and her cheeks went flush at the compliment. "You sure you don't want a 'beautiful lady' to accompany you?" She said teasingly.

Naruto chuckled, "Nah, Your way better than that." He said still smirking. Hana smiled and nodded as Naruto payed the check and they walked out the door quickly. Naruto had one last thing to show Hana before he asked her something very important.

Hokage Monument: 8 PM

On top of the Yondaime's head, Naruto and Hana stood. Naruto was gently guiding Hana down a secluded route that led to among the bangs of his father's face. As they reached their destination, Hana gasped. She could see all of the Village from here and it looked like the night sky. The lights and noises of a winding down city with beautiful. "Wow. Pretty." she said.

Naruto chuckled, "Ya, Pretty." he said never taking his eyes off of her face. When she finally noticed this, she blushed once again. Still, she was done playing games. Her feral side was screaming at her and her logical side was agreeing as well. She knew she wanted to be with him but she wanted to make sure he was ok with it as well. She slowly closed the distance between their faces and placed a gently kiss on his lips.

Naruto was a little surprised she acted so swiftly, but was happy when he started to engage in a tongue war. Their hands started to roam their bodies as they made out. They backed away panting and Hana stared at him with unrestrained lust, not to say that Naruto didn't have the same look. She leaned forward and her hot breath hit his ear, "I don't plan on sleeping for very long tonight Naruto-koi. What about you?" she asked sexily.

Naruto shivered but stepped back slightly causing a frown to come to Hana's face. She opened her mouth only to be cut off by Naruto. "Please listen Hana-chan." Hana was a bit perturbed but fixed him with a stare that said, 'you better have a damn good reason for this!' Naruto sighed, "If we continue down this way, I wanted to let you know theres no turning back. Once a Dragon Soul manifests, we become part dragon. If we mark someone, which happens instinctually during sex, we are married to that person forever. I want to be with you but I wanted to make sure that you understood the consequences..." he suddenly found himself pushed against the wall and his lips being ravished by a horny Hana Inuzuka.

"I know all about feral instincts, Naruto." She said breathing hotly onto his ear. "I already knew what would happen because Anko gave me the warning a week ago. Stop fighting it."

Naruto gently pushed her off once again and Hana was ready to throw him off the cliff until he reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring. "I promised my mom that I'd propose to you before I marked you Hana-chan." He smirked seeing her stunned reaction. He got down on one knee and looked up at her. The ring was a beautiful diamond ring with a dragon coiled around the top with a cannine on the bottom their tails entertwined with their snouts touching on the other end. "Hana Inuzuka, will you marry me?" He asked seriously.

Hana was stunned. It was one thing to mark each other while having sex but to ask her for her hand in marriage? That was a bit... right! She smirked. They may have only been a couple for two months according to her time but it was four years for him. Aside from that, they have known each other for years. There's no reason that she can't say yes, after all a mate mark is the same thing right? Hana smiled and put out her hand saying, "Of course, do you even have to ask?" she said.

"Ya I do because my mom would kill me if I didn't." he said while sliding the ring onto her right hand.

Hana chuckled and admired the ring before her gaze turned to Naruto once again. "Now, I want my prize and your keeping it from me!" She said slightly feral.

Naruto gulped and chuckled at the same time. "I have one last thing for you before we get to the main event my love." he said. Hana cocked her head to the side as Naruto grabbed her waist and they disappeared in a golden flash.

Namikaze Estates: Main Bedroom: 8:10 PM

Naruto and Hana arrived with Hana facing away from the bed. "Turn around Tenshi-hime. I hope you like what I did to the bed." He said smiling. Hana gently turned around and gasped at the change. Naruto kept his hands around her waist and put his head on her right shoulder while breathing hotly on her neck. "What do you think?" He asked.

Hana smirked, "Fun!" she said. The regular bed was long gone. In its place was a large recession in the ground. In the recession was a large cushion, along with many pillows and what appeared to be a sheet of furs, cultivated off of naturally dead animals of course. Around the outside were cushioned stairs that allowed you to slowly descend into the bed that was about mid-thigh level deep. All in all it looked like a huge dog bed.

Naruto chuckled, "Glad you like it because I was hoping you'd help me break it in." he said sexily into her ear.

Hana smirked and twisted in his grip before making out with him. "O I'm sure we will BOTH enjoy breaking it in Taiyo-kun." She said smirking.

Begin Lemon! If you do not want to read, ignore this part! If you are not of legal age please skip to the next bolded line!

Hana quickly backed up pulled Naruto towards the bed as she undid his shirt. They reached the edge of the bed and parted so they cloud climb in without worrying about hurting one another before they were back, on their knees, and kissing each other once again. Naruto's hands were not idle as she slowly undid his shirt. They ran from the sides of her thighs lightly up her stomach and the sides of her breasts before going over and around her shoulders stopping at the zipper holding her dress on her frame.

Hana had discarded his shirt and was gently massaging his chest as he undid the zipper holding her dress up. As it bottomed out she quickly stood up before shimmying her body and letting the dress fall and flinging it somewhere into the room. Naruto eyes took in her form. She had on a black lace set that barely covered her assets. The panties she had on had a slight wet spot in them already. Her nipples were poking at ther fabric almost begging to be touched.

Naruto was about to move forward when he found himself on his back. "Nuh uh, Naruto-kun." She said sexily. She straddled him and slid her body back enough for her to reach his waist before undoing his pants while kissing him. She raised her hips and, with a little help, removed the offending article of clothing from his form. She started to kiss and nip at his neck and earlob while his hands gently roamed over her body. She noticed the bulge in his boxers and smirked before she snaked a hand down them and started to gently stroke him.

She quickly noticed he was pretty big and hoped she could accomidate him. She swiftly started kissing down his chest and reached his boxers. He loocked down only to see a the very sexy Hana grip his boxers and pull them off. She stared for a second before her legs started to grind together as she got wetter. He had to be at least 8 inches long and 2 inches wide! She smirked and started rubbing him again. She used her hand to stimulate his balls and watched as his hands gripped the sheets tighter.

She let go which earned him a wimper until he felt something hot brushing over his cock. He looked down to find that Hana was holding him and proceeded to lick his cock from the underside all the way to the tip. He groaned aloud at her ministrations and those groans increased tenfold as she reached the head. She smirked once again and swirled her tongue around the head before taking it into her mouth, sucking on it.

Naruto was in bliss. First, she was massaging him, then she was licking him, and now, now she was sucking him off! God he just wanted to let go right here. However, he held on because he didn't want this to end too soon. After all, if Hana was trying her best, so would he.

Hana was smirking around his penis as she continued to suck and lick on it like a lollipop. She could tell he was enjoying it, and, truth be told, she liked seeing him thrashing around like that. Still she had had enough. She was thoroughly wet and she needed a release. She took Naruto's cock as deep into her mouth as she could and quickly started to massage his balls while sucking him rather strongly.

Naruto grunted and groaned but when Hana started to attack both his balls and his cock, well he had to release. "Hana-chan, I''m going to... UGH!" he didn' get to finish, but Hana understood and quickly pulled back. She sucked his head lightly as the first spray of cum hit her mouth. It was thick and somewhat salty. 'Not the best tasting thing but I've had worse.' were Hana's thoughts as she quickly swallowed the rather large amount of cum spraying into her mouth.

Naruto was breathing heavy as he looked down to see Hana swallowing the last bits of his cum. He needed to please her and quickly turned the tables forcing her onto her back. "My turn Tenshi-chan." He said smirking. Naruto quickly made out with her and reached back to undo her bra. Once the article was thrown away, Naruto quickly nipped and sucked his way down to her left tit. He swirled his tongue around it and then gently sucked on it. (Neither have had sex before and MOST of this is instinct and physical signs.) Hana quickly brought her hands up to his hair as she moaned loudly. She ran her hands through his hair as he suckled her nipple like a newborn babe. "Naruto-kun switch, My other nipple please!" she said through her moans. Naruto hastily complied and switched to her right nipple sucking it much like the first. He let his left hand play with her breast as his right went between her leg. He massaged her lips through her panties and noticed they were thoroughly soaked.

Naruto smirked around her nipple and then started to trail down her stomach before glancing up at Hana who was looking at him with pleading eyes. He grabbed the top of her panties and she lifted herself up so he could pull them off. He quickly threw them away and they landed with a wet 'splat'. Hana burned crimson at that and Naruto eyed her. "Quite happy are we Hana-chan?" Hana didn't reply. Naruto ignored it and started to lick her nether lips. He kept this up until she grew frustrated, "Quite teasing me Naruto!" She said, her sexual frustration getting to her. Naruto smirked and stuck his tongue into her folds. She gasped as his wet organ explored every inch of her cavern as fast as it could. Naruto noticed a nub near his nose and quickly attacked it. He noticed that she tensed up really hard when he sucked on it and proceeded to stick two fingers into her hole while attacking her clit, if those anatomy books were correct.

Hana could feel the orgasm waiting to happen. It was building and building into a white hot fire in her lower stomach. She wanted the release and Naruto was giving it to her. As his finger brushed a particularly senseitve spot she screamed his name and came hard. She was seeing white spots.

Naruto was surprised at the rather suddeness of her orgasm but he wasn't complaining. He had quickly moved his mouth to her entrance and lapped up her juices with abandon. She had done the same to him after all. Naruto sat back on his knees as he saw Hana coming down from her orgasm. The way she was panting and staring at his now hard member were obvious signs that she enjoyed it and wanted to do more.

Naruto was suddenly on his back with Hana straddling him. She bent down and whispered hotly into his ear, "That was magnificent Naruto. I think you deserve something better than before. What about you?" she asked sexily. Naruto could only nod dumbly because she was running her pussy's lips over his length, lubricating him. Hana smirked and rose up grabbing his tool before placing it at her entrance. "Don't move until I do ok?" She said before getting a nod from Naruto. She lowered herself slowly until his head was in, then slammed herself the rest of the way down. 'God DAMN!' she thought, 'I'm glad I broke my hymen during training or that would have hurt!' As it was, Naruto had caused her slight pain and alot of discomfort. He was big and it was taking awhile for her body to get used to it.

Naruto's mouth had opened into an O when she pushed herself down on him and he had to use every ounce of his willpower to not switch positions and fuck her senseless. 'Damn she's tight!' He thought. He saw the rather strained look on Hana's face and quickly latched onto her right breast before suckling it again. As he did, Hana started to slowly rock back and forth. She was getting used to him and it felt good to move slightly. She ground her hips in circles before rising up and slamming back down onto him. She quickly repeated the procedure earning moans from both of them. Naruto's hips moved up to meet hers on the next thrust and Hana smiled softly. This felt good. The pace started to pick up as he kept suckling her breast.

Hana found herself laying on her back once again. Naruto had enough of Hana doing that. He could tell he was close to his end and he wanted her to get off as well. He grabbed both her breasts and pushed them together before suckling on the tits simultanously. She let out loud moans as he continued to rock his hips into hers. slowly he let go and propped himself up before ramming into her. "Faster, Harder, O Kami-sama Naruto!" Hana said. That work on her breasts had done wonders. Naruto complied with his lovers requests and pulled himself almost all the way out before slamming back into her hole. He grunted in pleasure and Hana moaned aloud. Their pace quickened and this time neither stopped it.

"Hana... I-I'm cumming!" Naruto strained out through grunts.

"Yes! Harder. CUM Naruto!" Hana said loudly. True to her words Naruto pushed himself as deep as he could, inadvertantly hitting her cervix and causing her to climax as he unleashed his baby-batter into her womb. They both screammed each other names as Hana's walls milked Naruto for every last drop. By the end, Hana's pussy actually had a little sperm dripping out. Surprisingly, Hana liked that. Naruto gently pulled out of her with a soft 'plop' and sat back for a second before laying down next to his lover.

"That was wonderful Hana-koi." Naruto said kissing her.

Hana chuckled, "Yes it was Naruto-koi. But I still have one more round in me. How about you?" she asked sexily.

Naruto stared at her for a minute before sitting up and allowing her a glacne at his fully hardened cock. "I believe I do Tenshi-chan."

Hana smirked and stood up before bending over the side of the bed with her ass in the air. "Care to find out just how much of a Bitch I can be?" she asked.

Naruto lined himself up with her opening and smirked, "Sure Tenshi-chan, I just hope you don't mind me being a little ruff" He said before slamming into her pussy. Hana started to rock her hips back to meet Naruto's thrusts and Naruto reached forward to massage her breasts. Hana was moaning loudly and Naruto was grunting with every thrust. They were already tired and still sensative from last time so their climaxs were approaching fast.

Naruto grabbed her hips and pistoned in and out. Hana couldn't keep up anymore and let her lover do all the work while she moaned aloud in appreciation. Naruto gave a deep growl as he thrust himself deep inside her, filling her once again, as he bite down on her neck. Hana screamed in pleasure doublefold from the marking and the climax he had given her. As his growl died down and he slipped out of her. She turned around and latched onto his neck, marking him as her own.

Lemon End! Hope you enjoyed it!

Hana and Naruto cuddled in their new bed happly mated. Hana drew little circles on Naruto's chest as she stared at the mate mark she gave him. It was a golden dragon with a dark brown wolf cuddled up under its wing. She smiled at his and gently kissed it sending shivers down Naruto's spine.

Naruto was happy. He had his mate, his new bed, and a wife, not to mention he fulfilled his promise to his mom. He smiled seeing Hana's mate mark. A golden Dragon in flight with a brown wolf running next to it. Yes today was definitly a good day. he looked down to see Hana fast asleep.

"Good Night Tenshi-chan. Sweet dreams." He said kissing her chastely.

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