Frisk walked to Undyne's door and paused while Papyrus and Sans walked up behind him. He still didn't know what he was going to do. Undyne was still depressed and probably angry at him and would possibly try to murder him the moment he opened her door if she was there. He stood there for a moment just thinking.
"Are you scared, kid?" Sans asked.
"I can do it if you want me to…" Papyrus said.
All Frisk could do was say a quick prayer and take a deep breath as he knocked on the door. Oddly enough, the door swung open. They looked in and the lights were on, but no one was there. The trio entered the house and started looking around the kitchen.
"Undyne?" Papyrus asked. "Undyne? Are you here? Undyne?"
"Pap, look," Sans said.
Papyrus looked at him and saw the blanket from their house he was holding. It was lying on the ground in front of the door that led to the rest of Undyne's house. Papyrus walked over and opened that door.
Meanwhile, Frisk looked around the brightly-colored kitchen. It was different than what he imagined Undyne's house's interior to look like, especially considering its scary exterior.
His wandering eyes fell on the piano. Frisk smiled and forgot what he was doing for the moment while he sat down in front of it.
Tears came to his eyes as he remembered his parents. His father loved music and could play the piano. His mother did, too. She played every instrument. It was her who started teaching him how to play.
Frisk brought his fingers to the keys and started playing a reflective piece that he had practiced with his mother while Sans and Papyrus looked in the other room. It was a den where Undyne had a TV and a couch and along the back wall was a wall full of family photos of relatives who had died in the great war and in the ongoing struggle against humans. However, every single picture looked like it had been stabbed with a spear. The glass of each frame was cracked. Some of these pictures had fallen on the floor and had their glass shattered completely. Papyrus and Sans studied the scene in silence.
"It's worse than I thought, Sans," Papyrus said picking up one of the shattered frames off the floor.
"Pap, what did Undyne tell you before you went to sleep last night?" Sans asked.
Papyrus sighed and began telling Sans everything.
Meanwhile, Frisk finished as much of the music as he could remember and stopped playing. His face was wet with tears. When he played that piece, he felt like his mother was playing with him. Every key, every melody, felt like he was playing a duet. It was almost like he could feel her presence again, as he one knew he day would.
Frisk smiled and wiped the tears away from his eyes. His HP went up another point while he got off the bench in front of the piano to look for Sans and Papyrus.
Frisk noticed the door leading to the rest of the house was open, so he walked in, but no one was in there, except the broken pictures.
"Sans? Papyrus?" Frisk asked.
When he didn't get an answer, Frisk started walking towards a small hallway that led to the back bedroom and bathroom.
"YEAH!" he suddenly heard a familiar voice yell from outside. "THIS IS AMAZING!"
"Undyne?" Frisk asked as he ran back towards through the kitchen and towards the door. "Undyne, is that you?"
Frisk stopped at the front door. He looked back. He knew that Sans and Papyrus would not be happy if he ran off again since they didn't like him being by himself, but then again, if he found Undyne, he wouldn't be by himself…
Frisk knew he had to go, but he had to let them know where he went. His eyes fell on a pen and a notepad that were sitting on the counter next to the fridge, and he smiled. Frisk ran over, wrote his note, put it on the piano bench, and sprinted out the door.