Abaddon bolted from the tree and rushed to catch Sif's body just as she began to hit the ground.
Time seemed to run in slow motion as he lowered her onto her back gently.
His eyes kept darting back and forth between the large hole in her chest and the fleeting light in her blue eyes.
Shock was apparent across her face, but she was at least aware of his presence in the moment.
She was trying her best to speak, but no words would come out of her mouth.
However, he could read her lip movements well enough.
'I'm sorry…'
A horrendous situation like this had never made him want to laugh so much.
Abaddon exhaled deeply; emitting a wave of aether from within his very lungs.
Color slowly returned to Sif's cheeks as the hole in her body gradually closed up.
But Abaddon couldn't take his eyes off of the area she was struck no matter how long he tried.
Sif was a minor goddess.
The degenerate in me almost wrote in a scene where Abaddon kisses Sif just to make Thor mad but I stayed the course and did not tarnish his character like that:)
also i know this is kind of a slow burn but bear with me im trying to make this my best arc yet i have a couple of big surprises planned that I think will be big but I just need to give myself the time to execute it properly instead of rushing and ending up with a underwhelming product