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97.18% Percy Jackson : Rewind Time / Chapter 138: Chapter 132: Valentine Special

Bab 138: Chapter 132: Valentine Special

(Percy POV)

I could vividly hear a shuffling sound moving around as I tried my hardest to sleep in. The activities of the past few weeks had exhausted me both mentally and physically. Really, the only cure to all of this would be sleeping in, but apparently, someone couldn't stand such a thought.

Groggily, I pulled the pillow over my head to block out the incessant moving about. From what could be heard, it sounded like a miniature body bumping into everything in my cabin, but at this point, I couldn't care less. The only mortal desire I held as of now was sleep-and a bunch of it at that.

Trying desperately to cease the sound, I was met with a brief moment of movement before silence seemed to take over, gratefulness replacing my annoyance as I soon began to drift back into a pleasant sleep, one that would last for the entirety of the day. 

However, this outcome was utterly shattered as a heavy weight slammed into my body.

"What the-" I began, voicing the immediate pain that had struck my stomach.

As sleep-deprived eyes opened slowly, I saw someone sitting on-top of my stomach, looking at me with eyes full of amusement that they almost resembled glittering stars. They were so bright that, for a time being, I could hardly stare at them for long before getting a slight headache. Blame my lack of sleep.

Speaking of, this person who had interrupted me was about to receive the sharp end of-

"Get up, Percy!" spoke a familiar voice, addressing my previously cut-off question. The feminine voice triggered what might have been a switch in my head, as I slowly pieced together who was sitting uptop of me.

Groaning, I lifted my hands to my head in exasperation, as well as a way to balance myself for the time being. If my assumption was correct, then there was by no means possible that I would be getting any more sleep of this day. The thought filled me with an almost childlike aggravation.

"Good morning, Nyx," I responded, "Mind getting off of me?"

"Nope! Not until you stop looking like one of those zombies in that show, what was it called…oh! Walking Dead!"

I sighed, growing a tad bit impatient with Nyx's excited behavior. Taking in my surroundings, they began to sharpen in sight and color as my head swiveled around the Poseidon cabin, albeit like a snail. 

The familiarity of the golden trident hanging on the wall, the sea-blue adorning every inch, and the smell of the sea all reminded me of home, and how euphoric it was to be back at Camp Half-Blood. Except now, it was replaced with the feeling of being around the tell-tale, adrenalinic Nyx

Don't scorn me, it was always a joy to be around Nyx. Our reunion was a prime example of that. It felt good to be back with the darkness-loving Goddess. But, as luck would have it, she caught me on a bad day.

"I just wanna sleep in…." I replied in a half-like trance.

"You can't today!" She rebuked, sounding very ecstatic.

"I literally haven't gotten sleep since who knows when," I argued, "Besides, you've never had an issue with my habits until now, apparently."


"So can I please go back to sleep?" I pleaded, taking a page out of Nyx's book and showing her the eyes of a lost puppy dog.

"Nope!" exclaimed Nyx, seemingly unfazed by my puppy dog eyes.

"Fine…" I sighed, "I guess there's no way out of this one."


"But why are you so happy anyways?" I commented, seeing as she had a huge grin on her face, like she knew something I didn't.

"Today is a very special day," She answered.

"Mind telling me what 'today' is?" I asked, motioning with my hands to urge her forward with a response.

"I'll give you three guesses!"

She really thought this was a game. I took a deep-breath inwardly.

'Might as well, seeing as she practically fell on me in an attempt to wake me up.' I thought to myself, thinking of what to say next in this little game she was insistent of playing. Whatever keeps her happy, I guess.

"Is today, let Percy sleep in day?" I guessed.

She giggled, "No, silly! Why would there be a day named after you?"

Ouch. Apparently, no one had ever told Nyx that words hurt, especially when you use them like that. I could tell she meant no harm by those words, though. However, it still hurt a little to be at the receiving end of those words. I mean, I was Percy Jackson! Who wouldn't want to name a day after me?

"Nevermind," I waved off her question, then proceed to guess again, "Is today, the day Annabeth finally admits that she is a full-out nerd?"

Nyx tilted her head, as if she was deep in thought before she shouted "Nope!" again.

Oh well. Doesn't change the fact that what I had asked was, indefinitely, true. Even if Annabeth would tell you it wasn't.

"One last guess!" She taunted.

Looking around as I thought, there were a number of things that came to mind while turning my head to and fro. However, as I tossed my head back and forth, my eyes landed peculiarly on a calendar.

The month was February, but that wasn't what had caught my eye. No, what did was the multitude of little x's drawn on the days, trailing all the way down to what could only be today's date.

'Oh no.' I thought to myself. A million little questions buzzed around in my head at the time since Nyx barged in, such as why she was acting this way and why she was insisting I should get up. It all made sense.

By closing my eyes and focusing on my mind palace, all of my surroundings, including the calendar, seemed to disappear as a blank space of black stood in their place. There was but a singular that floated around the darkness.

Thinking, 'what day is today?', the little slip of white floated towards me, seemingly waiting to be activated. Touching it, it slowly unraveled until it revealed a revelation that matched all of my horrors.

Scrunching up my face in fear, the mind palace slowly evaporated until all that remained was my cabin and Nyx looking down on me with a concerned look on her face.

"Percy, are you okay?" She questioned me.

"Yeah, I am." I confirmed.

"I have my final guess for you."

Her face immediately lit up, "So! What do you think today is?"

Holding the silence, I took my sweet time delivering my answer. An answer that would bring about my inevitable downfall.

"Is today," I paused dramatically, "February the 14th, Valentine's Day?"

"Yep!" Nyx shouted, bouncing up and down from my correct answer.

The pain she delivered with each and every bounce was nothing compared to the inescapable dread I felt, knowing what was to come.

"And you know what that means!"


"Time to spend Valentine's Day with my family!"

I facepalmed, thinking that Death would be a kind alternative to the torture I was about to endure.


(Percy POV, Midday)

For once in my life, I felt as if everything was going my way. As if some divine intervention had actually been what I needed on this fateful day.

Walking side by side with Nyx, we journeyed through a mall bustling with people, though most were, unsurprisingly, holding hands with a significant other, signaling almost everyone as a couple. Alternatively, me and Nyx settled for just walking relatively close to one another, seeing as we weren't a couple, but rather, she needed someone to cheer her up. 

For what? Well, Nyx's 'family plan' had not worked out exactly as she would have liked it too, as all of her children either didn't respond to her calling them, said they couldn't make, or went as far as to tell her to leave them alone.

Now, despite my initial surprise from her creating a phone out of darkness, ("The perks to being a Primordial," she had told me), I was rather happy from this entire ordeal. 

Not only did I not have to attend her family outing, now she and I could go to my mom's house for some well-deserved blue cookies! At first, Nyx hadn't wanted to go anywhere else for the day, saying the rest of it was ruined, but when I offered to go and see my mom Sally, she had meekly obliged. And hey, if I could use this as my excuse to get delicious blue cookies, then who am I to complain?

As we continued to walk through the mall heading towards my mother's house, I noticed Nyx seemed to walk as if she was practically dragging her feet along the ground, much like her moping self. 

Meanwhile, I had a little kick in my step, knowing what was awaiting me back at home. Besides, it had been a long time since I had seen my mother. Except for her inevitably chewing me out for being gone for so long, it would be nice to see her after all I had been through.

But for now, however, I had a Nyx to cheer up.

"What's wrong, Nyx?" I prompted her, actually concerned with the way she was acting.

"Nobody wanted to come for Valentine's Day," She replied, "They all said they had better stuff to be doing than join for another family disaster."

I knew what she was referring to. The last time Nyx had tried to throw a party involving her family, I almost ended up dying. In the end, someone did end up dying, only it wasn't me. The thought made me shudder, knowing exactly what happened on that fated night.

"It's nothing you should be feeling bad for," I reasoned with her, "It isn't your fault that they couldn't come, it was just that they couldn't today."

"Besides, we'll be hanging out with my family!" This was an alternative I was happy about.

"I know…" She agreed, "It's just that I went through all that trouble to wake you up, arrange everything, and try to get everyone together. And it all turned out to be for nothing!"

I sighed, knowing Nyx's personally was like a pendulum. You could never know which way it would end up turning, and could switch its direction at any given moment or time.

Right now, our roles seemed pretty reversed with her being the gloomy one and me, surprisingly, being happy to have something to look forward to.

"Well, if it's any consolation, at least you get to spend the day with me." I offered.

"Yeah, I guess you're right about that one." Nyx grudgingly obliged, slowly but surely lifting her gaze from the ground.

"That reminds me," She started "Where are we?"

"We've been walking through the mall for this entire time and you had no idea?"

"Nope…" Nyx confirmed, offering me a bashful smile in return.

That sounded like Nyx alright. Always acting first, then asking questions later. While this had never been a problem for me(until this morning), it did always make for some sort of fun event.

And by that, I mean some perilous action that has our lives at stake.

Yep, that definitely sounded like Nyx.

"So," I began, "What else do you want to do today after we visit my mom?"

At this point, I was a little curious to see what other contingency plan to replace her now ruined primary one.

"I dunno," She stated blankly.

I gave her an equally blank stare.

We stayed like that for a few moment, each beat counted by my slowly rising heartbeat, each tick growing a tad bit more frequent in intensity than the last. Though I had not noticed it before, Nyx had put on what looked to be tiny traces of make-up, only seeable if one truly paid attention.

Besides the barely noticeable make-up on her face, the dark trailing of her unkempt hair flowed behind her, stopping just after her shoulders. That then drew me to what she was wearing. 

Nyx's pale skirt contrasted the colors of the sun, accentuating her choice of color. The only place it didn't seem to reflect was a darkened emblem, pinned to the upper-left section of her attire. The oil-black color, laddered with little flecks of gold, seemed to resemble the night sky. All in all, she looked really good.

"I guess we'll find something out!" Nyx enthusiastically said, "Maybe Sally knows?"

Her sudden outburst shook me from my subconscious, and I had to shake my head in confusion to what I just thought.

'What was I thinking about? Well, doesn't matter now.' I thought to myself.

"Yeah, maybe she will." I responded, still moderately confounded.

"Let's go then, slowpoke." Nyx started to run ahead of me.

"Hey, you're going to bump into somebody!" I shouted after her, starting into a mild dash to catch up to her.

Shops seemed to fly by as I jogged to catch up with Nyx. Ahead of me, a dark blur passed through couples, practically getting shoved out of her way. Or maybe "shoved" wasn't the right word for it. It looked as if everybody seemingly moved out of the way whenever Nyx flew past them. Almost as if she were invisible to them. Or perhaps something else that did not garner for their attention.

'Damn the mist,' I thought, connecting the dots leading towards my understanding. Nyx was manipulating the supernatural-hiding substance to make herself unnoticeable throughout the crowds of people.

Though the same couldn't be said for me.

For every shop that I passed and every stairway or plant I jumped over, pairs of eyes seemed to follow me wherever I went. Head turned to watch me run past them in an attempt to catch up with Nyx. Brief whispers flew over my ears as I continued onwards, probably commenting on how kids these days were so irresponsible or the norm.

Anyways, why did I have to be mentally and physically exhausted from my previous journey, still? Nyx knew about all the activities I had been up to recently, being a Primordial and all, and could most likely piece together that I wasn't in the best of shapes as of now, if the way I was acting earlier this morning was anything to go by.

Why did Nyx have to be so cruel?

From asking all of those questions, I had barely missed the change of scenery that took place.

All around me, houses of all colors now stood where the plain white and blue shopping mall had previously. The stairways were replaced the blaring sound of numerous taxi cabs, the freshwater of the indoor ponds was now practically nonexistent compared to the polluted waters of New York, and-the most drastic of all these changes-I could, finally, see Nyx at a halt, calling my name from a distance.

"Percy, over here!"

I made my way over to where Nyx was standing and put my hands on my hips, using my slightly taller self to my advantage to seem as if I was towering over her, like a judgemental parent ready to deliver justice where justice was due.

...Mind telling me what that was about?" I questioned her.

"I just thought we could use a little bit of fun." Nyx answered through quick giggles.

"And that trick with the Mist?" I pressed, "I know that you know that I couldn't, still can't, use it as of now, right?"

She was full on laughing now.

"Sorry!" She laughed, not sounding sorry whatsoever.

Yeah, go ahead and make fun at my expense, Nyx. It isn't like the universe does it enough to me already.

Actually, with her being a literal part of the universe, the cut from her joke seemed to run even deeper.

Calming down, Nyx sighed after the little fit she just put on, wiping a tear from her eye with her finger.

"Well, it's not my fault you overexerted your power supply." She stated matter-of-factly.

"'Power supply'?" I asked, "What is this, some kind of Marvel comic?"

Nyx opened her mouth to reply, then looked like she was pondering over something. She then closed her mouth, brought her hand up as she seemed deep in thought, and rubbed it over her chin as if she was Sherlock.

Ironically, she settled on her favorite phrase as an answer.

"No s***, Sherlock."

Oh, she did not just go that far with me.

"Well, whatever," I vocalized the smugness in my voice,

"Maybe I'll just ask my mom to not give you some of her fresh out of the oven blue cookies." I added over my shoulder, walking ahead of her to where my mom's house lied.

"You wouldn't dare…" She let her words drag on, enticing the air with suspense.

I offered her nothing but a smile.

"Percy, you wouldn't dare!" She raised her voice, starting to run after me.

I let her chase me.

'Payback has never felt so good.' I thought to myself.

(Nyx POV, Sally's House)

"Well, have you tried the carnaval? I heard from one of my friends that one just recently came into town."

Here I sat, on top of a throne adorned with jewels and rubies. A queen, I was, and all peasants below me must pay tribute. In front of me, my most trusted confidant stood, addressing me as she slaved on the washing of plates.

At my side sat the Jester, my forever source of unlimited entertainment, exchanging words with my confidant. Normally, I'd have no trouble joining in on their talk of whatever, however, they were not the most important pieces on the playing board anymore.

No, what laid directly in palms reach were treasures unlike any this world had ever seen before. Here stood the articles of my possession, the very same that many had died over in their attempt to even savor their taste for more than a second.

Oh well, they would just have to grovel at the feet of their overlord and beg for them, though they would never receive an ounce of mercy.

A hearty laugh erupted as I downed the delicacy, taking my sweet time to drown in the pleasure they gave.

Nothing could ever compare to this life. No other would ever know what it was like, except for her.

In this way, despite all my other gifts, I felt the most dominant in. None could begin to imagine! How fortunate was I, to live long enough to see what such an era bring out.

That time immeasurable was well-spent, if it meant I could revel in this feeling for an eternity. Being finished, my eyes flashed over to the Confidant. Our eyes met, if only for a brief second. 

Then, she marched her way over to me with the grace of someone worthy to serve me, removed the plate, and brought out another batch. But before I could begin the devouring once more, the Jester interrupted me, no doubt to tell a joke unmatched in humor.

"Nyx," Percy began, "Are you starting to overcomplicate what "blue cookies" are again?"

"Nonsense!" I shouted. "I should have your head removed!"

Percy gave me a hard, long look. That gaze of his seemingly penetrated my soul, as if the unflinching glare I gave back was a clear indicator. In the end, he simply shrugged, then proceeded to snatch a cookie from my plate.

"Uh-huh." He broke his gaze, boredly looking to where the rest of the cookies laid.

He then quickly snatched the plate, securing all of the cookies in his mouth.

"Hey!" I grabbed him by the shirt and started to shake him.

"Give them back!"

"They're gone."

"Nooooooo!" I dramatically shouted.

Percy and his mother, Sally, simply exchanged a look, completely oblivious to my apparent suffering.

To think, all of this began when I jumped on Percy on his early wake-up call this morning. He had looked like a dead person, which was to be expected from someone who had actually almost died.

Wait, he did die.

His morning hair had looked like a low-discount mattress. Which I knew what one looked like.

I'm still confused to this day why Lyssa insisted on buying one. It was truly complete and utter madness.

Speaking of, to make matters worse, she and all my other children hadn't responded to my texting them, so we couldn't throw a Valentine's Day party for Percy.

Instead, he had been the one to cheer me up, insisting that we go through the mall and visit Sally.

And here I was, preparing to be the one to excite him by throwing him a big party for his return. On Valentine's Day no less!

But what was a Valentine's Day? And what was a carnaval? I had so many questions that I had to ask him.

'But he ate my cookies,' I thought to myself, 'For that, he gets the silent treatment.'

Crossing my arms, I looked from Sally to Percy, how had begun their previous talk. While I had been thinking for the most part, I caught a few words like fun and amusement. These were two of the most important words of importance, so naturally, they happened to draw my attention to their conversation.

"...I think it would be fun if you two went to the amusement park." Sally suggested, giving Percy and warm smile.

There were those two words again. The conversation must have gotten truly serious for Sally to be talking in such a dangerous manner.

"Yeah, that might be for the best, seeing how we have nothing else to do for the remainder of the day," Percy agreed, "Do you know where this amusement park is?"

"Mhm," Sally still had a smile on her face, "I heard that they are set up on the beach that is near here. Apparently, their name is the Fun Fair."

The use of repetition for those two words that really were important set off warning sirens in my head. Where Percy must have daring to take us was obviously super dangerous and super secret.

"Oh! You mean that beach?" He questioned.

"The very same you're thinking of." Sally replied.

'Beach?' I thought to myself. Percy told me about a beach before. He said that he had had a dream where his father Barnacle Beard had fought the King of the Gods, Even better Bearded Zeusy. If it was the same one he and I were thinking of, then such a place was bound to be perilous. Just my cup of chocolate tea!

"Thanks for all of the help, mom."

"Oh, please! It's my pleasure to help my misguided son!"

"What do you mean?"

Sally briefly looked over to me, holding something that looked like pity in her eyes, before turning back to Percy and giving him a rare wink.

"Nothing!" She exclaimed, a little smirk playing on her lips.

"Okay…" Percy started, "Anyways, Nyx, let's go."

Percy got up and turned towards me. He looked much better than he did in the morning. He had on a casual orange T-shirt with blue jeans. Around his neck were numerous beads, depicting his times at Camp Half-Blood.

Depicting the times we had spent together.

"Alright, let's go!" I sat up, stretching, with my usual energetic self.

"Oh, Percy! Can you pick up a book for me on your way back? They're selling the book at a discount near the carnival. I'll text you the title."

"Sure, mom," He replied, moving towards the door, "Will do."

"Bye, Ms. Sally," I began, "Your cookies are divine gifts from above."

She laughed at my statement and waved goodbye.

"Then, I'll make sure to have some especially prepared for you when you come back."

The thought made me smile.

Perhaps this day was turning out to be just fine after all.


(Nyx POV)

Well, this hadn't been what I had in mind.

Like, at all.

All around me were people, busy bodies going in every direction. Some went into restaurants that had red and white striped roofs, others seemed to be playing a multitude of games, each differing in their own, unique way. 

Though, almost everyone looked as if they were attracted to the seemingly endless amount of rides that were the main attractions of the carnival. Or was it an amusement park? Percy had used both of the terms interchangeably when explaining them to me.

Speaking of Percy, he was at my side, staring with as much interest as I had when we first stepped in this different world. Every new sound or shout seemed to startle him, and caused his head to turn towards the source of it. 

Besides that, me and him took our time, walking to the middle of the fair per his instruction to. Along the way, I caught him from the corner of my eye tapping his hand on his leg in tune to the various assortment of music that was playing. I swore I could have heard him humming as well.

Now, his head turned to meet my eyes, asking a silent question. It seemed like he was waiting for me to make a decision on something.

"So," He paused, "Where do you want to go?"

"I dunno," I shrugged, looking around, "I don't know anything around here, besides, what would I-"

I stopped mid-sentence as my eyes wandered over to one of the rides. This one had a spiral of tracks that extended from the ground up, twirling around in circles, as well as reaching great heights, until it finally touched the ground once more. 

I looked on with fascination as my eyes followed what seemed like a rocket-shaped barrel up, down and around the track, my head following each acceleration and deceleration of the ride.

I then turned to Percy, looked him deeply in the eyes, then I snatched his hand from his side and dragged him along with me towards the ride!

"Hey, what are you doing?!" He exclaimed.

"We're going on that ride!" I responded, lifting my hand to point at the ride of my choice.

Looking back, I saw Percy pale as he saw the copious amount of twists, turn, and loop-de-loops that the ride made. He turned to face me as we continued to run and tried to voice his apparent concern.

"Are you sure you want to go on that ride?!" He shouted over the wind flying past us.

"Positive!" I reciprocated.

Reaching the ticket booth, me and Percy stopped to catch our breath as the person manning the booth looked at us with confusion, but nonetheless waited contently to stop breathing like we had just ran a marathon.

Mortals were so weird.

"Two tickets, please." Percy asked wordlessly.

The man grabbed two tickets from a rack of the miniscule things, clipped them, and then handed them to us.

"That'll be five dollars, sir."

"Five dollars? Guess this place is just like every other scam." Percy muttered under his breath, reaching inside to pocket to pull out his wallet.

After giving the man the satisfaction of money, Percy and I headed past the barrier. Or, rather, he did. I had moved to go in after him, but the damned device snapped back into place as soon as Percy stepped through.

"Percy!" I whined, "The machine refuses to let me pass!"

"You have to put your ticket into the machine." He stated.

I tried to shove my ticket into the machine. I pushed my ticket into the machine's side front, and even on its sign. But it never seemed to go in.

"Oh my gods." Percy sighed.

Moving silently towards me, I didn't notice his presence until he put his hand over mine, guiding it towards where the ticket was actually supposed to go. When the ticket slipped in, Percy yanked me over the side of the machine and plopped me over by his side. The telltale snapping of the machine's gate signaled that I had made it through.

Noticing that Percy still had my hand lock with his, I quickly pulled mines away, growing a little red from the immediate contact and embarrassment from that scene.

Darn that foul machine!

"R-Ready to go on, Percy?" I stuttered a bit, my face still the barest of red.

Percy, obviously oblivious to this fact, responded normally, "Yeah, let's go."

As we got on the ride, my miniscule blush went away as if it was nothing. That never happened, is what I would tell myself. Besides, it was there one minute and gone the next.

It was a tiny as a mortal, for crying out loud!

In denial, I hadn't noticed that the ride began to move, and soon enough, we were flying across the rollercoaster.

I'm sure all of the carnival could hear my screams.


(Percy POV)

It had been a pretty good day. By my standards, at least.

Me and Nyx sat at a bench, her enjoying her cotten candy while I simply sat, deep in thought of all the events that had transpired today.

Despite Nyx waking me up earlier than usual, it had gone pretty good. We both got to spend some time to ourselves, just two friends enjoying the company of one another. Though, if I'm being honest, this was a rather pleasant experience to me burning down in the Maze.

Nyx, with her carefree self, had took me to almost every single ride after the rollercoaster, which she somehow managed to throw up on. Contrary to what I had normally thought, the rollercoaster wasn't half bad. Truthfully, it felt like riding Rebel all over again.

Besides that, we had gone on the teacup ride(Nyx liked that one), the haunted house(Nyx loved this one), the ferris wheel(Nyx hated this one), and a couple others that were all enjoyable.

Indeed, not a bad day whatsoever.

"Did you have a nice day Nyx?"

Silence. Strange, I had expected a sort of peppy answer coming from her.

"Nyx?" I asked, looking over at her.

I saw her staring back at me, her night sky eyes locked with mine.

For a moment, my surroundings blurred, all around me. The only one I could see clearly was Nyx, and only her.

Her face slowly leaned closer to mine, my heart starting to raise with each second closer it got. Soon, it stopped, mere inches away from mine. My breath hitched, and it seemed to stop altogether when she raised her hand and put it on my chest.

Like that we sat. For seemed like an eternity. My thoughts were racing, blurring across my mind faster than they ever had.

Then, Nyx's hand slowly crept towards the side of my face, all the while her eyes still locked with mine.


She poked me on my nose, causing my dry eyes to blink in surprise.

"You blinked!" She shouted.

Taken aback, it took my mind a couple of seconds to gather itself, my thoughts and heart slowly starting back on their normal pace from such a dramatic moment.


"You blinked!" She repeated herself, "I win!"


"Yep!" She grinned her biggest grin.

And I hit her over the head.

"Ow!" She exclaimed, "What was that for?"

"For you never taking anything seriously." I stated blankly.

She glared adorably at me.

"Well, I suppose I should go pick up that book." I started, "See you back at camp?"

She held her glare a little bit longer before nodding, "Sure."

"Alright, see ya."

"Hey, Percy." She ignored my goodbye altogether, "You wouldn't want to leave without your phone, would you?"


She put her hand in her pocket and when she pulled it out, I saw my phone wrapped around her fingers.

My Starkphone, one of the world's most advanced piece of hardware; a thing capable of bending reality.

And she pickpocketed it.

She grinned mercilessly at me.

"Wouldn't want to forget this, would you?"

"Give it back." I growled lowly.

"Sure thing," She casually shrugged, "Catch!"


Nyx threw my phone at my face, taking advantage of my momentary surprise. In haste, I instinctively closed my eyes as I put my hands up in an attempt to catch it. What a beginner mistake.

Though I could not see it, and it only lasted a second, a lukewarm feeling could be felt on my lips, the soft sensation almost burning with a wild passion.

For that one second, my mind went blank.

Then, everything returned to normal as I opened my eyes to stare at nothing but open air where Nyx should have been.

I felt a buzzing in my hands. Bewildered, I looked down to see my mom had texted me the book title, just as she said she would.

"Did she just…" I let my words trail on.

Nope. No. Nuh-uh. There is no way she did that.

Having nothing better to do, I started to walk off to get the book, wondering exactly what had happened today.


Don't forget to throw some power Stones, to keep the story going.


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