Unduh Aplikasi
92.5% Classroom of The Elite: Revenge / Chapter 73: Chapter 1: Beginning

Bab 73: Chapter 1: Beginning

A/N: Yep... I know... it's been 20 Days so far, I apologize for that, but had/still have some personal issues and so on.

I might go in one of the future chapters more in depth, perhaps, but don't know. 

Anyhow, before the chapter starts, how much do you like this story so far?

I'd appreciate it, if you could answer it. 

Anyhow, I won't be a nuisance for too long, so here goes the chapter. 



[Kurushima Pov]

Life and death, the ultimate dichotomy.

Two sides of the same coin, eternally spinning in the void, forever out of reach yet perpetually present.

What a quaint notion it is to fear death—to shudder at the mere thought of its icy embrace.

People cling to life as if it were a precious gem, a gift bestowed upon them by some benevolent deity.

But what is life, really?

A series of fleeting moments, a collection of experiences that fade into the ether as quickly as they arrive.

Since that day, it has always been like that for me.

My life had lost all its colors...

But when I figured out what really happened—that it wasn't a car incident—the screaming sound of hatred pierced through the fog of my confusion for my seven-year-old self.

The realization turned my world upside down, redefining my understanding of everything.

And it was the time when I found a single color emerging in my view from my black-and-white life that I had for a small amount of time.

A pitch-red one, which squeaks for the sound of revenge.

It was the only purpose that I had in life.

Ever since then... I've done some things I cannot forgive myself at all.

How strange...

I always thought the feeling I would have once I obtained my revenge on one of the responsible ones would be a fulfilling one, but instead I'm feeling even emptier than before.

That day, when I confronted him, Chairman Sakayanagi, I had so much hatred inside of me.

I couldn't control myself.

For a small period I felt joy, seeing his scared expression, the despair on his face, but after a while, the enjoyment relished out of my heart. 


It was like that in the end...

How ironic...

But even so, despite the fact that I'm aware of this fact, I cannot stop now.


I'm going to get justice for them.

Something this corrupt government... can't... and won't do for me...

And by doing so... I'll also make sure that Japan will be a long-lasting country, where everyone feels happy and satisfied to live at.

Perhaps this was my destiny all along...

My Amor Fati...

Soren Kierkegaard once spoke of the 'leap of faith,' the act of believing in something greater than oneself despite the absurdity of existence.

This might be mine, after all...

Seeking Justice for the murderer of my family and beyond that...

Changing the country for the better...

There's still so much to do before my demise... 

I've had quite the fun and enjoyed life strangely too, but this is the path I should take...

I don't need anyone else, aside from myself...


Leaning myself against the iron fence on the balcony of my room, feeling the cold wind on my face and my hair being blown away in wild strands, I watched as midnight officially passed by and was being celebrated today, by everyone.

For me, it was just another normal day—nothing worth mentioning.

No... It was not a typical classic day like every other one; it was far worse.

It was a painful day that reminded me of so many precious memories that I wish I could forget sometimes.

"This makes it now eight years in a row."

"Spending time on New Year's Eve at home is surely quite painful."

"Another day I used to happily celebrate back then with my family..."

"If I didn't break up with her, we would have celebrated it happily together, right?"

"For sure..."

"But... it's better this way..."


[14th January, Thursday]

[Ayanokoji Pov]

"A school trip, huh? It surely seems like something I should be looking forward to. I've packaged everything I need, essentially, too."

As I was standing right in front of my door, I opened it, closed it, and then walked with my bag, where everything essential was away that the school proscribed us to take with us.

In essence, while packaging normal underwear with you, the school instructed us to dress in a jersey and that we should take several spare jerseys with us, alongside basic needs such as toothbrushes or shampoos.

Anything more than that was not told to us. Neither the reason why we are going nor anything else.

Although it could be easily derived that we would not be like last time, probably on a cruise ship, since another exam at the Island would be unlikely, due to high amounts of costs from the school's side. 

Besides, it wasn't an exam you could regularly host. 

As I walked, I coincidentally stared at the room next to me, shrugging it off, though. 

Since last Thursday, when the school started, Kurushima has changed in his demeanor. He has become different from his usual self. 

It was kind of evidently why, but I suppose it was because of the breakup of his long-lasting relationship.

Many rumors were spread among the school, but he confirmed it last Thursday, saying that he broke up with his girlfriend, in some way.

But the tone in which he spoke was quite different when a girl asked him this question.

It was apparently beyond 'cruel' to deject someone like that, after some people.

I didn't find anything wrong with his answer, where he bluntly states that the girls should not approach him and expect anything in any way something, since he has no interest in any of them or in a relationship. 

He clearly changed.

But perhaps it was also his true self that he was hiding, just like how Kushida was hiding hers? 

In any case, I couldn't tell too much since we two did not converse even once at all.

People have different selves, and this might be his in the end.

It surely looks that way, so far.

Walking to the elevator, I pressed the button, and shortly after, I've arrived at the meetup location Chabashira-sensei told us.

There, I happened to see multiple buses. Unlike last time when we were here, it wasn't four, but instead twelve buses. 

Then again, Chabashira-sensei clearly mentioned that this school trip would be quite different, and we weren't the only ones who would attend it. 

"Ayanokoji-kun, you are rather late."

I looked at the girl, who clearly had a messed sense of time, as it was ten minutes before the bus would officially start driving.

Alongside ours, there were different locations for the other classes, but I paid no heed to any of them.

"I'm punctual. That's what matters, right?"

"I guess you could say that. Anyhow, who do you sit next to in the bus?"

"Ike... And you?"

"Next to no one. I happen to have gotten one of the single seats in the bus. If you so firmly dislike sitting next to him, you can always take one of the free seats, Ayanokoji-kun."

Since this was a 49 Coach Bus, with 49 seats and our class just happened to have 40 students, including one teacher, there were eight remaining seats which should happen to be free.

But taking that no one would sit next to Koenji and some other students might prefer to sit alone too, I wasn't sure if I should do it and disturb the ordered seating arrangement.

Besides, sitting next to Ike shouldn't be that bad, I believe.

It might as well seem rude by me, and since I was trying to befriend him and his group, rather, I would like to avoid this potential misunderstanding between us. 

"No, I have no problem with my seating arrangement."

"I see. I don't think you'd have gotten one of the free seats regardless."

I nodded, quietly. 

Apparently, free seats were quite popular, so it might not even be possible for me to get one, as the other students must have also the intention to claim some.

"Anyway, is this all you have? Just a bag?"

"Yeah... It seems enough for me. Don't you think so?"

"I'm not quite sure, but I took a suitcase with me. Most of our classmates did so, too. I think you might be the only exception with just a bag."

"I see."

I replied rather shortly, looking at Horikita. 

"Did you see Kurushima-kun on your way?"


"I see... He's rather late, isn't he? This has been like that for the past entire week..."

I agreed with Horikita. 

Lately, he has been coming to class just one or two minutes prior, unlike before the holidays, where he used to come twenty minutes prior before the class would start.

"A breakup isn't that easy, Horikita."

"I'm aware of that. It honestly surprised me when I heard about these rumors during the holidays, but I never thought they were valid. Do you think his breakup might be inclined because of our class position?"

I wasn't sure, myself. No one knew why Kurushima and his girlfriend broke up. Neither he nor his girlfriend talked, which left people rumoring things on various kinds of platforms. 

Some said it might be because he doesn't find her attractive anymore; others said it might be due to the class competitions; and another group of people discussed in the school forums whether it might be a difference of their status, indicating it might be like in the dramas they have watched. 

Till the first school day, the confirmation came from him, so the rumor of him being single and him not appearing on several occasions with his girlfriend, like New Year's Eve, was the reason for the rumor's being created in the first place. 

Well, I wasn't aware of it until last week, when school started, since I'm not really active on the school forums.

"No... forget it. We're not in the place to discuss something like that at all."

I silently agreed with Horikita, and we decided not to bring this topic up anymore. 

"Anyway, it seems like it's time to put our luggage in the trunk."

I nodded, and Horikita and I walked over slowly to the bus driver, handing him both of our luggage pieces. Even though I didn't have any, as there was space in the bus above for me to put my bag in, I had everything important to me. 

As everyone was finished, we looked around us, seeing the last person appear suddenly.

"Kurushima, you are rather late."

Chabashira-sensei was the first one to speak up, but even though he was late, the time till we should appear was two minutes over, so he wasn't, in technicality, late. 

"I forgot to put my alarm on." 

I looked at him, seeing that he had, like me, a simple bag with him. One of a multitude larger than mine, but it was still a bag in comparison to what everyone else had, a suitcase.

"I see. Do you want to put your bag in the trunk or take it with you?"

"I'll take it with me."

Chabashira-sensei nodded at the bus driver, who closed the trunk, entering the bus as the first one, while Chabashira-sensei stood in front of the door. 

"Since everyone has arrived, we'll be entering the bus. Hopefully, you all have packaged everything you need for this trip, including the things the school instructed you to." 

Most of us, if not all of us, gave a slight nod, agreeing, that we did.

Immediately, the two doors on the bus opened. One right at the front, and one right in the middle.

I made my way to the door in the middle, while Horikita walked towards the one in the front, where she sat one seat behind Chabashira-sensei.

"Good luck."

"I don't think I will need it," I murmured slightly, not thinking it'd be that bad sitting next to Ike.

Slowly, everyone entered the bus, and I sat right next to the window. Ike, my seat neighbor, sat himself next to me with a video console and a bag he put above.

Perhaps I should have taken my bag with me, too...

Seeing how loud the bus slowly has become, as everyone was talking with each other, I heard someone from behind talking, which shifted the entire attention of the class, mine too.

"Are you incapable of understanding what I said last week? I have no interest in you or any other girl, so do you mind leaving me alone? I want to sit alone."

Hearing this familiar voice from behind, as we all began to sit down, we all turned around. Even my seat neighbor, who had his video console in his hand and was in the middle of a game, did so. 

It was apparently one of the girls who wanted to sit next to Kurushima, who decided to sit alone in a free seat, which was not taken by any of our classmates, in the last row. 

"Ah... I'm sorry..." The girl slowly walked away from him, with tears in her eyes, evidently for everyone else here present, and then sat herself next to one of her friends. 

Before any of the girls could shout and complain about Kurushima's rudeness, as they must have felt quite aggravated, Sudo, who was sitting on one of the outside seats in the last rows, stood up, and grabbed him by his collar, with one hand, his face written full of annoyance on his face.

"Kurushima! I get it! You broke up with your girlfriend, and you probably feel shitty right now, but that doesn't justify how you treated her! Get it?"

"Mind your own business, Sudo. This doesn't concern you."

Kurushima grabbed him by the wrist and stood up, making Sudo stumble.


Kurushima released him quickly afterwards, "Now piss the fuck off."


Just when Sudo wanted to do something again, a loud voice echoed through the bus.

"Sudo, stop! What do you think you are doing?"

It was Horikita's loud voice that could be heard, stopping Sudo from doing something else. Even if she felt the same as him, there was no way it should be resolved violently. 

Sudo, who heard her, quickly stopped.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Kurushima? This is so unlike you..." Sudo said, feeling frustrated, walking back to his seat and sitting himself down. 

Meanwhile, I observed everything that happened with a curious look from afar.

Slowly, everyone turned themselves around, with no one speaking, not even the girls that wanted to complain initially. 

I, too, wanted to turn myself around, but he and I made eye contact for a moment eye contact, until he sat himself down. 

"Everyone, we'll be driving now. In around three hours, we will be there."

As Chabashira-sensei shifted our attention elsewhere, everyone quickly became focused on her.

"Sensei, where exactly will we be going?" 

"Hirata, I'll tell you that, once we are near reaching our destined location. But don't worry, it's nothing bad. I can tell you that for now."

"I see."

With Chabashira-sensei mentioning this, many became quickly relieved and so, conversations around the bus began to chatter around, forgetting what happened moments priorly. 

For around three hours, everyone chatted, played, slept, read, or did something else, until Chabashira-sensei began to speak again, for her explanation.


[Kurushima Pov]

In the midst of being in a dark tunnel, with all the other buses, Chabashira-sensei now stood up from her seat, looking at all of us, as the field of my vision began to slowly brighten up, indicating that we were in the process of leaving the tunnel.

It didn't prevent me of sleeping in any case, further.

I just opened my eyes because of the annoying brightness coming from the tunnel, in which we were about eight minutes, till now. 

Internally, I yawned, feeling quite sleepy, yet listening to her explanation, similarly wise.

The school was driving to an outdoor school located deep in the mountains in which we would be staying for eight days, seven nights, next Thursday being our last day.

I felt the irony of my fate now being even more comical. The day we return to school, it'll be the birthday of my girlfriend... I mean my ex-girlfriend. 

Strangely, I felt quite nostalgic.

The girl I broke up with, the person I still held feelings for... even though I was trying to get rid of them, had a day prior to that of my sister's birthday also her own birthday. 

If the school trip was until next Friday... I'd have felt the school doing this deliberately, but it was only until next Thursday...

Still that the school decided to host a trip around this time... 

I couldn't help but think whether it was intentionally done to bring me a bad reminder of my past or a simple coincidence since we would be a bit late gone.

In any case, they've somehow successfully pissed me off. 

Not because of her, but because I had to spend my time here... it was really frustrating, in some way. 

If Chairman Sakayanagi was still here... would he have hosted this trip around sometime else...?

A week later... to bring me a bad reminder of my past...?

I couldn't tell... and the thought of it was absurd, but I felt like, he might have done it...

I am reminding myself about him again, huh...?

It's been 27 days already since he is in a comatose state. Statistically speaking, the average coma lasts around... four weeks, in normal cases. 

My heartbeat has been these past days, always quite high because of that. But as the school didn't announce anything, it could be easily deduced that nothing regarding him has happened yet. 

He didn't wake up.

Even then... if he could recall it instantly, was another matter. 

Also... I was outside, now.

I'd keep myself informed, about his condition, his well-being, no matter the cost. 

Ayanokoji was one of the reasons I stayed here... but the more I'm here, the more the risk becomes of him waking up within the next few days or potentially even hours. 

Even then, if he was able to tell anything, no one would believe him at all.

For that, he'd have to reveal my motive, and in doing so, he'd reveal his involvement in a secret facility, that is violating the human rights of thousands of children.

Compared to what I would face, with nothing, as there is no evidence of anything, and him, was a league on its own.

It'd be the end of the Sakayanagi Family, itself. 

No normal person would do that...

Still... if he told it that 'bastard'... I'd have to drop out, immediately. 

I had influence, quite much, but unless I'm hitting the age of 18, the day I'm legally allowed to manage everything my family has, it's going to be a very difficult battle.

Although I had some money on my own, around 20 to 30 Billion Yen which I had, not through legal means, but it was not possible to technically withdraw or use it, all at once...

And if I wanted more from my monthly inheritance... I'd have to make a court appointment, in which I explain and argue why I would need more than the amount I have, currently...


This is really quite the drag...

Without including the money that covers all the properties and assets of my parents, there's a basic monthly allowance of around 4 Million Yen, making it around 48 Million Yen a year...

A decent part of it went to my private school... which I rarely attended... and some of it, went for improving orphanages, some for my education, some for my basic needs and some for other things...

Anyway, unless I'm not trying to bribe a judge, it's not going to change.

I don't have the intention... right now, either way, to fight him.

Besides... because of my rage... I had not asked him where I could find him... 

Where was the White Room operating...?

Where could I find him...?

Does he spend the majority of his time there or somewhere else...?

But it wasn't anything too much troubling either, since I could now do officially research regarding him.

Still... it's going to be quite the hassle, nonetheless, once I'm done here.

It might take a month to find out where he is...

As for the Kanzaki facade, I'm not sure how long it'll keep up, since there are easy ways of finding out whether it's him or not. 

I could imagine if he tried on attacking him, but if that was the case, I would have an easier way of getting him expelled. 

In any case, he would not take this risk, unless he's completely alone with him. 

If this exam offers itself any chance, I'll take it. 

Currently, I looked and flipped through the material that was just distributed seconds ago by the students in the front row. 

The material itself was rather thick and amounted to multiple pages.

There were pictures of what appeared to be the training camp properly included.

Rooms where students can sleep, large baths, cafeterias and the such are included.

For most, it looks like something fun, or rather, like reading a travel guidebook. Some were excited, yet I never felt a single change in my facial expression.

It was somehow a bit bothersome...

Although, since I knew through the guide now where the training camp was, I could probably smuggle myself out at night easily.

Next to dealing with Ayanokoji, I had to take care of some matters of my own. 

I had some money, albeit not much, but I could easily earn it. 

Anyway, it'd definitely take quite a long time, too. 

I had to think thoroughly how long it'd take.

Getting myself a cellphone might not be as easy as I thought, honestly. Since we are in the mountains, it's going to be quite hard to arrive at a small town, perchance. 

I didn't know much about the geographic location where we were going myself, but until we were there, I had access to my phone, so I could easily get myself an outlook of how long I'd need. 

It didn't matter if I had to buy a cellphone, an old one, or go to a nearby telephone boot, since all I needed was to call Aoki. 

I preferred to buy an old cellphone since I couldn't tell how long I'd stay here, but my initial plan is to leave sometime in February or March. 

As for Aoki...

The conversation with him will surely be on different... terms... 

He will be disappointed in me, after all...

But it doesn't matter...

Internally sighing, I decided to give myself an outlook on the special exam, before searching for a nearby town, which was somewhere around the outdoor school.

Since she said it'd take around another hour until we arrive and the explanation is set to be around 10 to 15 minutes at most, the rest of the time would usually be spent formulating a strategy among the class. 

Well, in my case, it was not. 

I wouldn't do anything of that sort.

However, for now, I'll be listening to her. Let's see if there is anything important she has to say, or whether it's a useless verbal explanation. 

"Feel free to read ahead but I'm going to go ahead with the explanation for the Mixed Training Camp. Since I'll be collecting the materials before you get off the bus, make sure you understand the rules well. I'll be accepting questions at the very end so make sure to shut up and listen. Do you understand that?"

Saying that, she looked at Ike, the one who constantly interrupted her and asked some questions, among all of us in the class. 

Even someone like me, who tried to sleep, noticed his constant pestering questions.

It annoyed me pretty much, if I'm honest.

Shaking my head internally, I decided to flip through the material in one go.

From what I could instantly say, this exam would be quite bothersome, as I thought.

Upon arrival, students will be divided by gender and across school years before forming six groups.

The number of students in each group has upper and lower limits, which are specified in the provided material. For instance, if there are 60 boys in a grade, the group size should be between 8 and 13 students, and these limits change with different total numbers.

If there are 70 boys in the same school year, then it'll be 9–14, and If there are 80 boys in the same school year, then 10-15 will be the lower and upper limits for a group.

As for below 60 boys in a grade, there was another special rule, but since it didn't apply to any of us, I could not care about it in the slightest way.

It's not possible to form two groups in your class. The minimal requirement is to be mixed with one other class from your year so that two classes are mixed together.

Of course, there could always be more classes mixed together.

However, while the minimum requirement states that it must be mixed with another class, the rule would also work if it's just one person from another class. 

Although whether the opposite class would agree with that is highly questionable. Depending on the outcome and how much advantage one would hold with more or less people was certainly a question, but she had yet to explain it.

Since I read a bit too far ahead, I simply flipped over, reading the other things, until Chabashira came to further explain some things.

"The groups will be something akin to temporary classes formed for the outdoor school only. However, even if it's only temporary, the contents of it will be intense. Members of a group will take lessons together, will cook and wash together and will even bathe and go to bed together. You will experience daily life of all different kinds together."

"How the outcome of the special exam will be decided, that will depend on a comprehensive exam that will take place on the last day of outdoor school. A rough idea of the exam's contents are written on the page 7. Go through it."

Since I knew this already, way before anyone else, I was even more bothered by it. 

There were some useless subjects the school thought would help us students while we were here: Morals, Mental Discipline, Order, and individuality.

I had already formed a prejudgement of this, of course, but I genuinely saw this as a simple waste of time. 

I would rather read 'The Republic' by Plato again or discuss with some people Nietzsche's view of challenging conventional morals, but well... I suppose I've got to bear with it. 

I looked once again at the sample schedule.

After we wake up, we'll work on our morning assignments. Then we'd gather at the dojo for Zazen, and then we'd go to work (such as cleaning). Then we eat breakfast.

Afterwards, we'll study various things in a classroom. After that, we eat lunch. We then receive assignments for the afternoon, and once again, we practice Zazen.

Then we'd have dinner and a bath and go back to bed.

Despite my attempts at being alone... I was now forced into such a situation where I had to be with others' and rely on them, too.

That was quite ironic...

I looked further, and the only free day we would have for resting would be on a Sunday...

I had to see and formulate when I could go outside, but so far, Sunday might be the best option.

Of course, I could try on doing it today, but I wasn't entirely sure as of now. 

If there was something important late in the evening, I probably couldn't miss it. And if I did, it'd be quite suspicious. 

I just hoped it wouldn't take long, so I could do what I had to do later today.

Without any hesitation, Chabashira continued her explanation.

I decided to listen, since her explanation might contain something explicitly important that wasn't written here. 

"More details on your schedule will be announced upon arrival at the outdoors school. What kind of special exam will take place and in what order on the last day is also something I cannot tell you at this stage."

"Deciding your groups is of utmost importance. All six groups must be as one and must be capable of overcoming a week of the camp. No matter what the reason may be, you are not allowed to withdraw from your group halfway through or change members. If a student is forced to retire from either sickness or injury, then the group must deal with that gap on their own by assuming 'that student exists'."

For today, we wouldn't have full-scale lessons. 

Of course not; the school would give us for this day some rest. However, the full-scale lessons would start coming from Friday morning, which is tomorrow, till Wednesday, where lessons will be held at the outdoor school.

On the 8th day, which will be a Thursday, all school years will take an exam simultaneously, and we will be graded.

That's everything about the schedule. 

Quite boring, in fact.

But well, I've to endure it, a week long.

"After the 1st years have established their groups, they will rendezvous with the 2nd and 3rd years who will have established their groups at the same time. In short, it means six groups will have formed numbering around 30 to 45 people composed of 1st years up to 3rd years."

"If I have to put it simply, the groups you'll be forming with your school year are the small groups and the groups that will be formed from all school years will be the large groups."

"Now moving onto the important topic: the outcome. That will depend on the 'point averaged' from the exam results of every member in the six, large groups. It means the talents of the other school years will also play an important role."

Chabashira continued, but I stopped listening now. 

In the end, I had gained no new insights about this exam at all from minutes ago, when I flipped through the material very quickly. 

Shortly afterwards, I took my phone out, looking at where we were headed and, if there were towns, a shop, including an electronic store.

Apparently, there were some shops a bit near the outdoor school. It'd take me about an hour or a bit longer, but that wasn't the point.

All that matters is that it was near and clearly possible for me. 

With this clear in my mind, I knew that I could pull this over today, probably. 

Closing my eyes for a couple of moments, I wondered when we would arrive, until I heard something interesting from my homeroom teacher all of a sudden.

"Also, if the leader is to be expelled, they can choose another person from their group to bear joint responsibility and be expelled alongside them. You could say it's sort of like dragging them down with you."

That was one of the available methods I could use. However, whether I could bring someone to do this was highly questionable.

No... I could...

Besides, even if that did not work... I could do it somehow else.

Another method she had yet to explain to everyone present here. It was a bit unlikely, but not impossible at all. 

For the large group that places in Sixth Place, the last place, there would be quite a penalty for them.

Well, not quite precisely, since the school wouldn't punish 40 people in the group.

However, what they would do, is punishing one of the three smaller groups in it, from the first, second and third year, if in case, their average point falls below the borderline average point set forth by the school.

And their punishment was...


This was definitely another kind of method that existed.


I'm sure he'll watch out that nothing happens to his teammates, whom he is placed with, since he's aware that I'm trying to expel him. 

After all, if I could get at least get three or four of them unable to participate, it wouldn't matter what he did; his expulsion was indefinite. 

Sensei said it herself moments ago, "If a student is forced to retire from either sickness or injury, then the group must deal with that gap on their own by assuming 'that student exists'."

In other words, they had to make up for that score. It was highly questionable if they could do that, especially in classes like these that were not dependent on academics.

Which even he, that bastard's 'masterpiece' should lack. 

But well, this is just one of the methods that exists in this exam. 

I'll correct my mistake with this exam, now.

I lost, surprisingly, but it doesn't matter...

No, it does...

A loss...

Something like that never happened to me, even when I held myself back...

It was the first time for me to experience something like this...


It seems like his facility did at least partially something right by being able to best me. 

However, the natural order cannot be disrupted indefinitely. 

My victory was written ages ago, already prewritten in our DNA.

He bought himself some time, preventing the inevitable, but that's all. 

I wasn't born to be defeated, but to be victorious. 

Even despite everything that happened in the past, this single fact did not ever change. 

It never did...

This will be in some way my legacy, probably...

The same way my fate was predetermined already when I was born in this world, too...

Ayanokoji Atsuomi...

I'll take everything from you...

Like you took everything from me... 

That has been my entire life purpose, since so long...

For that... I exist...

For my Justice—For my Revenge...


A/N: And this concludes the chapter.

I could have written more about the bus scene, but I found this to be a perfect way to end this chapter. 

There are six groups, so with whom do you expect Kurushima to be paired in a group with?

Naturally, he has no intention of expelling himself, so one group can be taken out, immediately. 

As for the other's, they might become quite interesting. 

Anyway, tell me what you think of this chapter.

I'd appreciate it, since it's quite the long time. 

His change should be quite clear, based on how he interacted with the other's.

Hopefully, you all liked reading it. 

Is there anything you expect to happen kinda, in the Mixed Training Camp?

Please tell me. I always appreciate comments. 

Anyhow, I'm wishing you all farewell, till next time. 

Don't forget to share your thoughts.

It motivates me and brings you a faster chapter, lol. 

Goodbye. Have a great Day.

(PS: For those who watch MHA, today a peak episode will be released. Dabi vs Shoto. I'm so excited!)

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Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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Tulis ulasan Status Membaca: C73
Gagal mengirim. Silakan coba lagi
  • Kualitas penulisan
  • Stabilitas Pembaruan
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • Latar Belakang Dunia

Skor total 0.0

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Stone -- Batu Daya
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