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63.75% Classroom of The Elite: Revenge / Chapter 50: Chapter 15: Two Sides of the Same Coin

Bab 50: Chapter 15: Two Sides of the Same Coin

[Ayanokoji Pov]

After changing into my uniform I went to the front gate as promised and just as she said she would, the girl was waiting for me.

"You said you had something to tell me.....?".

"Follow me".

"Follow, where exactly.....".

"A special building".

That, too, turned out to be quite a bizarre place. The girl, without offering me a detailed explanation, started walking off, and so we reached the 3rd floor of the special building.

This floor is one of the few places in the school where there are no surveillance cameras installed.

"---What exactly---".

When I tried to ask her, the girl told me to wait and then walked off alone. She then went over to a corner in the corridor and quietly whispered.

"Can I go back already?".

"Yes. You did well, Masumi-san. I'll be counting on you again".


The girl named Masumi quietly nodded and left. The person behind the voice slowly revealed herself. Carrying a cane in one hand, she looked at me with a cold smile.

It was Sakayanagi Arisu from Class C. No, as of now, she's still in Class B, and our Class is in A. Until the 1st November, that is.

After that, Ryūen, to everyone's surprise, will be from now on in Class A.

Of course, only with the help of Y, in the Inhabited Island Exam. The Identity of Y still remains a secret. Even I, have no idea who it is. 

"You called me?"

I asked Sakayanagi, but she did not reply. Then, for a brief while, Sakayanagi and I ended up staring at one another. 

In a school building at dusk, the lone girl stood before my eyes with a cane in her hand.

"That last relay drew quite a bit of attention, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka-kun."

Just when I had thought she'd finally opened her mouth, it ended up being merely that.

"Yeah, sorry, but can I send a mail first? I've got someone waiting."

"Please go ahead."

Sakayanagi did not react with displeasure, but rather, she smiled at me. I sent what I had prepared.

"So.....may I assume that it's you? The one who called me out here, that is".


An immediate reply, eh?

"So, what's the matter? If at all possible, I'd like to wrap this up quickly."

"After seeing you run, I remembered something. I called you here so I can share with you the shock I felt at that moment. It's almost like this is the lead up to a confession, don't you think so?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about...".



Propping herself up with a cane, Sakayanagi stood right next to me.

"It's been a long time, Ayanokouji-kun. Approximately 8 years and 243 days."

"You're kidding, right? I don't know you."

"Fufu. I suppose so. After all, our acquaintance isn't a mutual one."



The tapping receded bit by bit. What exactly is this about? I decided to wrap things up and started to walk in the opposite direction.

"White Room."

When those words pierced through my ears and reached my brain, I unconsciously stopped walking. It chipped away at my rationality and I started questioning 'why' and 'how'.

"It's unpleasant, isn't it? To be swept about by information that only the enemy possesses."


"This is a nostalgic reunion, and so I thought I just had to greet you."


I looked back at Sakayanagi while still keeping my back turned on her. I definitely haven't seen her before, she truly is a girl who doesn't have a place in my memories. I haven't lost any memories in the past, either. 

I met this girl, Sakayanagi, at this school. There's no mistaking that fact.

"Understandable. Because you don't know me, after all. But I do know you. This must be a strange twist of fate. To be reunited with you in a place like this. To be honest, I never thought I'd see you again. But with this, some mysteries have been solved. The uninhabited island, that was you, wasn't it, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka-kun?"

"Although, in the Zodiac Exam, you did rather do only minimal things. But it was because Kurushima-kun was there, wasn't it? If he hadn't been made to retire, would you have, regardless, shown your abilities in the Island Exam?"

"But... if I may ask, what was the reason you told me when Kurushima-kun's girlfriend would participate in one of the competitions? There must be one, surely, considering we're talking about you, Ayanokoji-kun. But are you not afraid he'll deduce it was you who was pulling the strings behind that?"

Apparently, she realized it was me, who told her about the competitions. I had, in case, created a different email, so I wouldn't be traceable, but I didn't expect the information about the White Room to be known by her.

If I had known that beforehand, I might have acted differently. No, I definitely would have. 

But she's right. I did have a reason behind my actions. The Three-Legged Race of the girls aligned itself perfectly, with the next competition of the boys.

His girlfriend was in the last competition of the Three-Legged Race, so I wanted to see, whether he'd stay at her side after her injury, thus abandoning the class, or would he come back?

Contrary to what everyone thinks, Kurushima has no reason to stay in the class, if he ever intended too. Ryūen's class was by far more lucrative for him.

His girlfriend is there, and he and Ryūen can work together, as shown in the Zodiac Exam. Kurushima, of course, could have submitted them in the last seconds before the Exam ended, but he didn't do so.

Could his love for the girl in Class C affect his decision-making?

If so, then that was certainly a bad thing, for the entire class. Instead of 150, we could have earned 300 Class Points. 

Koenji of course, was entirely correct in submitting the VIP in his group, so in the end, it was just two VIPs Kurushima submitted. If one thinks further about it, however, it's a strategic move, because Sakayanagi was in-between Ryūen's and Kurushima's targets. 

Normally, Ryūen would be busy with defending against Ichinose's class, but looking how bad it was for them, ever since the Island Exam, he most likely doesn't examine her as a real threat. 

Her class has been ever since their 2 losses very quiet. And now the Sports Festival, too. It certainly looks very bad for them. However, because Ryūen doesn't seem to examine her as a threat, Sakayanagi, was his next target.

Or that's what she might have thought. He's after X, more precisely me. 

Regarding Sakayanagi's question however, whether Kurushima might deduce it was me, it was certainly a probability.

A low one, however, if I had to say.

If he did it regardless, then it'd mean Kurushima is hiding his abilities, because for him to deduce this, he'd have knowledge that Manabe and her group bullied Kei, that I'm blackmailing Manabe, and also, that I'm making Karuizawa Kei dependent on me, based on just two things. 

Also, his girlfriend was in Line 2, so it could simply be regarded as an accident from Sakayanagi's side, because the Three-Legged Race requires much coordination.

I know that Yukimura told him what happened, and he knows of her past, but that's the two only things he knows of her.

Could he regardless deduce it was me?

Of course, I was aware, he might know that I'm X, but that's all there is.

I didn't think he was holding his abilities back, because he's already portraying an exceptional mind, being able to deduce the S-System, the approach the other classes would take in the Inhabited Island Exam, the deduction of Ryūen's deal with Katsuragi, the ability to retain calm behavior, and think of the next best approach, once confirming Ibuki is a spy and destroy her camera to make Ryūen's strategy fail. 

And foremost, the deduction of the VIP Pattern in the Zodiac Exam. I heard what he did in his group, too, with the Poker Cards, to have Ryūen under the impression he figured it out from there, with the VIPs. 

It was deceitful, but he was able to read Ryūen's intention perfectly of not wanting to fight Sakayanagi for now, confirm his observations of the pattern by Ryūen, and, in the end, win this Exam for us.

All that itself are very impressive abilities he portrayed, but if he were to truly hold back still, he's better than I'm aware of.

But I have no reason to question his abilities, neither does anyone else.

And also, unlike me who hides his abilities to be normal, what could he gain by hiding them?

I don't think he hides it. That's my conclusion, as of now.

"I wonder..."

"You want to test his loyalty to the class, don't you, Ayanokoji-kun? As a class leader, he's undeniably more than just great, but as an enemy, he'd be an enormous threat to your class, given his knowledge of the internal structures of your class and far more at his disposal."

Once again, Sakayanagi had a great gasp of my intention. Seeing as she had knowledge of the White Room, it was no wonder. But she was speaking truth.

He'd make a dangerous opponent, and he might also be the next Student Council President, decided in four days, on October 10.

The participants were Nagumo Miyabi of Class 2-A, the Vice-President, and Kurushima Kaoru, currently in Class 1-A, next month in Class 1-B, the only first year student inside the Student Council, and was one of Horikita Manabu's secretaries. 

I was well aware why he was his secretary. Horikita Manabu wanted to prepare him for the upcoming duties as the President, and as his Secretary, he's allowed to accompany him within the Trials. 

Of course, one of the reasons he wasn't able to partake in Sudo's Trial is because the matter was regarding his own class, and also, he was the entire week sick, so he hadn't enough time to prepare himself for it. 

But I also had my own reasons for doing it. I want to know the individual called Kurushima Kaoru and how much potential he holds.

If he were to reach his Full Potential, could he... defeat me?

I want to prove 'That Man' wrong, but I also, don't. While I'm seeking to be defeated, I'm still trapped in the mentality of wanting to win.

I'm doing this simply for my own good.

For my own ambition.

For that, I need to know him more. The things aside from him being wealthy. If I were to know that, I might be able to let him achieve growth.

But perhaps, he might be also able to achieve it on his own? Unlike Horikita, unlike the other's in our Class, that might be possible...

Nevertheless, I still have to ask her this question.

"Did your fraction interfere with me during the Island Exam? Given of you knowing the White Room, and your fraction providing Ryūen the VIPs identity, it's possible that you also provided him more? Two pieces of Anagram's?"

"Fufu, I wonder. Isn't it your job, the Masterpiece's task, to find out whether Y is in my class, that of yours, or from Ichinose's or even that of Ryūen's? I'd hate to take your fun away from you, Ayanokoji-kun."

This confirms it. She really does know me.

However, she also doesn't seem to have the intention of sharing this information, even if her class isn't responsible for it, interfering with me. 

But even now, I'm still not a step closer on whom the mysterious person is, who interfered with me in the Inhabited Island Exam and helped Ryūen to win.

I'd take my class away out of the lists of suspects, rather because I'm well aware who moves out and who doesn't.

I was waking up within an Interval of 2 hours, so if there was someone, he must be fairly known with my sleeping habits, that no one else...

But the White Room Management know...

Could someone... be from there, sent among the Year?

No, that's not possible...

Then Kurushima...?

No, although he's coming from an affluent family, when I first introduced myself to him, he hadn't a reaction of shock or surprise either.

Not even a Micro-movement hinting towards it, being acquaintances with me. It was definitely the very first time he met me, and heard of my name. That's for sure.

While people can deceive themselves, the body shows for a 1/10 split of a second, something, that cannot be fooled. 

Then... Y might be also well-aware of the White Room...

If not... Y is someone who regardless predicted more or less my entire Strategy, despite never having been in the White Room...

A scary thought, that someone could predict my entire thought process so well, and took measures, by manipulating Ryūen into perfecting his strategy...

If I hadn't seen the piece of paper Ryūen left me...

I'd have submitted the wrong VIP, and thus, our class would have ended up with 60 Class Points in the last place.

He formed a good tactic, of confirming who X was, if he was aware of the paper, and I naturally had no idea someone saw through me all along, at that time.

Fortunately, he didn't take into calculation that the Ship would move its position somewhere else, so I was saved regarding that matter.

Besides, I hide it, immediately, so Ichinose and Kanzaki couldn't deduce it was me. In other words, it could have happened during that whole day, and no one could be aware of it.

Neither Ryūen nor the rest of his class.

I did it instantly, after seeing that the Cruise Ship wasn't there.

I might have been serious trouble, for a moment...

"Please relax. Firstly, I have no intention of telling anyone else about you."

Interrupting my thought process, Sakayanagi, the girl in front of me, spoke.

"Wouldn't it be easier if you did?"

"I don't want to be interrupted. I'm the only one worthy of burying the false genius."


The thin cane tapped on the floor.

"I've found some slight enjoyment in this boring school life. Two rather interesting opponents, in the same class."

She's referring to Kurushima, huh? Did she hear of him... or know his past? 

"You're asking yourself whether I'm referring to Kurushima, don't you? Yes, indeed, I am. You two are more or less two sides of the same coin. Two people who have experienced life as a 'hellish' experience, until now."

"Can I ask you one thing?"

"I'm honored to be questioned by you. Please ask away. Anything you like. If you'd like to know why I know you, then I don't mind giving you an answer, you know? Although, if you'd like to know about his past, I've got to decline it."

"No, I'm not interested about that. I just want to know one thing."

Sakayanagi and I make eye contact.

"Can you bury me?".

Was what I asked.


Sakayanagi laughed a bit and then laughed yet again.

"Fufufu. I apologize for laughing. But I did not intend on insulting the statement you made. I know very well just how awe-inspiring a person you are. I've just begun to enjoy this. Because I will be fulfilling my life's wish by destroying the greatest masterpiece your father has made."

After a couple of seconds, I walked away.

Two sides of the same coin, huh? 

We're completely different. 

But his past, does make me wonder... 

Even Sakayanagi refers to his life until now as 'hellish', despite knowing of the inhuman thing called White Room, existing. 

It makes me wonder even more, what happened. 

I walked away, until I reached the iron fence, where nothing else but the ocean was.

"Freedom, huh? Do I want to enjoy this longer than just simply 3 years? But even if, 'That Man' is simply too powerful. He wouldn't let that happen. I doubt there exist someone who would voluntarily go against him..."

"Against someone who could move an entire country in ruckus. Who would be foolish enough to do this?"

"I certainly... can't..."

Saying that, I leaned myself frontwards against the fence, enjoying the sunset, and the cold air. 

"I wish..."

"I could enjoy moment like these longer..."


A/N: And this concludes the chapter.

This was a chapter from Ayanokoji's Point of View, after he's being confronted by Sakayanagi after V5, like in the original.

But unlike the original it's far different. After all, now that Kurushima is there too, everything has completely changed.

I'm slightly curious, but what do you like so far in this fic?

The plans?

The dynamics?

The motive of revenge?

Or perhaps the romance in general?

I'm trying on making every character true to their abilities, and, well, sooner or later, it'll be far different, once Kurushima knows the truth of the White Room. 

The dynamics and all would be changed, as he'll be on his Arc where he's the most insane, because of all that information. 

In particular the dynamics between Kurushima and Hiyori...

I'm not sure how I'll be writing it, then...

Also, I'm thinking of making his plans slightly more traceable, because he's completely driven by his emotions, around that corner of time. 

Perhaps, there might be even a fighting scene between Ayanokoji and him? Do you want one?

Also, next Chapter will be with Nagumo, because of the oncoming elections. 

Anyway, that'll be all.

I hope you liked the chapter. 

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