Unduh Aplikasi

Chapter 6

.I stood in front of the entrance of the building ready to get in through the main door.

Well it looks bigger than what it was on the manga

Well nevertheless let's get goi—

"TORU HAGAKURE REPORTING FOR EVIL DUTY!!" She happily said as she pose with a peace sign

Oh god. . . . . not her!

She was now standing right in front of me with her naked body exposed out in the open.

This is going to be hard time and I mean that in both fucking ways

"Ok" I mumbled as I look at her face trying to avoid any direct eye contract below her neck. This is going to be a difficult task.

"Alright Toru let's get this over with alright?" I turn around as a I put the sombrero on.

Now I face the door that lead inside the building and open it which reveal a room that was empty except for some boxes medium and large wood boxes that seem to be randomly place

Making the perfect hiding spot or cover for someone to prepare an ambush.

It's common knowledge if you see a room with boxes like this. Even every movie or tv show does this as to let the Mc or the antagonist to hide and wait for the moment to strike.

So without risking it

"Hey, toru" I call her as I scanned the area.


"Did all might gave you the ribbon" quietly said as we both walk, with her following me behind.

"Yes I do" she said as she pulled the folded ribbon from the inside of her gloves "Here it is"

I look over my shoulder making sure.

But my enhance noose pick up two scent that come from two boxes one of tours the right and one to the left, and I realize what we had just walk upon.

Pling* pling* pling*

It was the sound of metal bouncing of the ground near my feet.

I look down immediately and saw two flash bangs rolling into the middle. Without saying a word I push toru back making her fall onto her rear.


(Translate: DAMN SON OF B—)

The damn thing went off right underneath me.

I was lucky that My face was covered with the dark helmet before it exploded.

Except my ears. They were ringing, making me lost my focus as I stumble and almost fall to the ground bunt I use my hands as to support my hand.

"Graaahg" I let out a groan of pain. My brain feels as if Eli's bouncing around my skull. Both of my ears were destroyed as I couldn't listen and something wet was coming out of my ear as it drip to the ground.

My eardrums were destroyed for only three seconds as they were heal back to normal and even somehow perfect, hearing footsteps run around as well as some whispered.

I turn my head to check on toru and saw her stand up with a bit of trouble, she look confused at first.

So for now she's o-


He saw a red hair spike boy in front of him ready to wrapped the ribbon on him.

{3rd POV}

Kirishima was already on top of C, bringing down the ribbon to wrapped it around his neck, but kirishima himself was not ready for what was about to come.

C rammed his head against kirishima's face making him lose his balance, kirishima took a couple of step backs as to gain his distance and regain balance

"Hey that was a good hit!" he said as he activated his quirk, his body hardened. "So come on let's have a Manly fight!!"

"Let's get this shit started them puto—> (Fucker)"

"Let's Do th-" he didn't finish as he receive quick front kick to the stomach pushing back which it was follow by powerful hook to the face.

Kirishima of course wasn't going to stand there and Take it. He too deliver a powerful right punch to the front of Cansio's helmet.

A few centimeters away from them Toru was running, avoiding the many attempts off Mina and momo trying to wrap the ribbon around her

"Stay still!" Mina yell as she launch at her but miss as toru side step her making her fall to the ground hard."OWIE" she said with her face still on the ground.




I throw a left straight punch catching him on the noose making him take a step back.

He was about to recover again but not for long.

As clenched my right fist with all my strength and swung it to the side of his head. I was in a rage state so I didn't know how fucking much of strength I put into that blow

All I saw was kirishima been sent flying like a cork hitting a pillar a few meters to my left and destroying it on the process.

My anger had taken over me as I walk reaching tours were he was laying face down semiconscious. He try to get up, but couldn't as my left foot connected with his back pinning him to the ground.

My foot left his back as I grab his hair pulling his head back.



His head was push down hard impacting back to the concrete ground giving, he had no time to hardened his face as he felt pain and dizziness run through him.

He was pull back up again.


He was slammed back down, cracking the ground even more but this time his faced was rubbed against the concrete side to side.

"There is no stopping on a battlefield" I whispered closed to his ear with a a hint of anger "The only way a battle stops is when one the man from the opposite side is dead. That is were the fight stops. Only in death."

I let go of his air as I back away and stand back up no longer pinning him to the ground. He turn his head to the side looking at me as blood run down his fore head and his nose.

His expression was that of anger .

"That is not. . .the manly way to. . fight"

"Hehe" I let out a chuckle as I pick up my black sombrero that was on the ground a few inches away from kirishima's face.

"Sorry to break it to you man. But in this world things are not solve by in friendly ways, but rather in a cruel messed up way, either be peace or saving someone's life." I bend over as I pat him on the head

"But You sure as hell gave me a good fight" I said as stand back up "You even manage to crack my exoskeleton."

" And I respect you for it"

"Hmp" kirishima let out a small toothy grin " At.. least I did . . Leave you with something to remember me."

"Well see ya" I said as I walk tours the stairs that lead up, before I could go up I turn my head back. "Hey if you want to talk sometime or even beat the shit of each other. Come talk to me and I will say yes"

"He he" he let out a small laugh as he slowly got up "Yeah I am down for that" he got up as he again stand in a fighting position. "BUT AM NOT DONE WITH YOU."

I look at him surprised.

'This guy as some balls made of STEEL'

"SO COME ON" he banged his chest with his fist, making a noise that sounds of two rocks colliding with each other " AM READY FOR THE NEXT BATTLE!!"

I of course wanted to but the fight was over. I turn back and walk up the stairs as I leave kirishima behind me.


"You got a cool necklace on you!" I yell

{3rd POV}

"What does he mean by neck . . . lace" he trail off as he look down seeing the white ribbon hanging of his neck.

He let out a smile as he look to stairs were Cansio disappear.

"You sly Bastard" he said "you postpone our battle"

Everyone who had watch the fight were either, surprised or angry at c.

"HOW THE HELL IS THAT ALOUD!?" yell kaminari as he look at the screen with anger.

"I mean it's a battle so don't they have the right to do s—" ojiro couldn't finish as he kaminari interrupted him.


Everyone around lay their attention to kaminari as well as the screen were it show Cansio walking up the stairs.

"Kaminari is right" sero agreed as well "He almost bash his brains out."

"even his quirk gives him away." Said mineta "He's going to the same with Todoroki. He's a weirdo who enjoys violence!."

"I to have to have to agree with kaminari and sero" jiro spoke as well "If it wasn't for kirishima yell, he would have kept on going."

"I agree as well." spoke ida "It is unacceptable as to use violence as to deal with opponents, especially classmates. He doesn't fit to be a hero, rather but a villain." He said as he fixed his glasses.

"He's quite the brute " spoke Aoyama

"What about him pushing toru of the way as to take the flashbang that Momo had throw" shoji spoke " Of it wasn't for him toru would have been out of the battle with a grave injury."

"That doesn't change the fact that what he did was wrong." spoke jirou "He could have dealt with kirishima in a different way, rather than use violence."

"What do you think Professor all might?" She said as look at all might who was standing in front of the screens.

His expression a bit hard as well as soft. He look at one of the screens were Cansio was passing by

"Yeah I too have to agree with Jirou" he said in a neutral tone "But he is not a bad person. Yes he has committed a bad decision by using violence on another classmate of his. I might need to have a word with him after this as to guide him on the right path."

"Understandable" jirou nodded as her attention was now on the screens.

Everyone seem to agree as well but some were not to fond as they look at Cansio. With disdain and some were even disappointed. Some were even frightened by the act of violence Cansio had done.

All except katsuki bakugo who had a hard expression as he clenched his fist tightly.

"Just you you wait you fucker, just you wait" he whispered as he look at Cansion who was now reaching the final floor.

Back to the building a bloody face kirishima was slowly walking to Mina and Momo who were restraint by a rope against a Pilar with a white ribbon that was tie on each others wrist acting like a handcuff

He was about to talk but was shut.

"What happened to you?! Are you ok?!" She bombarded him with questions.

"Hey hey don't worry" kirishima said as he use his hardened left hand cutting the rope in one swift move. "I am a man I can take it"

"Hell you do!" She yell as she punch him softly in the arm.

"Damn it! it's my fault he leave you like that" Momo said blaming herself as to what had happened to kirishima. " I should have know better"

"Hey girl, don't blame yourself" Mina comforted her "It wasn't your fault that it was going to go that way. Besides it is the brute who did that to kirishima, not you."

"But he was hurt because of me. I send him to take care of him, he got hurt because of me." She said with a saddened tone as she was looking at the ground. "The plan didn't work and someone got hurt because of me."

"Hey lighten up, he's still in one piece" she said as slap him on the chest playfully.

"Ouch, that hurt." He complain as he cover his chest with his arm.

"Oh! sorry." Mina apologize.

"Here let help you get wrap up." Momo said as a bandage come out of her hand.

Kirishima sat down on the ground as Momo started wrapping his chest at the same time she created a bottle of alcohol and cotton.

"Thank you." He said

"Is ok" she said "Is the best I can do as I fail you."

"Nah it's alright" he said "besides he gave me a good battle. We both end it in a tie."

"Are you crazy?!" Mina yell "He could have killed you!".

"Would he?"

"Yes you damn idiot" she affirmed nodding " And what the hell is his problem?! Who is he to Hurt my companions?! Huh!?" She yell as she look to the stairs were cansion had disappear by going up.


DAMN!! Those punches do pack a serious hit. Especially the one that almost cave the helmet in, but thanks to the living armor does it reconstruct it back to normal.

His punches were like a freaking Jack hammer being swung by a bodybuilder.

I too responded those punches with one of my own, but I took to far as I was pissed off by the concussive grenade that the bitch had throw underneath me.

'MIERDA!!' (Shit!!)

If she only haven't throw that shit, I wouldn't have push toru like that.

I know I sometimes can be a bastard who doesn't care at all or even be a total ass, but I never been the type of guy to have a superiority complex like some fella's tend to have and only use the excuse of them being strong and the others weak.


I feel bad to what i did to him. Shit! Man. It's my fault to loose control and let myself fall to a fit rage.

I wasn't like this back in my world, I was a passive type of guy that never seek for confrontation or fight's, the only time I was on fights was when I spared in My karate class.

I was put up against young people, as well as adults to spare each other as to learn from each other. Sometimes when I sparred and got hit. I became aggressive and violent in a short amount and time. Then poof it disappeared and that is it, it disappeared.

But now when I fought kirishima, and ended beating the shot out of him. Something wasn't right. When I had him pinned on the ground and was banging his head.

I didn't fell sorry or regretful.

I felt please and enjoyment. Same time as I felt a pulse of wanting to see more.

To see more of what was I capable of as to see what line am I able to cross.

Carajo!! (Fuck!!)

I need to breathe and think clear. Come on breath Cansio.

I took a deep breath of hair and letting it fill my lungs. Then breath out. I looked up and saw that I have a couple of stairs to walk as to reach the bomb.

Alright let's calm down.

Lets focused on our main objective here

I slightly slap my self a few times to put aside what happened down there and to focus on what was about to come.

Self pity well come later, but not right now, now is not the time nor the moment.

"Oki dokie." I said as I reach the the last floor.

Come on! Let's do th-

I quickly move to the right avoiding a icicle that encrusted it self on the wall behind me.

"KYYYAAAAAAH" I heard a femenine scream coming behind me, I quickly turn my head saw that it was none other than Toru herself.

I turn my head to the direction of were the icicle had come from and saw who it was.




He pointed his hand tours my direction and I instantly knew what he was about to do.

I quickly move avoiding three icicles that impacted and shattered against the wall.

I had taken cover against a concrete Pillar that was a few feet away from the stairs that I have came from. I saw toru backing away slowly, hiding herself deep further. It was a good decision as if she even try to set foot on this floor she would become a brochette or either a popsicle.

That is if the emo guy knew were she is.

I slowly poke my head form the pillar as to check if the cost is clear


"SHIT!" I Yell as brought my head back to cover as my left hand went to touch my right side of my helmet.

I felt a hole gap that travel from the side of the helmet all the way to the back, leaving a straight line gap.

" Damn thing almost blew the side my fucking head" I murmured. "Out of the weapons my body can create none of them are projectile base weapons."

An icicle penetrate the concrete pillar, taking a chunk out of it as it broke into small fragments of ice and stone.

"PUTA MADRE!!" (son of a bitch) I yell "HEY CAN YOU CALM THE FUCK DOWN!!"

I got no response from todoroki, his face was that of a statue. Basically neutral. He wake his hand forward releasing a wave of freezing air that froze everything in its way. It was approaching fast right at me.


{3rd POV}

"Kick his ass Todoroki!!" Yell Kaminari with exitment.

"YOU GO GET HIM." Yell mineta joining in "BEAT HIM UP."

"GET HIM GOOD" join in sado in the yelling.

"HEY!! What the hell is wrong with you three" jirou yell at them as she took a step forward and the three a look of anger and disappointment.

"What?! Can we cheer for that guy?" Said kaminari as he shrugged "Besides he is giving him a beating, basically he's returning the favor to what he did to kirishima."

"STILL!" She yell at them which made kaminari jump back "It is wrong! What ever the heck you guys are doing right now is not so different to what he did" she pointed at the screen were a semi freeze Cansio was struggling to break free.

"So you guys better cut it off." She said as she crossed her arms "we need to be better than what he did, if we want to be heroes ."

The three shocked their head In a manner of disappointed and anger. All of them on the room were looking at the group of three with attention. Some were in their favor while some were against it.

But a brown short hair was neither on their side. She was looking at the screen were cansio is.

She wonder. Why could such a person like him, that have save her on the UA test. Could do such violent act and in what kind of circumstances was he in when he was a child?

The violent act itself was as if it was something natural that came out of him.

Where has he been?

Cansio move his head violently

But that didn't explain why he had save her that day, and most importantly why did he took a hit for the the girl?.

For someone who is violent he does care about about people, even going as far as to take a hit.

Back to the building. The wave of freezing air cover were Cansio was standing, it was completely cover by a big ice in the shape of a wave.

"I win" said todoroki with a neutral expression, as he approached were Cansio was now trapped in a ice case only leaving his head exposed.

Cansio try to free himself as todoroki was approaching him with a white ribbon on his left hand.

"God damn it!!" He yell "I don't plan on losing to the emo kid. Hell no!" He whispered the last apart as Todoroki was a good twenty five feet away from him.

Cansio run out of many options, because now his body was in case in a ice prison only leaving his head exposed. The cold temperature of the ice run through him freezing his limbs and ge could even feel his right hand go totally dead and hard.

"Don't tell me. . . Shit!! the ice did it's job and gave me a damn Necrosis in mi right hand. My favorite hand" c was said in an angry tone.

"Hey hanks a lot asshole!" He yell at Todoroki who was approaching "No wonder why your parents never talk to you!!"

He stop a few feet away from cansio. At the same time his facial expression change from a neutral one to one of slight anger.

'Oooooh shit . . .' Cansio thought ' it looks like I pissed him off . . . Wait a second . . ." The gears on his head started to move " yeah . . .yeah!! . .I think this could work"

"Hey! Todoroki" c said with a almost relax as welll as mocking one " Tell me how's your mother doing?"

He slowly clenched his fist as his eyebrows harden.

"I heard she's on a special place" I kept on talking " Yeah I think your dad gave her a "GOOD" ticket for a special place for especial people. I think might as well enjoy it as her kid is to much a pain on the ass."

"KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHOUT" he with a shaky voice that had a hint of anger.

"Yeah . . ." Move my head to the side " I Guess your right . . . Shit . . . Sorry man I might have step over the line a little too much"

He still was tense with anger. Looking at c with furious eyes.

"So . . Tell me about your father" c kept on talking "I heard he's the nicest hero nd a role model as a father." He said with sarcasm. He was throwing more good to the burning fire of anger that was growing inside of Todoroki " Well I guess the apple doesn't fall that far from the tree. Like father like son."

"Ha ha" he let out a chuckled "Jut look at yourself from top to bottom. Your the very image of your father. The eyes, The face, and that look of determination!! of you wanting to beat the shit out of me!! I love it!!."

"SHUT. .UP." Todoroki spoke with a tone of anger

He let out a small smirk as he saw small burst fires coming from the side of his right arm.

"Oooooh damn!" C still spoke.angering Todoroki even further "It is starting to get real now, ain't it".

"SHUT UP!!" He roar at cansion who didn't flush by his out burst.

"You have the same stank eye as your father" c taunted him "By only half ass good because you only got one scar eye. Maybe I you cover that shit up them . . yeah . . You get yoursel a badass look"

The room temperature was rising immensely as the ice that cover c slowly began to melt . His body body parts that were affected by the necrosis were been replace, by new armor as well as new muscle and skin.

'Come on only just a little push and that is all'

"By the way how's your siblings doing, I bet your pretty close with them."

The temperature raise md as that happened he could move his finger as well as his foot, meaning that he could free himsel. All he needed was the temperature to rise again.

"You guys probably a big happy family Huh? That's why you have that scar on your left eye uhm?" The temperature raise again, which cause to free his limbs

"And I bet that your mother loveeed youuu just like the way, she love her husband." C move his head forward as he spat those words "Ain't I right SHOTO!"

And with that he snapped

"YOU DONT KNOw SHIT!! ABOUT MEEEE!" His right side was know cover in fire, all thanks to the taunting that cansion had provoke.


"And that is it!!"

I broke the ice that cover me, setting me free once and for all as i lunged forward.

I quickly raise my fist up and deliver a good hit in Todoroki's stomach right in the stomach's mouth. This cause the fire of right arm to die to extinguish completely

He Throw up some saliva as well as some vomit, not on the ground but on FUCKING my left arm

that is fucking gross as shit!!. It will be easy to clean my arm from it

but the smelll

Ugh it will be hard to get rid off.

Todoroki fell to the ground almost hitting his face with the hard concrete floor near the pool of his own vomit. I immediately launched forward grabbing him by the shoulders

And move him far to my right side as I knelt down onto the floor, softly laying him to the ground.

I quickly stand and walk over to the bomb in the shape of a big rocket and rested my right hand on it's side.

I look to the corner of the room were a camera stare right directly at me

(('I feel like I am a celebrity with that much staring'))

So whit no other Option.

"I win" I said as I look to the camera.

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Rank -- Peringkat Power
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