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88.88% League of Legends: The Grim Wolves / Chapter 23: Chapter 21

Bab 23: Chapter 21

Apollyon's POV:

"It that all of them?!" I called out.

As fires raged and soldiers screamed my Shadows searched the entirety of the camp for any slave or child. Despite what Jinx said there were still some stranglers. Children being forced to prepare food, build weapons, some just being punished in a separate room. I gritted my teeth as my forces slaughtered those bastards. They don't deserve mercy, life.

Multiple Shadows that had been running around the place searching nodded their heads. It seemed to be in good times as Noxian reinforcements had arrived from both land and sea. Along the coast were two large warships and a small army emerged from the nearby forest. I called out "Shadow Guard, Blade and the Hyakki recall to me! Igris, take the remaining Shadows and engage the forces on land till you see the ship take sale!"

The Shadows followed my orders as I hopped off Dorghar and ran over to Tank. "Throw me to the nearest ship Tank!" I yell holding out my arm.

His teeth gripped onto it as he spun before flinging me across the waters. Arrows started to hit me as I started to fall. My armor protected me as I landed on the ship like a I was a boulder thrown by a catapult.

I instantly broke through the wooden floor so I jumped onto it's main deck. The two Noxian warships were quite close enough so I summoned the Hyakki and the Shadow Guard along with Blade. "Prevent this ship from getting near ours. Focus on the ship itself."

Knowing they'd follow my orders without question I ran to the side of the ship, killing anyone that stood in my way. When I reached the railing along the side I planted a foot and focused all my strength into it as I jumped to the other ship.

The Noxians started at me in awe and fear as I landed spinning my blade. The crew of the ship grabbed whatever weapon they could before trying to attack me. I killed my way to the center of the ship and after swinging my sword to kill three men at once I then swung it into the main mast of the ship. It's wooden structure splinted under the force and broke apart.

Since it wasn't a very large ship it only had one large mast that started to crumble and fall. Without it's sails the ship wouldn't be able to stop our ship from leaving. But just to top it off I threw a couple bombs Jinx made for me. I lit their fuses and rolled them across the ground in different directions. I then jumped back to the other ship as the last one suffered two large explosions that set the entire ship ablaze.

On the other ship most of the crew were already dealt with and as the Shadows onboard were cutting the ship apart. I had one of the Shadow Guards hold their shield up as I kicked off it. The force of my kicking and the Guard pushing his shield while adding a magical explosion for extra push launched me toward the others.

I felt the Shadows onboard recall as both Noxian ships fell apart in fire. Dead Noxians littered the floor as I made my way over to the ship.

When I reached it I saw the ship started to leave. Jinx popped her form over the back of it and waved at me "Too late Dire! Unlucky!"

I chuckled as I did a little run up. Focusing my Darkin powers into my legs I jumped up cracking the ground below me as I flew through the air again. Jinx was surprised but laughed as I landed next to her. To not damage the ship I spread out my arms and legs to slow my fall so I didn't go straight through the floor.

"I give that landing a nine out of ten!" She says with a thumbs up.

"What's the criteria for a full ten?" I jokingly asked.

"Oh, you know, a couple spins and flips with a safe landing. Simple stuff Dire!" She replies.

I laughed a little as I look back towards the camp. My Shadows faded away as their small Shadows flew towards me before disappearing. I then walked forwards as I retracted my helmet. All around the deck were at least a hundred people from children small and starving to other people tending to their wounds or giving them things like food, water and clothes.

"Apollyon!" I hear Francis call out. I look to him as he approaches me with another man. The man next to him looked relatively old and battle-hardened. Francis gestured to him and said "This is Captain Vircur. He's the man who'll be leading the ship to Ionia."

Captain Vircur stood forward and held out his hand "I must admit I was a little skeptical when Francis told me we were leaving. But when he told me we'd be getting help from none other than Dire of the Grim Wolves I was fine."

I grabbed his hand and shook it "Glad to be of help. You look like you've got some experience."

He nodded his head "I've been in the Noxian naval force for most my life. This is my ship here: The Counterguard, it was gifted to me by our great Emperor himself." He says sneering at the end.

"While it's certainly had better days." I say looking around. The ship was old and in need of repairs. It was so unused and damaged it looked to be near sinking at any moment. But it was large and fast. "It looked like it was a remarkable vessel in it's prime."

He chuckled "This beast was the terror of those Bilgewater pirates years ago. It had the firepower to blow away anything while being fast enough to catch ships half it's size."

He then left us to go shout some orders to people that appeared to be a sort of crew of his. I looked towards Francis and asked "How are they?" Gesturing to the children we just liberated.

"Shaken. But relieved and alive. They're malnourished and exhausted." He replies with a grim look.

"And they're very grateful. Whole lot of crying and thanking." Jinx chuckles. "Made Evette's heart melt." Francis added.


Time passed as we crossed the calm ocean. Every now and then a Noxian ship would try to attack us but they couldn't come close enough before they were bombarded with fireballs. Eventually they just decided to leave us alone knowing they couldn't do anything so unprepared.

It was past the middle of night as the moon and stars lit our way. The children and the people looking after them were taking below deck. After getting fed they all took the rest they needed so bad. They was barely any noise besides the wind blowing through the sails and the occasional creak of wood.

I was leaning on the railing of the side of the ship when I could hear someone walk up to me. I didn't look to see who as soon Captain Vircur leaned on the railing next to me. "I must say I'm amazed. In all my years I've never seen a single man hold so much power. I'm sure glad you're on our side."

I glance at him as he pulls out a long smoke pipe and started to smoke from it "So why are you on this side? What made you decide to fight against your nation?" I asked him.

He took a long inhale and puffed out a large cloud before answering "My home was a poor village on the coast named Vindor. When I was a boy I was taught how to sail and fish, we needed anyone to help. The ocean was littered with sea monsters that would snatch up anyone, including my father. Then one day, the Noxians arrived. They provided food and supplies, saved my home. From then on in I decided I wanted to serve the people that saved my family from death. For decades I served loyally and became a captain of my own ship." He took another long puff before glaring at the ocean as if Darkwill was randomly swimming in the water, "But this country has changed. Boram Darkwill has become insane and we are suffering for it. His fear for his own life made him forget his duty to serve ours."

He went quiet so I asked "Do you have any family?"

He sighed sadly "I had. My wife, rest her soul, died from sickness over a decade ago but I had a son. He was a soldier, and served well. One day he sent a letter that he was being assigned to a highly classified task, so secret he wasn't allowed to even tell me, his own father. I was proud of him, then I get sent his corpse less than a year later."

"Oh, I'm sorry I asked." I say feeling bad.

He shook his head "Don't be. After learning of his death I did some investigating. As a renowned captain I had some power and was able to find out my son wasn't killed in a war, or some assassin trying to kill the Emperor. He was killed by his superiors. He tried to stop the Ionian Invasion from happening. And for it he was deemed a traitor and killed."

"And so you're here knowing it's where he'd be?" I said to him.

He smiled a little "He was always one to get into the thick of it to protect what he loves. I couldn't be more prouder of my son. The best thing I can do to honor my son's memory is to help the innocent people that have nothing to do with Darkwill's war." We then both went quiet, simply looking at the quiet waters. But then he asked me "Why are you here then Dire? Or do you prefer Apollyon?"

"I prefer Dire. Apollyon is a different me, from a horrific part of my life. As to why I'm here? I'm not really sure. I don't have a family, or a home. I've never had either. But something is drawing me there ever since I found out about the invasion. I can't explain it but I just feel like I have to go there and help."

I hear him chuckle a little "It's the feeling of a good heart. That unexplainable urge to go help others. It means you're a good person Dire."

"Good people are in short supplies these days."

"Good people are made in response to evil. Do you think that's how you were made like this?"

I think to my past, the answer was obvious "Yes."

"The ability to care for another is like a disease, if one has it, it tends to spread to those around them. Build them up, make them better."

I get a small grin "I didn't know you're such a psychological person."

He laughs "War does that to you." He then stops and looks at me seriously "Are you prepared for it? War?"

I look at him for a bit before grinning "Of course"

"I'm glad. You had the choice not to help us, to leave Noxus and never come back. Yet here you are. But what you need to understand is that war is as tormenting mentally as it is physically. I've seen many horrific things done during war and I'm worried for you and that little girl with you to experience that at your ages. You've already seen a taste of it but do you think you'd be ready to witness the real thing?"

I was quiet for a bit, trying to find the answer to his question "I was created to be a monster for a bitch, tortured for years… I think I'm ready."

"Hm…" he nodded and walked away.

I sighed before going back to staring at the silent ocean. Maybe I am some hero. Who am I to know? All I know is that I'm beyond the limits of a human. I have the power and will to change this world for the better.

I was so stuck in my thoughts that I didn't hear another person approach me till they were right behind me. I turned to reveal a boy near Jinx's age staring at me. While his body looked devoid of life, skinny and pale his eyes burned with life. "What are you doing? You should get some rest." I say to him. He continued staring at me so I decided to ask "What's your name?"

"Shieda Kayn." He answered.

"Well Kayn I'm fine with you being here but you should be sleeping."

I was about to go back to leaning on the railing but he asked me "Who are you?"

I sighed and turned to him and leaned my back on the railing instead "Killer, monster. But the best description is someone forced into a life of struggle."

He flared his nostrils "I doubt you had to struggle. Not with that power you have."

"Everything about me was painfully engraved into my body. It didn't matter how strong I became the process of it was inhuman and wrong."

He was quiet again till he said "What is going to happen to me?"

"A ship from Demacia will take you away from Ionia before Noxus invades. There you'll be safe... probably." I say the end a little quieter. To be honest he's actually a mage. I can feel the arcane gather around him and although it wasn't anything special his magical potential could lead to danger for him in Demacia.

"Are you going to Demacia too?" he asked.

Shaking my head I say "I'm staying in Ionia to help defend the Ionians."

"And what if I want to stay and fight? I have a lot of anger I want to take out on those Noxian bastards." He gritted.

I shrugged "It's your life. Although it'll be safer in Demacia your days of being forced to do something are over."

"You're letting that girl with you come? What's the difference between me and her?"

I sigh "You want revenge." I say staring hard into his eyes "Your eyes burn with rage. I can tell cause I've had those same eyes before. In the end you may get you're revenge, but what are you willing to do to obtain it?"

"Anything." He says fiercely.

I take a step towards him "And how many innocent people will die because of it? The difference between you and her is that in your journey to become a threat to Noxus you'll lose your humanity. And your humanity is the most precious thing you should protect. Mine and Jinx's humanity is what separates us from the horrible people that created us."

He was shocked and didn't move as I walked past him. "Losing your humanity will just make you as bad as the Noxians that enslaved you." I give him a message he'll hopefully follow. I then lift my arm between us and gesture for him to hold his hands under mine. When he does so I create a sword that falls into his arms. He was surprised as the weight nearly made him fall to the ground. "This is yours now. If you treasure it with your life, it'll save yours. You can fight against Noxus but don't become like them in the process."

I then walk off with a yawn. I walk below deck to find Jinx sleeping in a small bed. She already had one laid out for me a little above angled so our heads were near touching. I fell into it quietly and went to sleep listening to the sounds of Kayn grunting in effort as I could hear him swinging his new sword around.


I awoke to the sounds of activity. I opened my eyes to see many children huddled above me staring down at me. We all surprised each other as they all flung back in surprise. "Sorry mister." One of them said.

I groan and rub my eyes as I say "It's fine. But what are you lot doing?"

The one that spoke walked up to me with a large smile. "You're the one with those black soldiers, right?" They gawked loudly.

"Yeah I am." I answer with a yawn.

"Oi, you lot. Let the young man breath." A voice spoke shooing away the children who backed off. Evette then approached me with a tray of food and placed it on the floor next to me "Morning." She says with a smirk.

"Kids..." I grumble.

She laughs lightly "Well it's not like you're their hero. They've spent most of the trip gushing about you."

"Just what I need. A bunch of children fanning over me."

"You know you're still a kid right? How old are you?"

I start to eat the food as I answer "Seventeen. Though I should be turning eighteen soon."

"Well in our eyes you're still barely a kid. But in their eyes you're some god-sent savior." She says gesturing to the many children staring at me with stars in their eyes.

I give them what they want. From my Shadow sprouts out a wolf. It barks a little before running past the children and up onto the deck. The children gasped before quickly chasing after it. "Much better." I say as I stretch my arms. "How's Ivette doing?" I ask her.

As if her name was a trigger. A loud cry came from nearby as Francis called out "Darling? Where are you? You know I suck at calming our baby down."

Evette sighed "She's quite seasick. Been crying and vomiting throughout the entire trip."

"Poor girl." I say as Evette walks off to go to her child.

I look to where Jinx would be sleeping to see her bed empty. I ate the rest of my food before standing and getting into some newer clothes. Due to them being from high-quality tailors in Piltover I looked quite out of place on an old cranky ship as I walked onto the deck that had the sun shining in the sky.

From the Captain's crew working the ship most of the people's attention was on the bundle of children playing with the massive undead wolf. Despite being a beast I arose for battle and war it seemed to enjoy being in the children's spotlight. It chased and licked kids as everyone laughed.

It was nice. I doubt these children had much opportunity to enjoy being what they are: children. As they giggled and played smiles started spreading till everyone had one.

On all but one. I looked to the back of the ship where one Shieda Kayn was there swinging his sword around. I walk over as I observe him. I must admit the kid's a prodigy, he was able to properly be able to swing the sword that was nearly as long and probably heavier than him. He compensated his lack of weight by flipping his body around more often than his sword.

He was too into his training that he didn't sense me walking over to him. He swung his sword at me as I caught it with my hand. He looked at me shocked.

"You idiot, how long have you been awake?"

He panted heavily as he managed to say "Two days."

I rolled my eyes "There's no point being good with a sword when you can't keep yourself awake."

I stepped back before gesturing for him to attack with my hand. He glared at me before trying to swing at me. I hit his sword at the right angle to catch his form off balance. He fell over as I walked over to him and crouched close to him "See what I mean?" I smirk at him. He glared at me again as I held out my hand for him. He smacked my hand away as he pulled himself up.

"You're determination is admirable. But you need to look after your body. A healthy form is just as important as skill."

He gritted his teeth "I don't need sleep I need strength."

"How about this, I'll throw you off board and you can follow the ship by swimming. I read that swimming is a very good way to increase body strength."

He paled a little as he looked away "Fine. I'll get some sleep."

"I would say good night or rather good morning but you don't have time to sleep right now."

He looked at me confused "Why?"

Over the horizon was an island. The supposed First Lands of Runeterra.


/I wonder why this story is getting zero traction. it's kinda disheartening :( /

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