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85.18% League of Legends: The Grim Wolves / Chapter 22: Chapter 20

Bab 22: Chapter 20

Jayce POV:

Viktor and I were working on the atlas gauntlets. These things will be miracles to the miners of the world. With the incredible strength they'll give they can work without fatigue and far faster and efficiently. Before he left, Dire filled a notebook with his ideas on how it could operate. With it we're getting closer and closer to a breakthrough.

Suddenly as we worked, we heard the door to the lab opening, making us turn away from our work. Caitlyn came running in followed soon after by Mel. "Jayce! Have you heard the news?" Caitlyn yelled in a mix of worry but also excitement.

"What are you two doing together?" I ask the duo I would've never expected to see.

"I was coming here and then Miss Kiramman here nearly knocked me over running over here." Mel said glancing at Caitlyn who looked away embarrassed.

"Well then? What's the so called, news?" Viktor then said.

"A few days ago, our good friend Dire had appeared to started his "adventure" with a large bang." Mel said with a little smirk.

"He declared war on Noxus right in their capital!" Caitlyn added with stars in her eyes. "Gave a warning for the Noxians to never step on Ionian lands before setting the Immortal Bastion on fire!"

I was shocked but not overly surprised. "He must be trying to prevent conflict in the first place." I comment.

"Yes, I believe he wanted to show how easy he can decimate them." Mel agreed. "Fear is a powerful detergent for war."

"Were there any casualties?" Viktor asked.

Caitlyn looked down while Mel sighed "Many. Bodies are still being found in the rubble the Shadows created. Though all of them were Noxian soldiers at least over two hundred have died."

It created a tense feeling, knowing one of your friends was responsible for killing hundreds of people, soldier or not. "I hope he knows what he's doing." Viktor said quietly.

"It's war. People will die, there is no doubt about it. All you can do is pray only those involved in the fighting are the ones killed. Civilian deaths are always a horrific collateral in war." Mel told us with a sad look on her face.

"Why couldn't they have just stayed in Piltover? Leave it between Ionia and Noxus?" Caitlyn asked, possibly worried about Dire and Jinx.

"What they are doing is right." Mel said, looking at the young lady. "I know Noxus. They would decimate Ionia and murder thousands of innocent lives. The abilities Jinx and Dire have, have the potential to save thousands of them and fight back against Noxus." Mel then started to walk away but stopped at the door. She grasped onto the doorframe with a look that told me she was looking through old terrible memories "We can just hope they'll be the same when they return."

She left without another word, leaving the three of us in silence. The three of us have literal no experience in war. We've never had to go through one, not even our parents have. Piltover is a place away from war. But that means we couldn't understand what Mel had gone through being Noxian, what Dire and Jinx are going through at this very moment.

In the books I've read about the many devastating wars over history. They all have things in common. The most prominent is that war changes people. The deaths they'll witness will leave a permanent scar on their hearts as it takes a piece of their soul.

There was a single thought going through mine, Viktor, Caitlyn's and probably everyone else's head in Piltover that knew Dire and Jinx: "Please come back alive and safe."


Apollyon's POV:

"Come on, again?! When are you morons gonna get it?" Jinx groaned. She ducked as a drake-hound jumped at her with it's teeth gnashing for her.

It turned and tried to attack her again but I stomped on it's head. Even with it's metal helmet my foot turned it's head into mush. "They're Noxians Jinx."

She waved her hand "Yeah, yeah, live for the Empire, die for the Empire. Whatever." More Drake-hounds appeared as she pulled out Zapper, quickly shooting down five of them.

They jumped as I swung my blade and cut three in half at once. "You'd think the the first six times would be enough to get them to know that Drake-hounds will never do anything to us...well except strengthen my army" I say wiping the blood off with the grass on the ground.

The Noxian soldiers leading the hounds revealed themselves and attacked. There were twelve in total as they spilt into two groups to try and attack us separately. With them were several dozen Drake-hounds all looking for a feast.

"Give up, you're surrounded." One of the Noxians said.

Jinx and I looked at each other and started laughing. The Noxian tutted before saying "In the forests around you are far more Drake-hounds even you two can't handle."

I placed hand on my hip and smirk "Oh you mean that lot? They're already dead." I then start to beckon something they couldn't see. "You lot can come out now."

The Noxians looked at the forest surrounding them as hundreds of Shadow Wolves came walking out. Despair started to set in as some dragged bodies of Drake-hounds from their mouths. "Of course, Drake-hounds are good in strong numbers. But a pack of hounds has no chance against a pack of wolves. They're just better in every single way."

The Noxians started to panic as they tried to flee. But they were stopped when more wolves blocked their exit. "Give up, you're surrounded." Jinx said impersonating the Noxian who said the same thing moments before.

They dropped their weapons and had their hounds stand down. Though the hounds were more than responsive as they were clearly afraid of their natural predators now being undead monsters. With a wave of my hand the wolves backed off as the Noxians quickly ran off.

"Are you sure it's cool letting them go? Killing them would've been easy." Jinx asked as I started to pack up our things.

"It's a tactic. It's not about killing them, it's about sending a message." If I can encourage even one Noxian asking to go somewhere else because they want to avoid me in Ionia that's potentially multiple lives saved. "And just because we're at war doesn't mean we can't show mercy."

"I wonder how much that'll change when we get to Ionia." Jinx said very quietly.

I didn't say anything back knowing it's true. I don't think I'm ready for a war. It's not something a seventeen-year-old should be in let alone a twelve year old. But that's why we're fighting. Hopefully we can suffer now to make the world a better place.

We were quickly making progress towards the town of Khworez. But the number of hunting parties sent for us by Noxus was at an all time high. Of course they never succeeded but that only made them more determined to kill us.

Of course word spread of my little declaration spread fast. I chuckled at how I was depicted as a monster. It helped with the fear part but the Noxians made it seem like I was an Ionian, and that Ionia was the one that dealt the first blow. That allowed the public to rally behind the military as many wanted 'justice'. That may have been a mistake on my part.

We passed over the hills and we could see the town of Khworez. It's not large compared to most villages but it seemed like a place people go just to get away from Noxian authority. But to my surprise there was a large number of Noxian soldiers, too much for a village. But I went through my memory and remembered there is actually an army camp not far from here. There was going to be one of the many ports Noxian soldiers would ship across to Ionia.

Jinx and I entered stealthy, most of them were just drinking at the local pub anyway. We climbed onto the roof of a wooden building looking over the dock of the town. Most ships were clearly Noxian warships but there were still some other ones not meant for war.

"We gonna steal a ship or something?" Jinx asked.

"Neither of us know how to operate a ship. We need someone willing to take us over the sea." I tell her.

She groaned and laid down on the roof we hid on "Good luck with that."

I sighed and looked around for anything useful till I found something very interesting "Francis?"

Sure enough there was the man I met all those months ago. He was whispering something quietly to something to a another man as they eyed the Noxian soldiers drinking. "Who?" Jinx says sitting up.

I point at him "That guy there. I met him and his family a little after escaping the Black Rose."

"Do you think he'll help us?"

I stared at him a little more. "While judging by him glaring at those soldiers there I'd say so."

Francis and the man with him walk off into an alley as Jinx and I follow. They crept around the place till the reached the borders of the town and started walking into the forest. Not really knowing how I'll approach them I decide to reveal ourselves by purposely stepping on a stick to alert them.

They quickly turn and pulled out some weapons. Their weapons were a short sword and a knife so they clearly weren't a prepared threat. "Apollyon?" Francis practically gasped realizing who I was.

"Hey Francis." I wave "Fancy seeing you here."

"You know this guy?" The man next to Francis asked him.

Francis lowered his weapon "Don't worry Norlor, he's a friend." Before walking up to me and giving me a little hug. He pulled away smiling "It's good to see you well. You're looking much better than the last time we met."

I nod with a smile "Thank you. How have Evette and your daughter been?"

"Still grouchy and loud." He laughs. He then looks at Jinx "Who's this?"

"This is Jinx. My companion."

"Wait, a blue haired girl and a young man armored in black. You're Dire!" Francis's friend Norlor gasped. He then looked to Francis and said "Francis, this monster is dangerous."

It only made Francis laugh again "He sure is. I've seen a taste of his strength up close." He then narrowed his eyes. "In fact, we could surely use your help with something."

"I'd love to help but Jinx and I actually need to go to Ionia before the Noxians do."

"Then we can help each other out! We're going to Ionia too!" Francis said excitedly surprising me.

"What? Why? You realize it's about to be invaded right?" I ask him.

He shook his head "Just come with me."

He then turns to leave as Norlor follows him after giving one last distrusting look. Jinx and I look at each other and shrug before following after them. We walked through bushes and tall grass till we found ourselves looking over the Noxian warcamp. "Why the hell are we here Francis?" I asked.

"Hold a moment." He replied as he pulled out a spyglass and looked through it. He was seemingly searching through it till it landed on something. He gritted his teeth and passed it to me before pointing somewhere with an angry look on his face.

I was a little surprised at his anger before using the spyglass to follow his finger. My sights landed on a horrific sight "Children?" I growl. Down in the camp were children, some were a little older than Jinx, others were younger than her.

I pass the spyglass to Jinx as Francis says "Child soldiers. Most are slaves or homeless. The generals of Noxus thought Ionians would fight less fiercely against children."

"Sick bastards." Jinx grumbles as she stared down at the poor souls.

"Me and Norlor are the few of the people that believe Darkwill took it too far. The fact he's bringing children unwillingly into war is a monstrous act. People from all over the empire have been protesting about the horrific things our army has done and the invasion has even started yet!"

"Is that why you're here?" I asked him.

He nodded "There's a large ship secretly leaving for Ionia in a couple days. The plan is to sneak into the camp and take the children and get them to Ionia."

"But every way they just end up in Ionia." Jinx added.

"Demacia has heard of the invasion. Some nobles have sent aid and are willing to take in refugees wanting to flee Ionia."

"Demacia?" Jinx asked.

The two men look at her confused as I answer her "Demacia is Noxus's neighboring nation to the west. Since their founding the two nations have been ideological, military and historical rivals. Usually if you find Noxus fighting someone chances are they're Demacian."

"So why isn't Demacia helping out Ionia with it's army?" Francis asked. "I heard the Demacian army is the only one that can rival Noxus."

I shook my head "Demacia's army is elite but small in number. They can't send any overseas without bringing danger to their own lands. It's also likely Ionia and Demacia won't ever really been friends since Demacians absolutely hate magic in any form."

"He's right. I heard they have an entire guild dedicated to hunting mages in their lands." Norlor agrees.

"No matter. Regardless multiple Demacian nobles are sending ships to take people off Ionia and to Demacia. We're planning to get these kids to Demacia where they'll be safe from Noxus." Francis told us.

"How do you plan to sneak in? I don't mean to be mean but you were a farmer Francis."

He chuckled and nervously scratched his chin "Well... we were still trying to figure that part out." He then pointed to me with a large grin. "But with you it'll be easy!"

"You want me to go in and cause a massive distraction?" I say to him.

He nods "Exactly! While you're doing that me and my people will get the kids out. You two in?" He asked hopefully.

I looked at Jinx who was still staring through the spyglass. She pulled it away with an angry yet determined look on her face as she nodded. I then turned back to Francis and said "We'll help you."


Dire led us back to the village towards a large home a little outside the village. Francis's friend left us and Francis snuck us into his home. "Love? I'm back and I brought some guests."

"Oh be quiet." I hear Evette groan from around a corner. "I just got Ivette to sleep." She walked around the corner with an annoyed look on her face. Her eyes then widened upon landing on me "Apollyon? What the hell are you doing here?"

"He's gonna help us out darling." Francis says with a grin.

She rolled her eyes "At least now you actually have a chance. I swear I would've castrated you if you kept going on about that stupid plan of yours."

"It was going to work." He grumbled looking away.

"You would've killed yourself." She says stomping up to her husband. "You would've left me and Ivette alone."

He was quiet, seemingly out of words. "I couldn't have left those kids there Evette."

"You think I don't know that? I hated Noxus the moment it started using children as human shields. But I know you and your stupid gang of farmers have no chance against an entire warcamp." She was clearly upset and angry which was understandable. She then shook her head and looked at Jinx and I who were standing their awkwardly "You're the one that made that mess in the Immortal Bastion aren't you?"

"Yes." I reply.

She nods and looks back to Francis. "You know I love how kind you can be Francis. But you need to know your limits. There are things we can do to help them and things that you can try but they will only get you killed.

Francis sighed "You're right love. I'm sorry."

They had a lovely embrace with the two whispering sweet messages to each other as Jinx and I continued to stand there like we wanted to be anywhere else. So I clear my throat and say "We can take care of the camp and save the kids. You and you're people can just ready the ship so we can leave as soon as we can. The further you all are from Noxus the safer you'll be from them."

She smiled "See? They can help in their way while we can help in our own way. They have the power to do it without dying."

Francis kissed his wife on her forehead before looking at us "Thank you. We can ready the ship in a few hours if that is what you want. Our people would be more than happy helping you two out. It's the least we can do for helping us save those kids."

I shrug "We're here to save people anyways. Might as well do it sooner."

Francis nods before starting to get pushed by his wife "Go, get everyone else and tell them what's happening. I'll get Ivette and meet you at the ship."

She left as Francis looks at us "We'll bring the ship around the port. If you can bring all the children there we can get them in and start sailing for Ionia immediately. Do you think you can do that?"

I nod "Piece of cake."

We all leave and break apart as Jinx and I make our way to the camp.


Kayn's POV:

"That's another one down. Don't you think we're pushing these kids too far?" A Noxian soldier asks another.

The other shrugs, not really caring, "Who cares? These are all slaves with no family or home. What other purpose do they have?"

I grit my teeth as I look over to the right. By another one they meant another kid that couldn't handle it anymore. For seemingly an endless time we've been trapped here being forced to train till we dropped or died, which ever came first. We weren't taught who the enemy was, only to listen to our captain or suffer the consequences.

We weren't even taught how to actually fight. We were meant for what that man said before: to die. To run at whoever our leader told us to run at and hope they won't kill a child. It makes me sick. But what can I do? After all… I am weak. My only goal is to survive through whatever Noxus puts me through.

Surrounding me were other kids like me. But unlike me they want to die. I hear them whisper about wanting everything to end so they don't have to feel this pain anymore. But I want to live. Some are just born like me, a survivor. Others are born like them, weaklings. I will prove myself that I'm not weak. No matter what I have to do, no matter who I have to kill. I'll survive and become strong.

The sun set and night came as we were giving a small piece of bread to sustain ourselves for the day. Of course, it's not close to enough. Kids go crazy and start fighting to take other kid's food. Each one is given one piece so the weakest among us usually die from starvation as other kids take their share.

And the soldiers find it entertaining. They place bets and encourage children to kill each other. They're animals. Making monsters of us. If I could I would slit their throats. But here I am. Stuck with chained hands waiting for either death or to be released by the people I hate so much.

But suddenly shouts and cries. The clashing of blades caught all of our attention. "What the hell is that noise?" One of the guards said.

"How the hell would I know? Go check it out." His fellow guard told him.

The guard left as the clear sounds of fighting continued. But who was willing to fight against Noxus in their own lands? From the sounds of it they were losing. Screams of terror and pain went off as the other guard went to go see the commotion. The rest of us kids stood and walked to the bars that kept us locked as we wondered what the hell might be happening.

They started whispering, wondering who it could be. For minutes of end we could only sit there in excited yet scary confusion. Suddenly the door was broken open. The blast of force made some of the children scream in fear while all of us were fearfully walking back against the wall.

In the doorway stood a tall knight of black and red, carrying a massive sword covered in blood. They were so tall they had to duck their head to walk inside. It's cape fluttered in the wind as it stared at us with lifeless eyes.

And then another. But unlike this knight this one was a girl, maybe a little older than me. She had bright blue eyes and hair and pale skin. She peeked inside before her eyes landed on us and widened "There you are!"

"W--Who are you?" One of the older kids stuttered.

She gave a little salute and with a wink said "Name's Jinx, but you can call me Jinx. We're here to get you little brats out!" We were all confused by her carefree attitude despite the circumstances. She gestured for us to move away from the locked door that kept us imprisoned and said to the knight next to her "Igris, would you kindly."

The knight Igris walked up to the door and grasped it in his free hand. Like it was nothing he pulled the metal door right off it's hinges. We were all shocked as he dropped it onto the ground with a loud thud. Jinx then said "Well come on then! We ain't got all day!"

Many of us including myself were mistrusting of this Jinx and Igris. But some instantly got up and started moving as quick as they could outside. Jinx also went outside and shouted "Dire! We found them!"

I could hear of voice reply, most likely this Dire person. "Get them on the Dormun! Some soldiers will help the kids get on if they can't move. But other than that all of the Shadows top priority is protecting the children and the ship! Don't let a single Noxian pose any threat to either!"

His voice carried a deadly authority. A voice of someone who knows that have power and are more than willing to use it. Deciding it's better out there than in here I got up and struggled to walk forward due to past injures and my chains still strapped on me.

I walked out to see chaos. Close was a giant beast taller than a house and as black as a night sky filled with clouds. There were many knights like Igris but they were smaller and did not leak the dreadful power Igris did. Some of these Shadows were helping some children by taking off their chains and helping them walk till they were carried up the tall beast via a ladder of Shadow soldiers.

One of them walked up to me and knelt as it grasped onto the chains locking my feet together. It grabbed the shackles and pulled them open, freeing my legs. It did the same to my hands before seemingly escorting me towards the large beast. It lifted me up so I could be grabbed onto another one that pulled me till I was on top the massive beast.

Up there were multiple other children looking as confused and relieved as I was. From the height we were at the entire camp was in flames. Surrounding us was a massive wall of Shadow soldiers fighting against Noxian soldiers. The two lines seemed to be in a stalemate until Igris jumped high into the air, nearly until he was at my level on the beast and jumped into the fray. He massacred the Noxian soldiers, they stood no chance as he sliced his blade like he was dancing.

The Noxians started to fall apart. And it was clear why. These Shadows were endless in number and unkillable. Not only that but some were special, there was ones that created massive balls of fire, some firing long weapons that fired something similar to a bow and arrow. But what caught most of our attention were these monsters, most were smaller than the beast we sat on but one was nearly as big as this thing. They were feasting on them and I had never seen something more amazing.

"Are there anymore of you lot?" I hear dragging me from my thoughts. I turned to see the Jinx girl looking at me seriously.

I shook my head "All us child soldiers were kept there during the night."

She nodded and ran to where the head of the beast would be before shouting "That's all of them! Let's get this baby going!" She then ran back to me and looked over the railing towards the battle below "Igris!" Igris stopped it's killing to look at her, "The Dormun's moving! Get your lot to move along with it!"

Igris nodded, despite it's clearly lifeless existence it seemed to be able to understand and take orders. The massive beast started to move as Igris and his soldiers kept moving along with it, taking out anything that could pose a threat to us.

Sometimes Noxians would try attack the creature we were on. They threw spears and shoot arrows but they bounced off them like it didn't even tickle. The Dormun reached the end of the camp where a large wooden ship was waiting for us. Jinx told all of us to get on the ship as Shadow soldiers started helping kids down.

Eventually it was my turn as I continued to awe around me. I had never seen a form of power like this, the sheer strength was a sight to behold.

But then I saw it.

It made me stop following the others and stand there to stare at him. On an armored horse as black as the darkest shadow was a monster. Armored from head to toe in black armor and with a large sword and a strange glowing weapon strapped to his back. His cape blew in the wind as Shadows surrounded him.

I knew he was the leader of these Shadows. I could tell by the seemingly unlimited power that radiated from his form. It was both terrifying and awesome. Even though all he did was sit there staring at the children being loaded onto the ship he was the greatest sigh of strength and power I had ever seen.

His head suddenly faced me. I could tell he was staring at me with that metal helmet in the shape of a wolf. And I could tell I was in the presence of a monster among men. His head nodded as I nodded back and kept walking but I could feel his eyes stare at me as I walked away from him.

Tonight I saw what power is. I saw what it can do. I wanted nothing more than to have that power, to have the feeling of being able to fulfil your ambitions without needing to care about chains or imprisonment. I didn't care what I would need to give, and what I'd need to take.

I was ready to do anything to obtain that.


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