Valentina chewed her lip as she scanned the basin. The leshies were curious, the koi were uncaring, and the treants watched from afar. The only movement from the vines was the faint fluttering caused by the wind. She hated this place.
At first, she thought it wasn't so bad. While it was a mana-rich region, the threats were shockingly minimal and most monsters stayed far enough away and minded their own business. The water was a bit of a pain to navigate, but Dahlia's massive mana reserves had trivialised travel for the most part. Even Bessie's manic high was easy enough to deal with; the maid was just a little more excitable and hyper than usual.
Soooo... I originally planned on withholding this chapter a little longer, but it turns out I have a terrible habit of not being able to hold off releasing chapters I have in stock pile. Hehe, whoopsie~
I still plan to take part in the mass release event though, which should mean 5 chapters at the end of the month. I also plan to increase the number of privilege chapters from 2 to 5, so for those not reading priviege, it'll effectively just be 2 chapters released on the same day, while those reading privilege with get all 5. I've been wanting to increase the privilege numbers for a while now but didn't want to cause an inconvenience for non-privilege readers, so this seemed the best way to do it. I hope that makes sense and, either way, you enjoy when the release event happens!
Anyways, as always I hope you're having a wonderful day and, for those celbrating, happy holidays!