It might have been relatively early in the day and the stun had yet to even set behind the trees, but that hardly mattered to those in the Calanthian. After their battle with the feral vampire, no one was keen to stay up late, nor did anyone have any plans to leave the old Lukreshian ruins that they found themselves in. After what happened earlier, everyone quickly came to a tacit agreement that they would remain, rest, and take their time to recover. What were a few days wasted when it was their lives on the line after all?
Big Announcement! Welcome to October! I hope you're looking forward to more chapters because boy, do I have a treat for you! Due to the miscellaneous reasons of financial need, having recently gained a larger reader base, and wanting to see how feasible writing full time would be in the future, I've decided to try attempt (key word attempt) to upload one chapter a day this month!
Tbh, I'm a quite worried about overworking and the burnout that will come with it, but it's something that I really want to try! I highly doubt I'm at a point where I could actually make a living off of my writing, but I still hope that this month will show me how feasible it might be in the future. So, with that in mind, I hope you look forward to getting lots of updates~ Chapters will tend to be a bit shorter before, but I'll still try to keep the length feeling natural.
Anyways, with that in mind, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and have a wonderful day! I'll be updating tomorrow so see ya tomorrow!