- Although, first of all, it would be necessary to take the reward, I don't have enough money ... - I muttered, getting up from my chair.
"Good afternoon, I would like to collect my share of the reward for clearing the dungeon, as well as selling ingredients.
- Please tell me your name - picking up a stack of sheets asked the girl.
- Aaron.
After carefully flipping through several sheets, she stopped, reading some of the lines.
"About a month ago, your group cleared an A-rank dungeon. The rest have already taken their share, wait five minutes, they will bring you the money.
Having received a fairly good amount, I could begin to recover calmly.
- Phew ... how tired I am ... - I sat down, leaning my back against the tree.
- ..We practiced well, see you later - when leaving, the tall, fair-haired guy, with whom I had been training lately, waved his hand at me.
"..Yeah, I'll find you if I need a sparring partner!"
[Skill Acquired - "Reaction Speed Lv.1"]
[Would you like to combine the skills "Sensing Lv.2" and "Reaction Speed Lv.1" into "Perception"?]
"Finally.. I've trained so much in reaction, and the system just now issued a skill! But the question is, what is the combination of skills?" - crossing my arms on my chest, I thought - "Perception, like a sense of the world around, something like sensory, but better. So why not."
[Acquired the skill "Perception Lv.1"]
After this message, I began to feel the things that surrounded me. Even a leaf falling from a tree was "visible" to me, although I did not even look at it.
"It was definitely worth it!"
It's been a month and a half since I started to recover. First of all, I had to gain weight, and slowly begin to train the body. In the latter case, the Acrobat skill showed itself especially well. I became flexible, and after a few days I was even able to sit on the splits, and after that, with enthusiasm, I learned how to do a back somersault.
Having finally gained the necessary mass, to my surprise, without any problems, I was able to continue doing the same training complex that I did before the injury. Remembering the Slow Degradation ability, I smiled. Without this ability, it would take me weeks of training to get back in shape. It was also not unimportant that I decided to consult with older adventurers I knew about training. In general, it turned out that my training was not very effective. They helped me to create a new set of exercises for the body and magic, with which I continued to gain strength.
I was also recommended to meditate, which I decided to start doing during my rest. At the beginning it was difficult to sit in one place, but I did it, and after the final recovery, I passed the recertification a week ago, where I already caused serious problems for the examiner, having received the coveted promotion and two skill points. And now, two months later, the day X came, the day when my wallet showed the bottom ...
Therefore, I urgently headed to the Adventurer's Guild.
Upon arrival, through a lively crowd of adventurers, I made my way to the board with tasks, starting to study the options.
"Hmm.. Killing an AA-class monster is too much for me.. I don't even bother with tentacle monsters.. That's what I need!" Grabbing the sheet, I hurriedly approached the free counter.
"Hello, I want to take on an escort task," I said, handing the sheet to the dark-haired girl.
- All right, - putting the seal, she handed the sheet back - Mr. Aaron, you need to meet the merchant in the shopping area, in the shop "Weapons from Brian" - she said with a smile.
Nodding, and saying goodbye to the girl, I went to the specified shop.
Finally, having reached the right place, I opened the door, slowly entering the store. Finding myself in a large room furnished with various weapons, I enthusiastically began to look at edged weapons, completely forgetting about my goal.
- Do you need something, young man?
I jumped in surprise and turned around to where the voice came from. Behind the counter stood a large middle-aged man with blond hair and green eyes that looked at me curiously.
- ..I came to accompany the merchant, - I approached the man, holding out a sheet with the task - Are you Mr. Brian?
The man frowned slightly, but when he saw my B-class copper card, his expression became calm.
Yes, I am the owner of this shop. I need to be escorted to the border town of Esther to buy weapons, - the man crossed his arms, rubbing his chin - Most likely it will take two months, I will provide you with food for this time, do you agree?
"Just what I need!"
- No problem, when are we moving out?
- Tomorrow at dawn. Look, don't be late - he finally said, starting to make notes in some documents.
Without disturbing him further, I went to get ready for the road.
The next morning, I got up early and took a cold shower.. who am I kidding, I just washed myself in a basin of warm water with my own hands. And those fellows who take a cold shower every day, those walruses ... In general, having washed before the road, I went to the customer.
The road was calm. At first, I often saw the guards patrolling, so I relaxed while looking at the local scenery and practicing my magic. For this, I took this mission, I had to not only earn extra money, but also train without risking my life. Of course, it would be more profitable to go to the dungeon, but I didn't want to go into the dungeon without having enough power. The problem was that I was uncomfortable using fire magic. I can create some kind of light, but I am not yet capable of more. But I actively fought against it, hoping to shoot fireballs again by the end of the task.
As soon as night fell, we retreated some distance from the road, making a halt, which also rather slowed down our progress. There is nothing to say about the speed of the wagon in which Brian rode. By the way, the customer turned out to be a rather interesting interlocutor and a serious man, and he knew a lot about melee weapons, and I was interested in this even in a past life, so we had something to chat about on the road.
By the end of the first month, we finally reached the city of Esther. As I entered the city, I began to notice that in addition to people, gnomes also lived here - or dwarves, as the locals called them. They were small in stature, and each of them had a large physique, and they also did not drink ale 24/7 .. sadly ...
We stayed in the city for only one night, after which we set off back loaded with various weapons. This time, a couple of robbers decided to covet our good, there was not even a magician among them, so it was not difficult for me to neutralize them.
In the middle of the way back, I was able to calmly use the fire, putting aside my fear. And also my core became light red. In addition, I received a new skill, Stone Armor. While I wouldn't call it armor, I could just wrap my fists in wrist-deep stone, making them much heavier and deadlier.
Upon my arrival in Xyrus, I had fully recovered from the incident, with only the scars on my neck and chin serving as a reminder of it.
- Thank you for accompanying me, Aaron, - Brian said holding out a bag of coins - I will be glad if you accept my task next time.
Taking the bag and putting it in my bag, I smiled:
- Of course, if I'm free. Good luck with your trading, Mr Brian.
"As soon as you need a weapon, come to the mobile shop, I'll make a discount," the man said, holding out his hand.
We shook hands and said goodbye and parted ways.
- Now, you can visit the dungeon ....