The 60th Floor Domain Guardian had been defeated, and we were about to conquer this dungeon in a matter of hours. After collecting our rewards, we immediately went to the floor below and found ourselves in front of the waters of the 1st Sea Floor of this dungeon.
"There is really a sea here."
"I would not believe it if I had not seen it with my own eyes. It is just unbelievable."
"We also felt the same seeing this the first time, Aesfen, Alandra. But we got no time to waste here. We should face the boss immediately."
"Right so."
After mesmerizing the sea, we immediately hopped on my Portal and proceeded to the next floor without fighting any monsters. We did it several times until we stood before the doors to this dungeon's strongest.
"The dungeon boss is just behind these doors," I said. "Capturing a dungeon as big as the empire's in just a few hours... I cannot believe we just achieved that level of feat."
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