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98.14% HP: MAGICAL LIFE / Chapter 53: Chapter 53

Bab 53: Chapter 53

Chapter 53


The Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts paced nervously as the staff in front of her continuously processed the hoards and hoards of students that were apparating to the front of the school. She thanked the Gods that they had planned for this scenario and the staff was primarily aware of their duties.

Pamona and Filius were there at the gates dealing with the apparating students, resolving any splinching incidents as well, of which there were quite a lot due to the nature of the students.

Behind her, Poppy, along with Albus's new apprentice, had tents prepared to treat anyone who was critically injured, though thankfully, those tents were majorly empty, with only a handful of students having sustained any injuries.

And suddenly she found the person she had been looking for, as three people suddenly appeared at the edge of the gates. Three of them dressed in her house colors, accompanied by their young colleague.

"Nyphadora! Nypmphaora!" she called out to their DADA professor, who was huffing and breathing laboriously as Pamona and Filius rushed Harry and Hermione into the castle grounds.

The young DADA professor looked up, and McGonagall began questioning her instantly.

"Tell me what happened exactly, and there are still a number of Slytherin students missing?" she questioned hurriedly and saw the young witch's face shift as she spoke out quickly.

"We were attacked. They used Polyjuice potion and infiltrated the train, dressed up as some Slytherin students. He himself led the attack, he was after Harry for some reason," spoke the young professor and she was about to continue, they were interrupted by a loud shriek.

"AGHHHHH!" her head snapped towards the source and she found young Harry Potter there lying on the ground convulsing in pain, as Hermione Granger stood there by his side frozen and perplexed.

"BACK OFF! EVERYONE BACK OFF!" Poppy was quick to react and was immediately at the boy's side, and Minerva watched her cast a number of diagnostic spells on the boy, her face paling with every chant.

"What is going on, Pomfrey?" she questioned as she joined the end witch, who shook her head.

"I don't know," the matron answered and though Minerva was troubled by the state of her house student, she had to focus on the larger issue at hand.

"Move him to one of the med tents. Keep an eye on him and contact St. Mungos," she ordered as she turned and scanned the students in front of her, ignoring the screams from the young Gryffindor as Poppy carried him to a tent.

"Is this everyone, Filius?" she questioned the short charms master, who flipped a number of pages on the paper board he was holding and nodded slowly.

"Apart from some students from Slytherin and the Aurors stationed on the bus, everyone else is accounted for," spoke the charms professor.

"Those Slytherin students were never on the train so we can cross them out," added Professor Tonks from the side as she scanned the pages, before she looked up at her and shook her head as she mouther Aurors, her intent clear.

Those Aurors had been killed.

"I need to go back," suddenly the young witch said, as she began to step out of the school wards, making her frown.

"Why?" she questioned and the young witch turned to answer.

"Elizabeth is still back there, she was supposed to be here by now," added the witch and Minerva nodded and saw as the DADA professor closed her eyes, and tried to apparate. Yet her body didn't vanish, it tried to shift yet the young witch landed back on her feet again.

"I cannot apparate!" remarked the young witch with a pale face, as she tried again. And again. And again.

"Minerva! You need to come here!" a shout from Poppy interrupted her making and she rushed towards her, and as she stepped into the tent her heart nearly gave out as she saw the scene in front of her.

Poppy stood there, with young Miss Granger behind her, wand in hand as a thick dark mass emanated from Harry Potter's body. No, not his body, but from the scar on his forehead. The mass shifted and coiled and writhed as it took the form of a head, a bald head with a disfigured slit-like nose.

"Voldemort!" she gasped as she recognized that face, and took out her wand, yet the face was scrunched up in pain and shrieked loudly making the flaps of the tent shuffle as it caused a storm as it expanded and dissolved with a massive burst.



The wave of darkness washed over the surroundings as Harry Potter once more landed on the bed, and Poppy cautiously walked towards the young boy.

"What was that?" she questioned, and then suddenly the wand fell from her hand as Minerva McGonagall felt her heart shrink, suddenly she felt a massive burden land on her shoulders as she felt the control of the wards of the castle shift onto her.

As, the deputy Headmistress she had controlled them previously as well, yet she had always possessed partial control. However, this time she had just received complete control over the wards, essentially making her the Headmistress.

Something which was only ever possible in one scenario, a scenario she didn't even want to imagine.

"Albus!" she gasped as she looked towards the Hogwarts Towers, as she refused to accept the most likely cause of this change. Continued to ignore the truth that the wards told her. Continued to ignore the truth, that Albus Dumbledore was dead.



"Ignis Darkin!" he shouted as he pulled back Elizabeth with his free arm, making her stumble as she crashed into him.

Dark Flames erupted around him, and as the massive dragon-snake-esque beast of Voldemort opened its maw to devour them, a massive wall of dark flames stopped it in its tracks.

The flames roared around him, as they began to take form around him, forming massive skeleton before the skeleton roared loudly, and flames began to convalesce around it giving it much more detail, forming armor around it as the fiery guardian took its final form.

"ROAARRRR!" the massive guardian roared and pushed away the beast, and Edward finally caught a glimpse of Voldemort once again, and noticed the change in his appearance.

He still didn't what exactly had happened to him, but he had a pretty good idea, and one look at Voldemort confirmed his suspicion.

Voldemort was dead. Even at this distance, he could see the man's skill peeling off as cracks began to form on his face.

Shadowy blobs of darkness continuously began to warp into him making the cloud of darkness around him grow bigger and bigger, yet Edward's eyes widened as he saw that they weren't just shadows. No, he recognized some of those faces, and as he looked closer, he was pretty sure those faces belonged to Death Eaters. And Edward suspected that these dark shadowy things were souls. Souls that belonged to Death Eaters, which he was trying to sue to sustain himself.

"AKHGHHHHHH!" the man screamed as his skin continued to peel off, as the man writhed there in pain and agony in front of him.

"He is dying," he murmured catching Elizabeth's attention whose head snapped towards him.

"What?" she questioned, as Edward nodded and watched as Voldemort's body began to expand suddenly the Dark Snake-esque creature began to retreat and coil around its creator once more.

"Yes, he is dead. He tried to use his Dark Mark to live on, but it's not working," and then suddenly he watched as Voldemort's body began to expand, and suddenly the man exploded, and a massive wave of Darkness expanded throughout the area.


Edward's fiery guardian protected them by bringing its shield forward, yet Edward was still forced to close his eyes as the whole area was basked in a massive cloud of darkness. And when Edward opened his eyes once again, he stilled at the sight in front of him.

For Voldemort stood in front of him, or at least what remained of him as a large massive shadowy wraith with four large shadowy snakes surrounding him. He felt Elizabeth stiffen beside him as Voldemort.

"You thought killing me would be the end!" he snarled loudly as its shadowy mouth opened, the massive shallow orbs lit with a red hue.

"NO! I AM LORD VOLDEMORT! I AM THE ONE WHO WAS DESTINED TO RULE THIS WORLD!" he snarled in rage, making the very air shake with magic as he floated there in front of him in his wraith form.

"YOU PEOPLE TOOK THAT FROM ME! TOOK AWAY MY FUTURE FROM ME! NOW I SHALL DO THE SAME!" he shouted, and Edward watched those orbs shift to the side, and suddenly he felt dread pool in his heart as he understood the implication behind those words.

"NO!" he shouted as he stepped forward and waved his wand, making his fiery guardian roar, as Voldemort's attention turned towards him.

Edward waved his wand, and watched as his black flame warrior opened its mouth and spewed a massive jet of flames at Voldemort!

Voldemort simply raised his hand, and two of the massive snakes at his back rushed forward coiling around each other and clashing with his jet of fire, making the whole area tremble as their magics clashed ferociously.

Edward gritted his teeth and twisted his wand as the volume of the fire increased, yet they were still at a stalemate. Then suddenly the hair on his neck rose up, and he turned back and found Voldemort standing there behind him, those gleamy red orbs focused on him.

And he watched as the man, raised his hand, and the other two massive snakes rushed towards him. Edward knew that he couldn't defend himself from this attack and tried to apparate away when he suddenly felt his body jerk back as his attempt at apparition failed.

"PROTEGO!" he heard Elizabeth shout as a golden shield appeared in front of them, yet it broke instantly as Voldemort's shadowy snakes came into contact with it.

Edward gritted his teeth and pulled Elizabeth closer and shouted as he pointed his wand to the ground.

"HOLD ON!" he shouted, and she wrapped her arms around him as his wand lit up.

"Bombarda!" he shouted and the ground broke underneath them, and both of them began to fall, as the attack passed right above their heads, crashing into the form of his fiery guardian, who roared in agony as the massive snakes began to claw away at it hungrily.

"Roar!" it screamed in agony as the shadowy snake continued to coil around it, overpowering it, yet Voldemort hadn't missed their little escapade

Voldemort was quick to react and, immediately sent a series of attacks towards them. Shadow wraiths appeared behind him and rushed towards them as they were free-falling.

"I really should have cracked that flight spell!" Edward spoke through gritted teeth as he waved his wand quickly, making the ice below them reach up it formed a massive slide for them, cushioning their landing, and as they were sliding down, he began to chant quickly as his wand began to crackle with lightning.

"Tempest!" he shouted and felt his shoulder scream in pain, as a massive burst of lightning rushed out of his wand, straight at the shadow wraiths, turning them to smoke in an instant as it continued towards Voldemort, who simply swatted it away.

"You puny insect!" he roared in fury, making Edward gulp as the very air shook due to the massive amount of magic he was gathering, and he began a chant of his own as he spoke to Elizabeth.

"Run away and apparate to Hogwarts as soon as you can. Warn them!" he ordered as he aimed a gentle banishing spell at her.

"Wha…" but her words were muffled as she was sent flying back, allowing him to give his full attention to the monster in front of him.

"Time to come down to earth!" he whispered as the clouds rumbled loudly, as he spoke once more.

"TEMPESTTT!" and brought down his wand, the clouds shook once more, rumbling loudly as they lit up before suddenly a massive bolt of lightning crashed down from them, straight at Voldemort!

"AGHH!" the man screamed as his body crashed into the ice below, with a massive thud, yet Edward knew that this was far from over.

The dust cleared up, and Edward's eyes narrowed as Voldemort's wraith stood there, significantly smaller than before, the shadows or souls of the former death Eaters that formed it dispersing away, showing that this form wasn't sustainable.

All he had to do was to survive, yet Edward wasn't really at his optimal condition as well. His clothes were torn at various places, and he bled from his arm and head, his magical reserves were already at dangerously low levels. He could barely cast another spell or two, any more would be impossible so he had to be careful.

"YOUUU!" snarled Voldemort loudly making, causing the wind to storm away as Edward's grip on his wand tightened, and he raised his wand once more despite the pain. He watched as his wand lit up with the all-too-familiar green hue,



And a hoard of conjured butterflies surrounded him as Voldemort's spell whizzed towards him, hitting one of the conjured butterflies, ending its short-lived life as it fell to the ground lifelessly.

"YOU! WHY DON'T YOU DIE!" he screamed in rage as he began to fire his signature curse at him, yet his defensive hoard of butterflies continuously defended him, stopping each of the killing curses.

Voldemort had lost his body, and was barely clinging on to life. Since he had no physical body that meant regular spells would be useless against him. His evolved Ignis was capable of dealing with spiritual attacks, yet Edward had little energy to use such a massive spell again.

In this case, there was only one spell he could use and he took a deep breath as Voldemort's body suddenly began to convulse unnaturally as shadows tried to break free, the wraith collapsed onto his knees as he roared loudly struggling to maintain his form.

Edward gritted his teeth as he brought his wand up once again, its tip lit up in a characteristic silvery hue, as closed his eyes, as he slowly whispered.

"Expecto Patronum!"



Elizabeth White was sent flying back as Edward's vanishing spell hit her in the gut, and she watched as his focus turned towards Voldemort's shadowy form once more she quickly cast a cushioning charm as she finally hit the ground at the shore, crashing into the shore with a thud.

"ARGHH!" despite the cushioning charm the landing wasn't exactly comfortable, and she rolled on the ground a number of times and scraped and grazed her skin, damaging her clothes as she finally came to a halt.

"Ouch!" she grunted in pain as she struggled to get back on her feet, her eyes once more going to the form of her friend as he fought with the wraith of Voldemort in the center of the lake, which was now covered with a thin dust cloud as Voldemort's body crashed into the frozen lake due to Edaward's spell.

She recalled his last words and closed her eyes, and tried to apparate away, yet she failed. But she could tell that if she were to move away a little more, she would be able to push through the disturbing magical turbulence and apparate to Hogsmeade.

She tried to run away, yet nearly stumbled as her ankle roared in searing pain. She gritted her teeth and began to stumble away as she tried to get away, her heart continuously screaming at her to glance back. Yet she didn't, for she knew that if she did so, she wouldn't be able to move forward.

She had to trust in Edward, and just as she reached the end of the massive field and felt that she could apparate, the whole air shook once more. Yet this time it wasn't with vileness or despair. No, this time, she felt a sense of deep calm and elation envelope her as waves upon waves of silver mist passed through her.

"AGHHHH!" she looked back, and her eyes widened as she saw Edward standing there basked in the silvery soothing hue as a massive beast shot out of his wand, racing towards the kneeling form of Voldemort, which seemed to be dissolving into nothingness with each passing second.

Even at the distance, she was captivated by the beauty of the avian beast as it unfurled its wings as it flew towards the shrinking form of Voldemort, who, in his last attempt to win, opened his mouth as a massive shadowy snake shot out his mouth, clashing with Edward's Patronus.

Yet Voldemort's struggle was futile as Edward's spell continued to overpower his spell, pushing back the creeping darkness as Voldemort screamed in agony as the light simply enveloped him.

"AGHHHHHH!" and then, with a massive storm of light, she watched as the man dissolved into nothing right in front of her eyes, ending the reign of terror and the war that had ravaged Britain's wizarding world for years.

The massive storm of light forced her to cover her eyes, and when it died down she opened her eyes and looked ahead, and her heart nearly gave out as she watched her friend collapse as well, his wand falling from his hand and Elizabeth felt dread pool in her heart as she rushed towards him, as she screamed loudly.



A whole year of writing. More than 100k words, and now we reach the end.

Thank you all for sticking with me throughout this journey. You have no idea how much this means to me, and how much you all have helped me.

I don't know what to say to you all except Thank you. Thank you, Thank you.

Epilogues come next, before we delve into my next story, which is going to be a bit strange. The motivation behind my next fic is one of the first HP fics I ever read ( The Trial ). I am still planning the story, yet I believe it's gonna be a banger.

You can support my writings by becoming a part 0n. Your support makes it possible for me to write these stories. SO, if possible, consider dropping a dime. It would help me out a lot.

www.Patre 0n.com/Drkest

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